#daryl dixon fanfiction


Daryl Dixon x Reader

Words: 300

Summary:Living in the woods was a challenge, looking for Rick was another. But you sill enjoyed it.

As you sat by the makeshift camp, you smiled as you watched the water.

This was your home.

A small tent, the river and the traps. But your real home was Daryl.

The two of you have been together for four years now. Your relationship had ups and downs but you loved him. With every ounce in your body.

He was fearless, kind and handsome. Making your heart skip a beat every time he looked at you. How you managed to get him was still a mystery for you.

Daryl Dixon.

Who was currently out checking the traps to see what will you have for dinner. You left Dog with you so you had a little company at least.

You were never one who liked to sleep in tiny spaces, but there was just something about the way you were forced to cuddle Daryl, and for that you’d never complain.

Spending every night sleeping by his side was a privilege.

But the rainy nights were your favourite, there was just something about the way he held you closer to keep you warm on those nights.

“Why are you not letting him in?” you asked Daryl as he was laying down, you sat up when you noticed Dog wasn’t there.

“He is an outside dog.”

“He could sleep at our feet. It’s raining Daryl.”

“I know, still he stays outside.”

You huffed, but you knew Daryl was a suborn man. So, you knew you needed a new plan to keep your perfect doggo safe from the rain.

So, you got to work the next day while Daryl was gone. You managed to find enough wood to build a cover.

When Daryl arrived back he was presented with what looked like a dog house. He looked at it as he dropped the rabbits.

“What’s that?”

“Welcome back! You were gone longer than I expected, that is for Dog. He likes it,” you said as the dog laid in it wagging his tail to let you know, he was happy.

Daryl decided not to say anything, but his heart melted as he thought about just how perfect you really were.

Instead, he decided to start preparing dinner.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​




Summary:  It’s been eighteen months since Alexa Rushmore broke the man she loved out of prison.  She and Daryl now live in fear, unable to let their guard down in case their true identities should be revealed.  When Daryl’s brother tracks them down, life becomes even more difficult.  Will Merle Dixon prove to be their downfall?  The third and final instalment of the Conviction trilogy that began with ‘In Dark Corners.’

Pairing:  Daryl Dixon x OFC

Warnings: Language

Word Count:  2,933

Check out my bio for a link to my Masterlist!

Author’s Note:   This chapter ended up a little shorter than planned, just cos it’s veeery dialogue heavy, so I didn’t want to add even more.  I’m still not sure if this will run to 5 chapters + an epilogue, or 6 + an epilogue, so we’ll see how it goes, but I’m hoping to have it all wrapped up by the end of the month, even though I’ve abandoned my Monday posting schedule.  There are a lot of feels in this one as the brothers hash it out, so I hope you enjoy.  Happy reading!!


The grasses were crisp beneath their boots as the Dixon brothers covered the open plains of the countryside, the sun’s rays scorching their skin and tinting it red.  Daryl didn’t much care, knowing that it would soon melt into a deep golden tan, something Alexa envied with her naturally pale complexion, but the sweat that beaded on his forehead was burning his eyes as it trickled over the slope of his brow, and he swiped it away with the back of his hand, casting a sideways glance at Merle to see that he, too, was glistening in the heat.  So far, neither one of them had spoken since leaving the house.  The forced bravado he’d displayed upon waking had long since disappeared, and now he appeared almost submissive, his head down as he followed in Daryl’s footsteps, allowing the younger man to take the lead with his greater knowledge of the territory.  The air between them was thick with tension, humming with an unseen threat that had goosebumps rising along the length of Daryl’s arms and, if he let his thoughts run wild for too long, he’d find his fingers bunching into fists of their own accord, his anger still very much present and simmering just beneath the surface of his casual exterior.

So far, there’d been no sign of any wildlife, and he was sure that it was the tense atmosphere that was driving them away, but he supposed it didn’t really matter.  The hunt was an excuse, a reason to drag Merle out of the house so that they could talk without the risk of putting Alexa in harm’s way if things went south, and so, when they finally reached the sloping banks of what had been a stream before the summer months had dried up any trace of water from the winding channel, Daryl set aside his bow and slumped down onto the hard, dusty earth, tugging a bottle of water from his pack and taking a long drink before passing it off to his brother to do the same.  

“Ya thinkin’a fishin’, li’l brother?” Merle asked as he lowered himself down beside him, careful to keep several feet between them as he studied the younger Dixon, trying to get a read on his body language.  “‘Cause I hate to break it to ya, but I ain’t sure they’re runnin’ right now.”

Despite himself, Daryl scoffed, shaking his head, kicking his leg out to dig the heel of his boot into the parched earth.  He knew the rains would come, eventually, but this was his first experience of Mexico’s dry season, and it was hard to imagine that the sun-baked landscape would ever recover.  He wondered if he and Alexa would still be around to see it when the weather broke.  “Always jokin’, aren’t ya, Merle?  Ain’t never taken nothin’ seriously in yer whole damn life.”

“Never used to bother ya.”

“S’always bothered me,” Daryl argued.  “Everythin’s a joke, or else it’s a fuckin’ competition.  Can’t never just leave nothin’ alone.”

Merle hummed, deep in his chest, running his hand over the thinning hair on the top of his head.  “So, this is the talk, huh?”

“Ya could’a messed everythin’ up, man.  D’ya get that?  Still might’a done!  We ain’t got no way’a knowin’!”  Daryl’s gaze was sharp enough to cut when it locked with Merle’s, his expression bordering on hate, but not quite there, not yet.  “Someone could be callin’ the authorities on us right now after that stunt ya pulled in the bar.”

“Wasn’t a big deal, brother-” Merle began.  His memory had come back to him in dribs and drabs as they’d covered the miles, and he remembered now how Daryl had tracked him down in the cantina, tried desperately to drag him out of there before he could do anything stupid.  

“Ya called me by my name!  My real name!”

“So, I forgot!  S’cuse me if I can’t keep up with all your covert cloak an’ dagger bullshit”

“Ain’t bullshit, Merle!  S’gotta be like this!  Ya think I like havin’ to call Lex Ella whenever I’m outta the house?  Think I like bein’ called Dixon when that name’s followed me like a fuckin’ curse my whole life?”

“Oh yeah, ya got it real hard, dont’cha?” Merle drawled, throwing himself back against the hard ground so he could stare up into the cloudless blue expanse above, avoiding his brother’s troubled eyes.  “I team up with your girl back there to get ya the hell outta that place, an’ then the two of ya take off an’ leave me behind!”  When that was met with only silence, he went on.  “S’fine, alright.  I get it.  Ain’t never been nothin’ but a damn liability my whole life.  Ya probably wouldn’a made it as far the border with me along for the ride.  But, shit, man…  I rock up here with nothin’.  Seriously, all I got to my name’s a handful’a change and a spare change’a clothes.  An’ I’m thinkin’, Daryl’ll get it, right?  Maybe he’ll be happy to see me.  Maybe I can even lend a hand, prove that I ain’t the same ol’ waste’a space I’ve always been.”


“But it ain’t like that, is it?  Y’ain’t strugglin’ out here.  Ya’ve gone an’ built yourselves a cosy li’l life.  Ya got a good woman, ya got a roof over your head, ya got food on the table.  People round here, they ain’t got nothin’ bad to say about ya, man!  They trust ya!  Ain’t nobody ever trusted a damn Dixon back home, but here… Shit, ya got out, baby brother.  Ya got free.  So, dont’cha try an’ tell me how hard it is for the two of ya, don’t ya dare, ‘cause the truth is, Darylina, ya don’t got a goddamn clue.”

He was breathing hard when he finally ran out of words, his chest heaving, and the quiet that rolled back in was almost suffocating.  He could feel Daryl’s eyes on him, raking over his face, knew his lips would be parted in shock at his outburst because he knew his brother well enough to know that without having to turn his head and look.  But, when he heard a soft huff of laughter, he couldn’t help but steal a glance, finding Daryl hunched forward over his knees, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Yeah, yer right, man.  I, er… I got lucky, I guess.”  His tone was laced with sarcasm, and he ran a callused hand over his face, catching his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment as he stared down at the thinning fabric of his jeans where it stretched over his joints.  “Ya say I don’t gotta goddamn clue.  My life here… it ain’t perfect.  S’far from it.  Ya don’t even know what we’ve had to give up, what Lex has had to give up for me.”

“Ya not keepin’ the doc in the manner she’s accustomed to?” Merle drawled with a smirk.

“Ain’t about that,” Daryl snapped back, his patience wearing thin.  “S’more important things than money an’… stuff, Merle.  If y’ever thought about anythin’ but where yer next fix is comin’ from, maybe ya’d know that.”  Merle’s eyes darkened, storm clouds gathering in the blue that was the only physical similarity between the two brothers, but he bit his tongue, curious to see where this was going.  “There’s stuff Lex wanted- stuff she wants from life that I can’t give her ‘cause of how we have to live here.  An’ it kills me that she can’t have it ‘cause’a me.  I ain’t never gonna be able to make it up to her, an’ I have to hold her while she cries about it, an’ there’s not a damn thing I can do to make it better.  So don’tcha come at me about how fuckin’ easy my life is ‘cause it’s been a struggle, Merle, every goddamn day.  Ya don’t even know the half of it.”

Merle swallowed hard, and, for the first time, he pushed down his instincts for long enough to really pay attention to Daryl, sensing the pain that seemed to emanate from him now that he’d opened up.  It was almost tangible, a bitter taste in the air when Merle sucked in a breath, and, rather than fight against it, he found himself backing down, wanting to know more, to find out if he could help.  Once, he’d been so protective of his little brother.  He wasn’t even sure when that had turned sour.  “So, tell me.”

“Ya don’t wanna know.”

“You’re my brother, man.  Course I wanna know.”

Daryl sighed, long and heavy, his shoulders slumping as if he was physically deflating in front of Merle’s eyes.  “Y’know she can’t practice medicine here, right?”  Merle nodded, though he hadn’t really given it much thought.  “Ain’t got the paperwork or whatever in her fake name.  Ella Smith don’t got no qualifications, din’t go to med school or none’a that shit.”  He flopped backwards, mirroring his brother’s position to stare up at the sky.  “‘Fore she came to Carrington, she had a fling with this guy, a doctor at the practice she worked at.  S’the reason she left in the end, got driven out ‘cause it ended bad.  An’ now, ‘cause’a me, she’s had to give up another job she loved.  ‘Cept, this time, she can’t just go get another one.  Most she can hope for round here is a job in a bar or workin’ the register in the tiendita, an’ that’s if she can ever settle enough to feel safe doin’ it.  She spends every damn day cooped up in that tiny house; only has the dog for company.  S’a wonder she ain’t lost her mind.”

Daryl was on a roll now, not even pausing to give Merle a chance to respond before he pressed on.  “An’ the one thing that might keep her sane, the one thing she really wants, that’d give her back her purpose…  Hell, the one thing we both want is to be a family, man, like, the kinda family we never had.  She- she wants to be a mom.”

“Ya firin’ blanks, brother?”  The question earned Merle an exasperated glare, but the truth was the moment had become too heavy, too intense, and he didn’t know how else to lighten it.  Daryl’s voice had become thick with emotion, and he’d been keeping his face turned away, and Merle knew that meant that his eyes would be shining with tears, and he hated it.  He hated to see Daryl cry, always had.  He never knew what to do, having never been good at showing his own feelings, and that was something that hadn’t changed.

“Ain’t even tried,” Daryl growled, lacing his fingers together and tucking his arms beneath his head as if fighting back the compulsion to gnaw on the skin around his nails.  “We don’t got no insurance.  Don’t got much of anythin’.  Can’t risk knockin’ her up an’ then somethin’ goin’ wrong.  Plus, how’d ya bring a kid into a world where we could both be hunted down an’ thrown back behind bars at any second?  Ain’t fair.  Ain’t right.  Don’t make it no easier though.”

It was Merle’s turn to sigh now, and his breath caught in his throat, threatening to choke him.  He hadn’t given much thought to Daryl’s situation in any more detail than to be bitter that he wasn’t on his own, that he had Alexa and that they were taking on the world together, where Merle had always felt as if he was standing alone.  It hadn’t even occurred to him that perhaps his brother might want something more.  Hell, if he was honest, he still saw Daryl as a little kid, all blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, scraped knees and too-big hand-me-downs.  He couldn’t reconcile that image with the man beside him that wanted to be a father, to change the Dixon story and break the pattern of abusive parents and dependency.  He realised in that moment that perhaps he didn’t actually know his little brother at all.  “Shit, man, that’s… That’s some heavy shit.”


“You’re right.  I- I didn’t know.”

“Ain’t no way ya could’a,” Daryl pointed out, and it was obvious that his anger had been extinguished, the fight going out of him after he’d vented his frustrations.  “Just… We’re tryin’ so hard here, man.  I can’t have ya comin’ in an’ screwin’ it all up.  I don’t wanna put her through that on top of everythin’ else.”

“I get it.”  Easing himself upright and switching his focus to the cracked dirt at the bottom of the bed of the stream, Merle cleared his throat, swallowing down the foreign sense of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him.  “Look, I know I messed up, man.  Ain’t nothin’ I can do about that now.  But it don’t gotta be the end of the world, right?  We’ll just stick with your story.  I was a bottle deep, an’ I thought ya were my brother.  It happens.”

“Maybe.”  From his new vantage point, Merle could see that Daryl’s jaw was still locked with tension.

“What is it?”

“This whole internet thing, s’got me worried.”

“The big-ass antenna, right?  I heard you an’ the doc talkin’ about it.”

Daryl nodded.  “Half the folks round here ain’t never been online, an’ if they have it’s old-school dial-up that takes an hour to load up an email.  But this new high-speed connection… More an’ more people are signin’ up from what I’ve heard.  Feels like s’just a matter’a time ‘fore one of ‘em stumbles across our pictures.”  His voice dropped.  “I think we might be done here.”

“You’re thinkin’ of movin’ on?”

“Lex don’t wanna, but… M’not sure we’ve got a choice.”  He ran a hand through his tangled mess of hair, his fingers catching in the knots.  “I thought we were done runnin’, at least.  Thought we could have a life here, even if it ain’t like she pictured.  Damn stupid.  Guess I should’a known.”

“An’ what happens when the next place gets connected, an’ the place after that?” Merle asked, his intention not to be deliberately antagonistic, but to point out the obvious.  “This is the twenty-first century, brother.  Pretty soon, the whole damn world’s gonna be online, an’ then whatcha gonna do, huh?”

Daryl didn’t have any answers.


Alexa watched from the table as Merle stood over the pot on the stove, stirring it with a wooden spoon and sniffing appreciatively, inhaling the aroma that drifted from the stew in a curl of steam.  The brothers had arrived home with a tentative truce in place and a brace of rabbits which Daryl had prepared on the porch whilst his brother had ducked inside to shower.  Now, Daryl was taking his turn in the bathroom, sluicing away the grime of the hunt, whilst the elder Dixon seasoned dinner with a pinch of salt and a sprinkling of herbs, before turning the heat down on the burner to let it simmer.  He’d yet to say a single word to Alexa since his drunken flirtations the previous day, and his movements were measured as he crossed the room to take a seat opposite her, as if he were trying to make himself smaller somehow, less brash, his expression schooled into neutrality when he met her eyes.  

“Wanna say m’sorry, Doc, if I’ve caused ya any trouble at all.  Wasn’t my intention but, hell, I’m an asshole when I drink.  Should’a known better.”

In all honesty, Alexa hadn’t been expecting an apology.  She remembered Daryl’s icy insistence that his brother never apologised for anything, so it was with wide eyes that she regarded the older man, clasping her hands in front of her on the wooden surface and tugging on her fingers.  “I guess you guys talked it out.”

He nodded, still contrite.  “I was jealous.  Saw whatcha had here, an’ I got bitter, got angry.  Never thought about what it cost ya to start a new life.  Just saw that y’ain’t got no room in it for ol’ Merle.”

“That’s not true,” Alexa made to argue, ever polite, because family was family and it was something the both of them were lacking, but Merle cut her off.

“No need to pretend, Doc.  I’m in the way here.  I get it.  An’ I put ya at risk, an’ there ain’t no way baby bro’s gonna forgive me for that, no matter what he says.”  He huffed a sigh, drumming his fingertips against the tabletop in a steady rhythm.  “I need to get some cash together.  Gonna try an’ pick up some work.  Daryl said he’d help out, recommend me to his contacts.  Then, soon as I’ve got enough, I’ll be outta your hair; let you two lovebirds have your space.”

“Where will you go?”  The concern in her tone was genuine, Merle realised, despite everything, and it made his heart ache in a way that he was sure he hadn’t felt before.  He’d been keeping his emotions at bay for so long, holding them back and numbing them with the drink and the drugs, but now that Daryl had cracked through that barrier, it seemed, everything was amplified.  He wasn’t sure he liked it.

“That ain’t no worry of yours,” he told her, easing himself to his feet as they heard the bathroom door open down the hall.  “You just look after my brother for me, alright?  I ain’t done such a good job in the past, but he’s your responsibility now.  Make him happy, Doc.  He deserves it.”


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You take my breath away - Teaser

A/N - Hey guys! here’s a teaser of something I’ve been working on not sure if i should continue with this, It hasn’t got any smut yet but will do if i continue on it. Please please please leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Apologies for any mistakes i haven’t edited this or read it over!

Love Jen :)

He was the most incredible looking man you had ever seen, Walking through the gates with that possum in his hand, He was definitely a little disheveled, Looked like he was in serious need of a shower but gorgeous nonetheless. Your mouth going dry the moment you saw him, Feeling the now unfamiliar fluttering in your stomach as he walked by you, Not sparing a second glance in your direction.

His eyes alert and suspiciously taking in his surroundings, You watched as he handed his crossbow over, Fingers twitching as it was moved further away from him. Aaron leading them to Deana’s house. Where they will no doubt be being interviewed on camera, Just like all the newcomers were. Just like you had been three months before, Looking over the others in the group seeing their wary eyes the exhaustion showing through the cracks in their demeanor.

Letting out the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding you watched them disappear around the corner. As you were turning to go back into the house you were stopped by Olivia. Rushing from the direction the strangers had gone, a huge basket full of linens in her arms.

“Hey Y/N Are you busy? Any chance you can give me a hand? Deana has asked me to set up the two houses down the street for the new guys” Looking at you with those hopeful puppy dog eyes, She knew there was no way you could say no to her.

“Fineeee, But Jessie’s helping too!” You groaned turning back towards her and down the front steps.

“Thank you Y/N! Jessie’s already there loading some supplies into the cupboards” Her pace was getting faster now, Half running to keep up with her frantic walk you let her continue.

“Could you please start on the beds, That would be a HUGE help. Here take this” Offloading the basket to you she turned back towards the garage that held all of the town’s supplies.

“I’m going to grab some more linen, I’ll be back in a few!”

Groaning again at the weight of the basket you walked up the steps of the house Olivia had specified. Spotting Jessie in the kitchen immediately.

She laughed at your sour expression “She roped you into this too?” You nodded in reply carrying the basket up the stairs and starting in the first room you came too.

Picking up the first bundle of sheets, Finding a little note attached ‘Single’ Pushing them to one side you picked up the next ‘Double’ Taking the note off and putting it back in the basket you made your way to the bed. Pulling the sheets on and making the bed easily you continued into the other three bedrooms upstairs, Finding one set of double sheets remaining.

Walking down the stairs you passed Jessie again in the Kitchen, Stopping for a moment you took a glass of water from her mumbling your thanks, “Just the basement left! Has she come back yet?”

“Mhmm She left that for you” pointing to a basket of towels. “And she said she’s left the next bunch of sheets and towels in the next house ready”

“And what pray tell is olivia doing while she’s got me sweating like a Whore in Church”

Jessie choked a little on her water trying to suppress her giggle at your words. “Beats me! Tried to ask her, She ran off looking very important” She giggled again.

“Best get on before she finds more jobs for me!” Jessie agreed to grab the towels and put them into each bathroom, Snagging two from her you took it down to the basement with you.

This place was lucky really, There had been a hotel nearby that was just about to open as all hell broke loose that had stacks of linens, Plates and silverware. Enough to fully stock this place for a long time.

It seemed silly to you at first for this to be a huge concern but the longer you stayed here and the more you got used to the little comforting things like the Clean bedding and actual utensils the more important it had started to feel. It made you feel normal, Civilised. Like the world hadn’t just thrown a tantrum. Sure it never lasted very long but the comfort you got from these little things was priceless.

Once you had finished the bed down stairs you and Jessie made your way over to the second house repeating the jobs, Smiling as you left. Hopefully the comfort the little things had on you would also reassure and comfort the new guys. If only just a little. Being out there for so long yourself you knew how hard it would be for them to adapt.

When Aaron had first brought you through the gates you thought you must have died. Everything was so….Normal, The houses all pristine. All happy smiling faces welcoming you to the neighbourhood. It had taken you a week to speak, Sometimes you still weren’t sure if it was real at all, Maybe this is where your consciousness goes when you were walking around as one of those dead but not dead freaks.

Walking back home you spotted Olivia, Saluting her “All done El capitan!” She laughed as you walked by purposely not slowing in case she thought of another job for you.

Sinking back into your couch and grabbing the book you had discarded earlier when the commotion at the gate started, You had been out hunting the day before, Which meant today you could take the next few days easy.

Reading the Hobbit for the millionth time, You easily slipped back into that familiar world, Only stopping when it got too dark to see the words on the page. The next day was much the same head straight back into your book escaping the real world as long as you could. Not realising how long you had been sat there, The sun was low on the horizon when you were pulled from your favourite book.

Opening the door you were greeted by a smiling Aaron. “Hey Y/N I can’t stay gotta get back to Eric, Deana is throwing a welcome party for the new guys, Since you’re our newest person besides them, She is pretty insistent you attend!”

Rolling your eyes “Insistent hm? I think I’ll give it a miss..But thanks for the invite!” Trying to shut the door hoping this conversation was over when the door was stopped on his foot.

“C’mon Y/N a little more socialising won’t kill you! You’ve managed to come out of your shell to me Jessie and now Olivia! A few more wouldn’t hurt right?”

The puppy dog eyes. How did every fucker in here know that was your weak spot.

“Ughhhhh Finee! Only if you’re going to be there?” He nodded happily turning and stopping on the steps “See you at 8 wear something pretty” He winked, Taking off before you could change your mind.

Pretty? You weren’t even sure you owned anything that could be classed as pretty. Storming upstairs like a toddler having a tantrum you stripped quickly showering the sweat from yourself before stepping out wrapping the fluffy towel around you.

Walking over to your closet you pulled at the pile of dresses you had haphazardly thrown to the bottom of the closet when you had moved in, Never thinking in this new world there would be a place for pretty dresses.

Separating the sizes you pulled the few that would fit you to one side throwing the rest back in a heap again. Holding them up to your chest you decided on a black figure hugging one with a slit up one side. You guessed this would be kind of functional too. The slit certainly gave you enough room to move if you needed to. Picking up a pair of almost matching wedges you threw them both on the bed. Turning your attention to your hair as you tried to tame it.

It was a shame this new world didn’t include bloody straighteners. Groaning at yourself you couldn’t believe that had just crossed your mind. There were more important things to worry about besides your hair!

Running the brush through it once more, It would do. Your mother certainly would be happy. She loved your naturally wavy curls. You felt the twang in your heart as you remembered her, She had lasted 6 months after the fall before one wrong step sent her into the arms of a walker taking her from you. Rubbing your eyes gently. No you wouldn’t cry, If she was here now she’d be giving you an earful about it, Demanding you enjoy your night and your freedom.

Looking over at the tiny clock on the side 8:15 shit you were late. Pulling the dress over your head and heels on your feet you spared your reflection one last look smoothing the dress down on your stomach nervously. You can do this. It’s only people right?

Slowly descending the stairs and making your way out the door, Your feet dragging as you headed closer to the party. Stopping outside the door, Hearing the laughter from the other side.

Before you knew what you were doing you were spinning back around back up the street when a light fell over you.

“Sneaking away before they can see you huh Y/N?” Giving him a guilty look.

“I tried… Tried and failed. Oh well maybe next time!” You chuckled.

“Oh hey, Daryl right?” Turning and following Aaron’s gase you spotted him again. So the possum guy’s name was Daryl.

Giving him a small smile “I guess those kinda things aren’t for you either?”

Not quite looking at you he gave a non committal grunt.

Deciding to take Aaron’s earlier advice, Taking a deep breath.

“You eaten? I’m making spaghetti if you’re hungry?” He shrugged again.

“C’mon, She makes some pretty serious spaghetti” Aaron teased, raising his eyebrow at you.

“Guess I could eat” He mumbled, still looking more at his feet than you. Aaron gave you a wink as he went back inside giving you both a wave before shutting the door.

“C’mon it’s this way. Just down from your house. I guess you could say we’re neighbours” He fell into step with you still staying quiet the entire way. As you opened the front door you looked backwards seeing Daryl looking between your open door and his own house.

“Come in, Food won’t be long!” Holding the door open Daryl finally made his decision, his feet carrying him swiftly up the stairs and inside. Flicking the lights on as you followed him.

“Kitchen’s that way, I’ll get you a drink. Whiskey ok?” He finally looked at you.

“You guys have Whiskey?” A shocked expression crossing his face. “Yeah i found it out there still unopened a while back, I was saving it for a special occasion, But shh don’t tell olivia or she’ll add it to that list of hers!” He gave you a small smile as you poured a glass for each of you passing it to him.

“Make yourself at home! I’ll get this started” He took a seat at the breakfast bar rolling the glass around in his hands whilst you busied yourself in the kitchen pulling out everything you would need and quickly getting it started.

Turning back to the breakfast bar you grabbed the loaf of bread slicing a few pieces and covering them in some oil and wild garlic you had found on your hunt yesterday. Popping them into the oven. He spoke again “Why’s it a special occasion?” He mumbled.

Grinning at him and taking a sip of your whiskey. “It’s not everyday I get to cook my serious spaghetti for just anyone!”

You could see the blush rising in his cheeks as he took a long swig of his whiskey. You leant over to top his glass off, Before turning to the cupboards and grabbing placemats, Plates and cutlery.

“Here let me do that” He tried as he moved towards you.

“Absolutely not! My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew i put a guest to work” Smiling sadly as your mother popped into your head again. Setting the table.

Turning your attention back to your meal you strained the pasta, Popping it into a dish before dishing up the sauce too. Taking them back to the table and returning to the oven to fish the garlic bread out.

Once everything was on the table you both took a seat. Reaching over you served him a large portion popping a few pieces of garlic bread on his plate before serving yourself.

“Dig in” You insisted before turning back to your plate. He watched you take the first few mouthfuls before reaching for his own fork.

After a few minutes of silence you spoke up again “So what do you think of Alexandria?”

“I think it ain’t real”

“I thought that for a long time, Hell I’m still not convinced and I’ve been here 3 months”

“So your not…uh…Not from here. Like the others”

“I’m from out there I guess. Asheville Georgia originally”

His eyes went wide at this “Me too, Sorta. Lived up near the mountains in Georgia”

A huge grin crossing your face “So we’ve always been neighbours then! How strange that we would meet here in DC! We must have been in the same places a thousand times! I used to go hunting in the mountains with my daddy”

He shrugged “Alotta my group from near there, We met in Atlanta……” he trailed off mumbling “Ya wouldn’t have noticed someone like me anyway”

Trying to get him to meet your eyes over the table, “Oh i most definitely would have noticed YOU Daryl”

He cleared his throat awkwardly, the tops of his ears peeking through his shaggy hair going beet red, his face lowered, he turned his attention back to his food.

Realising you had probably gone too far, Afterall you didn’t really know anything about this man, You had only seen him once yesterday morning before tonight, You weren’t even sure if he was single. Or straight for that matter. Trying to ease the awkwardness that had now descended in the room you tried a quick change of conversation.

“How are your group feeling about being here? Did you and your partner manage to sleep okay?” Hoping your not so subtle way of asking him if he were single wouldn’t be too obvious.

“Partner? Rick’s the Cop not me” He grumbled. Okay maybe not as obvious as you first thought.

You shook your head slightly, his obliviousness was strangely endearing, “Sorry no i meant your girlfriend, Wife” When he didn’t reply straight away you figured you must have missed the mark. “Boyfriend?” You questioned.

He snorted at this “I ain’t gay, Aint got no woman either” Not able to contain the gleeful smile on your face. Not that it would matter his eyes were fully trained on his meal as he started devouring it quicker, Reaching for his glass he drained the remaining dregs of the whiskey.

“Oh really? I thought for sure you’d have been snapped up by now!”

The blush returning to his face again he gave you a noncommittal grunt, Waiting a moment you realised he wasn’t going to answer. Not much of a talker. You were probably being too pushy, Small talk was hard to do after seeing the things he no doubt had seen out there, The things that man had probably had to do just as you had, Suppressing the shudder that threatened to run through you as your mind conjured up the images.

Standing quickly you walked back to the kitchen grabbing the bottle and refilling his glass and in turn your own.

Taking a deep gulp of the whiskey and then quickly finishing your own meal in silence, Both finishing your meal at the same time, Daryl raises the plate to his mouth to scrape the last bits of pasta into his mouth.

“Still hungry? There’s plenty more if you would like some more?”

Shaking his head no “ ‘M good.” He grunted. Taking his plate from him and collecting your own you took them into the kitchen dropping them in the sink you turned to retrieve the serving bowls, Almost crashing straight into Daryl, Your hands flinching up and landing on his chest steadying yourself.

He caught the bowl just in time surprisingly before any of the remaining food managed to spill on the floor.

Feeling the blush on your cheeks now as your hands lingered a moment longer than they should have done, Enjoying the firmness of his muscular chest under your fingers.

Dropping your arms to your sides. “I’m sorry! Thank you, Let me take that” Taking the bowl and turning your beetroot red face away from him you found a tupperware box in the cupboard filling it with the leftovers before turning to the sink and washing the dishes.

When you turned back to him he was watching you silently, Studying you it seemed.

Picking your glass back up you motioned to him “Should we finish the bottle or do you have somewhere to be?”

When he made no move to leave you picked up the bottle and motioned towards the living room letting him follow behind you, Taking a seat you finally kicked your uncomfortable heels off, Your feet instantly throbbing grateful to be out of their confines.

Propping your feet up on the coffee table in front of you, You sank back into the plush cushions behind you with a happy groan, Daryl stood awkwardly next to the couch glass hanging from his fingertips gasing at you with a softness in his eyes, The redness rising again in cheeks once he realised you had caught him gazing at you.

Smiling at his warmly “No need to stand on ceremony, Take a seat” Patting the chair next to you from emphasis. “More?” You asked, shaking the bottle at him. Taking it from you he filled his own glass before turning to yours and topping yours up also.

Clearing his throat awkwardly. “So…Are ya people here too?”

Dropping your eyes from him you shook your head sadly “Just me…They’re all gone….” The alcohol was taking over your words as you mumbled “Shouldn’t have been me…” Feeling a tear escape your eye as you thought about the countless lives you had watched taken before their time. People who would have been the greatest asset in this new world…Gone, Some died saving you. For what.. They should have let you die.

Pulling your mind from those thoughts, It didn’t do anyone any good to dwell! Wiping the tear quickly from your cheek grabbing your drink and gulping it down in one.

Turning back to Daryl you shifted a non convincing smile back to your face.

