#darknatasha romanoff x reader



Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader

Summary: Sometimes you forget the rules, luckily you have Natasha to remind you.

Warnings:18+! Minors DNI! r tops but like a bottom, dumbification, degradation, innocence kink

Word count: 1.6k

Your lack of immediate satisfaction of her request causes her to groan and flip you over. “Natasha, come on.” you whine as your body bounces on the mattress. You don’t have time to recover or retaliate before she’s climbing on top of you.

“Give me what I want.” she says with such entitlement dripping from her sultry tone that it makes you almost cum right then and there. She lowers herself onto your face, and, without her having to ask again, you obediently stick out your tongue.

One of her hands is holding onto the headboard as the other holds your head in place. Your hands snake around the back of her thighs and you scratch her lower back, down to her ass, as you try to guide her movements. You enter her with just the tip of your tongue, darting it in and out, licking and teasing her as you feel her arousal cover your chin and cheeks. You know you’re playing with fire. You know you’re only here because she allows it.

She doesn’t waste more words on you, and with just a small sigh of annoyance lets you know she’s disappointed. You’re not doing well enough. Teasing isn’t what she’s asking for. She grabs a firmer hold of you as she fully sits down on your face. You can’t do much else but lay there trying to move your tongue the best you can while she grinds into you. She notices the way your body squirms under her as you try to move your head away when you start to feel pain in your lungs from the lack of air. She reminds you you’ll only breathe when it doesn’t inconvenience her too much. She tells you to remember that always.

She pulls your head back by your hair so she can make you suck her clit. Her breaths are short and laboured as her movements on top of you become erratic. She grinds her wet cunt against your mouth a few more times before she lets out a loud moan and, throwing her head back, finally comes in your mouth.

She lowers her body and straddles your hips before licking her slick off your face. Not giving you time to catch your breath, she crashes her lips against yours and moans into your mouth at the taste of herself on your tongue. She takes control of the kiss, just like she has taken control over everything else in your life, as she starts to grind her hips into you again.

“I want more,” she says before leaving a trail of kisses from your mouth down your jaw, and to your neck. Her teeth sink into the flesh there and you bite your lip so as to not make a sound. She hums in approval of your compliance before sucking on the same spot and licking over it.

You blindly reach your hand out in the general direction of the drawers by the side of the bed. Natasha notices your movements and you wince at the way her elbow digs into your abdomen when she hurls her body onto you to get the strap she knows you’re reaching for. She stops you when you go to put it on, and does it for you instead. You’re surprised by how gentle she is, and try not to let the paranoia take over. She’s just being nice.

She goes to straddle you again, and as she begins to lower herself down onto your cock you hear the way she mumbles disapprovingly under her breath “I have to do allthe work, don’t I?”

“Wait, I can do it. I was going to.” you know she can hear the panic in your voice as you sit up slightly and pull away from her.

Seeing as you moved away, Natasha sits down on your legs instead, looking amused as ever at your response. You feel your own arousal grow again when her wet cunt comes into contact with your bare thighs.

“You’re sure my dumb little baby knows how?” she coos, as she rolls her hips against you.

It’s rare she lets you take control. She never really does. But when she sees the sparkle in your eyes and how adamant you are to prove yourself to her she lets you climb on top and bottom out inside her.

You watch the cock sink into her before your gaze travels up and you take in the view from your position. You’re not used to it, not used to seeing Natasha laying underneath you. Her skin glistens with sweat, her tits moving with the way she breathes. It’s almost second nature to you now, and you don’t even think about it as you lower your mouth to one of her breasts. Your lips wrap around her hardened nipple as you suck it into your mouth. You weren’t expecting the loud moan that Natasha lets out. Her hands shoot to the back of your head as she pushes your face closer. “Just like that, baby.” Praise is not something she gives you often but when she does, it warms your whole body. “Such a stupid, desperate girl. Can’t think of anything other than having my tits in your mouth, can you?” you suck harder and she takes in a sharp breath. “Move your hips.” the sweetness in her voice is gone in a flash when she speaks the next words.