“How about you? Your group seems very close almost like a…”

Finishing your sentence for you “A family……Ya know i look around and i think about the people that are gone, And the people that are still here and it aint right…Aint fair..But yer gotta keep goin for em”

Smiling at Aaron’s name “Yeah i wouldn’t be here either if it wasn’t for him and Eric, They’re good people. Most of the people here are good people. Too innocent to the world as it is yes, But good people..”

After sitting in silence for a few moments when Daryl broke the silence. “Well i should…I should go….They’ll be wonderin where i am”

Standing with him you walked him to the door.

“Thanks. Thanks for the-”

“Your welcome Daryl….Maybe you could come again? It was nice to have company” Smiling you opened the door for him letting him linger on the threshold.

He let out another noncommittal grunt as his eyes lingered on you. Leaning against the doorway you followed his eye line down your body, smirking slightly you swayed your hips watching as his eyes followed your movements.

Darting forward you swiftly kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Daryl” The blush on his face matched yours as he turned and stomped down the steps rushing towards his own house.


Holy shit she was perfect.

Good food, Great Whiskey, Perfect body. That dress…. He had never met anyone like her before, She hunted too. But a woman like that would never look twice at a man like him.

A dirty good for nothing redneck asshole, He didn’t even know why she had been so…so nice to him tonight.

Carol was waiting for him at the door. Puckering her lips at him she made a lip smacking noise “Kiss Pookie” She giggled.

“Shut up” He mumbled, heading straight for the stairs to the basement. He needed to be alone for a little while as he processed these thoughts. Locking the door behind him he took a few strides over to the bed and flopped down on it.

In the dark of the room the thoughts became more obvious. Throwing an arm over his face he groaned. From the second he had first seen her standing so beautifully in front of Aaron’s house he had a tightening in his stomach. He couldn’t have said no to her invitation if he tried.

If Merle had seen him tonight, Blushing like a love sick little girl, He would have had a right laugh, It was like he could hear his voice. “Oh Princess, Got a crush? Man up Baby bro, Go get that cooch”

Did she mean it when she asked if he could come again? He shook his head. She couldn’t have, she was just being nice. His mind couldn’t stop thinking of the way she smiled at him, The way her hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed, The curves of her as she swayed in the doorway…. His pants were tightening at the thought. He would have to take care of that before he could fall asleep.

Imagining his hands were roaming her body he pulled his throbbing member free, He wouldn’t last long as he thought about her hands on him, While his hands roamed up those beautiful milky thighs. That beautiful mouth gasping for him.

God that did it, Groaning he let himself spill into his hand, Grabbing a rag at the side of him he wiped it from himself, Ashamed he turned over throwing an arm over his face before drifting into an undisturbed sleep at the thought of her.

Over the next few weeks he saw a lot more of Y/N, As they were the two best hunters in Alexandria they were often thrown together to head out of the walls.

Even in her half ruined Jeans and Walker splattered Shirt she was still gorgeous. On days like today when they’re outside the walls he noticed how her face changed from the strained smile to a relaxed free look in her eyes.

She was scanning the underbrush now checking the traps they had left the week before. He felt the blush on his cheeks when he realised he had been caught staring again.

“Everything okay?” She asked spinning around in a circle, her body tensing looking for the Danger.

He cleared his throat, “Yeah all good. Anythin in the trap?” Blush rising in his cheeks at being caught staring. After that they headed back to the town in comfortable silence, Walking side by side both carrying the day’s hunt, Y/N stopping every few minutes to forage things on the way.

Once back inside the walls, She came with him to his house as they always did now Only stopping to share the hunt with Olivia to share around the town, Y/N spent a lot more time around him and his group. Seeming to slot seamless into their messed up dynamic.

Just like every night she helped Carol prepare the dinner while he retreated to the porch, Cleaning his bow and bolts, The door open letting her musical laugh wash over him as he worked.

He could have listened to her all day, Before long he forgot what he was meant to be doing and just closed his eyes, Head leaning back against the house, Fully relaxed for the first time being in Alexandria.

He groaned inwardly opening his eyes to see who was disturbing his peace.

“Hey…” Rick took a seat next to Daryl on the porch nudging his knee and pointing towards the house.

“Y/N been spending a lot of time here…What’s going on with that?” He asked, giving you a knowing look.

“Why yer asking me?” Daryl huffed. “Shouldn’ yer be askin her”

Rick sighed before giving him another knowing look. “I seen the way you look at her, You sweet on her?”

Daryl wasn’t sure how to respond because of course he was ‘sweet’ on her but there was no changing who he was, A beautiful woman like that could never be interested in him, So there was just no point admitting his feelings to his friend as he knew you would never reciprocate those feelings.

Just as he opened his mouth to reply your beautiful song filled voice broke interrupted at just the right moment. His heart pounding, blush spreading across his face as you smiled at him, He was grateful for the darkness to hide this from you.

As he stood he felt her fingers brush his arm as she gave him an inquisitive look.


You felt the electricity hum between you as your fingers found his arm, You had both been taking as many opportunities as possible to get closer to each other, So grateful when you were partnered together to hunt.















Two teasers?

Hey Y'all!

Sorry its been awhile since i have posted! I have two different one shots in the works at the moment that i’m wondering if i should finish or give up on and try something else.

I’m thinking about posting what i have written so far on here and get some feedback from you guys?

Let me know in the comments if that’s something you guys would be willing to do!

Much love!

Love Jen x

Hey Guy’s :)


Just wanted to put another apology for not getting round to your requests or posting Content as much as i used to.

I’ve just left my Fiancee of 5 years and finding it hard to find time or motivation to write anything! I am working on a Daryl Fic at the moment just lacking inspiration!

What do you guys do when your suffering writers block? Any advice is appreciated! Again I’m really sorry! I’ll get something up as soon as i can!
Here’s my Favourite Norman pic as an apology

Love you all <3

Love Jen :)

You know you want this                 Daryl Dixon Smut 18+

Request for non con :- Daryl and reader were previously in a relationship but Daryl broke up with her and left her hurting. But Daryl realises later on that he really wants to be with the reader so he goes to her place to talk to her, but she can’t go through all that hurt again so she says no. This angers Daryl and he leaves and comes back drunk after some time. Then the non con part. But I also want the reader to come around after some time?Request two :  What about Norman edging the reader? Request three:  Can you do one where the reader tells Daryl she wants to try squirting and he’s down for it and she does it repeatedly so many time they just become addicted to it. Alexandria time.

Summary: Daryl breaks your heart after you let your feelings for him slip, Breaking you completely Spencer helps to put the pieces back together, Finally starting to feel like yourself again Daryl decides he wants you back and he’s not going to take no for an answer

A/N: Hey lovelies! Sorry this has taken me so long to write! I had a dream last night for another story so hopefully it won’t take as long for the next one! Thank you all for your patience! If you have any requests let me know! I’m always happy to add them to the list :) 

Hope you like this! Have a lovely day <3


Trigger Warning: Smut starts as Non-Consensual, Edging, Squirting, Violence, Eating disorder, Self deprecating thoughts. 18+ only please! 


It had taken months to be able to look at his face without feeling your heart shattering, You had avoided him at every possible opportunity. Excusing yourself whenever he came into a room biting back the tears. 

When people had started to notice you moping around you knew you had to reserve your heart break for when you were alone, When you and Daryl had been together you had kept it a secret wanting to have something just for you both, Not wanting to share your secret happiness with others yet. You could see why he wanted too; he was a very secretive person not wanting to let anyone into his high walls. 

The trouble with this is when one night after over a year of spending the night in his arms you let it slip, Happily curled around him you’d told him you loved him. He instantly froze. 

Go to sleep Y/N Ya drunk” He had muttered. When you woke in the morning he was gone leaving just a note on the bedside table “You can’t love me, Goodbye Y/N” 

Jumping out of bed you had searched for him around Alexandria to be told he had taken off hunting earlier that morning. When he finally came back he wouldn’t even look at you. You had followed him home desperately trying to get him to talk to you. 

Please Daryl just talk to me! I know you feel the same way”  

Nah, Go home Y/N I don’t love ya and I never asked yer to say ya loved me either!, Ya knew what this was” He sneered before slamming the door in your face. 

Hearing him say he didn’t love you was all it took for you to run home locking yourself inside for days, You tried to settle in the bed but his scent was everywhere. Dragging your pillow and a blanket from the bed you had curled up on the floor 

You stayed in the same position for days only moving when your bladder felt like hot knives were being poked through it. You’d heard as various people had come knocking to check on you but you just weren’t ready to see anyone yet.

When you did finally surface a week later you could feel your clothes falling more loosely around you, You were always slim but now you looked painfully so. Carol gave you a sad smile offering you a bottle of water that you took gratefully. Carol was the only person you thought had known about you and Daryl, She had never said anything but from the pitiful look she was giving you now, She must have known. 

Why don’t I fix you something to eat Y/N” She offered, Her hand motioning to her house. You shook your head quickly. You couldn’t go there, That’s where he would be. 

No” You croaked your voice raspy speaking for the first time in a week. “ I’m ok, I ate earlier” She raised her eyebrow not believing you but letting it go all the same. 

You spent your weeks like this only eating small amounts if you had no other choice than to accept, Feeling your clothes get looser and looser. 

Spencer had been the one to get you to eat a full meal for the first time, Sitting with you patiently at the cook out you had been reluctant to go to. He sat with you well after dark letting you eat at your own pace, While he filled the silence with idle chatter. 

You found yourself laughing at his stories, The sound startling you when it first came out a small smile crossing your lips. You stayed with him happily forgetting for a while. That was until you heard a loud snort from the other side of the table. 

Looking over your eyes met Daryl’s briefly, You hadn’t realised he was there listening to your entire conversation. Standing quickly you looked at Spencer “I’m sorry i have to go” 

Turning on your heel you ran towards your house. “Wait Y/N! Wait” Spencer said catching up to you within a few feet. You jumped in alarm when you felt his hand on your arm. 

What’s the rush? Hey listen, I was meaning to ask you. Can I make you dinner sometime?” You looked at him shocked not saying anything when he continued. 

Just thought we could spend some time together, Yano just us.” You thought for a moment. 

He did seem to be a nice guy and he definitely wasn’t embarrassed about being with you.

Nodding slowly, you agreed not sure why he wanted to have dinner with you, making Spencer grin “Cool! Tomorrow? I’ll come by your place at 6 to get you?” 

Nodding again you let him give you a warm hug before turning again and heading straight for your house. 

Locking the door behind you, You let out a small smile, maybe this was what you needed to get over him, someone who seemed to care about you and might return your affections. 

The date had been nice and you had become a regular thing, He had taken to walking you to and from work holding your hand and smiling down at you every time his lips brushed yours to say goodbye. He had continued to be incredibly patient with you letting you warm up to him and letting your walls come down slowly. 

It wasn’t like it was with Daryl it wasn’t a passionate burning love, It was sweet, Caring and different. Your eating problems soon behind you with Spencer, Your heart still hadn’t fully recovered but he was doing a good job of trying to glue it back together. 

It still hurt every time you saw Daryl, His eyes starting lingering on you more now since you had gone public with Spencer. You tried to avoid his gaze, Reminding yourself of the hurt he had caused you and that it was Spencer who had picked up the pieces.

6pm was soon rolling around, Spencer and you had made this a regular thing every Friday you had a date night, You wanted tonight to be different, The more Daryl looked at you the more your lust for him was returning, You had to get him out of your head and give your all to this loving patient man.  

Pulling on the red figure hugging dress you found in the back of the closet you smoothed it down hoping it would signal to him that you were ready. Pulling your hair into a loose bun and picking out some loose wavy bits to hang around your face pulling the maroon lipstick out Daryl had found for you on a run.

You had only previously worn this in bed with Daryl, It was one of his kinks, He liked to see the lipstick smeared across his body where you had left your hot kisses. Making him increasingly harder when he saw the marks around his cock.

You felt your thighs brushing together feeling yourself heat up at these memories. Shaking your head you looked at yourself in the mirror smoothing the dress down nervously. You heard as Spencer knocked on the door. Applying the lipstick you smiled at yourself feeling hot, Before heading to the door. 

As you opened it you were shocked to see not Spencer but a very awkward looking Daryl standing in front of you, He didn’t ask if he could come inside before brushing past you into the living room. 

Your heart pounding in your chest you closed the door slowly following him timidly into the living room. 

Both in silence for a few minutes before you finally found your voice, “Wh…What are you doing here?” 

His eyes wandered over your body taking in your dress before staring at the lipstick. His eyes opened wide when he recognised it

His eyes looked pained now taking a deep breath “’m so fuckin stupid Y/N, I miss ya, I want ya back….For real….I want ya to be mine” 

Daryl had never been that forward with his feelings before. Your heart pounding in your chest, You wanted to fall back into his arms, But it wasn’t fair of him to ask that of you, This wasn’t fair at all. The anger bubbling up now, The fucking nerve of this man! 

Get out” Shaking your head you felt the anger build “Get out Daryl! No, No you don’t get to do this!! You don’t get to see me happy and moving on, Trying to forget you and just think you can walk back in and it can go back to how it was!” 

But….Y/N please. I-I” 

Cutting him off trying to cut the emotion from your voice “Spencer will be here any minute, Get the fuck out!” 

You took a step back as he started towards you, He watched as you flinched at his movements, Seeing the fear in your eyes. He was close too close, You could feel your body burning for him, It terrified you how much power this man had over you.

Ya don’t have to be scared of me Y/N i wont hurt ya….Yer know that..” 

Too late Daryl, You already did! GET OUT!” Pushing his chest harshly seemed to snap him out of it. Not saying another word he turned on his heel slamming the back door behind him. 

It took a few minutes to compose yourself, Grabbing the whiskey bottle from the cupboard you took a few deep swigs settling it back down and fixing what you thought was a convincing smile back on your face as someone knocked on the door again. 

Thank god, It was Spencer this time!” 

Holy shit…… Sorry! Hey baby…,. You loook….. Incredible” Spencer said his jaw dropping when he saw you. 

Stifling your giggle you lent up kissing his cheek, Biting your lower lip slightly as you saw the Kiss mark on his face. The blush was rising in your cheeks the alcohol was definitely hitting you fast.

Shall we” He asked, still in awe holding his arm out to you. Taking his arm you stepped out of the house closing the door behind you. The moment your feet hit the pavement, You almost walked straight into Daryl.  

Watch where ya goin” He growled. Spencer feeling the tension put his arm around your shoulders protectively pulling you out of Daryl’s way into his chest. 

C’mon babe, Dinner will be getting cold” You tore your eyes from Daryl’s turning your attention to Spencer as he kissed your hair. Smiling sweetly at him you let him pull you away down the street towards his house, Glancing backwards you saw that Daryl was glaring at you now with those dark eyes. Putting your arm around Spencer’s back you tried to shake off his glare. 

He had looked pissed.. But what fucking right did he have to be upset? What did he think was going to happen? You were going to live the rest of your life as a nun moping around and starving yourself because of him?  Or that you would just forget all of it and just fall back into his eyes like the pathetic woman he thought you were? Fuck no! You tried not to let the anger build. 

During your meal you had tried to concentrate on Spencer but your mind kept wandering back to Daryl. You drank more that night than you had on any of your other dates trying to get up the courage to take things further. As you sat on the couch together kissing sweetly, You decided now was the time. 

Standing up you straddled his hips moving your dress up enough to give your legs space to move. Grabbing his face you kissed him eagerly. Moaning as his hands came to your thighs rubbing them gently before moving to the small of your back pulling your core and chest tight to him. 

Moving your lips now to his neck you kissed him hungrily. “Y/N….Y/N stop” 

Pushing away from him you looked at him confused “Why….?” 

I really want you….REALLY want you but your so drunk!, it’s not right doing this now

He saw the surprise and rejection in your eyes. Putting his hand in your hair he pressed your lips against his gently. 

Baby I want to make love to you, So fucking much but not while your like this. But soon. I promise ok?

You nodded giving him a small smile, He was a good guy and you appreciated that about him. 

Guess i should go then…” You trailed off standing up from him and smoothing your dress back down. 

Want me to walk you home babe?” 

Shaking your head “No it’s okay its only a block down i can manage” He stood walking you to the door he gave you one last kiss before wiping the slightly smeared lipstick from your face. Giggling you left. 

Walking slowly up the street enjoying the light breeze before sighing and heading into your house, Leaving the lights off you walked straight into your bedroom. 

That’s when you saw him. Lying on your bed, The same Jealous glare in his eyes. The previously full bottle of whiskey laying empty at his side.

What the hell are you doing here Daryl?” You asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of your voice. 

What are you doin with him?” he retorted standing up from the bed now. He walked slowly to you.

Stuttering “He’s my boyfriend… Why wouldn’t i be with him” 

Ya fuckin mine! Not His!!Tell me Y/N Ya let him touch you?” 

What fucking business it of yours, I told you to leave me alone!” You snapped. He was standing directly in front of your now so close you could feel the breath on your cheek. 

You wanna be a whore, Walkin around with the likes of him, I’ll treat ya like a whore Y/N only had to ask….

Leaning into you he pressed his mouth to your ear “Bet he can’t make yer feel as good as i can” 

You froze as you felt him now his hands pulling you to him kissing your neck feverishly. 

“Stop!” You cried putting your hands to his chest. “You don’t get to do this! Break my heart then think you can just what…Come in here and I’ll fall back into bed with you? Fuck you Dixon” Your voice full of venom. 

You heard the growl rise in his chest, “That’s the fuckin plan” He sneered down at you. 

Gripping your throat tightly he threw you onto the bed hands quick as lightning he pushed your skirt up revealing the lacy underwear you had put on for Spencer. Throwing his body onto yours he tried to kiss you. 

Panicked you bit his lip hard drawing blood “Get the fuck off me….What are you doing!! I’m with Spencer!” 

Wiping his lip he grinned at you “Still feisty Y/N Fuck Spencer. I’m gonna show ya what yer missin with him

His voice now a low growl “You know you want this

Putting his hand into your hair he gripped it tightly pulling your head back and keeping it in place while he attacked your neck again struggling against his body he kept you pinned.. 

Daryl….Please…Please stop this!” You cried feeling the tears hit your eyes as his hand ripped your underwear from you. 

Ya know ya want me Y/N Why else would you be wearin a dress like this, Or that lipstick i got ya. Stop fuckin fighting this, I need ya now, You need me too” His hand now undoing his own pants as his teeth bit harshly into your neck and chest. 

In one quick motion he was inside you. “See” he growled “So fuckin wet for me” At first you were ashamed of your body’s reaction to him, Then your mind started clouding feeling yourself get wetter and wetter. He pulled his teeth back now replacing it with warm wet kisses.

You couldn’t stop the moan that ripped from your throat as his huge member touched that delicious spot inside you making your chest arch to meet his. 

You felt him smirk against your neck. Feeling the fight leave your body being replaced by the pleasure he was giving you he released your hair and lightened the pressure he had on your arms. 

Instinctively you raised your arms to his neck tangling your fingers in his hair pulling his lips back to meet yours, Every part of your fight gone now. Just loving this feeling you had been denied for so long. 

He kissed you wildly, his tongue pushing into your mouth groaning into the kiss when your tongue danced with his. 

Tell me how much ya love this cock Y/N” He growled lips moving back to your ear nibbling softly. 

Your eyes rolled into the back of your head at the sound of his voice feeling your body give in fully to him all thoughts of Spencer wiped fully from your head. 

Tell me Y/N! Tell me how you love my cock more than Spencer’s” he demanded. At Spencer’s name your eyes flashed back to his. 

We didn’t….We never….Oh god Daryl!” You were so close. 

Tormentingly his hips stopped then. “What d’ya mean ya didn’t? Is he fuckin crazy…Look at you…Look at this fucking dress” His hands went back to the hem of your dress which was now lying haphazardly across your stomach. Lifting your torso slightly he pulled it free from you. 

Oh god, Y/N I’ve missed this sexy fucking body” His head darting down to kiss your exposed breast, Groaning you felt him pull out of you his lips moving down your body. 

Daryl please, I was so close!” You begged, Missing the incredible full feeling you had moments ago. 

Grinning up at you he ducked his head again running his tongue down and around your navel.  

Stand up” He ordered. It took a moment for your legs to respond, Standing with him knelt in front of you, He kissed both of your hips before kissing you harshly on your aching bud. 

Licking from bottom to top a few times before starting to suckle softly at first then with growing intensity as his fingers found your heat, Once he had buried his fingers into you, You felt your knees growing weak again. Tangling your fingers into his hair and desperately pulling his incredible mouth closer as it swirled around whilst rocking against his fingers. His fingers curling inside you hitting your g-spot perfectly. 

Just as you were feeling that blissful heat about to explode he pulled his mouth away, Fighting with him slightly you tried to pull him back, Grinning up at you he tutted “Not yet Y/N.” Removing his fingers from you he stood pulling you with him and pushing you up against the back wall. 

Kissing you deeply and lightly brushing his fingers up and down your sides. You were panting heavily feeling the frustratingly close high fade away. Once your breath was back under control he knelt in front of you again.

Trust me” His voice a dark gravel breath as he moved his body between your legs lifting one foot from the floor and putting it over his shoulder. 

He gave you a swift wink before grabbing the other leg and putting that over his other shoulder. His hands on your hips to steady you he stood with you on his shoulders, Bracing yourself hands on the ceiling you let out a surprised yelp. 

His teeth meeting the inside of your thigh. “Oh yes, Daryl!” you groaned. He turned his face nipping your other thigh before hungrily staring down his main target. 

His tongue darted out of his mouth resuming its earlier attack on your aching clit, “Ahh please Daryl!” You begged as you felt your self building straight back up instantly.

Your walls were clenching tighter and tighter desperate for this knot to be unwound. Arching your chest, your head hitting against the wall a squealing moan escaping your chest as he nibbled softly on you. 

Your breaths getting deeper as you got close again. And just like the other two times he pulled his mouth away. Manoeuvring you off his shoulders into his strong arms before dropping you back to the ground. 

Your pleasure quickly turning into a frustrated rage. “What the fuck Daryl!” You swiped your arm at him trying to hit him in the chest, Catching your arms lazily he smirked at you not saying anything. 

You could feel the tears of humiliation springing back to his eyes, turning away from him you wrapped your arms around your naked body. He had to be messing with you, This was cruel and if you were honest kind of painful. 

Get the fuck out” you yelled towards the wall not wanting him to see just how frustrated you were. 

As his arms reached out for you, You felt the shift in his mood. At first you tried to shrug him away but he persisted pulling you into his chest. Leading you back to the bed he lay down next to you. 

Still not saying a word he kissed you again sweetly this time. Letting you open back up to him as he slowly crawled back over to you, Nudging your knees open his mouth still on yours as he entered you again. 

You looked at him nervously as he moved slowly not wanting to ignite that heat again, Worried he was going to take it from you again. 

Hearing the deep moans coming from his throat as he kissed you, You allowed yourself to just enjoy the moment. He felt so good. 

Every thrust was slow and deep, Filling you so completely like no one else ever could. He knew just how much you loved the slow torture. Moaning back for him you could feel your walls clenching down again. 

Separating your lips you tried to control your high and calm your body down. Daryl watched as you squirmed, your chest heaving with your deep breaths. 

Bringing his nose to your hair nuzzling it slightly before whispering “Cum for me Y/N” His eyes meeting yours, You prayed he was being sincere as you couldn’t hold it back much longer. 

His hand coming up to your chest tweaking your erect nipples as he started to move faster in you. 

Oh fuck! Daryl” You whined, Your entire body feeling on fire as your every nerve responded to his words and actions. You felt a different type of pressure build in your groin, It was the sweetest pain you had ever felt. 

Your body started to violently shake as it felt like lightning was ripping through your heat. 

That’s when you felt it, It was like you had been paralysed as Daryl pulls out quickly replacing his throbbing cock with his fingers again. 

Curling them back up to your g-spot his other hand palming your clit. 

OH FUCKKKKKK” you screamed as the first wave exploded through you. You could feel the waves of wetness exploding from you. Staring at Daryl incredulously he looked just as surprised as you did at your squirt. 

You didn’t know what the fuck was happening to you all you knew was that it was the most incredible feeling you had ever had. 

It seemed never ending as arc after arc of juices spilled out of you hitting his chest, His groin and soaking the bed. Pushing his desperate cock feverishly back into you, He hit into you harder than before. 

Your juices were still leaking around him as he cried out. “Holy Fuck Y/N! I love ya,Yer fucking incredible!” 

Your orgasm still ripping through you “Ah fuck Daryl!!!” You screamed as you felt it hit its highest point before your body started to slowly climb down. 

Ahhhh Y/N. Fuck” He cried out again as you felt him explode deep into you, You didn’t have the cognitive ability to comprehend what he had just said as you were clinging to  his neck like you had just survived a tidal wave. 

Not sure how long you had both stayed that way you felt as the sheets under you turned freezing cold from your juices. 

Daryl moved off from you then pausing to kiss your forehead. Collapsing at the side of you it took him a few more minutes of deep breaths to compose himself. Both just lying there in stunned silence. 

That was…” He mumbled. “Incredible” you finished still seeing stars. 

Turning to place a loving kiss on your lips. Your brain finally starting to work again. 

Wait….Daryl did you say…?” He pulled an arm over his face, his cheeks glowing red. 

Yah and what if i do?” He asked you slightly angrily. 

You don’t Daryl, If you did you wouldn’t have left like you did” You could feel the pain returning to your chest, All those months pining after him not able to eat or sleep with his absence. 

I do Y/N I just didn’ deserve ya, Didn’ want ya to fall for someone like me when you could have someone better for ya, Someone like Him” His arm still draped across his face not looking at you. 

This was the most you had ever heard him talk about his feelings, Lifting yourself just enough off the bed to move upwards to his eye level you moved his arm away from his face making him look at you. 

“I don’t want someone like him, You’re the best there is. I wanted you, And you broke me” 

He looked at you guiltily “It damn near broke me too Y/N” He whispered. 

The silence was awkward now, Giving you a small smile “We should uh get cleaned up, Didn’ know ya could do that….” he joked motioning at the juices still covering his chest. He got up and you tried to follow your legs instantly, going weak before you hit the floor. He caught you with a chuckle.

Pulling you in his arms he kissed you passionately moaning into his kiss you pulled back “I didn’t know i could do that either, Can we do it again?” You asked innocently, your eyes still closed. 

He sighed heavily “I want to do that every fucking…Day” He growled you felt his member stir between you. 

Carrying you to the shower and turning it on he set you down on your feet before taking you again and again. When you finally both came up for air you washed each other off and went back to the bedroom changing the sheets quickly and sinking into a happy blissful sleep with his arms wrapped around you tightly. 

Waking up the next morning you were surprised to find the bed cold when you reached out next to you. Grumbling you opened your eyes searching for him, Eyes locking on him as he was pacing by the end of the bed fully dressed. 

Morning sugar” You grinned seeing him still with you,

Good mornin Beautiful” He whispered. You let yourself bask in the happy morning glow. 

Y/N…..Y/N ‘M so fuckin sorry. ‘M gonna go just waited till ya wer awake, Needed ya to know how sorry i am” His voice full of emotion, He had glanced over to you occasionally not meeting your eyes. 

You looked at him quizzically “Why are you sorry?” 

Coming and kneeling at the side of the bed, He grasped your hand desperately in both of his. 

Ya know why Y/N I…..uh…..I” Stammering his words, his chest rising heavily, his grip on your hand starting to feel painful. 

I fucking forced ya!” You heard the emotion run over now as the sobs racked his body. 

Not sure how to respond to this, You had to admit it sure started out that way but if you were being completely honest you had loved how rough he was with you, How much he needed you. The jealousy that overtook his whiskey addled brain. 

He stood ripping his hands off you which brought you back to reality. 

I’ll go, I’ll leave ya don’ have ta see me again Y/N ‘m so sorry” 

Noo!!” You half screamed throwing yourself up from the bed and towards him completely forgetting about your state of undress.

Your hands gripping at his vest desperately, “No please! Daryl Please!! Don’t leave me i won’t survive it again, You can’t leave me” You were begging now trying to get his eyes to meet yours. 

He finally gave in seeing the pain on your face. You shivered slightly and he immediately wrapped you in his arms holding you to his chest, His heart pounding in time with yours. 

But i…i….i hurt ya Y/N, I fuckin hurt ya.

No you didn’t Daryl. Look at me i’m fine! I’m ok! Please don’t leave! I just got you back” 

I am lookin at ya!” He growled. Pulling you towards the bathroom he pushed you in front of the mirror. “Look!!” He half yelled. 

Letting a sharp gasp escape as you looked at your appearance. You were covered in bruises. There were clear finger marks on your neck, Marks from his teeth there too.

Looking down the bruises trailed across your hips with a few on your thighs. 

After assessing them for a moment and determining that none of them actually hurt, The longer you looked the more you remembered about how those bruises got there. Biting your lip you turned to look at him. 

Wrapping your hands around his waist, “Daryl really i’m ok! I bruise super easy, they look worse than they are, I promise. You didn’t hurt me.” Your voice dropping to a whisper “I want a repeat of last night, It was incredible” Feeling your cheeks flush you saw him looking at you incredulously. 

Pulling away from him slowly you walked backwards towards the bed keeping your eyes on him, You could see the internal struggle as he internally fought with himself. 

C’mere baby i need you” You purred. Grinning as you saw the better side of him win, He rushed over covering your body with his kissing you feverishly, Lying you much more gently on the bed this time. Moaning into his mouth when your tongues met. 

This man was a 100 different types of perfection, His clothes hitting the floor desperate to feel your skin on his again. 

For fuck sake!!!!” you whimpered as someone started knocking on the door. Panic in your chest as you tried to remember if you locked the door. Daryl stood quickly pulling his jeans back on swiftly.

Y/N? Y/N you okay love?” He called through your locked front door.

Sitting up quickly and pulling the blanket around your chest hiding your body from his view. 

You hand covering your mouth it was Spencer, God he couldn’t find you like this. You felt tears spring to your eyes as you realised the depth of your betrayal. 

Oh god, What am I going to tell him, He’s such a good guy and I did this. I’m scum!” 

Daryl scoffed “He ain’t a good guy Y/N and yer aint scum, Yer worth ‘undred of him!” 

What’s that supposed to mean?” 

Exactly what i said, He aint a good guy. Yer don’t wanna hear it Y/N

Pulling the blanket tighter around your body

Don’t tell me what i want to hear, Tell me now!” 

Daryl looked completely away from you running his hand through his hair, his other hand balling into a fist. 

He had a bet Y/N, Him and that asshole brother of his, On how long it would take him to bed ya, Said he were gonna let his brother have ya when he was done. Ta up the stakes he bet he could make ya fall in love with him first…” He trailed off his anger palpable. 

The shock evident on your face, You had trusted him, Thought he had really cared but you were just a bet to him? Fuck this! 

Daryl was hot on your heels as you ran full speed down the stairs and to the door. Ripping it open Spencer had just hit the bottom step as you appeared. 

Hey baby…” Looking from your face to the blanket wrapped around your naked body. He took the steps back two at a time. “Mmm should i join you” He winked. Stopping just before the door he took in your appearance. 

The amusement dropped from his face as he saw the bruises “Babe what the hell happened? Are you ok?” 

Letting the fury show on your face you pushed the door open wider revealing the shirtless Daryl behind you “Yeah im great! Sorry you’re too late asshole, Guess you lost the bet huh?” You spat with as much venom as you could. 

Daryl took a protective step towards you now as Spencer got closer. 

What the fuck Y/N what the fuck is he doing here? Did he do that?” 

Raising your voice so the crowd gathering on the street could hear. “Don’t fucking start Spencer! I know all about your little bet!! You were going to trick me into falling for you, Fuck you and then hand me off to your brother? Who the fuck do you think you are? You and your brother can go fuck each other.” 

Humiliated Spencer snapped his false demeanour vanishing “So you let the dirty old Redneck fuck you eh? You really will fuck anyone won’t you!” Glancing between you and Daryl. Daryl moving forward and wrapping an arm around you ready to move you out of the way if this got any worse.

You can keep the bitch, She’ll have fucked half the town soon enough Buddy. Just what Alexandria needed a whore who will drop her pants for anyone if they give her a drink, Tried to fuck me last night too had to pry the dirty bitch off” he spat. 

You couldn’t have held him back if you had wanted to, Daryl had flung himself at Spencer knocking him down the steps onto the street and straight on his ass. Straddling his hips he rained blow after blow, blood pouring from Spencer’s face a mess of blood when Rick and Abe finally managed to pull him off.

Yelling at Spencer who was starting to get up timidly looking like he was about to hide behind his mother. 

“I ever hear ya talk about Y/N that way again i’ll fuckin kill ya! Ya fuckin hear me!!! Yer or yer fuckin dumbass brother so much as look at my woman again they’ll be no savin ya!” 

Pulling himself out of Rick’s and Abe’s grasp for a moment he threw a hard kick in the direction of Spencer’s head. 

Daryl Stop!! He’s not worth it!” Your voice shaking as you tried to get Daryl’s attention, placing your hand gently on his cheek he stopped fighting. 

I ain’t lettin him talk to ya like that Y/N!” He almost whined trying to excuse himself. 

I know baby, But it’s ok he aint worth it! You taught him his lesson, I love you, I’m yours! Let’s go back inside!” Very aware now of all the eyes on you both, You still in just a blanket and Daryl only in his Jeans. 

Daryl’s eyes softened pulling away from Abe and Rick again he pulled you to him.

I love ya Y/N Ya are mine and now all these pricks know it” He half chuckled. 

C’mon, I’d like to get back to our earlier activities before this prick interrupted” Giggling as his eyes grew dark. Throwing a dirty look at Spencer you let Daryl throw you over his shoulder, His arms clamped around the blanket to cover your body.

He ran with you back up the stairs. You heard as Abe guffawed letting out a wolf whistle as Daryl slammed the door behind you both, Moving to the curtains he slammed them shut. 

As he turned back to you, You dropped the towel swaying your hips as you walked over to him. 

Show me how your’s i am Daryl” You purred forgetting all about the incident just moments ago. 

Your bodies collided, He showed you every spare moment he had just how much you belonged to each other, You couldn’t have even dreamt of how happy you were together. Spencer never hassled you again not even looking in your direction after that day, Much to Daryl’s amusement. 

His group had accepted you as family instantly. Never once questioning your love just embracing it.

Even though the situation that brought you both back together hadn’t been ideal you couldn’t help the grin on your face every time he drank whiskey. 

Thank god for Whiskey and Daryl fucking Dixon


Taglist <3 















New one shot out tomorrow :)

Hey guys!! 

Again sorry for the late updates!! 

Finally finished a Daryl one shot request! I’ve merged 3 requests together in this one! hope the original requester’s Don’t mind! As it’s 3am now I’m going to edit it and post tomorrow!

Let me know if you want on the tag list when it goes up :)

Hope y’all have a great day :) 

Love Jen <3

New Norman Reedus fic :)

Finally finished a new one shot! The assistant will up today so keep an eye out sorry it’s taken me so long! Had major writers block tried to start 3 different story’s and couldn’t get into it! I’ve got my usual tag list but if anyone else wants adding to it let me know! Hope your having a great day ❤️

Love Jen ❤️

Request: maybe you could do one where female reader has feelings for Daryl. And one Day Daryl brings an injured girl from the woods to the prison and becomes really close with her, which hurts the readers feelings. Also make the ending of your choice 

A/N: Hey guys! another reader request! I hope i did it justice!! <3 Thank you all for reading! 

Thank you for all the notes on my stories! They give me life :) If you want adding or removing from my tag list please let me know!! 

I hope Y’all are having a lovely day!! 


                                                     Master List

When the end came you were stuck in your car on the interstate, It looked like everyone was heading towards the safe zone in Atlanta set up by the government, You could only cry tears of horror when you saw them blow the city up. 

Gratefully you had found a group of like minded people to group up with setting up a camp near a quarry. 

It was there you first saw him, He was gorgeous with his ruffled brown hair and dazzling blue eyes. The more you saw him the more you find yourself staring watching the way his long sinewy muscles moved in his arms when he lifted his crossbow. Hell even when he was skinning animals covered in blood and gore, He was gorgeous. You couldn’t understand why someone like him was here with well the complete opposite to him

Ugh his brother Merle, Loud and irritating Merle. You had tried for a few weeks to get closer to Daryl with Merle blocking you at every opportunity. 

The first words the man ever spoke to you were “Heyyyy Sugartits, Wanna join me tonight and get our rocks off

You had to admit even as hard as it was watching Daryl in pain when his brother had been left behind you couldn’t say you weren’t at least a little grateful. 

Unfortunately it was at this point Daryl went into himself, Only really speaking when spoken to, Even then you were lucky to get a grunt out of him. 

When you’d found the prison he had slowly started to come out of his shell again, He didn’t seem to mind so much when you came to sit with him, Slowly he had started to let you in. 

It started with small conversations seemingly about nothing, That was until he woke you one night. You had a particularly bad nightmare, You saw the bombs, The walkers coming through the trees and your sister being eaten alive. 

You were kidding yourself to think you would ever get over it, It had always been just you and her. Your parents were good for nothing and she had raised you taking the place of both of them even though she was only 9. She had died saving you, The walker had been inches from tearing out your throat when she had dived in the way. It was a debt you could never repay. 

Night terrors were something you had gotten used to, Your sister used to wake you from them most nights, But to the best of your knowledge you hadn’t screamed out before. 

You were screaming her name when Daryl had woken you shaking you roughly, You felt the cold beads of sweat running down your face, Your body on fire and instantly alert looking around the room hoping to see her walk through the door and comfort you. 

When she didn’t you let your body sag sobbing holding your head in your hands. You had felt those arms then, The ones you had always fantasised about. Finally holding you. Melting into him you let yourself cry. Cry for all the loss of life you had suffered, Cry for the life Megan could have had if it wasn’t for you. You were to blame if it wasn’t for you she wouldn’t have become a mother so young and she would probably still be here.

Finally when your sobs had subsided you looked up into his eyes.

I’m so sorry, I’ve soaked your shirt” You admitted embarrassed. You had liked to pretend you were stronger than this, Especially in front of him, You didn’t want him to see you as a weakling. 

S’ok, Who’s Megan?” He asked earnestly. 

She was my sister” You croaked, It hurt hearing her name after so long. 

Ya never said bout her before, She go before or…?” He trailed off

During, She saved me just before i met you guys” Wiping the fresh tears from your face, You choked back another sob that was threatening to spill out. 

C’mon Y/N what had she always told you! ‘You’re a Diamond dear, They can’t break you

You had used this quote throughout your life, You weren’t going to let her down now, You couldn’t disappoint her, You weren’t going to let this break you, You’d live for the both of you now. 

Pulling yourself upright out of his arms “I’m sorry i disturbed you Daryl. I’m ok really. Thank you

S’ok, I was walkin by anyway when i heard you.

He stayed while you pulled yourself back under the covers noticing you shivering now freezing under the thin blanket. 

Move over” He stated nudging his nose up at you. Moving closer to the wall you gave him enough space to lay with you. 

C’mere” Holding his arm out to you, You gratefully snuggled into his side feeling the warmth instantly flood through you, Your eyes instantly closing.

As you were falling asleep you thought you had felt his lips brush your hair, But sleep overtook you before you could question it. 

When you woke the next morning he was gone, But you noticed another slightly thicker blanket covering you. It could have only been Daryl, Smiling as you pulled the material to your face smelling it. 

Definitely Daryl you could smell his familiar musk all over it, You frowned slightly hoping he wasn’t giving up his own warmth for you. 

Getting up you grabbed the blanket folding it neatly walking to Daryl’s Cell you found it empty. So you placed it neatly on his bed noticing that it did seem to be his only one. 

Grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil from the small desk in the corner you scribbled a note to leave with it. 

Deciding to leave it simple “Thank you” is all you wrote leaving on top of the blanket you left the cell hoping he wouldn’t catch you inside. As you grabbed your breakfast from Carol you sat outside in the morning sun spotting Daryl across the field, He seemed busy breaking up pieces of wood. 

Watching him you felt yourself going into a daydream. It still felt like you were right there in his arms, His hot breath on your cheek, His beautiful blue eyes looking into yours like you were the only girl in the world. You imagined now what it would have been like to have those coarse lips push to yours, To have him pull you into his chest. To have your fingers explore that incredible chest. 

You were broken from your daydream by someone shaking you, Groaning slightly you looked up to see him over you, Your face instantly heating up. 

Come with me” He grunted at you nodding towards the field. Silently you stood forgetting all about your breakfast now following behind him you made your way to the place he had been busy earlier. 

He moved out of your way motioning to the ground in front of him, You watched him for a moment as he nervously pushed his hand through his hair. 

What’dya think Y/N” He asked breaking your reverie again. 

Pulling your eyes from his, You looked down to see a small cross sticking out of the ground, Inspecting it closer you saw the words “Megan, Lovin Sister” 

Your tears fell heavily from your eyes

Oh shit, Y/N m’sorry didn mean to upset ya. Jus thought ya should have somewhere to remember her” 

Taking the small step towards him you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him to you. He froze for a moment before reciprocating the embrace. 

You are so sweet Daryl, This means everything to me. Thank you, Thank you so much” Your voice heavy with emotion. You felt him fully relax now knowing you weren’t upset with him. 

Not sure how long you had both stayed there he finally pulled away from you. 

Running his hand over the back of his neck awkwardly. 

Well, I’ll uh let ya have ya time” 

You nodded at him, turning back to the cross in the ground, kneeling down you ran your fingers over the words gently. Reaching under your shirt you pulled out one of the necklaces you wore hooking it over the top. You had taken this from her body once the walkers had cleared. You had the same one.

It was just a small silver heart on a silver chain, She had bought them for you both when you turned 10 and there wasn’t a day either of you had taken it off. You smiled seeing a piece of her there. 

Standing you went back to your table finishing your breakfast with a smile on your face. As if you didn’t already have the biggest crush on Daryl Dixon. His thoughtfulness and how sweet he had been to you the night before were threatening to turn it into love. He was definitely someone you could see yourself falling for hard. If you weren’t already. Feeling your heart swell. Maybe you were. 

Daryl had spent a few more nights with you after that night just laying with you sharing his warmth. He had to be the best hot water bottle you had ever had the pleasure of sharing a bed with. You hoped this had meant maybe he might feel something more than friendship for you. 

Guys didn’t just act like this for just their friends did they? You knew If you wanted this to progress any further you would need to take baby steps, He was like a fawn, If you moved too quick and he would dart away. 

He seemed to always have a smile and a warm hug reserved for you, You watched as he lit up when you entered a room, Just as you always had for him.

The prison had started to run low on food, Which you knew meant Daryl would be going out on a hunting trip soon, The thought bothered you. He always went alone and it would leave you holding your breath until he returned. 

Like he had read your mind he came to you then giving you a short hug when you held your arms out for him. 

Once you had separated he looked at you seriously “Gotta go out, Should only be a day or two” He handed you the blanket he had been carrying. 

Stay warm ok?”   

What about you? Your going to need it out there in the cold

He shrugged “Nah ill be fine, Don’t want it getting wet” 

You nodded sadly at him.

Following him out to the gate watching as he pulled a poncho from the bike pulling it over himself before slipping his crossbow over the top. 

You couldn’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around him again. 

Come back to me safe Daryl” You kissed the corner of his mouth before letting go. 

He looked slightly awkward again as he nodded at you giving you a small smile before starting up his bike and taking off. 

Watching with his blanket in your arms you hugged it to you as you watched him ride away until you could no longer see him. 

Curling up in bed that night you used his blanket partially as a pillow hugging it into your chest smelling his scent imagining he was there with you. 

He was late back, As you got on with the chores around the prison you found your eyes never straying too far from the gate, Getting more and more worried as the days went on. 

It was on the fifth day you thought you saw something in the trees, When nothing else moved for a moment you tore your eyes away. There it was again what was that?

After a few minutes of waiting you saw him fully he looked exhausted, blood covering his arms. 

In your relief at seeing him home you had completely glossed over the woman he was carrying. He seemed to be talking to her as her face was close to his, Her arms around his neck. Running forward you helped Carl open the gate. 

Daryl didn’t seem to notice you there turning to Carl with the woman in his arms. He demanded “Get Hershel” , his voice harsh and urgent. 

He stumbled slightly before regaining his footing. “It’s ok, I got ya” He murmured to the woman before taking off with her to the prison leaving you to close the gates alone. 

Once the gate was fully secured you took off running after them, Walking into the block you heard the commotion before you saw it, Following the noise up the block you found them in the second to last cell. 

Standing awkwardly at the door you watched as Daryl was knelt by her bedside holding her hand while Hershel looked her over. 

You knew you had no right to feel the things you were feeling watching this, He wasn’t yours. You didn’t have any claim over him yet the jealousy at watching him hold onto someone other than you, Giving her the caring beautiful look you thought had been reserved for you. The jealousy was overbearing. 

Shaking your head you tried to concentrate on your relief at seeing him back in one piece. 

Daryl…?” His eyes finally met yours now he gave you a small hasty smile before turning his eyes back to the woman lay in the bed. 

Trying to get his attention again “Daryl..Can i see you for a minute?” 

The woman in the bed pulled him to her now. 

No please you can’t leave me” While giving you a look of disgust.

He wrapped his arms around her “s’ok I’m here” 

He didn’t even look at you now, You locked eyes with the woman, Now Daryl was in her arms she gave you a smug smile, feeling the tears building up behind your eyes, Turning on your heel you left running up the stairs to your cell. 

Folding the blanket not really knowing why her smugly smiling at you had angered you so much. 

You copied your action’s from the first night, Walking to his Cell you went inside intending to leave it on his bed. 

Daryl found you there. Hurriedly he held his hand out for the blanket. Giving it to him he murmured a small thanks before heading away from you again back to that woman. 

If you thought you were angry before this took the cake, You left through the closest door so you didn’t have to walk past them again. 

You stayed away from both of them now, You watched as they took their meals together like you had, She was always laughing at something he said and touching him. 

You watched as she pushed her body closer to his at every opportunity. Jealousy ripping through you, Before this you had been the only person he had let into his bubble, The only person who could hold him. 

After around a week of watching him help her around with her twisted ankle. Playing the damsel in distress card. You had had enough of spending your days sullenly watching them from afar and crying into your pillow at night. You were so angry you had let yourself fall for him. 

What would a man like that ever want with someone like you? When she was there, She was stunningly beautiful. You could see why he wanted her instead of you. 

Letting your anger flow through you, You headed straight for the fence, Slipping in between Carol and Maggie you grabbed an iron bar and started stabbing every walker you could see. 

After you had taken down 20 walkers within a few minutes Maggie grabbed your arm. 

Y/N everything alright?” Carol was also looking at you with worry. 

Just peachy…. Gonna go clear over there” 

Walking away from the two you headed to an area of the fence where you could be alone, You cleared that area pretty quickly too moving on to the next part of the fence you finally let the angry tears fall. 

This woman had been in your prison for 10 minutes before he’d already forgotten about you. Why did you let yourself fall for this man, Clearly he had just been being nice to you. You wracked your brain trying to think of a moment where he actually seemed to share your feelings. 

He probably just thought of you as a friend but somehow that was worse, As you let your brain get distracted with him again you felt something grip on your hair. 

Trying to pull your head away in panic a walker had managed to get his arm through the chain fence and was pulling you closer to him, Pulling harder now you felt as the walker ripped out a chunk of your hair, Fuck it hurt and you could already feel the blood coming down your scalp. 

Angrily you pulled your knife from your belt stabbing him through the eye. You yelled “FUCK YOU” in his face. 

It was like you were in a frenzy, taking down more and more walkers until you felt your arms were going to give in. Looking around there were only a few stragglers left, They were too far away to get with the bar. 

Walking towards the gate you pulled your knife from your belt shouting to the man on guard to open the gate. 

Running over to the stragglers you quickly took them down, Enjoying how good it felt to kick and punch at them now too. Taking a deep breath you whirled around when you felt someone behind you, Holding your knife aloft you came face to face with Carol. 

Woah Y/N It’s just me. You’ve done enough. Let’s get you inside to look at that head” Feeling the pain return now your adrenaline was wearing down you nodded and let her pull you back inside and up to the prison. 

Walking into your Cell you finally took a look at yourself in the small mirror, You were covered head to toe in walker blood. Feeling your head go slightly dizzy you stumbled back taking a seat on the metal chair. 

You heard Carol approach the Cell below, Where they were… 

Hershel, Are you busy?” 

“Just about done here Carol, Your ankle seems to be all healed up now. Everything okay Carol?” He could see the blood on her hands from pulling you up here. 

Oh i’m fine! Its Y/N

Y/N?” You heard a panicked voice. Carol was shouting after Daryl trying to calm him down. In his haste to get to you he managed to tear the sheet you had been using for privacy fully down, You watched it fall to the ground as he took in your appearance. 

He was on you in an instant, grabbing each of your arms and shaking you slightly your eyes still on the sheet on the floor refusing to meet his. 

Y/N! What happened? Where are ya hurt” Shaking you more urgently now “Y/N talk to me!

M’fine Daryl” You muttered. Herschel hobbled into the room then shooing Daryl away as he stood in front of you. Carol at his side. 

I think they got her head” She put her hand gently on your face revealing the still bleeding section of your scalp that was missing. 

Carol held the rest of your hair out of the way while Hershel went about cleaning your scalp, Letting a hiss escape through your teeth as you felt the alcohol solution burn your head. 

Hershel gave you a small smile muttering his apology before continuing cleaning it out. Pressing a clean bandage he wrapped it around to staunch the bleeding.

Peering down at you he asked if there were any other injuries, You shrugged looking at yourself you honestly weren’t sure. 

Carol took over then “Let’s get you in the shower and we can get a better idea hmm?” 

Groaning you were exhausted, Now your muscles were finally relaxing you could feel the burn running through them from the over exertion. 

Stumbling to your feet you felt your knees give way before someone’s arms were suddenly around you. Looking up you saw Daryl pick you up carrying you bridal style towards the showers. As you got closer you tried to argue with him “Put me down Dixon” You spat “I can walk..” 

I’ll put ya down Y/N when we get there” He carried you straight to the stall. Putting your feet on the ground standing back and watching you grab the wall for support. 

Well are you just gonna watch or can i at least be allowed to shower alone?” You asked him, raising your eyebrow. 

He looked embarrassed now turning around “I’ll uh go get ya a towel” He walked to the other side of the room and returned hooking the towel over the door. 

Should probably get one myself now ya’ve covered me in blood” He let out a small chuckle looking at you through his eyelashes, Looking for some kind of response. 

Closing the door behind you, You turned away from him and turned the shower on letting it run over your still clothed body. 

Daryl took the hint and walked to the other side of the block of showers stripping off and standing under the water himself. 

When you heard his clothes hitting the side wall where he hung them you felt yourself blush. 

You started burning up thinking about him only feet away from you full naked. What you wouldn’t have given to have x ray vision right about now. 

Trying to concentrate on the task at hand you squeezed the water out of your clothes taking them off and letting them slap to the floor fully naked now. You thought you heard his breathing change, The room was silent except for the running water. His breathing was definitely deeper and sharper. 

Without meaning to you let out a small whimper when the water hit your scalp soaking through the bandage and making it burn all over again. You heard the stall door behind you open. 

Y/N? Are ya ok?” 

Fuck… Daryl get out I’m Naked!” 

You felt his hands on your shoulders, Your arms covering what you could of your body you turned to face him. 

He was staring into your eyes looking for any more signs of pain “Are Ya ok woman?” 

You nodded blushing when you saw that he was fully naked too. Averting your eyes picking a spot on the wall to stare at. 

Told ya i was fine, What do you care? You can leave now” 

He froze for a second with his hands still on your shoulders. You could almost hear his mind turning. He was so close you could feel the water droplets reflecting from your skin to his, His warm breath on your face. 

Your mind started going fuzzy while you were fighting with your eyes not to look at him.

One of his hands moved to your cheek, turning your head to face him. “I miss ya Y/N” he whispered as your eyes finally met. 

You could feel your eyes going blurry with tears trying to stop them from slipping over, Daryl noticed this putting his thumb to the side of your eye wiping away a tear. 

I wanted to do this when i got back, But well ya know what happened” 

He pushed his lips to yours gently, It was your turn to freeze. Putting your hands on his chest you pushed him away from you. 

You need to leave, Your girl will be looking for you” Trying to hide the hurt in your voice. 

He scoffed pulling you close again “Kat? She aint my girl. Ya are Y/N” he said confidently. 

When you didn’t reply he mumbled “Well i thought ya would be….Thought it were obvious” 

You looked at him nervously remembering how naked you both were again. 

Can we have this conversation when were not soo…..” 

Nah we can have it now Y/N. Did i read this wrong? Do ya not want me back?” 

I do Daryl, But i can’t compete with her..” 

He chuckled slightly “There ain’t no competition Darlin, I couldn’t give a shit who was here, Ya would be the only one i’d see, Ya are the most amazing woman in the world” 

You resolve crashed around you at his words, Pushing your face back to him and kissing him back finally!. Letting him wrap his arms around you and pull you close.

You let your arms fall from your chest pulling them up around his neck pulling him to you desperately now. 

After a few minutes you broke away gasping for air. “You’re the only one for me too, From the second we met” 

I’m falling for you Dixon” You admitted nervously. He grinned at you widely before pushing his lips back to your mouth, He let his hands wander now he pushed them slowly from your face down your back to your waist. 

You felt his cock growing harder the longer your embrace lasted. Soon it had sprung upwards and was resting on your stomach. 

He looked embarrassed now, “I want ya Y/N That ok?” 

I want you too, I want to feel you everywhere, Touch me Daryl” You purred before kissing him hungrily. 

After your permission he was like a man possessed, His fingers must have run over every inch of your skin, his lips following not far behind. He had left a few possessive marks down your skin on your neck. 

You didn’t care, you wanted them all to see that you were his now. Fucking Finally! 

Feeling his lips back at your neck with his hands on your ass he had turned you into a mewling mess. He moved his hands under your ass now pulling you upwards, By instinct you wrapped your legs around his hips feeling him throbbing now between you. 

He pushed you gently against the divider between your stall and the next, You found yourself grinding onto him. 

Loving the feeling of his arousal against your throbbing clit. You moaned into his mouth, you’re tongue desperately fighting with his. 

He moved your hips away panting again “Ya sure Y/N? Ya need ta tell me now if not, I can’t fight this much longer” 

Mmm I’m sure. Stop fighting Daryl. I’ve waited too long, Take me…Pleasee… ” 

He let a deep growl escape his throat as he positioned you over him sinking into you with one hit. 

Oh fuck!” You cried out feeling him slowly retreating out of you before slamming back in again. 

He chuckled slightly “Shh Ya don’t want them to hear us” 

Your head fell to his shoulder biting down to try and stifle the next moan ripping through your body as his pace increased. 

Your hands in your hair gripping onto him tightly as you felt yourself unwinding with him, Pushing your head off his shoulder you arched your chest into his loving the sensation his huge cock was having on your tight pussy. 

It only took a few more hurried thrusts before you both came undone in each other’s arms. Your lips met his again kissing him deeply while you rode out your high, He let out an animalistic growl as he came deep in you. 

You stayed in each other’s arms for a few more minutes panting not wanting this moment to end. Tapping his shoulders and laughing “I think we should finish showering now there going to wonder what’s going on” 

He groaned, putting you back on your feet, Grabbing the soap from the side. 

He pushed his lips close to your ear, his gravelly voice sending more shivers down your spine. 

I was just double checking for walker bites…..” He started washing you in small circles before handing you the soap and letting you wash him. 

Once you were both fully clean you looked around in panic “Shit… Don’t suppose you grabbed any extra clothes?” 

He shook his head “Wait here” Drying himself quickly you watched sadly as he went and grabbed his pants pulling them on quickly throwing his shirt into the basket for washing and left. 

When he returned he was wearing a shirt again and passed you a bundle of clothes.

Really?” You asked looking at his button up shirt and boxers.

He grinned nodding eagerly “Yea, Really I’ve always imagined you in that shirt” He winked. 

Oh well if i’m making a dream come true Mr Dixon how could i say no” You winked back. 

Hurry up Carol and Hershel are lookin for ya” You sighed wishing you could stay here for the rest of the day with him wrapped in your own little naked bubble. Pulling the shirt on first. You slowly buttoned it up keeping your eyes trained on him as you swayed your hips slightly. 

Fuck girl, If ya don’t hurry up we aint gonna be leaving here” You giggled picking up his boxers bending over deeply pulling them over your feet. He was behind you now. He knelt down and kissed your still wet folds pushing his tongue inside for a second making you gasp with pleasure before pulling away grabbing the boxers at your feet and pulling them up. 

I needed ta taste ya… Mmm i’ll be havin that later” He growled in your ear before giving your ass a harsh slap. “C’mon the sooner we get this over with the sooner i can have that sweet pussy again” 

You picked up your soaking clothes hoping you got most of the blood out of them earlier putting them in the basket with his. You would come back and grab both of your laundry later and do it yourself. You didn’t want Carol or one of the others to have to deal with it. 

Ready?” you asked, stopping at the door. 

He pushed his lips to you once more, swirling his tongue lovingly in your mouth before letting you go, grasping the door handle and pulling you both out of your bubble. 

As you both walked back onto the block you felt her eyes on you instantly glaring at your attire. 

Darrrryylll?” She whined running up to you both and slinging her arms around his neck ignoring you completely. 

Fucking really! You gave him a look and continued walking through the middle of the block all eyes were now on Daryl and Kat behind you. Some looked at you sadly as you walked away clearly upset. 

Fuck sake, Gerrof Kat!” 

Why baby…Thought you’d want to take me somewhere….private now you’ve finished babysitting her..” 

He called your name pushing her off you and running back to your side. Grabbing you by the hips he span you around into his arms. 

Forgetting about the people watching he pressed his lips to yours “I’m yours Y/N, Ya said ya were fallin….Well i already fell, I fuckin love ya” 

Grinning at him “Oh Daryl… I Love you too” He kissed you hungrily lifting you slightly off your feet in excitement.

Once you broke from the kiss Kat was glaring daggers at you, You gave her a smug smile. “You wanna take me somewhere private…Baby” You winked teasingly at him. 

Fuck yeah i do” Picking you back up bridal style again you passed Carol on the stairs. 

About time” She commented with a raised eyebrow and a knowing grin. 

Giggling you let him pull you back into your Cell again putting you on the bed he turned taping the blanket back up. 

C’mere honey” 

He made love to you again, Making sure from that day on wards that you would never question his love for you again.

Master List

Taglist :) 










Daryl x gender-non-specific!reader

spoilers: season 5/6 location

A/N: lemme wipe the dust off this blog real quick..


For a man appearing so stoic, it is beyond easy for you to see when he’s bouncing off the walls. Not literally; again, physically, the man is the picture of still. Perhaps stealthy is a better word. Since entering this American dream, Daryl Dixon has chosen the best vantage point that he has access to, seated on a windowsill that gives him full view of the makeshift family spread through the living room, and a direct line of sight out of the window, into the neighbour of make believe. His sharp, forever scowling eyes dart between the two views, checking everyone is alright and then reanalysing what’s outside. By now, the window looks pitch black, so how he can see a thing you really dont know, but you know he can.

And despite hoping his stance is unnecessary, instinctively, you have followed suit. On the opposite side of the room, you lean against the wall, keeping your back against it, standing at the perfect angle to see the front door. Your own gaze flickers between that and your family, assuring their safety just like your counterpart across the room. And somewhere in the middle, between every glance, your eyes meet his, a silent report to each other about your separate findings on your joint-purpose watch.

Deanna has long since left, but her appearance at the front door is what has caused your hyper vigilance here. It has been a good hour since then, you estimate, and nobody has come around since. The leader of this pretend settlement did say that she would ensure nobody else bothered you all tonight, perhaps you should take her word for it? Have a bit of faith?

Gravity pulls your gaze from the door to the other side of the room and lingers there, until Daryl meets your eyes again. He notices a different look in your eyes, and lingers too, just for another second, to make sense of it. Understanding your thoughts perfectly by analysing the look on your face, he nods, and does another scan of the room before setting his sights back to the window.

Sighing, you watch him longingly. You can see how much this place is already impacting him. A wild beast cooped up in the American dream, white picket fence and all, at the end of the world. It’s almost ironic; Daryl would say the only way he’d end up in a place like this is if it’s what his personal Hell looks like once he’s kicked the bucket, once his personal world ends, so to speak. If there was any danger of his emotions getting the better of him, you’d be surprised not to see him pacing around the room like an animal in a trap. That is exactly how he feels, after all. But he is choosing the still, patient and wary approach. Not showing anyone that could be peering in from outside any sign of weakness, smart. Still, even animals momentarily try to forget their fate in order to get some rest, they have to keep their strength up in case whatever has trapped them is going to need fighting in order to free themselves.

Crossing the distance of the living room, weaving in between members of the people you’ve come to love on your journey through the end of the world, you reach the person who has been the centre of yours for as long as you can remember. Your hands finds his, both of yours holding just one of his, and he squeezes your hand, but doesnt look at you.

Glancing over your shoulder, you lock eyes with Rick Grimes and share a silent question, answer, conclusion, and nod. He’s got it covered down here, he tells you with a look alone, and you give him a grateful smile before turning back to the captured, and secretly terrified, wild man.

Squeezing Daryl’s hand, you draw his attention back to you. His scowl softens at the sight of you, but turns confused upon your attempts at pulling him to a standing position. Wordlessly, he follows you, just your pinkies intertwined for ease of travelling together, a visible representation of the tether between your souls that has existed for as long as you can remember being. Rick pats Daryl’s shoulder as the two of you pass him, and while you can tell the rest of your family are somewhat confused by your ascension of the stairs, they trust you enough to understand that whatever the reason, it needs to be done. And it does.

Rounding the top of the staircase, you lead Daryl into the first bedroom you spot, gently pushing him to sit on the end of the bed while you close the door. He watches you, always mesmerised by whatever you do, always perplexed and waiting for an explanation, always excited by and so in love with whatever your reasons are for the things you do. There’s a white, fluffy blanket that seems to only serve as decoration for the bed, folded up beside Daryl, and you pick it up without a word. Unfolding it and holding it up behind you, your hands at two of the wide corners. Then, you’re approaching Daryl, your knees resting either side of his hips as you wrap the horizon of clouds around him, enshrouding you both. His hands hold your waist and he stares up at you in wonder.

“You, and me. Just you and me.”