You bring your hips back a little and then push them down again, listening for her reaction. When you hear the satisfied sigh that escapes her lips you do it again. Lifting yourself up, you look down at her as you continue to slowly slide your cock in and out of her. Your gaze is pulled away from her face when you notice the way her tits bounce from how you move. You start to fuck into her, fast. Loving the way her whole body moves like it’s under yourcontrol. Her tits bouncing more and more as you rut into her faster. Your mind is held captive by her perfect body. The sounds that come out of her mouth, the whines, the moans, the way her name slips off her tongue like you’re doing a good job.

“Does that feel good?” you ask. Your tone, entirely too innocent, makes Natasha smile as she pulls you down into a soft kiss. “Yes, baby. Keep going.”

She moves her head to the side before she presses your face into the crook of her neck. You suck on the skin there as you pick up the pace again. Thrusting your cock into her harder as your hand moves to play with her clit. “Are you close?” you mumble the question against her neck.

“Is my pretty girl tired already?” she asks, petting your hair, as she feels the way your movements slow and your breathing picks up.

“I’m close.” you whisper.

“You can cum,” she says as she begins to move her hips into you herself when you stop moving yours entirely. The shock of how easily you were given permission threw you off for a second and made you forget what you were doing. “Oh don’t act so surprised baby, you did good,” she grabs your ass and forces your hips to meet her movements, “Making me feel so good,” you move away from where your head was resting on her shoulder to read her face, trying to see if she’s telling the truth. She lifts her head up a little to press a quick kiss to your lips and nods her head. “Just move your hips a little more, make me cum too, okay baby?”

You nod your head eagerly as you look down between your bodies. Your fingers are playing with her clit, and the cock sinks in and out of her as you begin to move again. She wraps her legs around you pulling you closer.

The way you push into her, and the growing resistance from her as her cunt clenches around the toy causes the pressure against your own clit to increase. The tension inside of you bursts right before she screams out your name and comes around the toy.

You use the little strength you have left to slip off the harness before you lay down next to her. You rest against the pillow and take in all of her. How beautiful she is. How peaceful and kind she looks laying next to you.

She turns to face you and when her eyes open the look in them makes you shiver.

“What’s the main rule?” she asks as she strokes your cheek with her thumb.

Your eyes widen, and your mouth goes dry when you try to speak.

“What’s the main rule?” she asks again, her tone contrasting the loving way her hand holds your face.

“I don’t get to come before you,” you say, your voice quiet.


“But you said I could.” you try to defend.

“I said you could, but I never said when did I?” you see the menacing excitement in her eyes. Like she caught you in her trap.


“Shush,” her grip on your chin tightens, “You broke the rule because you’re just a dense little whore.”

She brings her face closer to yours.

“And now you’re going to make it up to me.”


taglist - @sayah13@kacka84@sammi1642@padmeswife@druggedduck@d14n4ol@spillingteasncoffee@inluvwithfictionalwomen

taglist info


Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Brunnhilde x reader. Mention of Thor x reader.

Theme: Dark

Genre: Marvel - Au - Drug Dealer

Warnings: Dubious Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced, Rape/Non-con, Forced Orgasm, Forced Pregnancy, Threesome - F/F/M, Drug Use, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drugged Sex, Drug Abuse, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Past Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Face-Fucking, Breeding, Tribadism. Trigger Warning 18+

Note: The topics are extremely triggering. Read at your own risk.

Valkyrie will be called “Brun”

Keep reading

Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Brunnhilde x reader. Mention of Thor x reader.

Theme: Dark

Genre: Marvel - Au - Drug Dealer

Warnings: Dubious Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced, Rape/Non-con, Forced Orgasm, Forced Pregnancy, Threesome - F/F/M, Drug Use, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drugged Sex, Drug Abuse, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Past Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Face-Fucking, Breeding, Tribadism. Trigger Warning 18+

Note: The topics are extremely triggering. Read at your own risk.

Valkyrie will be called “Brun”


— .


preface. *ੈ✩‧₊˚

you must be 18+ to read any of these fics and interact with me. MINORS DNI!
i do not allow my fics to be reposted, translated, or plagiarized at all! do not mention my fics or blog on any public forum other than ao3 and tumblr. do not recreate anything from my fics!

✧ — smut | ❥ — dark/taboo|angst|୨୧mdlg



✧, ❥ — escape your demons. 18+

you’ve travelled for weeks just to escape your demons, but she’s got her reasons for making you crazy. 

fics involving natasha romanoff are to be written and added!