Those are the words that pass your lips and break the silence, and as you lower your forehead to meet Daryl’s, his eyes close. He releases a breath he didnt realise he’d been holding in metaphorically since stepping through the gates of Alexandria. His hands around your waist are replaced by his arms, pulling you as close to him as humanly possible, and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, tucking his face into your neck. Further hiding away the man who only ever wants to show all of himself, when it’s you.

Daryl sniffles quietly against your collarbone, so overwhelmed by this place and the people, and by your love for him, that you show him at every possible opportunity, in the most gentle ways you can. Nobody has ever treated him like he’s something precious, something that could break. Granted, the chances of that are slim, but the fact there is still a chance doesnt make him weak, you taught him that.

Combing your fingers through his hair and absentmindedly detangling it, you shush him comfortingly. In a few minutes, his sniffling subsides, and you pull away from him slightly, just enough to cup his stubbled cheeks in your hands. Stormy Georgie skies clearing to sunnier days, a single spark of hope igniting behind them. A hope that whatever happens here, as long as he’s with you, Daryl knows things will be alright.

His years melt away from his face then, and the two of you are back in a forest that seemed endlessly taller than you both, the world an ever expanding mass of land that you became more aware of everyday. A smaller Daryl was sat on the ground, one of his knees up but one of them laid flat, covered in dirt and blood.

His face was stern for someone so young, he had sucked his lips inside his mouth as hard as he could, refusing to admit that he was in any kind of pain, that he had made such a rookie error and tripped while running. Already punishing himself, even before the age of seven. His focussed eyes were locked on you as you ran towards him, little legs carrying you as fast as they could until you collapsed to your own knees in front of him. Not caring about the scolding you’d get later for getting your skirt dirty, you swung your bright pink backpack off your shoulder and started digging through it. Had little Daryl’s mind not otherwise been occupied, you’re sure he would have made another timeless comment about that bag being the one thing that would make you impossible to miss if you ever got lost in the forest. When you retrieved an antiseptic wipe and small bandage from your bag that your mother had forced you to carry with you at all times, just in case, Daryl shook his head.

“Aint no way, I dont need-“

The look on your face, even back then, was enough to shut him up.

Without another word, you cleaned his wound, and Daryl had to try so hard not to let the tears burning his eyes flow free, or the hiss threatening to break through his lips pass and make you jump. Once it was clean, you bandaged it up as best as you knew how. It was sloppy, but you were only young then, and it did the job.

Little Daryl had watched you with bewildered, awestruck eyes. And then your gaze met his, and he could see the genuine worry you had for him over something so small.

“Are you alright?”

A question only you had ever asked him reached his ears, and suddenly his defences against his own tears were wearing thin. Daryl looked away from you, knowing if he admired you for a second longer, he’d be done for.

But you reached for his hand, he hadnt even noticed the way it had been clutching at the dirt. His eyes darted to his own hand, watching you gently take ahold of it, with a care nobody else had ever given him.

“You dont have to say you’re not, I know you’re not. It’s okay not to be, y’know.” You reassured him, so wise at such a young age. A smartass, actually.

Daryl nodded, unable to tear his gaze from your hands holding his as you brought them to his lap, the view blurring as his chin began to wobble.

You didnt make a big deal of it, seeing him break that first time. In reality, it wasnt that serious, you were just kids and the emotional turmoil of tripping over and grazing his knee was minimal. But the gesture, the sentiment, the way you had hugged him as he cried instead of ridiculing him, like all those close to him had always done, to train that response out of him. You, singlehandedly, made everything okay, when he wasnt.

And in all the years that have past since, that has only become more obvious. Daryl stares up at you with eyes familiar, his soul smiling at you through them adoringly as he takes the blanket from your hands and drapes it over your shoulders rather than letting you keep holding it over you both, his own care for you prevailing over anything else that may be on his mind.

“Okay?” You asked him.

“Naw,” Daryl shook his head. “But I will be, ‘s long as yer here.”

With that, you leant forward and placed a soft kiss against his lips. It’s momentary, but momentous, just like every other kiss you’ve ever shared with him. And Daryl remembers each and every one.

That night, when the two of you lie down to sleep on a bed that isnt yours, in a world run by the dead, Daryl stares up at the ceiling and replays the memory of every kiss, from the very first one up until the one you gave him before you drifted off to sleep. And as you snuggle up against his chest, desiring to be closer to him even when unconscious, Daryl realises that in that moment, when in the small world of a bedroom where the only two of you exist, he is okay again.


it’s been a while so my taglist is a bit out of date, please let me know if you’re on this list but your name has changed etc, or if you’re new and would like to be added to future works! :)


@iamburdened@evilbabyelf@of-storms-and-sadness@crossbowking @scootankle @citlalireedus @spidergirla5@jodiereedus22@thanossexual@captain-shannon-becker@cordialgargoyle@romanoffs-bitch@daryldixonandfrogs@just-always-tired@pillowjj@the-musical-doodle@likeablevillain@irrelevantyettopicalusername@notquitecannon@alyisdead@polkadottedpillowcase@twdeadfanfic@wishingtobeforeveryoung1994@sigynlokiem@courtnytrash04@thatwrestlingfan91@buttsology@prettylittleblog13@milariskanavasi@whatanicepanohthatsjustme @your-new-mom @daryls-angell @lilzebub@amaroho@bakedcrispss@yes-sir-hotchner@wasted-years@kpopandharry@madshelily@datidixon@dumandbass

When I Found You (Pt. 08 of 19)

Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.5 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (07)

Next part (09) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N: I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


On His Lips

“I’m telling you, Gregory won’t be ruling Hilltop for too long. The man is a prick. He sides with the Saviors and–” Colorful flying things get your attention, and when you look to your right, you see a bunch of balloons. “What is that?” Giving Daryl a look, you rush down the stairs into the open area, walking to where a small group of people stands. “Hey. What are you doing?”

“Hey, princess,” Laura says, and everyone quickly kneels. “We found some Helium and decided to make a competition.”

“What kind of competition?”

A silenced shot gets your attention and a balloon exploded midair. “We have to shoot the balloons. The higher we let them get before trying, the more points we get. I have thirty-five.”

“Doesn’t sound like your thing Laura.”

“Winner gets a peanut jar.”

“Mmm.” Looking at Daryl, who stopped some feet away, you smile. “Do you like a peanut?”

“Yeah.” He nods, glancing at the others.

“Then I’m in.” Smiling, you take the gun they’re using and tell Jared, the guy near the ballons to let one of them go. He releases a blue one, and you let it float away, the wind moving it a bit too far. You let it go as much as you can before shooting and successfully hitting it. “Bang!”

“And that makes… Twelve points.” Julian says from his place by the fence. There aren’t many walkers here, so there’s no problem.

“My turn,” Jared says and Anne takes his place.

The silly game goes on for a while, and you and Laura are the ones with the highest points. You do ask if Daryl wants to join, but he just said he trusts you to get that peanut jar. You understand him. Why would he even consider doing that with the people who wouldn’t think twice before killing his family? But you have to participate. You have to laugh and make heart eyes at Daryl… But the thing is the heart eyes aren’t even fake anymore.

“Oh, shit.” The exclamation gets your attention, and you almost miss the ballon.

Looking at Jim, you shrug your shoulders. “What? The game wasn’t my idea. Go piss off whoever invented it.”

“So defensive.” He chuckles, nodding at Daryl when he walks past him. “But that’s not what I meant.” Jim gestures at your legs, and you look down, taking in the simple dark jeans.

“Your statement will require further explanation.” Giving Anne the gun, you cross your arms. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing. It’s just that… Uhm… It’s tight. You never wear anything that tight.”

“Oh…” Giving Daryl a look, you get a small, quick smile that crosses his lips. It’s been around a month since the last time you hurt yourself, and the wounds are finally closing. Once and for all, said Daryl, and wearing your jeans doesn’t hurt anymore. “I decided to change a bit. And they’re super comfortable so…”

“Hey,” Daryl calls, and everyone looks at him at the same time. “Stop lookin’.” He says in a lower voice and for some reason, your cheeks warm up.

“Sorry…” Jim whispers, and you don’t think you were supposed to hear it. “Anyways. I wanna try that. Tell me how it works.”

And after this embarrassing episode, Jim joins the small party and you shoot balloons until they’re over. Laura won because Jim distracted you a couple of times, but she wanted to give you the jar. You didn’t accept though. She won it fairly, and you’re not Negan.

You’ve been keeping it in your mind, repeating it to yourself. You’re not Negan.

After the morning walk and having lunch with your father, you have nothing else to do. So you have to talk to Daryl about the thing. The thing. You’ve been avoiding it because you’re getting confused towards him. And you kinda have the feeling he’s getting confused too. Not everything feels like a game anymore. And more than once you caught yourself holding his hand even when walking through empty halls.

But you need to see past all that because a lot depends on it. So, taking a deep breath and trying to keep it professional, you knock on his door. You still wear the key around your neck, but you decided to knock first. Daryl is not a prisoner anymore.

“Hey.” You mutter, stepping inside. “Hope you’re not busy. We need to talk about our plan.”

“Ain’t ever busy when it’s about keepin’ Alexandria safe,” Daryl says, following you to the couch. “Did somethin’ happen?”

“Nope. We just need to work on the next levels…”

“As in gettin’ the hell out of this hellhole?” He asks and you giggle. Daryl did keep the promise. He intends on taking you to live in Alexandria, and as much as you think this won’t work easily, you have this fantasy of having a good, calm life away from the Saviours.

“Not yet…”

“What then?”

“Negan has been… Accepting the fact that we’re together. It doesn’t mean he’s not angry about it and it doesn’t mean he won’t crush Alexandria the moment we break apart. But we need to be more… Public about our relationship before I can ask him to give me Alexandria.” Making way too many pauses, you try not to blush. But you’re certain you’re failing.

“I don’t get it. We walk around, holding hands, huggin’. How can it be more public than that?” Furrowing his eyebrows, Daryl tilts his head to the side.

You were expecting him to get it, so you wouldn’t have to say it. “I know but… I know Negan, and he has to be one hundred percent convinced, so… We should…” Damn it. Getting up to your feet, you pace around. You’re an adult with a good plan. Just spit it out. “We need to be seen kissing. And not just a peck in the lips. A real kiss. And we have to make sure the word will get to Negan and we have to do it in front of Negan.”

Then, silence. Of course, there would be silence. You’re growing to know Daryl and you know he’s not all that comfortable with certain proximities.

“Fine.” He simply says after almost a whole minute.


“Yeah. I told ya I’d do anythin’ ta’ keep my family safe. Kissin’ ya won’t even be a great sacrifice. Just tell me when and we’ll do it.”

“No, no. If you act weird, it can be misunderstood. We need to… We need to act as if we’ve been doing it for quite a while so…”

“I don’t get it.”

Sighing, you clear your throat. “We need to train.”


“Mhmm.” Nodding, you sit down next to him again. “It has to look natural, mostly in front of Negan. He’s great at reading people and if he finds anything odd, he’ll push me against the wall and it’ll only force us to remain here longer.” Looking down at your hands, you shrug your shoulders. “I’m sorry you have to do this. I’m just trying to make it right so we can leave.”

“Fine.” He repeats, in a much lower and softer voice.

“Fine…” You mutter, slowly raising your eyes to look at Daryl. “I-I was thinking we could start now… I-if that’s alright with you.”

Daryl nods, blue eyes looking intensely at you.

“So… When was the last time you kissed someone?” The question only comes because you don’t know what to do. So talking will at least fill the silence.

“Two years before the outbreak, I think. Some hooker Merle set me up with.” Daryl looks down, a sad chuckle leaving his lips. “The asshole paid her to pretend she liked me.”

“I’m sorry your brother was a jerk.” You say, touching his forearm.

“How about ya? Have ya ever kissed Jimmy-boy?”

“No, never.” Smiling, you fold a leg under yourself. “For me, it was a high school crush. But after that nobody seemed worth kissing.”

“Sorry, yer being forced to kiss me. I’m not worth kissing either.”

“From all the men I met after the world went to shit, you’re the only one who really deserves to be kissed, Daryl Dixon.” Saying this changes things. It makes them complicated and turns this into more than just a meaningless kiss. But that’s something you need him to know. “Mmm… Let’s just do it then.”


“Alright…” You repeat, hoping he can’t notice how your cheeks are probably as red as a tomato now. But knowing Daryl, you know nothing goes past him. “Let’s do this and see how we feel.” Clearing your throat, you move closer to him, hands on his shoulders. “Okay…” Your heart is beating so fast you wonder if he can actually hear it.

Kissing Daryl shouldn’t be this hard. If this is just something you have to do, like a job, to keep people safe, it shouldn’t be this hard. But right now, being so close, looking into his eyes, you can’t have this as only a plan.

Daryl was the first one you allowed in. The first one to understand how you feel about this place… The one who knows about your self-harm and who’s helping you not to do that anymore.

So he’s a lot more than just a plan.

Daryl is a good man. A handsome, amazing man, and you just noticed you want to kiss him. And not just because you’ll have to act up before Negan.

“Are we goin’ to do this or have ya changed yer mind?” Daryl speaks suddenly, and you notice you’ve been frozen for a while.

“Yeah, I just… Don’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable. So we should just start slow and… See how it goes.”

“Alright.” He reluctantly nods, and you know that he won’t make the first move.

So you decide to just do it.

Ending the small distance between you, eyes closed, you finally connect your lips to his on a simple kiss. It doesn’t really feel like a kiss since he didn’t do anything. But you gotta make it work, it doesn’t matter how you feel, or how he feels. This is bigger than both of you.

Taking his hands, you place one on your waist and the other on your cheek, but he barely touches you. It’s a beginning though. And you kiss him again, a little harder, moving to sit on his lap for better proximity. Then, he finally moves. Slowly, his lips start moving with yours, and you swear to God you feel a little dizzy, like the world stopped spinning.

This is good, you think. It’s working and that’s definitely something you can get used to. But then, unexpectedly, both of Daryl’s hands come to your waist, holding and pulling you closer, until your body collapses to his chest. Neither of you breaks the kiss, instead, it only grows, more intense, with more need. You don’t know what’s going on, but you don’t care. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you part your lips more, allowing him in, deepening the kiss. All other thoughts are gone, there’s nothing else than Daryl’s lips. And he tastes amazing, he feels amazing, holding you like that.

But eventually, you’re out of breath, so you have no choice but to break the kiss. But even when you’re apart, neither of you move away. You just stay there, catching your breaths.

“Good… That’s good… If we recreate this in front of Negan he won’t ever doubt us.” You whisper, your forehead on his. “We just have to… Keep doing this until it becomes natural…”

“I agree,” Daryl mutters right before kissing you again. But this time, he moves differently, and when you notice he’s pushing you, lying you down on the couch, you don’t even resist.

The next thing you know is that Daryl is on top of you, and you’ve been making out as if this was real. As if you were truly in love.

The whole world is silent as Daryl stares at the ceiling. His mind, unlike everything else, is very loud. What was supposed to be some kind of preparation for Negan to see, became a habit. It’s been a little more than a week since Daryl kissed the angel-like girl for the first time, and he doesn’t think he can go a day without doing that.

She tastes like heaven, like candy, and things he never thought he’d taste again. And he has become addicted to it, to her, because there isn’t a moment he’s not thinking about her.

And it seems like she enjoys his presence too, or else she wouldn’t be sleeping on his bed right now, curled up to his chest.

(Y/N) doesn’t know, but he likes to watch her sleep. Her beauty is captivating as always, and she looks peaceful. She barely moves now, unlike before, since she told Daryl her sleep was restless. But it changed, along with many things. She doesn’t hurt herself anymore, and the wounds are closed, never to be reopened. Because he’ll never let her do that again.

“Daryl…” She mutters, voice barely a whisper, getting his attention.

“Huh?” He grunts, a hand softly caressing her cheek.

“You’re warm.” (Y/N) says, fingers blindly finding his chin and a small, tired smile forming on her lips.

Daryl is a loss of words when it comes to (Y/N). A loss of feelings, a loss of thoughts. But he decided not to think too much. Daryl has always been a thinker, and he goes through things over and over again. But with her, he decided to just act. The future is still a big question mark, but somehow, he doesn’t know how yet, he found something good here. In this shitty place, filled with evil people. He found a ray of sunshine. A light inside the warm girl lying next to him.

Daryl never thought he knew what love is. And maybe he doesn’t know yet, but he’s sure the feelings (Y/N) provokes are part of it. So he’ll keep her close, he’ll protect her, and, when this is over, if she’s fine and wants a distance, he’ll stay away.

But right now, he can hold her. And so he will.



When I Found You (Pt. 07 of 19)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.6 K

Summary: You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (06)

Next part (08) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


A Little Piece of the Sun

“It’s nothing. Let go!” If you managed to keep it together, to keep a straight face, maybe you could fool him. Make him leave. But you’re breaking down, crying, yelling, pushing him. “Get out, Daryl!”

“Who hurt ya?” He asks, voice raised to match yours.

“Nobody! Get out.” In your crying, you don’t have enough strength to push Daryl. And even if you had, he’s bigger, taller, stronger. So it doesn’t take much until you’re pushed back to the living room, bitter tears clouding your sight.

“(Y/N), what–” He suddenly pulls your robe up, and your thighs get exposed. “What the hell is that?” He yells, but his expression softens, and when Daryl looks down at your vulnerable, broken figure, he’s not angry. Or mad.

He’s broken too.

“Why?” He asks in a lower voice, letting go of your robe.

A silence falls as you stand there, way too close in a place nobody can see you, crying, sobbing. Closing your eyes shut, you grab his vest, the one with angel wings, because you feel like you’re just about to fall. And if you do, you’ll break into a thousand pieces.

“I-I…” Stuttering, you shake your head. “Just leave me. Just leave me.” You plead, barely hearing your voice. “Please. Nobody can see that. Nobody can know.”

Silently and gently, Daryl pushes you down, and you sit on the couch. He then disappears into your bedroom, and you don’t even want to know why. Looking down at your hands, you see all the blood stuck under your nails. You didn’t have time to clean it.

When you hear him coming back, you look up, quickly noticing the first aid kit he’s carrying.

“Ya left it in yer bed.” He mumbles, settling down next to you. “Ya planned this.”

You don’t answer, you just keep looking at your hands. Daryl doesn’t say anything either. He moves to sit on the wooden coffee table, and slowly lifts your robe and gives you a look as if asking for permission. But you don’t mind. Your mind is too far away.

Daryl’s hands are soft, and as he cleans the wounds, that go from the top of your thighs to your knees, you flinch a little. But he’s fast, and soon enough he’s done, wrapping gauze around your thighs. Then, he puts the small box next to him and stares at you.

“I knew somethin’ was off.” He mutters, but still, you can’t bring yourself to look at him. “Ya always wear pants a little too baggy for ya. And ya grab yer legs when yer nervous or uncomfortable… I thought it was just a habit.”

Staring at Daryl’s blue eyes, you still can’t say anything. And what could you say anyway? Should you tell him how those people had fun killing his family?

A sob escapes your mouth and you hide your face with both hands. Nobody was ever supposed to see you this way. Nobody was supposed to know what you do to relieve the pain… Or payback for the pain you caused.

Daryl felt his heart breaking. Because hers is broken. Seeing (Y/N) like this, terribly, inconsolably sad… Seeing her hurt herself

The tears glisten, reflecting the living room light, and Daryl knows he can’t stay still. He can’t just do nothing when she’s like that. So he gets up, without saying anything, and carefully bends over, picking (Y/N) Up in his arms. Of course, he expects her to push him, to give him an angry look, to ask him to let go of her. But instead, she silently, shyly even, wraps her arms around his neck, allowing him to lift her. Daryl takes carries the angel-like girl to her bedroom, setting her down on the bed.

She immediately curls up, the soft, pink fabric of her robe lifted, exposing the white gauze. But the image of the wounds, clearly made by fingernails, burns in his head. Long and slim, open, with blood still coming out of them. There are many, some brand new, others, older, were reopened. There are also scars, meaning she’s been doing that for a long time. She puts more strength on her index and middle finger, but the others do some damage too.

Daryl wonders what drives her to do this. To pierce and slice her skin. His eyes move through her body, taking in the sweet details he can’t stop thinking about. Her face is stained by many tears, which keep coming, but it doesn’t change how beautiful she is. Her little hands, clenched into fists, hide her mouth from him. When his eyes travel down, he feels his cheeks burning.

(Y/N) is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, he can’t ignore it anymore. But she’s more than that. She was put in this life, surrounded by the worst people this world could create, she has been offered a position people would die for. She could rule this place, she could be just like her father. But she’s the far opposite.

By everything Daryl has seen of her, (Y/N) is honest, kind, and she’s trying to help people. He has seen her taking food and medicine, giving them to those who don’t have enough points to buy them. She’s different. A light in this dark place.

“Why are you staring…” She asks in a soft, low voice, teary eyes now open and set on him.

And it breaks his heart to see her this way. Daryl has to know why. He has to help her somehow.

“Why, (Y/N)?” Daryl asks, his voice, always a bit raspy, sounds soft. “Why would ya do this ta’ yourself?”

“You should be happy about it.” You burst out, sitting up, staring at him. “My father killed your friends. Your group, your family. You should be happy I’m getting hurt!”


“This is what I deserve for all the people we’ve hurt. For those, we killed, for those we crippled, and for those who were left alive, suffering. I-I…” Your voice fades, and you look down, hands involuntary going to your thighs, squeezing them.

“Hey. Don’t!” Daryl is quick to grab both your wrists and you don’t even try to fight against his grip. He sits on the bed next to you, but you don’t dare to look into his eyes. “It’s not yer fault, hear me? What Negan does, that’s on him. Yer tryin’ ta’ help people, the best ya can, and this is who you are.”

It comes to you like a wrecking ball, crashing your ribs, destroying you inside out. You’ve seen what this world turned your father into. The monster it created. You know some people deserve to die because the world will be a better place without them. But a shot in the head is enough. What they do here is torture, madness… And they do it with innocent people, just because they can, or because they want to. “Daryl, I…” Stuttering, you feel yourself breaking down. But you can’t. Not in front of him. Or anyone. “Please, go… You’re not supposed to see me like this. N-nobody should see me like this.”

“Want me ta’ call Jim?”

“No!” You’re quick to answer. “No. He doesn’t know… He doesn’t… Not about all this… I-I’m all alone in this.”

“Not anymore.”

The moment he says it, you raise your head to look at him. “Y-you don’t have to… Really, I’m ok.” Your voice breaks in the end, because that’s a lie you’re tired to say.

Daryl is silent for a while, those bright blue eyes, beautiful and calming, set on yours. His presence makes you feel at ease, safe, and protected, something you haven’t felt in so long. “Come here.” He whispers, letting go of your wrists and arms opening to you.

For a moment, you’re frozen, tears never stopping to roll down, and you look at him.

You never thought you’d be in this situation with Daryl. Or that he’d even want to do that. But you don’t even try to fight it. You just collapse against him, head on his chest as more sobs run through your body.

“Shh. ‘S alright, Sunshine. ‘S alright.” Daryl mumbles, softly caressing your hair. It doesn’t take much until you both lie down, not letting go of each other.

You spend some time in silence, holding onto his vest, making sure he won’t go anywhere. After a while, your tears are dry, and the only thing getting your attention is the light headache and the familiar pain on your thighs. But besides that, everything feels peaceful.

“It’s getting late,” Daryl whispers, and you only nod. “I can leave ya to sleep if ya want.”

Yeah, you should probably let him go. But still, the thought of being alone again, with your thoughts and memories makes you shake your head. “C-couldn’t you stay? Just… Please.”

“Only if we talk about it. Do ya think ya can?”

No. “Okay.”

Then, more silence. “Wanna stay like this?” You quickly nod, not wanting to be away from him. This is an awkward position to be in. Lying on the bed, Daryl’s arms around you as you hide your face on his chest. But you need this. You need this man with you right now or else you’re sure you’ll break all over again. “Tell me why. No excuses, no justifications. Just plain and simple. Why do ya hurt yourself?”

“Because I’m part of this. And this… This gets people hurt. And killed.” Struggling not to cry all over again, you say it. The truth, all of it. For the very first time. “So I deserve this. Just a little bit of pain for all the agony I cause.”

“Yer not the one to do this. Ya don’t pull the trigger, ya don’t manage the knife.”

“Rob was eaten alive because he pushed me.”

“Rob was a rapist and a murderer.” He’s quick to add. “Heard the man talkin’. He deserved ta’ be dead.”

“But what about all the others?” Raising your head, you look at him. “What about Glenn and Abraham? What about all the sick games Negan played with your family? With Hilltop? All those good, innocent people just trying to survive.”

“Yer not Negan.” As he speaks, Daryl brings a hand to your cheek, fingers softly caressing your skin. “And I mean both because he’s yer dad and because of this whole ‘I am Negan’ thing goin’ on here. Yer not him, yer so much better.”

“D-do you really believe that?”

“Yeah.” He nods, eyes never leaving yours. “I hated ya in the beginning. Blamed ya for this too, for what happened to me, but now I see yer nothin’ like that. Yer nothin’ like them.”


“If this plan we have goin’ on works, ya could come live in Alexandria.” The words come out fast, and it looks like he’s still thinking about it as he speaks. But then, he nods, taking a deep breath. “Ya don’t need ta’ run away, stay alone. Ya could stay with us.”

“No, Daryl… They’ll hate me and they’ll be right to do so… And at least from here I can somehow help people.”

“We can find a way to keep helpin’ them, I know we can and…” His voice fades, and his face gets an expression you can’t read. “Once they know ya, they’ll like ya. I’ll tell them what ya did, what yer still doin’. They’re good people, they’ll see yer good too.”

Moving even closer, you close your eyes, your forehead touching his. “Would you really do that for me…?”

“I will. This is no place for ya, Sunshine”

“… Sunshine?” You ask, a low chuckle escaping your lips.

“Because yer a little piece of the sun in this dark, sick place.” He whispers after some seconds of silence. “The only good thing in here.”

“Two things then… Me and you.” You decide to add, despite your cheeks getting hot and red.

“Mmm.” He mumbles, moving his hand from your cheek to encircle your waist again. “Now get some sleep. Ya need it.”

“Will you stay… Until morning?”

“I will.”

• • •

You peacefully wake up, slowly and lazily, taking a deep breath. You’re quick to notice you’re not alone, and yesterday’s happenings come back to your head.

Daryl’s chest moves as he breathes, and for some reason you smile, snuggling closer to him, welcoming his warmth.

“Mornin’.” He suddenly says, startling you a little.

“Hi…” You mutter, rubbing your eyes. “Didn’t know you were awake.”

“Woke up a couple of minutes ago.”

“Mhmm.” You fall into a comfortable silence again until you notice something. “Did I move a lot? My sleep is restless so I’m always…” Your voice fades as you try to understand how you’re pretty much in the same position as yesterday night. “…I’m always moving.”

“Yer didn’t move at all,” Daryl says, and you sit up, looking down at him.


“Yeah…” He nods, sitting up as well. “I’m gonna make ya something to eat.”

“Daryl, wait.” You grab his hand before he stands up, making him sit down again. “What… What you said last night… Did you really mean it?” You didn’t want to just spit it out, but you need to know.

“I did.” He nods, eyes hidden by his hair. “All of it.” The fear that you felt disappears. The look on his face is the same as before, soft and kind. And when he takes your hand on his, you can’t help but smile. “Yer not alone. I know ya don’t like ta’ feel vulnerable but ya don’t have to hide it. Not from me, alright?”

“Alright.” You say, voice barely a whisper.

“C'mon, ya need ta’ eat.” He stands up and so do you, heading to the kitchen.

This time you help him make the sandwiches and eat in silence before organizing the kitchen. You’re finishing when a loud knock on the door gets your attention. And by the way, the person knocks, you know it’s Negan. Putting the dishcloth down, you look at Daryl.

“I’ll stay in the bathroom until he leaves.”

“No, no.” Taking a deep breath, you fix your hair the best you can. “We’re still playing. It’ll be good for us if he sees you here.” Walking to the door, you straighten your robe before noticing the bandages can be seen. “Shit.” Stepping back, you sigh. “Daryl. Open the door and let him in. Don’t say anything stupid, I need to change.”

“What do ya mean by don’t say anythin’ stupid?”

“Just open the door please. Trust me, he’s not going to hurt you.” Rushing to the bedroom, you take off the robe and put on the first clothes you find, ears paying attention to what’s going on in the living room. But you don’t hear anything after the door is open.

Putting some pants on and one of the old shirts you use to sleep you walk out, making sure to smile when you see Negan. “Hi, dad. What are you doing here so early?” Both men stand side by side. Daryl is tense, angry, as he always is when Negan is close by. And your father is beyond pissed off.

“I’m more interested in what he’s doing here so early.” Negan gestures at Daryl, walking over the couch and letting himself fall on it.

“He spent the night here.”

“What?!” Negan shouts, giving Daryl a hard glance.

“He just slept here.” You explain yourself, sighing, crossing your arms. “We were talking, it got late and I invited him to crash here.”

Shrugging your shoulders, you stare at Negan, who looks… Perplexed. Like he just realized something new. “Is it just me or are you and this piece of shit over there getting real?”

“First of all, Daryl is not a piece of shit.” Walking over him, you hold his hand, fingers intertwining. “And second, yes, we’re… We’re getting real.” Squeezing his hand, you give him a look.

“We’re datin’,” Daryl says, and you have to control yourself not to look surprised. You weren’t expecting that.

“You and your damn group are so lucky I love my daughter,” Negan says, the voice suddenly dark. He bends forward, elbows resting on his knees. “But I must tell you now when this is over, it’s over. I’ll hunt Rick down, and get my plans from where I left them.” He stands up, sighing. “I’ll annihilate you and your people from the face of Earth. I promise you that, Daryl. And if you ever hurt my baby, your death will take weeks.”

With another sigh and a nod, Negan moves to the door, but not before placing a kiss on your forehead.

“That was a threat,” Daryl mutters when your father is gone.

“I’m not gonna let him fulfil it. That’s my promise.”



When I Found You (Pt. 06 of 19)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.7 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (05)

Next part (07) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


Bloody Secrets

Daryl was impressed that what (Y/N) promised was happening. Negan ceased to bug Alexandria, but he knew it was only a pause. He knew this act had to go on, for the sake of the people he cares about. His family.

He missed them, every single one of them. Rick, Carol, Maggie. God, he needs to know how she and the baby are. Little Ass Kicker, Carl, and Michonne. Sasha, Rosita, Denise. As he lies down on the couch, he thinks about them. He never felt welcome before, not even by his blood relatives as he feels by this random bunch of people he stumbled upon when the world went to shit.

But the truth is that he thought doing this would be harder. Daryl started despising the angel-like girl the moment he saw her. She was one of them, a Savior. And when she proposed all this, he knew he had to suck it and get on with this stupidity. But now things are different.

Daryl is seeing (Y/N), the girl behind the Savior mask. The vulnerable human being. He had a special sight of it when she was hurt, two weeks ago. He never felt so protective of someone before, and certainly not someone like her. A girl, still a stranger in many ways. And now there are feelings inside him that he just can’t understand, it doesn’t matter how hard he tries.

What does it mean when you close your eyes and someone’s face pop right up? And what does it mean when your heart starts beating faster when this someone walks into the room?

Too many questions Daryl can’t answer. And he hates not having the answer.

Good thing he doesn’t have to. Not now.

When he looks at the clock, he sets it in motion, leaving the apartment and going to the place she told him to.

Today, Rob will be made an example of.

He finds a crowd on the Northside of the compound, near the fences where a lot of walkers are tied up to. Making his way through the people, getting some angry looks and rude words, Daryl finds her, standing right on the front line, next to her bodyguard. (Y/N)’s eyes find him quickly, and there’s a look he can’t understand.

“Daryl.” She mumbles as he walks over to her. She wants to say something, but she can’t. Not here, where people could hear it. It’s insane how easily Daryl learned to read her.

He’s about to say something when voices make him look to his left. It doesn’t take much for him to spot Negan, and half a dozen people coming out, opening the gate, and walking around the walkers to stand right in front of the crowd. They drag a badly hurt Rob with a bag over his head.

“Well, well, well.” Negan chants, and immediately, people start kneeling. He hates it. But it’s not the first time he’s forced to degrade himself in such a way.

Daryl stands his ground for a while, but when he sees near him kneeling down, he knows he has to. Everything to keep up the act. To keep his family safe.

He’s just about to bend the knee when he feels (Y/N)’s hand grabbing his. For a moment he freezes, unsure of what to do. Looking up at her, he finds a silent sentence, written all over her face.

We do not kneel. It burns through his brain as her fingers intertwine with his. A sensation he never felt before.

Looking ahead again, he sees a very annoyed Negan staring right at him, eyes falling on their connected hands.

“Rise up.” He commands, and so it happens. “We’re here today for a special occasion.” In a fast move, a man pulls the bag off Rob’s head. “This fella over here stepped way beyond the line.” He hisses, swinging his bat in the air. “He hurt my baby girl.”

“I-I’m so sorry.” Rob bags, blood coming off his mouth.

“Just kill him already.” (Y/N) mutters in a low voice, so low he’s not sure if he was supposed to hear it.

“Shut up!” Negan shouts. “And we all know that nobody. Touches. My. Baby. Girl.” He hits Rob, but not on the head as Daryl was expecting, on both his legs. And everyone here heard bones breaking. “This is an example of what happens to those who disobey my orders or hurt my daughter!” He shouts again, yelling at the crowd. “It will not be tolerated! Simon! Mark!” He calls, and both men step ahead, already grabbing Rob and pulling him up. “Show people what we do to those who can’t follow simple rules.”

And so it begins. Rob is pushed forward to a spot where a walker can reach. And it does. Simon makes sure Rob’s legs are reached first, and as he screams in agony and tries to crawl away, they push back, over and over, until the walker finally gets his hands and teeth on Rob’s guts. Then, it’s dead silence. All that can be heard is the screaming, and after a while, incomprehensible moaning and the sound of flesh being torn apart.

Daryl doesn’t know how he feels about it. Rob’s death is probably for the better, but dying like this… Nobody deserves it.

“(Y/N)?” Jim suddenly calls, and at the same moment, he feels her grip on his hand getting loose as she collapses on the floor. “(Y/N)!”

Jim is quick to move, ready to pick her up. But it happens almost at the same time, without Daryl even noticing. (Y/N) reaches for him instead, and he’s fast to lift her up.

“What the hell is going on?” Negan asks, but Daryl doesn’t give a shit. The girl in his arms feels like she’s passing out anytime soon, and he has to take her away from this gruesome scene.

The crowd moves out of his way, as (Y/N) hides her face in the crook of his neck.

You’re glad when Negan and the doctor finally leave. You didn’t want all this attention, so you’re relieved when it’s just Jim and Daryl. From your place seated on the bed, you sigh, looking down at your hands.

“Jim, can you spread up that I didn’t have breakfast? That I wasn’t feeling well for a couple of days?”

“Sure.” He nods.

“Can you go and do it, please? They know we’re close, they’ll believe you.” Reaching out your hand, you smile when Jim grabs it.

“You don’t have to say please, (Y/N).” With a playful shake, Jim stands up and walks out.

Daryl only moves when the door closes, taking Jim’s place at the armchair near the bed. Taking a deep breath, you pull your legs, hugging your knees. “Thank you for–"

“Why did ya faint that way?”

“I didn’t faint.”

“Ya almost did.”

“Daryl, I–”

“Don’t lie to me.” He cuts you off, and you close your eyes for a while, just to gather your thoughts.

“Nobody deserves to die like that.” You speak up, raising your voice at the frustration. “Nobody! I wanted him dead, yes, but not like that. Not like that.” Your hands go to your thighs, squeezing it a little and shooting pain through your skin. You take a deep breath, taking it in. The long, bloody scratch marks are here, and you can’t wait until you’re alone to draw some more. It makes you smile a bit, knowing you have this to relieve you. A little bit of pain for all the unbearable pain you cause.

“What the hell are ya doin’?”

“Nothing.” You mutter, running your hands through your hair. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you, so it’s good you’re here.”

“Was it true?” He suddenly asks.


“That ya didn’t have breakfast.”

“Oh… Yeah.” Confused, you furrow your eyebrows. You didn’t know Daryl got that part. “I didn’t sleep well so I woke up late for the thing and just… Just didn’t eat.” Without saying anything, Daryl nods and gets up, leaving the bedroom. “Hey, where are you going?” Stumbling off the bed, you follow the man… Who’s not going out, just to the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

“Makin’ ya somethin’ ta’ eat.”

Furrowing your eyebrows again, you lean against the door frame. “Just make enough for both of us.” Daryl is a mystery, one you’ve been trying to discover. Biting your lip, you walk to the kitchen, sitting on the table and watching Daryl move around. He gives you a few glances whenever he takes something as if waiting for you to tell him not to.

“So… Do you usually cook for people you hate or am I just lucky?” Breaking the ice, you take in the amazing scent of bacon.

“I don’t hate ya.”

“Mmm… My father killed Abraham. And Glenn, whose wife is pregnant…” Drawing figures on the wooden table, you sigh. “He psychologically abused your group. How can you not hate his daughter?”

“‘Cause yer not Negan.” As he speaks, Daryl puts a plate in front of you. Scrambled eggs with basil and bacon, and it was only now you noticed how your stomach hurts.

“…Can I tell you something?” Whispering, you have your eyes on Daryl as he serves himself and sits across from you.

“Yeah. But eat.” Jerking his chin at you, he only starts eating when you do.

You eat in silence for a while until your stomach stops complaining. “I… I wanted to run away a while ago.” You finally say, keeping a low voice. “Couldn’t take it anymore so I just… Just wanted to go. Find a place, be by myself but… I’m not a survivor, you know? I can fight, I can hunt and everything but… The truth is that there are a lot of evil people out there. And eventually, I would have ended up with them. And I don’t want to get hurt or… raped… I’m safe from those things here.”

“I don’t blame ya for that. I’ve been around for quite a long time and I’ve seen a lot of evil men.” Daryl’s eyes burn on you, and there’s something in them, anger, sudden and unexpected. “And a pretty girl like you would drive them mad.”

Blushing and looking down, you giggle. “Save that up for when we’re around people. It’s of no use here.”

“I ain’t lyin’.”

“Yeah, I–” You’re cut off when you hear the door being open, and when you hear Negan’s laugh, you roll your eyes.

“(Y/N), come–” He stops the moment he gets in the kitchen, and despite having your back at him, you know he’s staring at Daryl. “Can we have lunch? Like a normal family?” He says in an annoyed voice.

“Only if Daryl can come.”

“Nope. Just you and me. Family only, c'mon.” He stands next to you, and you look up at him. “We need some father and daughter moments… And we need to talk about this whole thing going on here.” He gestures at you and then at Daryl.

“Fine, Dad…” Sighing, you give Daryl an apologetic look. “I’ll just finish here then I’ll go. Can we cook some of mom’s recipe?”

“Great!” He exclaims. “Now get over with whatever this shit is.” And he leaves, but not before giving Daryl an angry stare.

Taking a deep breath, you continue eating.

“If ya need me, ya know where ta’ find me,” Daryl says and you nod, raising your head to look at him.

Some time after you’re both done eating, he helps you with the dishes. You’d like to lie down for a while, but since Negan wants an update on your love life, you go straight to him.

You make one of your favorite recipes, and you chat as it cooks. You reassure Negan over and over again that you and Daryl are becoming a thing. That the interest is mutual.

Once you both eat, you decide to stay a little longer. You were feeling dizzy, so you crashed on the couch for some hours, and that’s when the childhood memories started being brought up. You miss those times. You miss your mother, Lucille, and you miss the man your father was. The man who didn’t enjoy killing or hurting people.

You were lost in that sweet time when some of the Saviors got here. Being Negan’s favorites, they were invited to stay and have drinks. You immediately felt uncomfortable, but for the sake of appearances, you stayed, chatted, and laughed.

Until they started talking about the people they killed.

Until they started talking about Daryl’s family.

With an excuse, you left, but on the way to your apartment, their voices echo through your head.

“That one was tough.” Simon said, in between laughs. “Skull cracked open and still standing.”

“There was some of his brain on my boots.” Mark mocked.

“And the Chinese guy?” Simon basically yelled, laughing too hard.

“God, that one was fun. Eye popped out and still talking.” Your father added, and all the others joined the laughter.

“And his super hot pregnant widow? I’d totally bang her.” It was the last thing you heard before going out.

You’re a crying mess when you get to your apartment, closing the door behind your back and safely locking it.

All the pain Negan caused is too great. A child will grow without their father. A wife was left alone. Friends lost a dear one.

Before you can even notice, you’re already in the bathroom, pants taken off, and fingernails scratching the outside of both your thighs. The pain makes you cry even more, but that’s nothing compared to all the pain the Saviors cause.

That you cause, because you’re one of them.

Sobbing, you only stop when your fingertips are covered in blood, and it drips down your legs.

You move straight into the shower because you need to make sure the wounds are clean. After a while, you hear a knock on the door, which makes you close the water. Rolling your eyes, you quickly dry yourself and put on your panties, and the light pink robe before heading to the door to dismiss whoever came. Walking makes you feel dizzy, and your head is full of images of death.

This is what you are. Death.

“What the hell do you want?” You say as you open the door, half hiding behind it. But when you see Daryl, you freeze, your heartbeat increasing. Or maybe stopping.

“Came ta’ check on…” His voice fades when his eyes fall on your hand, resting on the door near your head. Confused, you follow his gaze, and it takes no time for you to notice what he just saw.

You didn’t have time to clean the blood under your nails.

“What’s that?” He asks, and you immediately push the door close. But Daryl is faster, pushing it open and stepping inside, grabbing your hand and taking a better look at what you can’t hide anymore. “What is this?”



When I Found You (Pt. 05 of 19)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.6 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (04)

Next part (06) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N: I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!



Daryl couldn’t do much but follow the commotion. Jim carries a passed out (Y/N) in his arms, but when he was about to follow him into her apartment, a sea of men, led by Negan himself pushed him away. Among the yells, someone told him to leave, and so he did.

On the way to his apartment, there was this thing that wouldn’t stop bugging him.

Daryl tried hard to understand what it was, and when it finally clicked, he fought hard to ignore it.

He couldn’t be actually worried about her. (Y/N) is just a tool, a method for him to keep those he cares about safe. But for some reason, which he doesn’t understand, there’s this feeling inside him. Pacing around the living room, he tries to think and not to think at the same time.

That asshole threw her off the railing, and she hit the ground hard, on her back. It wasn’t too high, but she passed out immediately. The image of her tiny body collapsing keeps playing over and over in his head. It doesn’t take long until he realizes he wants that man dead. Part of him wants to go out there and do it himself. But there’s a process here, that he’s sure about, and that asshole will pay a high price for his audacity.

Nobody touches the princess.

But Daryl is failing to see her as the stupid title people forced on her. All he sees is a girl, strong, but somehow fragile. There’s strength in her, bright and solid, but also something he still can’t understand. (Y/N) breaks sometimes. She fakes it, she turns away, but it’s there. The reason is still a mystery to him, but with time, he’ll learn it.

The afternoon passes slowly, and by the clock in the living room, he can see as the night approaches. And yet, not a word from anyone.

Daryl knows what his priority is. If (Y/N) dies, nothing will stop Negan from doing whatever he pleases with his group. And he sure is worried about that. But there’s a tiny part, deep inside, that is truly worried about her. There was blood, he saw it, but he couldn’t place where it was coming from.

“Damn it.” He grunts, pushing himself up from the couch. He’s sick and tired of thinking about her. If she lives, that’s good. But if she dies, he’ll find a way out of here. And that’s it.

Daryl is about to make himself something to eat when a knock on the door gets him on full alert. Taking a knife, he slowly makes his way to the door. Whoever it is, they could be bringing the news Daryl doesn’t even want to think about. Can someone die falling from that height? He really hopes not.

“Open up, Dixon. I don’t have all night.” It’s Jim, and the knocking gets louder. Sighing, Daryl rushes this time, pulling the door open with the knife ready. Jim quickly finds the weapon, but he just rolls his eyes. “Finally.” Way too abruptly for his taste, the man enters the apartment, pushing the door close. “Listen, (Y/N) is awake and for some reason, she wants you there. I don’t know if this is part of the pretending or not but…” His voice fades, and he steps back. To Daryl is crystal clear that Jim has feelings for (Y/N). He just doesn’t know why he hasn’t told her yet. “Look, she’s bad. I mean, she’ll survive, of course, but she has a concussion and some piece of metal cut her back. The thing is she’s calling for you. Negan yelled, she yelled back but the Princess wants what she wants and right now, she wants you.”

“Alright.” It’s the only thing he says to Jim’s long speech. But the last part, the last three words, echoes through his head.

Daryl Dixon never thought he’d ever heard anything like that. That a woman would want him. He had some back in the day, but it never meant anything. And in a situation like this, hurt and with a concussion, why in the hell would (Y/N) want to keep up with the act. That shouldn’t be her priority. Pushing these thoughts away, Daryl follows Jim, trying hard o ignore his heartbeats, increasing with every step that takes him closer to her.

You’re laying on your stomach, still feeling your left arm and back numb from the anaesthesia. Seven stitches and a hell of a headache. All thanks to the asshole.

“I’m getting creative over here,” Negan says from his place in the armchair, near your dresser. He’s been going on with what he’ll do to Rob, but honestly, you don’t care. He will be dead, it doesn’t matter how. “What do you think about–” He’s interrupted by voices, and you soon recognize Jim. And that means Daryl is here. “Sweetheart does he really–”

“Daryl!” You call, not bothering with your father’s complaint. “Dad, if you plan on being a jerk, please leave.”

“As if I’d leave you when you’re like that.”

“It’s just a cut and a little concussion.” You’re still speaking when Jim comes in. Daryl stays in the door frame, eyes flying from you and to Negan. “And I’ll need to eat so get your ass off here and cook me dinner.”

“I hate when you’re right.” He gets up, all angry eyes at Daryl. “Are you going to stay here alone with… Him?”

“Yes.” You’re quick to answer, rolling your eyes. “Jim, leave too please.”

Resting your head on your forearm, you listen as the men move around. “And dad, make sure to cook enough for Daryl too. We’ll eat together.”

“Holy shit.” He mumbles on his way out. “Get someone to make me dinner because I rather die than cook for that piece of shit.”

You patiently wait until the front door closes before turning your head to the side. Daryl is still standing by the door. “Sorry, you had to listen to that bullshit.”

“Doesn’t matter.” He grunts, shrugging his shoulders. “Why did ya call me here? There’s no point if Negan isn’t around.”

“I know, I just…” You weren’t thinking about the act. You weren’t thinking about anything else other than a crazy, unexplainable need to see him. It came suddenly, and in your pain and desperation, you called for him. “Nevermind. This isn’t for the fake relationship thing so you can go if you want.” Turning your head to the other side, you stare at the wall.

There’s silence until you hear him moving. But instead of away, he moves further inside the bedroom, until you hear him sitting down. “They’ll kill him, right?”

Sighing, you nod before turning to look at him again. “No doubt.”

“Ya don’t seem happy about it.”

“I’m not. He did hurt me but I don’t find joy in killing him. Guess I just don’t have it in me.” A humorless laugh escapes your lips, and you run a hand through your hair. “As if you’d believe it. As if you’d believe me, the daughter of a monster.” There’s beauty in saying these things. In saying the truth. It doesn’t matter how ugly it is.

“Yer not him.”

“Save that up for when we’re around people. You can say what you really mean when we’re alone.” Trying to move a little, you turn on your side, careful not to let the blankets move too far away since you had to take your top off. “If you want to curse me, do it. You’re the only one here who’s one hundred percent real.”

“What about Jim?”

Daryl got you there. “Jim is different, but still… I don’t know. I’m kinda messed up from the concussion I think.” That’s a stupid excuse, but what else could you say? You don’t even know why you want Daryl here instead of Jim, your long-term friend. “You can go if you want.”

There’s no answer for a while, but he doesn’t move. “Was it bad?” He asks, jerking his chin forward at you.

“Well, the doc was stitching me up when I woke up. My head was spinning around and there were like over ten people here and my father freaking out…” You start, taking a deep breath. “They said I blacked out, and there was some metal thing on the ground. I don’t remember anything. The last thing I remember is you and I talking.”

“That’s the concussion. That guy, Rob, threw you off.”

“Yeah, Jim told me.”

“Don’t feel too bad about him dying. I know men like Rob. They’re murderers, rapists. They’re better off dead.” He mutters, and you look at your hands, nodding.

“Do you think I’m a hypocrite?” You suddenly ask, furrowing your eyebrows. “It does look like I’m playing on both sides but–”

“Yer confused. It’s the–”

“No, I’m not.” Holding the blankets, you sit up, grunting a little. “It’s just that… I get the feeling that you hate me. A-and that’s alright if you do because I’m Negan’s daughter but…” Daryl is right, you are confused. It feels a little foggy in your head. “I don’t want you to hate me I guess.” Sighing, you lie on your back, letting yourself fall on the bed. You immediately regret it. “Oh.”

“Ya gotta be careful.” Daryl is suddenly by your side, hesitating a little before touching your arm. “I’ll help ya turn around.”

“Alright.” You move slowly, biting your lip when the pain starts creeping over. The anaesthesia effect must be wearing off.

“There ya go.” He says when you’re on your stomach again.

“Thank you.”

“The bruise on your shoulder.” He bursts out, standing by the bed. “It wasn’t Rob, was it?”

“No.” Giving your shoulder a quick look, you raise your eyes at Daryl. You still have it vivid in your mind how his fingers dig in your skin, but the purple marks look a lot better now. “It was you, but don’t worry. I’ve done the same if I were you.” Some hair falls on your face, and you push it away. “I was careful to keep it covered, but now that people saw it, they think it was Rob so…”

“Sorry.” He mumbles, looking down. “Didn’t mean ta’ hurt ya this much.”

“It’s alright.” There’s an expression on Daryl’s face you just can’t understand. “A penny for your thoughts?” Daryl just sighs, looking down at his hands. Huge hands, you suddenly realize. Shaking these thoughts away, you giggle to yourself. “Sorry. You’re oddly quiet and I’m… I’m a bit dizzy and I’m a talker, I think. They gave me something or it’s just the concussion, I’m not sure.”

“Talk if ya want.”

“Not if you don’t want to hear it.”

“I’ll hear if ya talk.”

Taking a deep breath, you smile. Maybe it’s your cracked head doing the trick, but you’re really happy Daryl is here. That he doesn’t have those high, thick walls keeping you away. You want to get closer to Daryl because it’d be a lot better when you’re forced to get more… Intimate with him.

But also, because you’re mesmerized by him. And this feeling has only been growing.

“Did you know that tulips used to be worth more than gold back in the 17th century? They were considered a symbol of wealth in Europe.” You start, once again lying on your side, just so you have a better sight of Daryl.


“Yeah.” The whole room spins around again, and you close your eyes tight. Grabbing the pillow, you take deep breaths. “Is this normal?”

“Yeah.” Daryl grunts and you suddenly feel the mattress moving and you open your eyes. Your heart skips a beat when you see Daryl seated on the edge, eyes, half-hidden by his hair, looking down at you. There’s something in his expression you can’t quite understand. Your first thought is to put some distance between the two of you, but for some reason, you don’t move. If Daryl feels ok being this close to the daughter of a monster, you’re not the one who’ll push him away.

Not when you feel sick, dizzy, and with your head hurting like being hit by a hammer.

You always felt fragile when sick or hurt, but ever since the world broke, you’ve always kept the act, it doesn’t matter how bad you feel. But now, alone in your bedroom with a stranger, you feel yourself sinking. Letting go. And it feels good.

“C-can I hold your hand?” It comes out suddenly, and you curse yourself for asking something so stupid of him. “I-it just would feel nice to have something solid to hold on to. But nevermind, I–” You lose your train of thought when you feel his hand on yours. His touch is hesitant and soft at first, and you were right. His hand is much bigger than yours. But you think you like it.

“What were ya sayin’? About the tulips?” He asks in a low voice.

It takes you by surprise that he’s actually interested. Even if it’s just to make you feel better. It’s very kind of him. “They come in every color, except blue. They look almost blue, but not really. There’s this one that people call ‘Queen of the Night’ because it’s so purple it’s almost black.” Slowly you relax more and more, eyes threatening to close. “Since they’re colorful, people naturally gave them some meanings, so to confess true love, people used to give their significant other a red tulip.”

“Have you ever given anyone a red tulip?”

Chuckling, you shake your head no. “I never loved someone enough, Daryl Dixon. And I don’t have any red tulips so… It’d have to be a metaphor.”


“Thank you, Daryl.” You decide to say, opening your eyes to look at him again.

“Jus’ holdin’ yer hand. Not a big deal.”

“It is to me. I’m the daughter of the man who killed two people in your family. The same who psychologically tortured them, the same who wants to kill all of them.” Your voice is weak, barely a whisper. The very thought of it makes you feel even sicker. “I’m so sorry, Daryl. I swear I’m trying to do something good. You don’t believe me, but I am.” It turned into a plead because you suddenly need him to believe in you. As if it’s a matter of life and death. Squeezing his hand, you try to hold back the tears, but some roll down anyway. “Please, I–”

“I believe ya.” He bursts out, nodding. “I believe ya, now get some rest and don’t think about yer father’s shit.”

“Alright.” Nodding, you take a deep breath, holding tight on Daryl’s hand.

Slowly, you feel sleep overcoming you. And for the first time in so long, you feel safe. And less lonely.



When I Found You (Pt. 04 of 19)

Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.7 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings: Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (03)

Next part (05) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!



“We need to take it slow.” It’s the first thing you say when you get into his apartment, putting the necklace you made with his key around your neck. “We have two months. That’s how long Negan is willing to wait, and that’s the same amount of time he first gave Rick so… We’ll have time.”

“What’s yer plan?”

“My father is out since yesterday, at Hilltop. God help them.” Stopping by the coffee table, you look down at the man, seated on the couch. “So we can take this chance to go out there, walk around the compound and let people see us together.”

“If Negan isn’t here what’s the point?”

“That’s the point. People will tell him about his daughter hanging around with the prisoner. And it’ll prove we’re not doing it just to play a trick on him.” Taking a deep breath, you look down, crossing your arms. “And I’m taking a risk here. Because if you try to run… Negan will not only hunt you down, but he’ll also hit Alexandria and God only knows what he’ll do.”

“I ain’t gonna run.”

“Alright…” Nervously running a hand through your hair, you gesture at the door. “Let’s get going then. I’ll give you a tour through the compound.”

Daryl only grunts in response, and your hands are shaking a little when you unlock the door, sliding the self-made necklace around your neck once you’re out. “So let’s just… Walk side by side. Remember they have to notice you being… Somehow interested in me, so don’t act so distant.” Keeping your voice low, you start walking slowly.

“What ya want me to do?”

“Stay close. And make sure to touch me a little when people are around. Like on the arm, or the back. I’ll do the same.” Once you turn the corner, you bring your index finger to your mouth, signalling that the acting needs to start, and this talking has to be over.

It doesn’t take much until you’re walking past some people. They all kneel, waiting until you walk by. And of course, most of them stare with wide eyes at your company.

“One of these assholes will try ta’ shoot me,” Daryl complains when you reach the open area on the back, where some seeds are being planted.

“They won’t. Trust me.” A bigger group gets in your way, and they immediately get down.

“Princess.” Some of them mutter, but you ignore it.

“Princess?” Daryl asks when you’re far enough. There’s a hint of a laugh in his voice.

“Ever since Negan found out Ezekiel calls himself king, he took the title. So, I became the princess.” Shrugging your shoulders, you keep walking until you reach the garden on the back, where the workers plant some things. “Come see my tulips.” You exclaim, loud enough for the others to hear. Giving Daryl a look, you grab his forearm softly, making sure to smile.

You guide Daryl to a huge greenhouse on the Westside, pushing the door open. There are always people here, taking care of the flowers. The tulips are your favorites, and you come to take care of them whenever you can. “Someone found the seeds and gave them to me.” There are eyes on you already, and, after greeting some of the workers, you finally reach the tulips. “They remind me that this world still has beauty… And hope.” You decide to say it because despite this whole thing being nothing more than some acting, you don’t see a problem with sharing some stuff. And Daryl is from the outside, someone who doesn’t love these rules. He’s… Someone else entirely. And he’s a lot braver than anyone here, anyone who kneeled. Because he didn’t, and you know he won’t.

“Huh. Ya got all that from flowers?” He asks, voice a little harsh.

“I know it’s silly, but… Yeah. At least we can agree they’re pretty, c'mon.” Some people pass by, only stopping to quickly kneel before going on with their routine.

“Jus’ like ya.” He says, loud enough to be heard.

Biting back a smile, you give him a little nod before turning your attention back at the flowers. That was a good move, and you even noticed some heads turning. “You’re not very good at this, are you?”

“At what?”


“Not really.” He gets restless suddenly, and when you turn around to look at him, he’s scanning the place.

“You’re a weirdo, Daryl Dixon.” You tell him, smiling because it’s true. When he looks at you again, he has an irritated look on his face. You know why. He doesn’t know if this is part of the act or not. “I like it.” And this time, it’s not. “Come, there’s a lot more to see.” Tilting your head, you start walking, leaving the greenhouse, and crossing the garden.

“Hey,” Daryl calls, and when you turn around, he has an arm reaching out, and in his hand, a small white flower. “They were cutting it off, said it was sick. Ain’t no tulip, but…”

Daryl is a player. That much is clear by now. You won’t have to carry this whole thing on your back alone. He’ll make sure it’s believable, so his group will be safe.

So the smile that comes to your lips feels different. As you take the flower, you feel your cheeks heating up, and you look down, bringing the flower to your nose and breathing in the soft scent. “Thank you.” You mutter, clearing your throat. It clicks suddenly that Daryl might have someone out there, and that’s something you have to know.

Not because it would change your plans, since this is just a big fat lie to trick your father, but because you just feel like you need to know. “Let’s go.”

You take Daryl to the front of the compound, and then to the very East, which is empty at the moment. The walkers attached to the metal fence make you roll your eyes. You’ve killed some of them, and some days you’re just so furious you go around putting a knife through their skulls. But there are always more on the next day to replace those you put down.

“Ain’t nobody here.”

“I know. I just need a break.” Speaking low, you sit on the bottom of the stairs after going all the way up to check if there isn’t anybody there. “My father went to Hilltop.”

“What for?”

“Some shit Gregory did.” Playing with the tips of your hair, you sigh. “He wanted to break the gates open and push a car inside, playing a loud music to draw the walkers in.” It’s funny how you’re already using Daryl’s word for the dead, but you hope he won’t notice. “But I managed to stop him. I had to say Hilltop gives us food and risking that would be stupid.”

“Do ya think Negan is better than some walkers?”

A humorless laugh escapes your lips. “No. Walkers are nothing compared to Negan.” There’s the old, familiar lump in your throat. It doesn’t matter what you do, people still get hurt. But you can’t cry, not here. So you bite your lip, hands coming to lay on the outside of your thighs, giving it a little squeeze. The pain is quick to flow through your system, reminding you of yesterday’s night events. “I need to ask you something.” Trying to push it all back, you change the subject. “Do you have anyone out there? Girlfriend or wife?”

“Nah, I don’t. Why?”

“Just needed to know.” Pushing yourself up to your feet, you hold on to the railing. “Anyone before?”

Daryl shakes his head no, looking at his feet. “Not really the type of guy women want to be associated with.”

Squinting your eyes a little, you chuckle. You don’t get what he means. “Their loss then. You seem like a nice man so far.” Smiling a little, you gesture for him to follow you again. “Let’s go. We still need to walk around a lot.”

You both fall into a comfortable silence. Daryl still gets some looks and gives you some looks whenever people kneel and call you princess. It makes you smile a little, and you bring your tiny white flower to the nose every now and then, admiring its small petals. Maybe someday someone will give you a flower and actually mean it.

It’ll be real.

“What the hell.” A voice says, and you’ve pulled out of your daydream.

“Hi, Dwight.” You mutter, and it takes a few seconds until he kneels, eyes on the floor. “Why didn’t you go with Negan?”

“He wanted me to stay.” He stands up, angry eyes set on Daryl. “What are you doing with him?”

“Mmm… I’ll tell you as soon as you tell me since when this is your business?” Shrugging your shoulders, you cross your arms. “I’m the one who’ll be looking after Daryl, so you don’t have to worry.”

“He’s a prisoner and he’s dangerous. You don’t know how much, he could easily–”

“I will take my chances, Dwight. And I have a father to look after, thank you very much.” And you start walking away again. But Daryl doesn’t move, so you stop.

“That’s mine,” Daryl says, stepping forward and gesturing at Dwight.

“What is yours?”

“The vest. It’s mine. It has wings on the back.” He looks at you, with a stare you can’t understand. Is he asking you to take it back?

“Take it off.” You command, eyes slowly moving to Dwight. “Don’t make me wait.” Without saying anything, he takes it off quickly, throwing it at Daryl. But you won’t have it. Nobody here can disrespect Daryl. If he’s with you, it means he has to be treated the same way you are, and it’s up to you to make that clear.

Taking the vest from Daryl, you throw it back to Dwight. “Give it to him respectfully.”

The blond scoffs, giving a quick look around, checking if there’s anyone else watching this. After sighing, he hands it back to Daryl, who yanks it out of his hand.

“Good.” Without any other ceremony, you start walking, leaving Dwight behind. You’re immersed in silence until you turn the corner. “Let me wash it for you. I bet it stinks like that asshole.”

When you reach out your hand, Daryl hesitates a bit before passing it to you.

“Thanks.” He mutters, almost a whisper.

“You don’t have to thank me.” Looking down, you shrug your shoulders. “I’m just trying to help. And don’t worry, I noticed this is important to you and I’ll take care of it myself.”

“Alright.” He messily nods, his hair covering both his eyes. It clicks again how handsome Daryl is.

You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone as handsome.

“Alright.” You repeat, lowering your voice and moving closer. “I have to do some stuff so… We should meet every day. I’ll go to your apartment, spend some time there before walking around the complex.”


Nodding, you give him the key, and turn away to go back with him and then back to your apartment.

The next days go by pretty much the same.

Negan is back three days later, which means you started bumping into him on your routine walks. Once or twice you managed to grab Daryl’s hand before Negan got into your sight, only to blush and let it go as if a teenager being busted.

But everything is planned. Negan isn’t stupid, and it takes a brain to trick him. So you know things have to progress with Daryl, or else he’ll call your bluff. And that means you need to sit and discuss the next moves with Daryl. You’ll do it today, and you’re still thinking what exactly you must say. The good part is that Daryl is committed, and he trusts you a bit more since the constant assault on his group has stopped.

“Jim’s birthday is coming and I’m thinking about what I should get.” Walking side by side with Daryl, you keep the small talk, keeping the voice loud enough so anyone who walks by listens. “I’ve been through what we have here and I want something different so I was thinking about scavenging.”

“Ya wanna go out there?”

“Mhmm.” You nod, giving him a look. “I do that sometimes. Mostly with some people or at least with Jim, but only because Negan is a pussy when it comes to me being in any kind of danger ever.” You’re still speaking when some voices come from down the hall, near the open space they use for the meals. “Audience.” You mutter, walking over there.

“I’m telling you, those were the best chicken wings ever. The only thing I miss from the old world.” An unfamiliar male voice says, a little too loud for your taste, and some laughs follow.

“You say that because you didn’t have a family.” Jim, as soft as always, says.

“Jimothy, my pal, drop it. You can have any chick you want. This world is ours too–” The man stops talking when you reach the metal staircase, slowly getting down the steps until you stop on the same level as Jim. He hates being called that name, and you don’t understand why this guy is calling him that.

“Hello.” You say, giving Jim a look. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“I’m Rob.” He says, lips breaking into a smile as he reaches out his hand.

You’re polite, as polite as you can be, but you know what’s behind this smile. You’ve met a lot of men like him, you can recognize one. “We don’t shake hands, Rob. You kneel down to me.”

Rob laughs, too loud, exchanging a glance with a very serious Jim. “You’re that bitch. The daughter, aren’t you?”

Jim immediately gets tense at the name Rob calls you. There’s a punishment for those who call you by any other thing than your name or the stupid titles. They get hurt. Badly. “Apologize.” He says, and you simply nod.

“I rather die than apologise to a woman.” He keeps his head up, tall and proud.

Gesturing at Jim to stand down, you step closer to Rob, raising your head to look at him. “So you think you’re the superior being? Between you and me?” You ask, voice as sweet as honey.

“Well, when you put it like that, baby, I can’t agree more.” He replies, raising an eyebrow.

“There are only two kinds of people here. Those to hold the iron and those who sit down while it melts their faces.” You continue, giving him the best Negan smile you can.

Rob smiles too, and it doesn’t seem like he believes it. “Alright, princess slut. Let me just–” You’re suddenly picked up, your feet leaving the ground as you feel yourself being lifted. There’s a yell and some pulling, and your brain has little time to process what’s happening before you feel your body falling.

And then, you hit something hard, all air leaves your lungs. That’s when you shut down, the voices, the shouts, and everything else is overcome by pure darkness.



When I Found You (Pt. 03 of 19)

Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.2 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (02)

Next part (04) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


A Good Plan

“I need to speak with you.” Bursting into Negan’s apartment, you raise your voice, following the humming noise and finding him in the kitchen, eating a fresh potato salad.

“Good morning to you too.” He sing-songs, a smile on his lips. “Sit down and eat, for goodness sake.”

“Urgent matter, Dad.” Rolling your eyes, you take a plate and serve yourself some of the salad. It’s better if you look as casual as you can, despite the anxiety that didn’t leave you alone all night. Make it believable, you tell yourself.

“I have something to ask too.” Cleaning his mouth with a napkin, Negan stares at you as you sit down across from him. “My men told me you took Daryl Dixon out of his cell.”

Of course, he knows. Negan knows everything. “Yes, I did.”

“And why in the hell would you do that?”

“Because I find Daryl very attractive.” It’s not even a lie, but you have to start somewhere. You can’t pull off a relationship out of the blue. Things need to escalate there.

Negan looks at you dead in the eye for a few seconds before bursting into a laugh. You patiently wait until he’s done, arms crossed and food forgotten. Then, he stares at you, waiting for you to call it off. “Holy shit! You gotta be kidding me.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“(Y/N), I have bad blood with him and his whole group.” He says, leaning forward, elbows on the table. “I’m going to kill every single one of them.”

“I like Daryl, alright? So you won’t do anything until I see how this will turn out.” Trying not to let him notice how nervous you are, you start eating. “I like him, I really do.”

“You can have anyone you want, and you want the only man who will mess with my plans?” Negan stands up, taking his empty plate and leaving it in the sink. “Why don’t you have Jim instead?” He raises his voice as if he just had the greatest idea ever. “He’s handsome. He seems to like you a lot. Go on, get it on with Jimmy!” Throwing his fist in the air, he leans against the countertop.

“Father, I don’t want Jim.” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. “I met Daryl by accident and… I don’t know when I looked into his eyes something happened…” Your voice fades for a different reason this time. It clicks suddenly that you’re not even trying to lie. You weren’t plotting, you just said how you felt.

“Daryl is too old for you.”

“You have wives my age.” You’re quick to answer, drumming your fingers on the table. “Actually, you have wives who are younger than me so you don’t get a say in the age thing.”

“They’re all of age, I’m not a monster.” No, of course not. He just kills and tortures people. “And everything is consensual, so–”

“Dad, I don’t ask much, do I?” Pushing the plate away, you stand up, arms crossed. “You told me the world is ours. That I can have anything I want.”

“And I meant it.”

“Then let me have it.” Put your heart in the matter. “You know I’m the romantic type, so what if this is meant to be? What if this… First sight… The feeling is right? What if this is what I’ve been looking for? You can’t take that away from me just because you hate some people.” You feel vulnerable saying these things because as the words leave your mouth, you realize they’re all true. Even though you never gave much thought to such things, it doesn’t change the facts.

“But Jim–”

“Dad, I want Daryl!” Raising your voice a little, you pace around.

“Do you really think there’s any chance Daryl will want to have anything to do with you?”

“Well, he said I was pretty.” Finally, you get to follow the plan you and Jim made. What to say, how to answer the questions you knew Negan would ask. It’s easier to follow the instructions than to explore the dark places of your heart.

“He did?”

“He did.”

“Holy hell.” Giggling, Negan turns around and starts doing the dishes himself. “Daryl is more animal than man, (Y/N). I wouldn’t fall for him if I were you.”

The insult almost makes you snap at him, but you bite your tongue. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Just give me some time to see what happens with me and Daryl.”

Negan sighs, and you can tell he’s a little angry. “Fine. But the moment it ends you tell me.”

Controlling yourself not to give a little jump, you move to hug his back. “Thanks, dad.”

“I can’t believe you’re just hugging me because of Daryl.” He complains, giving your arm a little pat. “Oh, I’ll be going to the Hilltop in an hour. Keep an eye here for me.”

“I will.” Moving to his side, you tiptoe to kiss his cheek before leaving the apartment.

Jim is outside, and the first thing you do when you see him, you jump into his arms. “It worked!”

He’s quick to hug you back lifting you up a little. “I told you it would.”

“Now…” Jim puts you back down, and you straighten your clothes. “I’ll give Daryl the good news.” Smiling, you gesture at the hall. “Come with me?”

“Sorry, I have to get Negan’s truck ready. But as soon as he leaves I’ll meet you up there.”

“God help Hilltop. I hope nobody gets hurt.” Sighing, the happiness you felt just some seconds ago fades, as you imagine the terror that will overcome that community.

“Hey.” Jim touches your shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “You can’t save everyone, (Y/N).” Silently, you nod. “Now, go. Because you’re on the right path to take this group off Negan’s hands.”

Daryl didn’t do much since he woke up at four in the morning. He showered again, making sure to spend as much hot water as he could, checked his wounds, and ate a bowl of cereal.

Despite this being a normal apartment and not the dark cell, he can’t help but feel caged. And alone. Daryl felt alone for the most part of his life, but it changed with time. He found a family in Rick’s group.

Now, here he is, separated from them, held captive. The only good thing, at least he hopes it’s good, is this insane plan Negan’s daughter came up with. He still thinks it’s some kind of trap, a sick game they’re playing, but given his position, the only thing he could do is try.

And if it backfires, he’ll just kill her.

Seated on the couch, Daryl thinks about this possibility.

(Y/N) is little. He can overcome her easily, take her gun and run. Shoot his way out. Or even better, he can drag her with him with the gun pointed at her head, until he’s out of this place.

This was a good plan. This will work. Daryl would only have to count on himself to make it work, and it would.

It took only a couple of minutes until he makes up his mind. The safety of Alexandria can’t be in the hands of someone who has Negan’s blood. There’s too much at stake to trust it on some stranger.

Mind already settled on the plan, he waits, muscles tensing up when he hears footsteps coming closer and closer until they stop at his door.

Daryl is ready, and he stands up to his feet, fists clenched as a wave of anger takes over him.

But the moment he sees her, the same feeling comes flooding back. The angel-like girl walks into the living room. Clean face delicately framed by her hair, dark clothes that he swears smell like flowers. Like rose maybe, he can smell it even with the distance.

Her eyes are quick to find him, but despite his tall figure, so much bigger than her in this predator-like instinct, ready to take her down, she doesn’t seem like she’ll run away. I’m fact, (Y/N) looks happy.

“It worked.” She says, her voice a little too low. “It worked.” Repeating soon after, louder this time, she walks over the armchair, letting herself fall on it, elbows on her knees. “I told Negan I find you attractive and that you said you find me pretty. So he gave us the chance to see what happens.”

“So, what now?” He grunts, a bit too rudely, walking back to the couch and taking a seat.

And just like that, at the sight of her, Daryl changed his mind.

“Now it’s up to us. You and I, because I’ll need you to be convincing, Daryl.”

“I will.” He nods, eyes on her. “Won’t let ya dad hurt anyone else.”

(Y/N) tales a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. “I’m so sorry for–”

“Sorry doesn’t cut it,” Daryl speaks up, pointing a finger at her face in a quick, harsh gesture. “It doesn’t bring them back.”

“I know, I… I heard of it. The two men my father killed–”

“Abraham and Gleen.” He raises his voice again, back to his feet, pacing around that stupid living room. “The names are Abraham and Gleen. Gleen’s wife is pregnant.”

Daryl is expecting her to lash out at him, tell him to shut the hell up, end the deal. Punch him, try to hurt him, anything that gives him a reason to carry out his plan. Because he sees her as nothing else than Negan’s daughter. So, she must be as cruel as he is, maybe even worse.

But instead of anger, hate, or anything of that nature, Daryl sees sadness. Her lower lip shakes a little, so she bites it, a hand moving to wipe something off her eye as she looks away, letting her hair fall and hide her face.

“If I was there, I could’ve tried. I don’t always succeed, but I try.”

“Ya gotta try harder.” He’s still speaking when he notices. (Y/N) has both her hands on the outside of her thighs, fingers brushing on the fabric of her pants, from her knees up, as if she’s shy. But the movement is slow.

“I will.” She bursts out, jumping to her feet. “I gotta go now. See you tomorrow so we can talk about our next move.”

As fast as a lightning bolt, she leaves, banging the door shut before locking it.

Daryl can’t help but wonder if he caused the outburst. He only spoke the truth, a truth she knows very well, even better than him. And being who she is, here, the girl must be a lot stronger than that.

Shaking his head to push these thoughts away, Daryl lies down on the couch, eyes on the ceiling. He’s been thinking about her way too much. It’s time to stop. So from now on, Daryl decides, he will only think of her when she’s around. Once she leaves, she’s gone.

Once you’re safe inside your apartment, the tears roll down. They’re a living thing, bitter and hot, soaking your cheeks.

You can’t deal with this. You can’t deal with what your father does. He was kind, gentle. A normal person before. Now, he’s a murderer. A tyrant. A monster.

And so are you.

You’re his daughter, after all, his only child. And he built this world for you as well. So you won’t ever be hurt or starve. ‘The world is yours now’, he once said. But you don’t want it.

Things won’t ever be like they were before, but there’s gotta be a way to live without killing. Without being a barbarian.

Moving from your place leaning on the door, you rush to the bedroom, taking off your pants. The wounds are still quite fresh. They don’t really have time to heal.

You’re not the one to deal with pain very well. But this… You deserve this. For everyone who died at the hands of your people. And for those left behind, in agony, forever separated from a loved one.

You don’t need blades. You can use your nails, always kept just long enough to allow you this relief, and not to get in the way of anything you do around here.

Closing your eyes shut, you place both your hands on your thighs, near the knees, on the outside. Taking a deep breath, you sink the nails into the soft flesh, and you begin.



When I Found You (Pt. 02 of 19)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.4 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (01)

Next part (03) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N: I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


“Are you sure this will work?” You ask Jim for the hundredth time.

His idea is good. You can make it work, you can make it believable. But it doesn’t depend on you alone. Daryl has to accept it and put some effort into it as well.

“It will.”

“How long do we have?” Walking fast through the halls, you try not to overthink. This can’t backfire, because you have no idea what to do if it fails.

“Eight weeks until Negan goes to Alexandria. But you know him, he could go anytime he wants, but since he’s eager to torture them psychologically, he may give it some time. Make them think they can come up with some kind of plan.”

Daryl’s group is smart. And strong. You and Jim are getting all the pieces of information about them, and about Negan’s plans. For you, it’s easy, you just have to ask Negan. But Jim’s job is to go around the men and get their ideas because sometimes some of them have an interesting addition to the plan that Negan is eager to follow.

So what you have is this: The leader, Rick, is a survivor. It means he had to get his hands dirty before, and will again. And your father knows how to break a man like Rick. He hates men like Rick. It doesn’t help that the Alexandrians killed several Saviours, and tricked Negan a couple of times before.

Your father wants to unleash hell upon them. And Jim was right, you’ve never seen Negan so furious about a group before.

He won’t just take their things and leave, no Negan will break them, slowly, painfully. He will strip them off of everything they care about, everyone they love, one by one, until he gets to Rick.

But you won’t let that happen.

“Ok.” Taking a deep breath, you stop by the apartment door. “If he doesn’t play along…”

“If he doesn’t play along, his group dies. Just tell him that.”

As if it was so simple.

Nodding, you unlock the door and walk in. Jim quickly pushes it close, gun already in hand. This could be dangerous. You wouldn’t blame Daryl for trying to attack you.

“Hello?” You mutter, moving to the living room and peaking into the kitchen. “We’re just here to talk.” Keeping your voice as soft as you can, you move towards the hall, as Jim does the same, walking ahead of you and pushing the first door open.

When he comes out, he simply shakes his head no before moving to the other room. “Where the hell is he?”

“Take it easy, Jim. I–” You’re cut short suddenly, a strong arm pulling you backwards, knocking all air out of your lungs. There’s something sharp and cold against your neck, as a giant hand grabs your shoulder, keeping you tight against the body behind you, painfully tight.

“Damn it!” Jim exclaims, gun pointing at whoever is holding you. But it doesn’t take much until your mind solves the mystery. “Let go of her. Now!”

“Drop the gun.” The voice, raspy and angry, comes right to your ear. “Or I’ll kill her.”

“Jim put it down.” You tell him, both hands coming to hold on the man’s arm as you struggle to breathe.

“I have a clean shot from here, asshole. She’s tiny, I can shoot you right in the head.” Jim cocks the gun, and the knife is pressed against your skin.

“Shoot me and she dies. I’ll draw this damn knife right through her throat.”

“Stop it, both of you!” Shouting, you suck in a sharp breath when Daryl moves, pulling you further away from Jim. “James, you do as I freaking say. Put the gun down now.” Using the strongest voice you can, you give him a stare. You hate ordering him around, but it’s necessary now. Your eyes are saying ‘trust me, I know what I’m doing’, and that’s what makes him reluctantly move, slowly lowering the gun until it’s on the ground, kicking it to the wall behind him. Way out of Daryl’s reach.

“Daryl, listen to me.” You start, keeping your voice soft. “We’re here to help you.”

“How? Gonna throw me in another goddamn cell!” He squeezes your shoulder, making you wince.

Jim steps forward, ready to fight, but you raise a hand at him, making him stop. “I know about your group. About Alexandria, everything. And I know Negan’s plans. I swear, I just want to help.”

“She was the one to bring you here, man, trust me,” Jim speaks up, both hands raised. “We spent all night trying to find a way of helping you and your group. You kill her, you’re doomed. You and everyone you care about.”

You feel Daryl’s grip get a bit loose, just a little bit, but enough for you to get what he’s thinking. Taking in the information. “What the hell does he plan to do with us?”

“The same, as a start.” You explain the pain on your shoulder bringing a few tears to your eyes. “He’ll take whatever he wants, and go back every once in a while. But he hates Rick, your leader, so he’ll put traps in the way, looking for a reason to torture them.”

“Huh.” He grunts.

“I was in the meeting. He wants to kill the Alexandrians one by one, make them chop off pieces.” Going graphic was never the idea, and it makes you feel sick. “H-he said he will make Rick go all the way next time. Cut his own son’s hand off.” Tears start rolling down as the emotions overwhelm you.

The image is in your head now, a father being forced to do such a thing. The axe, the blood, the severed hand… You need your cell. You need to let things out. You never wanted to be part of this. You never wanted to be here. But you can’t lose it, not now.

Blinking to push the stubborn tears away, you put yourself back together the best you can. This isn’t the place to be weak.

“How do ya know all that?”

“Negan is my father.” This makes the grip gets tighter than before, as the knife is now placed on your throat. “It doesn’t mean I agree with his methods!” You’re quick to add. “I have a plan to keep him away from your people. From Alexandria.”

“C'mon, man, you’re hurting her,” Jim begs.

“Keep yer damn mouth shut!”

“These are your options, Daryl Dixon!” You yell again, trying to make your voice heard despite everything. Despite his grip, the knife, and the situation. “You can kill me, kill Jim, take the gun and run. But you won’t get too far. They’ll take you, and as soon as they find out you killed Negan’s daughter, the man himself will make you watch as he feeds your people to the dead.” This wasn’t supposed to be this way, you didn’t want to threaten him. But you’ll say anything for him to let go of you. “Or you can at least hear me out. Because with or without your help, I’ll find a way to keep Negan away from this group because I’m not my damn father!” Voice cracking in the end, you close your eyes, letting the darkness surround you. This isn’t enough, but it has to suffice.

You’re becoming so weak. After so many years, being in this nightmare since the very beginning, you’re breaking. And you can’t break. You won’t know what to do if you break.

“Just listen to her, man,” Jim mutters, and when Daryl finally let go, you run straight into Jim’s arms, releasing a breath. “Damn it, (Y/N).” He whispers in your ear, softly rubbing your back. This hug isn’t about you being hurt by Daryl, it’s about you being hurt by everything else. Jim has developed a way of knowing when you’re about to collapse, exactly when you need some time to recover. “Can you do it? Because if not we can–”

“I’m alright.” Pulling away, you wipe the tears away before turning to face Daryl.

He’s wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, and now you get why his hand felt so big. The man is huge, and it’s clear now he didn’t hurt you as much as he could if he wanted to. His dark hair partly covers his eyes, but you can see the bright blue colour, set on you. He’s clean, and now you can see the purple bruise on his left cheek. Daryl still holds the knife, ready to act if you or Jim try anything.

“Can we sit?” Gesturing at the couch, you just make your way there, taking a sit. Jim does the same, taking the armchair. But Daryl just stands, those predator-looking eyes, following your every move. “You don’t have to look at me like I’m some kind of threat. Look at me. I couldn’t take you.”

“But yer boyfriend here could try.” Eyes locked on you, Daryl jerks his chin towards Jim.

“Jim is not my boyfriend. He’s… My personal bodyguard.” You sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Jim’s wife was dying. He was working for points so he couldn’t have the medicine. He stole it and got caught. His wife passed and he was going to die too for what he did, but I stepped in.” Exchanging a glance with him, you take in the small smile he has on, and also the sadness in his eyes. Jim is still in love with Mariam. “I told Negan I wanted someone by my side, at all times. And Jim was strong and well-built even before, so I had my will done. And here he is now, not only to protect me but as a faithful friend. As I am his.”

“It’s true. (Y/N) saved me.”

“So ya want me ta’ believe Negan does everythin’ ya want?” Daryl is sceptical, but anyone in his position would be. You’re still one of his captors, and you could be setting some kind of trap.

“(Y/N) is everything Negan has left. Say whatever you want from him, it’ll probably be the truth, but he loves his daughter.” With both elbows on his knees, Jim looks up at Daryl. “She’s the princess around here. And the king will do whatever she says. If she wanted to tear you to pieces just for her pleasure, he would clap.” Jim’s voice gets darker because he stands where you stand. He does what he has to do to survive, but he doesn’t enjoy it. “But instead, she puts on a show out there, just so she can act behind his back helping people. She could be a tyrant, the very image of her father but she isn’t. So if (Y/N) can help you and your people to make out of this mess alive, take the freaking chance or get the hell out of her way.”

Furrowing your eyebrows, you try to understand where it came from. Jim never said anything like this.

“We came up with a plan to make Negan give up on your community.” You say, taking a deep breath. “Of course we’d have to say Alexandria would be mine to rule and shit like that, but I promise you if we manage to make this work, he’ll leave your people alone.”

“And what is this miraculous plan?”

This is the hard part. Biting your lip, you exchange a long stare with Jim, who raises both his eyebrows at you.

“We’ll have to pretend to be dating.” Saying it as slow as you can, you feel a heat spreading through your cheeks.

“What the hell?”

“I know how it sounds.” Standing up to your feet, you raise both hands at him. “But all the other options weren’t good enough. Negan hates your group like he never hated anyone before, and Jim and I came to the conclusion that the only way he’ll step back is if I put my heart on the matter.” Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. “If we convince them we’re falling for each other, he will let me have Alexandria. And if he places the city under my care, nobody will come to take anything. Nobody will be killed.”

Daryl weakly nods, his hair all over his face. “Fine. But if ya lie ta’ me, I kill ya.”


“We have a deal.” You speak before Jim does, reaching out your hand. Daryl looks at it before looking up at you again, not taking your hand, so you let it fall. “Well, you’ll stay here now. There’s food and… Pretty much everything you may need. I’ll talk to Negan and let you know the next step.” That said, you nod, mostly to yourself, gesturing for Jim to follow as you leave.

Right before you push the door close, you take one last look at Daryl. Then, the wood separates the two of you, and you lock the door, sliding the key into your pocket.

“It’ll work,” Jim says, a hand on your shoulder.

“It has too.”

When Daryl is left alone, the silence, now very familiar, surrounds him again. In a jolt of adrenaline, he has an impulse of checking if what she said was true. Everything he had done ever since the Saviors dragged him into this apartment was to shower, clean the blood from his wounds, put on some clothes, and sleep.

So, he’s quickly moving through the kitchen, opening the cabinets and fridge, finding more food than he has seen since the world broke.

To say he’s confused is a misunderstanding. When he first saw her, from the darkness of his cell, he wondered if he was seeing an angel. Her smooth skin, clean and shining, as if she didn’t belong to this world anymore. Her hair, rolling down her shoulders, reaching all the way to her waist. And he swears he could smell her hair conditioner, candy-like. It took a while for him to believe she was real.

But she’s Negan’s daughter.

And Daryl has to be careful, smart. He will do anything if it means his group will be safe. But still, he has to be alert. In case this is a trap. In case she’s not as good as she shows.

There are no angels, not in this world. Not living among these people.

And she certainly isn’t one of them.



When I Found You (Pt. 01 of 18)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

Next part (02) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna special thanks (and give a lot of credit) to my absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final review of the text. Love you, girl!!


Blue Eyes

You’re not the type of person who uses the end of the word as an excuse to have your way with things. To take what isn’t yours, claim and keep it, just because you happen to have the upper hand. You never had it in you, the evilness, the darkness to fall into such position.

But here you are, surrounded by those who think otherwise.

Walking fast through the halls, your mind plays back everything you heard. You had to sit there, smile and nod, as Negan spoke about what he did. And what he plans to do. It makes you sick, almost to the point of throwing up what you had for lunch, only a couple of hours ago. Their description was graphic.

Negan told you all about how the guy’s eyeball popped out, and how he was still standing.

You can deal with the dead, their falling skin, and disgusting, rotting corpses… But the living… Maybe it makes you a pussy, but you don’t care. There’s still humanity in you, and as stupid as it may be, you hope there’s still a way of life that doesn’t suck other people dry. A way to survive without having to steal, cheat or kill.

With a hand on your stomach, tears started to fill your eyes, you’re relieved when you reach the hall, a breath flowing out as your fingers struggle with the locker.

This cell is the only place you feel alone. Where you allow yourself to cry. The only place you allow yourself to be weak.

Of course, it doesn’t always work. Sometimes you break down in your apartment too, but still, you can’t set yourself free from these cold, dark walls.

When the locker clicks, you sigh, sliding the metal door open. But the wave of relief is taken back as you freeze, your attention falling on the figure in the darkness, dirty and naked. His eyes, unbelievably blue, reflecting the light coming from the hall behind you, are quick to find yours.

For a moment, you wonder if this is real. With a hand holding the metal and the other flat next to your body, all words and thoughts seem to have left you. Whoever this man is, he’s not only being held a prisoner. Nobody here is just a prisoner. They’re always here for a reason, and they’re treated like animals until they break.

You never saw anyone in this position, but your heart breaks for him. There’s strength in his eyes, anger… But there’s also pain.

“What are you doing here?” The voice snaps you out of your state, and you blink a few times, stepping back and turning to find Dwight.

Shaking your head lightly, you quickly remember to put on the act. It’s better this way. “Excuse me?”

“Oh.” He exclaims before falling on one knee. “Forgive me.”

“What are you doing here?” You repeat his question, very aware of the man in the cell, feeling his eyes on you.

“I came to feed him.” Dwight stands back up, showing you the tray he’s holding with a single sandwich that looks disgusting.

“What the hell is that?”

“Dog food.” He quickly answers, not seeming to be bothered by it. “Your father’s orders.”

Your father’s orders indeed.

Clenching your hand into fists, you take a deep breath. “Go and make me one of your sandwiches. The real thing.” Keeping your voice nice and soft, you take the tray from his hands. “Double that, actually. Let’s have a nice meal together, you and I.”

Dwight furrows his eyebrows before nodding, leaving at a fast pace to follow your command. Of course, he finds it weird, you never spoke to him. But you don’t care about what he thinks. Your instructions are to be followed, without questioning. As are Negan’s.

Leaving the tray on a small wooden table near the wall, you turn back to the man. He didn’t move, but his eyes are set on you.

You helped a lot of people here without Negan knowing about it because they were under his radar. But you get the feeling this man isn’t. But still, you can’t see yourself walking away, leaving him in this dark cell, eating that shit, and going through whatever your father has in store for him.

Quickly walking over to the cell, you stop by the door, unsure if you should step any closer. Crouching down, you wonder why he hasn’t broken eye contact yet. There’s a gun with you, secure in the holster attached to your thigh. But you hope you won’t have to use it. “Hey.” You whisper, wondering what else could you say. “I’m sorry they’re doing this to you.” They? You’re part of this too, whether you want it or not. “I’ll try to help–”

“(Y/N)?” The voice, familiar this time, makes you stand up. “What… The hell is going on?” Jim is quick to approach you, peaking inside the cell.

Sighing, you pull the door close, but only halfway. “Dwight, he…” Running a hand through your hair, you feel a little dizzy. But you must get it together. This is not the place to break down, someone else might come. “I came to the cell and found this man. Dwight is giving him dog food.”

“Alright, breath.” Jim holds both your arms, and you do as he says. He’s the only one who knows how you feel. At least some of it. But he does know you come to this cell every once in a while, and he knows it makes you mad to see how some people are treated here. “What do you want to do about this?” He glances at the man, and you do the same. He seems… Interested in this conversation. And why wouldn’t he be? This must sound like some kind of trap to him, coming from his captors.

“I don’t know.” You start listening to footsteps, so you stand up straighter, as you feel like you’re falling into character. It doesn’t take much until Dwight comes to your sight, a small plastic Tupperware in his hand. “Good. Took you long enough.”

“I’m sorry for the delay. James.” He mutters, handing you the plastic box.

Taking a look at both sandwiches, you smile. They’re delicious, you bet. “Well, let’s eat.” Without any ceremony, you step inside the cell, reaching out your arm and giving that man the Tupperware.


“Shut up.” You bark, as the man basically rips the thing from your hand after some seconds of hesitation, and starts devouring it. “You’ll eat too, Dwight.” You say as you move back to the wooden table, leaning on it, both hands resting on each side of the tray.

Dwight scoffs, exchanging a glance with Jim. “I–”

“You know I never ask twice.” With a warning tone, you push the tray forward. “Eat.”

Your voice echoes a little as you raise it, growing impatient. You were deprived of a moment you needed so much, stomach feeling weird and head spinning. Push it back, you tell yourself. Keep it locked up. This isn’t your cell, you can’t break down now.

When Dwight takes the sandwich and bites it, you wish you could show off a bright smile, as Negan would. Happy to see your command followed, delighted to humiliate someone. But that’s not how you feel at all.

Dwight chokes a little but swallows his bite, eyes on you, wondering if that was it. “How long has this man been here?”

“Some days. Three or four, I think.”

“And I believe you have been feeding him with this shit since the beginning, am I right?” Crossing your arms, you pace around. Dwight nods, and by the look on his face, you can tell he’s waiting. Waiting for the next move, or some sort of torture. You could easily get it done. Negan backs you up about everything. You can throw Dwight into this very cell, feed him dog good for a week, burn him, cut off a finger or two… Anything you want.

This world belongs to you too, says Negan, and your desires must be attended to.

“Then finish your sandwich.” You simply say because you might have Negan’s blood, but you don’t share his principles.

Dwight is fast to obey, probably thinking it’s best to just get done with it. And you watch, occasionally glancing at the man. He’s cold, it suddenly gets to you. The nights are terrible, and the thought of him there, completely naked, shivering all night long makes you clench your hands into fists.

“I want you to stay here until my men come.” You start, a hard stare set on the blond. “They will carry out my orders, and if Negan happens to come here before they do, you’ll find me immediately. Did I make myself clear?”

“Absolutely.” He sounds confused, and you can see the gears moving in his head as he tries to understand what you’re doing.

But he doesn’t have to know. “Great. Jim, c'mon.”

“Right away.” He mutters before following you.


It does look like you have everything under control from the outside because inside your head, you’re walking in the dark. Pacing around your living room, a hand playing with your lower lip, you try to come up with the next move.

A low knock on your door gets you moving, unlocking and pulling it open before allowing Jim to come inside.

“It’s done.” He says, looking down at you as he takes something from his pocket. “He was set in the apartment and this is the key.”

Taking the small piece of metal, you hold it in your hand, bring the fist to your heart. “What do I do, James?” This was settled in a rush, and you don’t know what your father wants with that man. You do feel better to know he’s in a good place now, where he won’t be cold or hungry. But the rest… You’re clueless.

“I have bad news, (Y/N).” Jim starts, making his way over the couch. You follow but chose to stand on your feet. “I went around, listened to some people, and put the pieces together. That man’s name is Daryl, and he’s part of that group from Alexandria.”

“Shit.” You mutter, biting your index finger.

“Yeah, shit. Negan’s hate for that group reaches a whole new level.”

“I know.”

“Alexandria is promising. And we know they’re making alliances with different communities, so it means they won’t only survive, they’ll prosper. And have a hell of a good life as we have here. Maybe even better.”

“I know.” You repeat, eyes on the floor.

“Negan doesn’t want to just take their stuff, he wants them to give him a reason so he can punish them.”

“I know.” Dropping to the couch beside him, you sigh. You had to listen, for hours, Negan talking about that group. How they fooled him, killed many of his men. And your father developed a fury towards Rick, their leader, that you never saw before. “I don’t care, Jim. I’ll tell father to leave them alone.”

“And what will you say when he asks why?”

“I’ll say Daryl and I are friends.”

“(Y/N), you can’t possibly think Negan will give up on a whole community over someone you befriend overnight.”

What would you do without Jim? He’s the one to do the thinking when you’re overwhelmed, unable to put things together. “I’ll make him believe.”

“Your father does everything you ask, but without a believable reason, he’ll think you’re joking around and laugh at your face. You know it. You know him.”

Closing your eyes, you run a hand through your hair. “What should I do then?”

“Why do you want to help this man so much? You don’t know him, he could be evil.” Jim touches your back, rubbing it softly.

“I know evil. I’m surrounded by evil men. He isn’t. I saw it in his eyes…” You have no idea how to explain it, you just feel it. You just know it, somehow. “He’s a good man, Jim. Trust me.”

“I do. And I might have an idea, but I’m damn sure this Daryl won’t go with it.” Jim is suddenly thoughtful, that blank expression he makes when he’s putting some sort of plan together. “It’s quite crazy, but it might work. I can see Negan buying it if you work well.”

“I’m in. What is it?”



Summary: Y/N Walsh meets Daryl Dixon while working as an undercover Police Officer. But, when Daryl finds out the truth about you, you’re forced to move back to King County.

While on duty, a bullet puts you and Rick Grimes in hospital and when you wake up, the whole world has changed.

Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader

Word Count:2.6k

Warnings: Language, violence, blood,

Previous chapter 


Super early chapter! But, I decided to post this in dedication to Liv who left me tipearlier. It made my entire week and wanted to do something to show her how much I appreciated it, so I hope you all enjoy this surprise chapter xx

Chapter 21-


You woke up the next day to find Rick and Shane sitting by your bed and it didn’t take long before you found out that Hershel and Glenn were back as well, but they had bought back a guy called, Randall.                     

Rick gave you the run down of what happened in town.

Randal was with a group who had tried killing them, but got injured and left behind. And for whatever reason, Rick thought it was a good idea to bring back a guy who had tried to kill them. Hershel had stitched up the wound on the guys leg and he was currently tied up in the barn.

Hershel had also checked over your shoulder, but Shane and Maggie had done a good job and Hershel just changed the bandage over it to a fresh one. He had also helped Beth, set her up on an IV drip and now she was at least responding to people, but she still wasn’t back to normal.

“So, that’s the big plan? Drive him out 18 miles and leave him there? What if he finds his way back?” You asked, leaning against the tree as you glanced around at the others who were all sitting around the campfire eating breakfast.

“He won’t. I’ll blindfold him, lock him in the trunk. He won’t know where he is, let alone where the farm is. We’ll give him some supplies and leave him there.” Rick explained.

Shane shook his head, but to your relief he didn’t said anything although you knew he didn’t like Rick’s plan.

“You’re givin’ him supplies? What next, ya gonna give him a weapon too?” Daryl questioned from where he was sitting with a plate of eggs on his lap.

“For once, I agree with Dixon. Rick, this isn’t a good plan.” Shane spoke up, but before Rick had a chance to respond you did.

“Well, it’s the only plan we got. I’ll go get the car ready. Rick grab Randall.” You instructed, but before you could even turn around, Shane grabbed your good arm.

“You’re not going out there. You were just in a car crash and have stitches in your shoulder." 

"I’ll be fine, because I will have you there to watch my back too.” You answered and Shane just frowned.

“What? Why am I going?”

“Because you and Rick need to short your shit out and the only way to do that is to lock the two of you in a car together and go on a road trip.” You responded, glancing over at Rick who sighed rubbing his face with his hands. “It worked back in the day and it will work now. Whatever is going on between the two of you, you’re fixing it. Now, let’s go.”

10 minutes later, you were sitting in the backseat while Rick drove and Shane sat shotgun with Randall blindfolded and tied up in the trunk.

Nobody had said anything since you pulled out the Greene farm and you knew Rick and Shane were purposely not talking.

“This will only work if the two of you actually talk to each other. I don’t know what’s going on between you guys, but something clearly is and you have to fix it.” You said, breaking the awkward silence.

Rick looked at you through the revision mirror before focusing back on the road, while Shane just continued to stare out the passenger window, ignoring you completely.

“What are you? Five years old? Carl is more mature than the two of you. Rick, stop the car.”

Rick glared at you through the mirror and you just glared right back at him before he slammed on the brakes, stopping the car in the middle of the road.

Without saying anything, Rick climbed out the car, slamming the door behind him. You climbed out too, looking over at Shane with a questioning look and he sighed, but climbed out the car as well.

“Let’s talk then.” Rick said, turning around to look at Shane.

You sat down on the bonnet of the car and watched the two of them.

“We don’t need to. I get it. He was passed out when y'all bought him back, doesn’t know where the farm is.” Shane said, shocking you slightly that he had just agreed to the whole Randall thing, but you didn’t say anything wanting the two of them to talk.

“That isn’t what we need to talk about. I heard about what really happened at the school. Was it to survive?”

What kind of question was that? Of course it was, Shane wouldn’t just kill someone for no reason.

“One of us wasn’t gonna make it out. It had to be him. One shot to the leg, Carl lives.” Shane answered honestly.

“He made the right call, Rick. If it wasn’t for him, your son would be dead. It was a tough call, but it had to be done.” You called out from where you were still sitting.

You didn’t mean to get involved, but you couldn’t let Rick get angry at Shane for saving Carl’s life.

“You don’t think I would’ve done it?” Rick questioned a few seconds later, glancing between you and Shane and you just rolled your eyes.

That was not what you said.

“No, man. I know you wouldn’t have.” Shane quickly responded.

“You don’t think I can keep Lori or Carl safe? Or my baby?" 

"I didn’t say that.” Shane answered, but Rick just shook his head. “Rick, you can’t just be the good guy and expect to live. Okay? Not anymore." 

"I’m not the good guy anymore. To save Carls life, I would’ve done anything. Anything. Now, Lori says you’re dangerous, but you’re not gonna be dangerous. Not to us, not to me, not anymore.” Rick stated, taking a few steps towards Shane causing you to frown.

Lori said that? Why the hell would Lori say that your brother was dangerous? He hadn’t done anything, but protect her and Carl.

“You and Lori- I get what happened. When I figured it out -and I figured it out pretty quickly- I wanted to break your jaw, let you choke on your teeth. But, I didn’t. That wasn’t weakness. It took everything. That is my wife. That is my son. That is my unborn child. I will stay alive to keep them alive. You don’t love her. You think you do, but you don’t. Now, the only way you and me keep on is that you accept everything I just said right here, right now, and we move forward with that understanding.”

If you were being honest, you didn’t hear anything after the part about Shane and Lori. They were together? They hooked up? Why? How? When?

You had so many questions and now you were starting to understand why the two of them had been at each others throats since the CDC. 

Rick turned around and began walking back to the car, his eyes flashing over at you and he seemed to be surprised by the shocked look on your face and you realised that he thought you knew about all this already.

“When it all started it was just a couple weird stories on the news.” Shane’s voice suddenly called out causing Rick to stop and turn back towards him.

“Everything just happened so quick. Two weeks later, I’m in the hospital and there were soldiers shooting people in the halls. They were shooting people, man, not walkers. Then the walkers came through. You know, I tried to get you out, I tried to get both of you out, but we weren’t gonna make it. Man, there was no way and I knew it…. I didn’t keep Lori and Carl alive, man. They kept me alive. I want you to know that I didn’t look at her before that. Brother, if I could take it all back, I would.”

You were torn between wanting to slap Shane for hooking up with Lori and wanting to hug him for what he would’ve went through when the dead started to rise. It would have been terrifying and you were kinda glad you were in a coma when it began.

“I wanna check the ropes.” Rick responded, barely acknowledging what Shane had said.

He walked around to the back of the car to check on Randall and you sighed looking over at Shane who just shook his head.

“Give him some time. He’s your best friend, he will come around.” You whispered as Shane walked past you, grabbing your good shoulder and squeezing it gently before the two of you climbed back into the car and continued driving.

To your surprise, Rick started up a conversation a few minutes later and began talking about plans for the winter at the farm, sparking a small amount of hope that maybe he was slowly starting to forgive Shane and that things would go back to normal.

However, not even 10 minutes later all that hope got thrown out the window when you arrived at a fenced off building and it all went to shit.

You weren’t even sure what sparked the argument, but now you were currently standing between your brothers, trying to stop them from decking each other while keeping an eye on Randall, who was lying on the ground a few metres away, still tied by his ankles and wrists.

“You don’t know shit anymore!” Rick shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

He glared past you at Shane while you stood between them with your hands on both their chests trying to keep them apart, ignoring the pain the movement caused your shoulder.

“Both of you, quit it!” You yelled, but you were better off talking to a brick wall.

“I don’t think you can do it, Rick. I don’t think you can keep them safe.” Shane responded, his voice scary calm and that was all it took for Rick to snap as he pushed past you and slammed his fist into the side of Shane’s head.

“For crying out loud.” You muttered to yourself.

Shane headbutted Rick in response before Rick slammed him to a nearby car and they began to trade punches like they were teenagers.

“Stop it!" 

You grabbed Rick’s arm, stopping him from slamming his fist into Shane, but your brother took that to his advantage and shoved Rick backwards, taking you with him as you both fell to the ground.

You landed on your bad arm and by the sudden pain and wetness you felt dripping down your arm, you knew the stitches had been busted in your shoulder. But, that was the least of your worries as you watched Rick jump to his feet and tackle Shane to the ground.

By the time you got to your feet, they had punched each other enough to leave blood and bruises on their faces. You knew there was nothing you could say that would make them stop. You had seen the two of them fight before, but you had never seen it this bad and it scared you.

Thinking on your feet, you drew your handgun and racked the slide, loading a bullet in the chamber before firing a shot into the window behind the two of them. 

The gun went off with a bang, echoing across the area as the glass shattered and your brothers instantly stopped in their tracks. 

Their wide panicked eyes snapped in your direction before Shane shoved Rick to the side and got to his feet, marching towards you. 

"Are you crazy?” Shane shouted, pointing towards your gun as you holstered it.

“Are you? You were going to kill each other!”

Shane scoffed as you looked over at Rick who was sitting on the ground and looking at the two of you with a pissed off expression, but your attention was quickly turned to the window when a walker fell out of it.

“Rick!” You shouted, but he was already to his feet and slammed his knife into the walkers head before more started to follow.

You instantly reached for your gun, but quickly realised that there were more walkers than bullets in your magazine.


“Run.” Shane shouted.

Rick pulled the dead walker over his body, using it to hide while the small herd falling out the window began rushing towards you and Shane as you took off running.

You weren’t even sure how, but you and Shane ended up stuck inside a school bus while the walkers surrounded it. There was no way out and by the look on your brothers face, he had realised that too.

“Well shit.” He sighed, dropping his head as he leant his back against the bus door while you both watched Rick run off through the gate with Randall.

Rick wouldn’t leave the two of you. He might be pissed at Shane right now, but he wouldn’t leave you both for dead.

A few minutes later the familiar green SUV came flying through the wire fence. It sped towards the bus with Rick hanging out the passenger side door and Randall driving as Rick fired shots at the walkers around the bus.

“Shane! Y/N! Back door!” Rick shouted.

Neither of you said anything as you sprinted down the aisle of the bus and kicked open the back door just as the car parked beside it. You quickly jumped into the car via the open window, Shane quickly following and half landing on you in the backseat. 

“Whooo! Hell yeah! Did you see that? Did you see what we did?” Randall shouted, glancing over at Rick in the passenger seat who raised his gun at him.

“Just keep driving.” Rick instructed in a stern tone.

Randall nodded as you glanced down at your shoulder to find the white bandage now stained red with blood.

You looked over at Shane taking in the blood and bruises over his face before looking at Rick who had matching wounds and you sighed, leaning your head back against the head rest and closed your eyes.

How were you meant to get these two to make up? They always forgave each other after a fight, but even the usual road trip didn’t work.

Once you were a safe enough distance from the walkers, Rick instructed Randall to the stop the car which he did without question with the Colt Python pointed at his face. Rick tied him back up and threw him in the trunk again while you tried to figure out what to do. 

Randall knew Maggie. You had completely forgotten about that part. You were too busy trying to make sure your brothers didn’t murder each other to worry about what Randall had said earlier.

“If you want to kill me, you’re gonna have to do better than that.” Rick stated, breaking the silence as you glared at him, but he was purely focused on Shane who refused to look at him. “We’re probably gonna have to kill that boy, but I’m gonna think about it a night. It can’t be that easy, killing someone, killing anyone. You know that.”

You agreed with Rick, Randall had to die. It was the only solution, so you nodded, but Shane didn’t say anything as Rick let out a loud sigh.

“That is my wife. That is my son. That is my child. If you’re gonna be with us, you gotta follow my lead, you gotta trust me. It’s time for you to come back.”

Ricks voice was now a lot calmer as he pulled out Shanes Glock from his belt which you didn’t even realise he had before holding it out to him, grip first.

Shane stared at the gun for a few seconds before he took it, checking the chamber and tucking it into his belt. 

Rick’s hand clasped Shanes shoulder, patting him before he glanced over at you with a small nod and with that, the three of you climbed into the car.

To your surprise, Shane took the passenger seat beside Rick instead of sitting in the back with you.

That was a small win.

Maybe things would start to get back to normal? You could only hope.



Next Chapter

Summary:Y/N Walsh meets Daryl Dixon while working as an undercover Police Officer. But, when Daryl finds out the truth about you, you’re forced to move back to King County.

While on duty, a bullet puts you and Rick Grimes in hospital and when you wake up, the whole world has changed.

Pairing:Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader

Word Count:2.5k

Warnings: Language, violence, blood, injury 

Previous chapter

Chapter 20-


Within the span of a few hours, things went from down to worse. 

Beth had gone into some kind of state of shock and wouldn’t respond to anyone and Hershel had disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Rick and Glenn had gone into town, thinking that Hershel had gone to the local bar in town after finding his flask in his bedroom, leaving the rest of you waiting anxiously around the farm. 

You spent most the day trying to help with Beth and by helping, it was mainly just sitting beside her.

There wasn’t much you could do for the young girl, you had seen people in this kind of state of shock after major accidents. You knew there wasn’t anything you could do for her except keep her comfortable and try get her to eat, but she wouldn’t even respond to her sister, so you highly doubted she’d eat or drink.

“Hey, Y/N?” Lori’s voice suddenly called out.

You looked away from Beth to find Lori standing in the doorway to Beth’s bedroom.

“What’s up?”

You and Lori had never really seen eye to eye, even when you were kids. Hell, you kinda hated her in high school, but then her and Rick had started dating and well, you had been putting up with her ever since for Ricks sake. She was a nice woman and good mother, but she got on your nerves sometimes.

“Rick and Glenn should be back by now. It’s nearly dark-” She began to say before you cut her off.

“Rick knows what he’s doing. Glenn too. They’ll be back soon.”

“Something might have went wrong, they wouldn’t stay out there in the dark. We have to go find them. I already asked Daryl, but he said no. Can you come with me?” She asked, already pulling out a street map from her pocket and you sighed.

She had clearly thought this through and you knew if you said no then she would just go by herself and that was just a stupid idea.

“Okay, but lets go now before Shane gets back. My brother won’t like this idea, hell, neither do I.” You muttered, standing up, taking one last look at Beth before you followed Lori out the house to find that she had already got a car parked out the front of the house with the keys in the ignition.

Lori immediately handed you the map before she walked over to the drivers side. You didn’t argue as you climbed into the passenger seat and unfolded map and began to figure out the best route to take into town to get this bar. 

You instructed Lori where to go, but other than saying the occasional ‘take the next left’ the two of you sat there in dead silence.

What were you meant to say? She was worrying about Rick and you were still trying to figure out how you were meant to explain this to Shane when you got back because he would not be happy that you just took off without saying a word to him about it.

“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Lori suddenly questioned, breaking the awkward silence as she glanced over at you causing you to frown.

Of course you were going the right way. You were the one with the map.

“Yeah, we’re nearly there.” You answered, hoping that would shut her up, but of course it didn’t.

“I think we’re going around in circles. Let me see the map.”

You were about to say something about her not being able to read a damn map, but she pulled it out your hands before you could even open your mouth.

She laid the map out over the steering wheel as she tried to read it, but you knew she wouldn’t even be able to figure out where the town was on the map, let alone where the two of you were right now.

“Trust me. Just focus on the road, I don’t feel like dying today.” You half joked, but Lori just shook her head as she continued staring at the map. “Hey, watch the road, you’re driving.” You instructed, your inner cop voice coming out.

You turned your attention back to the road just as a walker stumbled across the road in front of you.

“Lori!” You shouted, snatching the map away from her so she could see the road properly.

“Shit!” She screamed as she yanked the steering wheel down to her right to try to avoid the walker. 

She managed to avoid the walker, but lost control of the car when she over corrected herself. You frantically tried to reach for your seatbelt, but it was too late.

The car went off the road and slammed into the ditch before everything turned black.


All you could hear was a high-pitched ringing in your ears when you started to come to.

Everything was black, but your head was hurting something fierce and your left arm felt it was on fire, but you couldn’t figure out why.

There was a faint growling in the background somewhere, but you couldn’t work out what it was or where it was coming from. But, as the ringing in your ears started to fade there was more than just growling, someone was screaming.

It took your foggy brain longer than it should have to figure out who the voice belonged to, but it was Lori and then everything came flooding back.

The car crash.

Shit, you were in a car crash.

“Y/N!” Lori screamed, her voice suddenly a lot louder than it had been a few moments ago as you forced your eyes open.

For a moment, you thought you hadn’t opened your eyes at all because everything was still dark, but you quickly realised that it was just night time.

Shit, you had been unconscious for a while if it was this dark outside already.

You looked around slowly, taking in the car before you realised that the car was lying on it’s side and you were lying against the drivers side window on the ground. Your head was spinning as you tried to get yourself to sit up, but that was nothing compared to the sharp pain coming from your left arm..

“Y/N! Help!” She shouted and you frowned realising that she wasn’t inside the car, her voice was coming from outside.

Looking out the cracked front windscreen you spotted a walker with it’s head stuck through the broken glass with a screwdriver sticking out it’s eye socket and you knew Lori must have killed it while you were unconscious, but by her panicked screams you knew there must be more walkers outside.

You managed to get yourself into a sitting position as you bit your lip to stop yourself from groaning. You weren’t sure what was worse, the pain coming from your head or arm, but either way, it fucking hurt.

You glanced around the inside of the car, spotting the passengers side door open and you knew Lori must have climbed up and out that way, but there was no way you’d be able to climb up and out that door.

You turned your attention back to the front windscreen which was already cracked and shattered, and you knew that was your best bet.

Without any further thought, you slammed your boot against the windscreen a few times. To your relief, it eventually gave way and fell out, taking the dead walker with it.

You could hear Lori grunting and screaming in the background and you quickly crawled through the gap and somehow managed to get to your feet when you spotted her on the ground, trying to get away from a walker that was grabbing her foot.


Her head snapped over to you, relief evident in her expression as you pulled your gun from your holster and shot the walker.

In all honestly, you had no idea how you managed to land a headshot on the walker with one bullet since everything around you was slightly blurry and spinning, but it worked.

With shaky hands you holstered your handgun and looked down at your left arm to try and figure out why it hurt so much and your eyes widened when you took in large piece of metal sticking out your shoulder and all the blood that had run down your arm.

Oh, shit.

“Oh my God.” Lori cried, appearing beside you as she stared at your arm, taking in the chunk of metal and blood. “I am so sorry, this is all my fault.” She whispered as tears began to rise in her eyes.

“It’s fine. I’m fine.” You tried to reassure, but Lori just shook her head.

Neither of you really had a chance to say anything further before a set of headlights appeared down the road. You quickly grabbed Lori with your good arm and pulled her back towards the car to hide from whoever it was coming down the road.

You both crouched down behind the car, waiting for the vehicle to drive off, but it never did. It parked in the middle of the road, right beside Lori’s car.


“Y/N? Lori?” A familiar voice shouted and you sighed with relief.

It was Shane.

Lori quickly rushed around the side of the car while you slowly stood up, trying not to pass out as black dots started to cloud your vision from the small movement, but you just blinked a few times and they disappeared.

“Are you alright?” You heard your brother ask.

“I’m fine.” Lori quickly answered as you began to walk around the car towards them.

“What happened? Where’s my sister?”

Lori didn’t have to answer that because you walked around the corner and Shane quickly turned around, his eyes widening when he saw you.

“Holy shit.” He gasped, rushing over to you.

“I’m fine-” You began to say, but Shane quickly cut you off.

“No, you’re not. Shit, sis. Look at you, c'mon I gotta get you both back." 

You just nodded, because honestly you were about ready to pass out again and it would be better to do that on the farm than in the middle of the road and be walker bait.

"No, we gotta find, Rick.” Lori argued and you mentally punched yourself for forgetting about Rick.

“He’s back. They’re all back. They’re all safe and sound.” He quickly answered, but you just frowned at him because you knew that tone in his voice.

He was lying.

Rick wasn’t back yet, but you also knew if Lori knew the truth then she wouldn’t go back to the farm, so you kept your mouth shut.

“Really?” Lori asked, a hint of hope in her tone as Shane nodded. “Oh, thank God.”

You sat in the backseat of the car while Lori took the passenger as Shane turned the car around and began driving back to the farm. You leant your head back against the headrest and stared out the side window as you tried to keep yourself awake, but you were just so exhausted all you wanted to do was close your eyes.

“Hey, Y/N. Stay awake.” Shane instructed, looking at you through the revision mirror. 

You nodded weakly and zoned out for the rest of the drive and before you knew it, you were back at the farm. 

Lori quickly climbed out the car while Shane stopped and helped you out the backseat, grabbing your good arm gently.

You could hear the others asking Lori what happened and if she was alright, but your mind couldn’t really process anything other than the fact that you had a piece of metal sticking out your shoulder and that you had probably lost more blood than you probably should have.

“Holy shit, Y/N, you’re shoulder!” Andrea suddenly said.

You glanced over in her direction to find her, Dale and Carl, all standing by Lori, but their eyes were now glued to your bloodied arm.

“Where’s Rick?” Lori questioned, ignoring Andrea completely. 

“Look, I had to get you back here and I get to get my sister back here.” Shane tried to explain while you leant his side because you were pretty sure you’d fall over if he wasn’t supporting you.

“You asshole. He’s my husband.” She shouted, marching towards Shane.

Before you even realised what was happening, Lori shoved Shane in the chest causing him to stumble backwards and in return caused you to stumble backwards too.

Suddenly. a strong pair of hands grabbed your shoulders, stopping you from falling to the ground and you frowned because it wasn’t Shane’s hands. He was too busy being pushed by Lori.

You glanced over your shoulder in confusion and spotted Daryl standing behind you. But, that just made you even more confused because he literally just appeared out of nowhere. 

“Lori, I will go after him. I will find him. But, I had to get Y/N back! Look at her shoulder!” Shane shouted, standing his ground and pointing towards you. “First things first I gotta look after my sister and I gotta look after you. I gotta make sure the baby’s alright, okay?" 

Whoa, what?

Her and Rick were having another baby? Why didn’t Rick tell you? He obviously told Shane, why didn’t Shane tell you about it?

"You’re having a baby?” Carl’s voice suddenly questioned. 

He stared at his mother with hopeful eyes and you couldn’t stop the small smile forming on your lips. Carl always wanted a little brother or sister. Hell, he had even asked you for a little cousin once.

“This seriously important right now? Your sister has metal sticking out her fuckin’ shoulder.” Daryl called out, looking over at Shane who’s expression immediately turned guilty as he rushed back over to you and without further word, the group of you made your towards the house.

“Maggie, where’s the first aid kit?” Dale called out as you walked through the front door.

Daryl was hovering over your left side, being careful not to touch your injured arm while Shane was holding your right arm, helping you walk.

A few seconds later, Maggie walked out of Beth’s bedroom about to ask what was going on, but the second she saw your shoulder, she froze.

“Oh my God. Come on, you can take my bedroom.” Maggie said, snapping into action as she pointed towards the door to her right while she jogged off to go and get the first aid kit.

Shane walked you into the bedroom and helped you sit down while Daryl paced the room worriedly which surprised you slightly because you hadn’t really spoken much since you told him the truth about the past and you were almost certain that he still hated you, but now you weren’t so sure.

“I got bandages and tweezers-” Maggie began to say as she rushed into the bedroom before you cut her off.

“How’s Beth?" 

"Still the same. Lori and Carl are with her at the moment. Now, I’m going to pull it out while I do that I need one of you to start padding it with bandages to stop the bleeding before I stitch the wound” Maggie instructed and Shane nodded, grabbing the bandages.

You were expecting Maggie to give you a count down before she tried to pull it out, but she didn’t.

The ringing in your ears began to return as the pain skyrocketed through your arm and the last thing you heard was Shane and Daryl’s voice calling your name before you passed out again. 



Next Chapter

Anyone know why my Daryl Dixon fics aren’t showing up in any of the tags???

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and it’s really frustrating me

Summary:Y/N Walsh meets Daryl Dixon while working as an undercover Police Officer. But, when Daryl finds out the truth about you, you’re forced to move back to King County.

While on duty, a bullet puts you and Rick Grimes in hospital and when you wake up, the whole world has changed.

Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 3.4k

Warnings: Language, violence,

Previous chapter

Chapter 22-

The next morning everyone was up before the sun and you suspected that was because nobody really slept much after what just happened.

Dale had died. He was attacked by a walker in the paddock right in front of the house, less than 200 metres from your actual camp. That did not make you feel comfortable at all.

You had a small funeral for Dale in the morning, the Greene family also joined to pay their respect. Once the funeral was over, you all began to talk about what to do to make sure something like that never happens again.

“It’ll be tight 14 people in one house, but don’t worry about that. We should’ve moved you in a while ago, it’s not safe to sleep out here.” Hershel said, looking around at the group of you as you all stood around camp with Hershel and Maggie.

“Thank you, we really appreciate it. But, how else are we going to improve our safety?” You asked, turning away from Hershel as you looked between Rick, Shane, Daryl, T-Dog and Glenn.

“We’ll build a lookout in the windmill, another in the barn loft. That should give us sightlines both sides of the property. T-Dog, you take the perimeter around the house. Keep track of everyone coming and going.” Rick instructed and T-Dog nodded.

“What about standing guard in the meantime?” You asked.

“I need you and Daryl on double duty.” Rick explained and you nodded, glancing over at Daryl who nodded too and began to walk off towards the RV to take watch.

“I’ll stock the basement with food and water, enough that we can all survive there a few days if need be.” Hershel informed.

That was a good idea. If it’s a bad winter, you could be stuck inside for a few days if it snows as badly as it has in the past.

“After we get this area locked down, Shane will assign shifts while me and Daryl take Randall offsite and cut him loose.” Rick explained and you sighed.

Shit, you had completely forgotten about Randall with everything that’s been going on.

“We’re back to that now?” Your brother questioned, disapproval evident in his tone..

“It was the right plan first time around. Poor execution.” Rick answered and Shane just shook his head.

“That’s a slight understatement.” He muttered, looking away from Rick as you rubbed your face with your hands, not really in the mood to stop the two of them from fighting again.

“You don’t agree, but this is what’s happening. Swallow it. Move on.” Rick instructed, taking a step towards Shane from where your brother was leaning against the side of the blue pickup truck.

“You know that Dale’s death and the prisoner, that’s two separate things, right?” Shane questioned, pushing himself away from the truck until he was face to face with Rick as they stared at each other. “You wanna take Daryl as your wingman, be my guest.” Your brother muttered before he walked off, leaving you and Rick standing by the truck.

“Thank you.” Rick called out, watching Shane leave before he turned back towards you and you just shook your head at him. “What?”

“Go easy on him. He knows he fucked up, but you’ve been best friends since you were in diapers. He’s still your brother.” You stated, crossing your arms over your chest and Rick sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he nodded before you walked off.


You spent the rest of the day swapping between guard duty on top of the RV and helping Shane with the lookout on the windmill.

Once, the new lookout was complete, Shane went to go relieve T-Dog from Randall watch duty while you relieved Daryl from guard duty on the RV so him and Rick could start organising how and where they were going to dump Randall offsite somewhere.

You were only on guard duty for an hour before you spotted T-Dog walking back to the shed to swap with Shane, but you frowned when T-Dog opened the door and quickly began sprinting back to the house.

“What’s wrong?” You shouted, already climbing down the ladder of the RV, catching Rick and Daryl’s attention from where they were sitting under the veranda of the house, discussing their plan.

“Randall is missing.” He said breathlessly causing you to frown.

No, that wasn’t possible. Shane was watching him, your brother wouldn’t have let him out of his sight.

You glanced over your shoulder towards Rick and Daryl who were already shouting at the others and rushing towards the barn. You jogged with T-Dog back to the barn, but after a quick sweep of the barn it was clear the kid wasn’t there.

“He must have slipped the cuffs, they’re still secure.” You stated, walking back out to find that the others had all gathered outside nervously.

“Rick! Y/N!” Your brother’s voice suddenly shouted from somewhere behind you causing you to frown because you did not like the tone of his voice.

You quickly turned around and spotted him staggering out the woods towards you.

“What happened?” Rick called out.

“He’s armed! He’s got my gun!” Shane shouted back.

He continued walking towards the rest of you and that was when you saw all the blood coming your brothers nose and mouth.

Oh my God.

“Are you okay?” You quickly questioned, rushing towards your brother.

You grabbed his shoulder and took in the fresh bruises and blood. How the hell did Randall do this to him? Randall was fucking tiny compared to Shane.

“I’m fine. Little bastard snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face.” Your brother answered, shaking his head at himself.

“T-Dog, Glenn, get everybody back in the house. Daryl, Y/N, you come with us.” Rick quickly instructed and everyone nodded in agreement, all rushing back towards the house while the four of you began to head towards the woods.

“I saw him head up through the trees that way before I blacked out. I’m not sure how long.” Shane explained pointing through the woods as you pulled your handgun from the holster on your hip, not taking any chances.

“He couldn’t have gotten far. He’s hobbled, exhausted.” Rick responded.

“And he’s armed.” You pointed out, racking the slide on your gun, loading a bullet in the chamber.

“So are we.” He answered before looking over at Daryl who was walking beside you. “Can you track him?”

“No, I don’t see nothing.”

Daryl was the best tracker you knew, if he couldn’t track him then something wasn’t right.

“Hey, look, there ain’t no use in tracking him, okay? He went that way. We just need to pair up, spread out, we just chase him down, that’s it.” Shane responded as you all stopped and scanned your surroundings trying to find any sign of him.

“Kid weighs a buck-25 soaking wet. Ya tryin’ to tell us he got the jump on ya?” Daryl questioned, glancing over at Shane who just shook his head,

“I say a rock pretty much evens those odds, don’t you?”

Great, now Shane and Daryl were starting to argue too. Couldn’t they all just get along? You had much bigger things to deal with right now.

“Alright, knock it off. You and Y/N start heading up the right flank. Me and Shane will take the left. Remember, Randall’s not the only threat out there. Watch each others back.” Rick instructed.

“You too. Let’s go.” You said turning to Daryl who nodded before the two of you began to walk off towards the left, while Rick and Shane took the opposite direction.

You trailed behind Daryl, not wanting to get in the way while he tried to pick up Randall’s tracks. He held the torch in one hand with his crossbow in the other as you trekked through the woods. It only took a few minutes before Daryl picked up Randall’s tracks, but something must have been wrong because he soon stopped walking and just stared at the tracks.

“Got two sets of tracks here. Your brother must’ve followed him a lot longer than he said.” Daryl observed, but you shook your head.

No, your brother wouldn’t have lied about what happened, there had to be another explanation.

“Is that blood?” You asked, pointing towards the tree in front of you.

Daryl shone the light towards the trunk causing you to frown even more because that was definitely fresh blood.

“There’s more tracks. Looks like they’re walking in tandem.” Daryl commented as he started to walk off again and you quickly followed. “There was a little dust up right here.”

“What do you mean?” You asked in confusion, staring at the ground, but for the life of you, you couldn’t see the tracks Daryl was staring at.

“I mean somethin’ went down.”

You shook your head trying to figure out what the hell had happened out here before the sound of twigs snapping caught your attention.

In an instant, you and Daryl spun around in sync, raising your weapons in the direction of the noise. It was hard to see with the tree tops blocking out the moon light above you, but there was no mistaking the sound of a walker as it staggered out from behind a tree and a second later it fell to the ground with a crossbow bolt through it’s forehead.

“Nice shot.” You commented, walking over to the walker.

You pulled out the bolt and handed it back to Daryl before you looked at the walker properly and froze realising that it was Randall.

“Well, looks like he got into a losing battle with a walker. Problem solved.” You stated, staring at what used to be Randall.

“I don’t see any bites though.” Daryl muttered, kneeling down beside the body and rolled it over, trying to find where Randall had got bitten, but with no luck. “He got his neck broke though, he died from this. Not a walker.”

“No, that doesn’t make any sense. How’d he turn if he wasn’t bit? And how’d he break his neck?” You asked and Daryl just shrugged his shoulders, but he had a worried look in his eyes that just made you nervous.

Something wasn’t right.

“Let’s get back to the house.” Daryl responded and you nodded in agreement.

You had just reached the paddock in front of the house before a singular gunshot echoed through the still night air causing you to freeze. Rick and Shane wouldn’t fire a gun, not in the woods and especially not in the middle of the night.

You glanced over at Daryl beside you who seemed to come to the same conclusion before the two of you took off jogging towards the farmhouse, praying that Rick and Shane were already back. Although, if they were already back then who the hell fired the gun?

Daryl bet you to the house as he rushed through the front door. You quickly followed, walking into he dining room where the others were all standing around nervously, but as your eyes scanned the room it was clear your brothers weren’t back yet.

“Rick ‘n Shane ain’t back?” Daryl questioned, glancing around the room.

“No. We heard a shot. Maybe they found Randall?” Lori suggested, but you shook your head.

“No, we found him. He’s a walker.” You answered, shaking your head as you tried to figure out why they would fire one shot. If it was just one walker they would’ve stabbed it.

“Did you find the walker that bit him?” Hershel asked from across the room.

“No, weird thing is he wasn’t bit. His neck was broke.” Daryl explained causing the others to all stare at him in confusion before Lori spoke up.

“Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?”

“Ya got it.” Daryl answered.

The two of you quickly walked back outside, but barely got a few feet out the door before Daryl suddenly grabbed your arm tightly, stopping you in your tracks. He wasn’t looking at you, his eyes glued to something in the distance with a panicked expression.

“What’s wrong-” You began to ask, following his line of sight, but stopped mid-sentence when you saw a large herd of walkers walking out the woods in the direction of the house.

“Holy shit.” You gasped, taking in the vast number of walkers.

“Someone turn the lights off and grab the gun bag.” You shouted in a whisper over your shoulder.

Patricia immediately killed the lights while Maggie grabbed the bag of guns off the couch. The herd was getting closer and closer to the barn and once they reached the barn it was only a matter of minutes before they knocked the fences and reached the house too.

“Maybe they’re just passing, like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?” Glenn asked hopefully from behind you.

“Not unless there’s a tunnel downstairs I don’t know about. Herd that size will rip the house down.” Daryl answered as your eyes scanned the horizon trying to find any sign of Rick and Shane, but all you could see were walkers. God, you hoped they were okay.

“I can’t find Carl. He’s supposed to be upstairs, but he’s not. I’m not leaving without my boy.” Lori breathlessly said as she rushed back out onto the porch/

You turned around to her in disbelief. How did she keep losing Carl? She has one child, it shouldn’t be that hard to keep an eye on him.

“We’re not. I’m not going anywhere without my brother and Rick. Lori, Carol go back inside and find him.” You stated, turning back towards the herd.

You pulled out one of the pump-action shotguns from the bag Maggie was holding before you grabbed a handful of shotgun shells and shoved them into your pockets.

“I got the number it’s no use.” Daryl responded, staring at you as you loaded five rounds into the weapon, but you never got the chance to respond before Hershel reached your side, taking the other shotgun.

“We have guns. We have cars. Kill as many as we can, and we’ll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm.”

“You serious?” Daryl questioned staring at the older man in shock.

“This is my farm. I’ll die here.” Hershel responded, cocking his own shotgun.

“Alright, it’s as good a night as any.” Daryl responded, jumping over the railing of the porch and you quickly followed. “Get on the back of my bike, the others will take the cars.”

He mounted his Triumph, starting the engine and you quickly jumped onto the back.

“You drive, I shoot.” You shouted above the roar of the engine.

Daryl just nodded, tapping the tap the bike into gear and taking off towards the fence that separated the front paddock to the farmhouse yard.

The second Daryl stopped the bike, you jumped off and began firing off rounds at the walkers while Daryl stood up on his bike and did the same with his handgun, but there was no point, there was too many of them and you both knew it.

“The barns on fire!” Daryl suddenly shouted.

Your head quickly snapped towards the barn and your eyes widened when you realised that the barn was in fact on fire and sudden relief hit you. That must have been Shane and Rick. They were trying to distract the herd.

You could hear Glenn and T-Dog driving the cars up and down the fence line while Maggie and Andrea shot out the passenger side windows. But, even with them shooting too there was no way you’d be able to kill the whole herd.

“Y/N!” Daryl shouted.

“Shit, I know.” You muttered, struggling to grab more shotgun shells from your pocket as you reloaded the gun before climbing back onto the bike just as the herd busted through the fence.

You rested the shotgun over your lap while you holding onto Daryl’s shoulder with your free hand while he drove off in the opposite direction, the sound of walkers getting softer and softer in the distance.

Once you were a safe-ish distance from the herd, Daryl pulled the bike over on the dirt road and you both sat there in silence watching as the barn collapsed, the flames engulfing it as the walkers reached the farmhouse. You could see the tail lights of a car disappear in the distance, indicating that at least someone had gotten away before the walkers took over, but you had no idea who.

“Did you see Shane or Rick?” You asked, breaking the silence.

You glanced over at Daryl who shook his head, staring out at the farm in the distance and you sighed.

“Doesn’t mean they didn’t make it out though. Same as the others.” Daryl tried to reassure and you hoped to God that he was right.

You couldn’t lose your brother again. You couldn’t lose him or Rick or Carl or, hell, even Lori. They were your family and you couldn’t lose them, not again.

“Even if they made it out, how are we meant to find them?” You asked in defeat, flicking the safety switch on the shotgun and resting it over your shoulder as you stared out at the farm.

“The highway, where we left those supplies for Sophia. It’s the only place everyone knows, probably the best place to start.”

He turned the key in the ignition, bringing the motorcycle to life and you wrapped your free arm around his stomach, resting the side of your face against his back before he began riding to the highway.

It didn’t take long before Daryl tapped your hand on his stomach causing you to lift your head and look up, spotting a familiar green SUV driving down the road further in front of you.

It was the car Glenn and Maggie had taken.

Daryl quickly sped the bike up until you were side by side with the car. Maggie frantically wound down her window down, relief evident on both their faces and to your shock Carol and Sophia were sitting in the backseat too.

You and Daryl took the lead on his bike, Glenn following behind in the car and within 10 minutes you crossed paths with a familiar blue pickup truck to find Lori, Beth and T-Dog.

By the time you got back to the highway the sun had started to rise along the horizon and it didn’t take long to find the traffic snarl. Daryl slowed the motorcycle down and weaved through all the broken down cars, Glenn and T-Dog following right behind in their vehicles.

You scanned the area trying to spot the car with the supplies on it before Daryl suddenly pointed to something and you looked to where he was pointing, but you couldn’t see anything past the cars. He began to steer the bike in the direction and came to a stop beside a familiar red wagon and not a second later a figure rushed out from around the car.

You were climbing off the bike before Daryl even kicked the stand down and rushed to Rick, Carl and Hershel.

“Oh, thank God.” Rick sighed as you practically jumped into his arms, hugging him and he wrapped his arms around your back and held you tightly.

“Aunty Y/N!”

You didn’t even have a chance to pull away from Rick before Carl’s arms wrapped around your body, hugging you tightly causing you to chuckle as you hugged him back.

“Rick!” Lori’s voice called out causing the father and son to pull away from you with wide eyes.

You watched the family reunite, a bright smile spreading across your face as you looked over at Hershel who was hugging his daughters in utter relief.

You glanced around the area, taking in which group members were here before you came to sudden realisation that your brother was no where to be seen. Him and Rick were together, he had to be here, right?

“Hey, is Shane on watch or something?” You called out, looking over at Rick.

Rick slowly turned away from Lori, but you didn’t miss the way his body suddenly turned tense at your question or how Carl buried his face into Lori’s stomach and started to sob.

“Rick, where’s my brother?” You asked again, your voice deadly calm.

He had to be fine. Your brother had to be fine. After everything you had been through, Shane had to be fine.

“Y/N… I’m so sorry-” Rick began to say and you just shook your head, already knowing what he was going to say, but you refused to believe it.

“No. No, where is he? Rick, where is he?” You shouted, your voice starting to waver as you took a few steps backwards, tears filling your eyes.

“He’s gone.” Rick replied, his voice a mere whisper.

“No. No, no, no, no.” You mumbled, shaking your head in disbelief as you took a few more steps backwards before Daryl suddenly grabbed you and pulled you into his chest and that was all it took before you broke down in his arms.



Next Chapter

Summary: Y/N Walsh meets Daryl Dixon while working as an undercover Police Officer. But, when Daryl finds out the truth about you, you’re forced to move back to King County.

While on duty, a bullet puts you and Rick Grimes in hospital and when you wake up, the whole world has changed.

Pairing:Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader

Word Count:2.3k

Warnings: Language, violence, blood,

Previous chapter

Chapter 22-


Daryl interrogated Randall and what you thought you knew about his group was nothing. There were 30 of them with guns and they would apparently kill all the men in your group and the women… well you didn’t even want to think about that.

Rick told everyone that the threat needed to be eliminated, or in other words, Randall had to die.

As far as you could tell most agreed with Rick, but Dale definitely didn’t. The older man ended up storming off when Rick suggested it, leaving the rest of you standing around camp unsure of what to do.

“C'mon, you need to clean those knuckles, can’t afford getting an infection in this world.” You spoke up, breaking the silence as you looked over at Daryl, his knuckles bloodied as he held his crossbow over his shoulder and he just nodded before he silently followed you.

You walked over to one of the wells, making sure it wasn’t the well that had the dead walker inside it. You grabbed the metal bucket beside it and turned it upside down before motioning for Daryl to sit.

“Rick ‘n Shane put those bruises on each other?” Daryl asked, breaking the silence.

He sat down on the bucket while you turned the tap on and took Daryl’s red rag that he kept in his back pocket and rinsed it in the water.

“Yeah, but I think they have finally sorted out their issues.” You replied with a small shrug.

Kneeling down in front of him, you grabbed Daryl’s hand and began to wipe the rag gently over his knuckles. Neither of you said anything after that as you cleaned his knuckles, but you could feel Daryl staring at you and you could tell he wanted to say something.

“What is it?” You asked, looking up at him.

“The other day, ya said ya still loved me… did ya mean that?”

“I do, but I know you don’t feel the same way, which is fine because I hurt you. I tried doing what was best, but I hurt you and I know you can’t forgive me for that and-”

Before you could finish what you were saying Daryl’s lips were suddenly captured yours.

For a split second, you just sat there in shock before you melted into his kiss and started to kiss him back.

“I still love ya too.” He whispered against your lips.


“So, how do we do this? Just take a vote?” Glenn asked breaking the awkward silence as you all stood in the living room of the Greene house staring at each other.

You stood between Daryl and Rick, while your brother stood across the room beside Andrea, watching everyone.

“Let’s see where everybody stands, then we can talk through the options.” Rick explained, glancing around the group as Shane spoke up.

“Well, where I sit, there’s only one way to move forward.”

“Killing him, right? I mean, why even bother to take a vote? It’s clear which way the wind’s blowing.” Dale responded, glaring at your brother.

“Okay, then it’s done. We’ll kill him, end of discussion. Thank you Dale.” You spoke up, causing Dale to glare at you instead, but Rick shook his head.

“If people believe we should spare him, I wanna know.”

“Couldn’t we continue keeping him prisoner?” Maggie suggested.

“Just another mouth to feed.” Daryl muttered from beside you.

“He could be an asset! Give him a chance to prove himself, we could put him to work.” Dale said, but you shook your head.

“We’re not letting him walk around.” Rick quickly responded.

“Could put an escort on him.” Maggie added.

“Who wants to volunteer for that duty?” Your brother questioned, glancing around at everyone.

“I will.” Dale said and you just chuckled, shaking your head.

“That’s not going to happen. We’re not letting him walk around the farm unless he’s tied up and we can’t exactly put chains around his ankles and sentence him to hard labour. There’s only one way to handle this.” You stated and nobody said anything for a few seconds before Patricia spoke up for the first time.

“If you go through with it, how would you do it? Would he suffer?” She asked, still seeming unsure about the whole thing.

“We could hang him, right? Just snap his neck?” Shane asked, glancing over at you and Rick and you just shrugged your shoulders.

That was one way to do, but shooting him would be quicker and take less effort too.

“I thought about that. Shooting may be more humane.” Rick replied and he had a point. It would be a quicker death.

“And what about the body? Do we bury him?” T-Dog questioned which Dale did not like at all.

“Hold on, hold on! You’re talking about this like it’s already decided.”

“You’ve been talkin’ about it all day, goin’ around in circles. Ya just wanna go around in circles again?” Daryl questioned, staring at Dale who shook his head.

“This is a young man’s life, and it is worth more than a five-minute conversation! Is this what it’s come to? We kill someone because we can’t decide what else to do with him? You saved him and now look at us. He’s been tortured. He’s gonna be executed. How are we any better than those people that we’re so afraid of?”

“It’s the only option! If we let him go, he could bring his group back here and kill all of us! If we let him stay he could kill all of us! It’s his life verses all our lives, take your pick!” You snapped, staring at Dale as Rick put his hand up towards you, silently telling you to back off, but before he could say anything Shane spoke up.

“My sister is right. We all know what has to be done.”

“If we do this, the people that we were, the world that we knew is dead. And this new world is ugly. It’s harsh. And that’s a world I don’t wanna live in and I don’t believe that any of you do. Won’t any of you stand with me?” Dale questioned in disbelief as he glanced around at everyone with desperate eyes, but nobody said anything as all looked away from him.

“Are y'all gonna watch, too? No, you’ll go hide your heads in your tents and try to forget that we’re slaughtering a human being. I won’t be a party to it.” The older man stated, shaking his head in utter disbelief before storming out the house.

“Well that went fantastic.” You commented softly.

“Shane, Daryl, Y/N, let’s go. Everyone else, stay here.” Rick instructed and with that the four of you walked out the house, Rick quickly grabbing one of the lanterns from the campsite before you walked over to the shed where Randall was tied up.

“We should do it in the barn, it’s further from the house.” You suggested.

Shane and Daryl grabbed Randall, covering his eyes with a blind fold before leading him out the shed as the group of you made your way to the barn.

Randall kept mumbling at the two of them to let him go, begging them to not do whatever they were going to do, but Shane and Daryl just acted like they couldn’t hear him as they continued to walk him towards the barn.

You took the lantern from Rick as he opened the large double doors before Shane and Daryl pushed Randall inside and got him on his knees in the middle of the large wooden barn.

You stood off to the side with the lantern not really sure what else to do as you watched the three men you loved the most in the world work together. You felt bad for liking this, they were about to kill someone, but the three of them were helping each other, working together and that was something you thought would only happen in your dreams.

“Do you have any final words?” Rick questioned, taking a few steps towards the kid who was still blindfolded as he sat on his knees sobbing.

“No, please. Please don’t.” Randall begged as Rick pulled out his Colt.

You were so focused on Rick, you didn’t even notice that Carl had walked in.

“Do it, dad. Do it.”

Oh, for fuck sake.

You quickly turned around to find the kid standing in the doorway behind you. Was Lori not capable of keeping an eye on her son?

“Carl, you, me, outside now.” You instructed sternly, knowing that this would put Rick off the idea of killing Randall now that his son was encouraging him and that was the last thing you wanted.

Randall just had be dealt with and then it was over.

You rushed towards Carl, grabbing his shoulder and ushering him out the barn. You glanced over your shoulder towards Rick, Shane and Daryl before you closed the barn door behind you and began walking Carl back towards the house.

“Your father told you to stay inside, why did you sneak out?”

“I just wanted to help. I want to protect the group, like you and dad.” Carl answered honestly as he stared up at you with bright eyes and you sighed.

You could never stay mad at him, not when he looked at you like that.

“I know. But, when your dad tells you to do something, you do it. Okay? Your dad knows what’s best, always remember that.” You instructed and Carl nodded.

Lori burst through the front door of the house just as you and Carl walked up the stairs. Her panicked expression turning guilty within seconds when she saw the two of you.

“I didn’t even see him leave the house.” Lori tried to cover up, but you never had the chance to say anything before the sound of pained screams filled the air and you quickly spun around.

The screams were coming from the field by the barn and your heart stopped.

Daryl. Shane. Rick.

Not a second later you were rushing down the steps to the house, not bothering to see if the others were following you as you sprinted towards the screams, hoping beyond anything that it wasn’t your brothers or Daryl.

But, as you got closer you found them and to your relief the three of them were fine, but you quickly realised that they were all standing around a body on the ground.

Dale’s body.

His entire stomach had been had been teared open by a walker as he laid on the ground, still alive.

“Oh my God.” You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands.

The rest of the group caught up and Andrea instantly dropped down beside Dale, crying.

You weren’t really listening to what Rick or Hershel were saying too busy stuck in your own head because this was your fault. Dale wouldn’t have been out here in the middle of the night if you didn’t push him to his breaking point, making him storm out the house earlier. If you had just tried to more civil about the whole situation maybe Dale wouldn’t have stormed out and maybe he wouldn’t have gotten attacked by this walker.

“He’s suffering.” Andrea sobbed as Dale laid there groaning and struggling to breath.

You tried to look away, but you couldn’t get your eyes to move as you stared at the inside of his stomach before someone grabbed your shoulder and you glanced to your left to find Shane now standing beside you.

“Do something!’ Andrea cried.

That somehow snapped you into action and you began to reach for your handgun, knowing it was the humane thing to do before Rick drew his pistol first and aimed it towards Dale with shaky hands.

You were about to tell Rick that you would do it instead, but you never got the chance because Daryl gently grabbed Rick’s gun. Rick instantly let him take it as he took a step back while Daryl knelt down beside Dale, cocking the gun with a click.

"M'sorry brother.” Daryl muttered before squeezing the trigger.

Even though you were expecting it, you couldn’t stop yourself from flinching at the bang. You didn’t even realise there were tears in your eyes before Shane pulled your body against his, turning you away from Dale as he hugged you tightly.


You, Shane and Daryl stayed out while everyone else disappeared back to camp and the three of you got to work on digging a grave for Dale.

Well, Daryl and Shane dug the hole, since they refused to let you do it with stitches still in your shoulder, so you opted to making a wooden cross out of sticks.

“So, what’s the deal with you two? I saw you over by the well this morning, you back to dating my sister, Dixon?” Shane questioned, a hint of protectiveness in his tone.

Shane leant against his shovel looking over at Daryl who stopped shovelling dirt back into the grave to stare at Shane.

“Does it matter?” Daryl questioned, his eyes flashing over to you from where you were tying string around the cross to keep it in position.

“I guess not. But, let’s get one thing straight. You so much as hurt my baby sister, I will break your neck, are we clear?”

“Shane!” You shouted, throwing a rock at him causing your brother to chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s fine. I get it 'n I ain’t gonna hurt her.” Daryl replied and Shane nodded, seeming satisfied.

“I’m gonna head back to camp, check on Andrea.” Shane said once the hole was dug, leaving you and Daryl standing by Dale’s grave with nothing but the small lamp and the moon light providing you light.

“Think this will do?” You asked, holding up the wooden cross.

Daryl nodded before you stuck it into the dirt at the head of the grave, making sure it was straight before you stood up and took a few steps away to look at it properly.

Daryl walked over and stood beside you, staring at the grave in silence.

Dale didn’t deserve this. Yes, he had really gotten on your nerve lately, but he was a good man. If it wasn’t for you, he wouldn’t have been out here and he’d still be breathing.

“It ain’t ya fault.” Daryl quietly muttered.

Even after all these years, Daryl could still read you like a book.

“It’s my fault he stormed out the house and was out here in the first place.” You simply answered, but Daryl shook his head.

“Nah, he walked out on his own, ya didn’t make him.”

Daryl took a step closer and slung his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his side as you stared at the grave, resting your head on his shoulder.



Next Chapter

Summary:Y/N Walsh meets Daryl Dixon while working as an undercover Police Officer. But, when Daryl finds out the truth about you, you’re forced to move back to King County.

While on duty, a bullet puts you and Rick Grimes in hospital and when you wake up, the whole world has changed.

Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 2k

Warnings:Language, violence,

Previous chapter

Chapter 24-

You weren’t sure how much time had passed since Rick broke the news to you. All you knew was that you and Daryl were now sitting on the bitumen road, your head buried in the crook of his neck as you sobbed.

You were somewhat aware of what the others were talking about, something about Patricia, Jimmy and Andrea not making it before they began to plan what to do next and where to go, but you were barely listening.

You didn’t care.

You didn’t even care when Rick told you that everyone was infected, who cares? Your brother was already dead. Your big brother was gone and you didn’t even get to say goodbye.

After a while the group had apparently decided to head east away from the herd that went through the farm. You didn’t argue, silently following Daryl back to his bike and climbing onto the back.

He kept sending you worried looked, but you ignored him and wrapped your arms around his stomach while he stared the bike. He tapped it into gear while resting your head against his back as silent tears trickled down your cheeks.


The group ended up making a small makeshift camp on the side of the road using the trees as cover. By nightfall you all sat around a small campfire in silence trying to stay warm.

You sat beside Daryl and Carl who was snuggled up beside his mother trying to stay warm while the others silently discussed leaving on their own and fending for themselves or something, but you were barely listening.

Suddenly the sound of leaves rustling and twigs snapping filled the air, frightening the whole group. They all quickly stood up, reaching for whatever weapons they had as they looked around the dark.

You don’t even remember standing up with the group, but your survival instincts must have kicked in because your hand hovered over your holster, waiting for the threat.

“What was that?” Carol whispered, scanning the area.

“Could be anythin’. Could be a raccoon, could be a possum.” Daryl responded, his crossbow in his hand as he stood beside you.

“Or a walker. It came from over there, where we came from.” Glenn added pointing off to the left where the road was.

“We should leave.” Someone else added.

“The last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in the dark. We don’t have the vehicles. No one’s traveling on foot.” Rick said, trying to ease everyone’s nerves, but it clearly didn’t work.

“Don’t panic.” Hershel said calmly, looking over at the others as Rick turned away and continued to keep watch.

“I’m not sitting here, waiting for another herd to blow through. We need to move, now.” Maggie insisted causing Rick to shake his head.

“No one is going anywhere.”

“Do something.” Carol instructed looking over at Rick causing him to quickly turn back around towards the group.

“I am doing something!” He snapped, glaring at Carol before he looked back towards the rest of you and took a deep breath before he continued.

“I’m keeping this group together, alive. I’ve been doing that all along, no matter what. I didn’t ask for this! I killed my best friend for you people, for Christ’s sake!”

Your entire world suddenly came crashing down as you took in what Rick had just said.

“What?” You questioned, staring at Rick, hoping that you had just heard him wrong, but the second Rick’s eyes locked with yours, you knew he was telling the truth.

Rick Grimes had killed your brother.

“Y/N, I can explain.”

You shook your head and you stormed towards him, not giving him a chance to say anything else before punching him in the face. The force of the hit sending Rick stumbling backwards, but he managed to get his footing as he stood up straight and stared at you with sorry eyes.

You swung at him again and again, your fist colliding with jaw perfectly. Sad and angry tears filled your eyes as he spat blood onto the ground.

“Y/N, that’s enough.” Hershel called out from somewhere behind you.

“Hershel, stay out of it.” Rick warned, his eyes never leaving yours.

He showed no sign of fighting back as you punched him again. You slammed your knee into his stomach before grabbing the collar of his shirt and throwing him to the ground.

Not a second later, you were leaning over him and punching him again before a pair of hands grabbed your shoulders and pulled you away as Rick staggered back to his feet.

“Daryl, Glenn, back off.” Rick instructed, glancing over your shoulder at the two of them.

They reluctantly let you go before Rick took a step towards you, blood dripping from his nose and mouth. You stared at him through teary eyes before punching him again, knocking him to the ground.

You watched as he slowly got to his hands and knees, spitting more blood onto the ground before he glanced up at you from where you stood above him, silent tears falling down your cheeks.

“You’re dead to me.” You cried, hating how cracked and broken your voice was.

You stared at the man you thought was your brother before you turned around and walked off. Ignoring the others calling out to you as disappeared through the woods.

You didn’t go far from the camp, just far enough so they couldn’t hear you as you dropped to your knees and broke down crying. You tried to cover your mouth with your hands to muffle your sobs, but you couldn’t stop the tears from pouring down your cheeks.

Daryl eventually came out to find you, but by then you had no more tears left to cry as you just sat there trying to process it all.

He took you back to camp, the others all fast asleep by the fire minus Rick, who was still standing guard. The second he saw you, he turned away, unable to look at you before you and Daryl sat down by the fire as you rested your back against a tree.

Daryl didn’t say anything as you sat there in silence staring at the flames while the others all slept around you.

There was nothing he could say.

Rick had killed your brother. He had killed him, there was nothing he could ever say to make that okay.

Eventually, Daryl fell asleep beside you as you sat there just staring at Rick who had his back to the group, staring out to the woods, acting as if nothing had ever happened.

But, he killed Shane.

Rick Grimes.

The guy you and Shane had practically grown up with. The guy who had been a brother to both of you…

It was always the three of you against the world. No matter what, you always had each others back right from school, all the way into the police force. It was always the three of you, but Rick had killed Shane. He murdered your brother and now you couldn’t even look at Rick without wanting to kill him too.

You couldn’t stay here. You couldn’t stay with this group, with Rick. You’d end up killing Rick if you stayed here and you couldn’t do that.

Daryl sat beside you, his head resting back against the tree trunk behind him as he slept peacefully. The thought of leaving Daryl broke your heart, but if you stayed here you’d kill Rick.

Quietly you pulled out your police notebook from your pants pocket. You didn’t know why you had kept it in your pocket this whole time, but now you were glad you did as you pulled the pen out too and began to write a small note before you ripped the page out and gently tucked it into the pocket of Daryl’s vest.

You stared at Daryl for a few seconds before you glanced over at Carl who was fast asleep, cuddled up beside Lori. You smiled sadly at the boy you considered a nephew before you stood up.

Rick still had his back to the group and you spared one last glance down at Daryl before you silently walked off into the woods and didn’t look back.


When Daryl woke up he knew something wasn’t right.

For a moment, he couldn’t figure out what it was before he realised that Y/N’s body wasn’t leaning against his.

He looked beside him, but she wasn’t there and he quickly looked around the rest of camp, the others were all asleep around the coals of the campfire, the sun starting to rise along the horizon, but Y/N was nowhere to be seen.

“Everything okay?” Rick’s voice called out softly.

Daryl looked over at the other man to find him standing where he had been hours earlier keeping watch, noticing the panic taking over him.

“She’s gone.” He whispered, sudden realisation hitting him like a freight train.

Y/N was gone.

She left in the middle of the night and didn’t say anything.

He knew she was hurting and finding out Rick had killed her brother had just destroyed her more than he ever thought possible, but he didn’t think she’d leave. Not without saying anything to him. Not like this.

“What?” Rick asked, rubbing his tired eyes with his hands, clearly trying to wake himself up before his body suddenly tensed and Daryl knew his brain had finally caught on.

Rick quickly dropped his hands as his eyes frantically scanned over the group lying on the ground, but like Daryl had done moments earlier, there was no sign of Y/N.

“Hey, T-Dog, wake up. I need you to take watch.” Rick instructed, patting the other guys shoulder.

T-Dog stirred awake and nodded, too tired to ask questions before Rick turned his attention back to Daryl who was standing frozen to the spot, not knowing what to do. “C'mon, she couldn’t have gotten far.”

Without a further word, the two of them took off through the woods, trying to find any sign of Y/N or any sign of what direction she had gone in, but she was smart.

She had covered her tracks, she knew he would try and find her and deep down, Daryl knew there was no way they could possibly find her. If she didn’t want to be found, she wasn’t going to be and that scared the hell out of him.

They searched for hours and they both knew it was pointless, but neither of them wanted to say because saying it out loud meant it was real and Daryl refused to believe it.

He had just gotten her back. They had just started to get back onto good terms despite everything that had happened in their past. They were just starting to get back and now she was gone, just like before.

Neither of them had said anything the entire time other than the occasional ‘walker’ as they trekked through the woods, weaving between trees and over fallen logs, hoping that they would just find her sitting down somewhere, but she was nowhere to be seen.

It was only when the sun started to set that Daryl stopped walking, stopped looking for tracks and turned around, leaning against the nearest tree and dropped his head.

She was gone and he couldn’t find her.

Tears starting to rise in his eyes, but he refused to let them spill. He shouldn’t have fallen asleep, he should have stayed awake, he should have known she was going to do something like this.
“We still have daylight, we have to keep looking.” Rick’s voice suddenly called out.

Daryl just shook his head, staring down at the ground as he leant his forearms against the tree in front of him, unable to look at Rick.

“She’s gone.” Was all Daryl could say.

“No, we don’t know-”

“She’s gone, man!” Daryl snapped, lifting his head as he looked over at Rick through teary eyes, to find Rick staring right back at him with his own tear filled eyes. “She ain’t comin’ back, we both know it.” He added, his voice hoarse as stared at Rick.

“No. No. No. No.” Rick repeated, running his shaky hands through his hair.

He stared at Daryl desperately who just shook his head sadly, all the tears he had been trying to keep away now silently trickling down his cheeks.

“She can’t be gone… Not, her. This is all my fault. T-This is my fault.” Rick mumbled, dropping to his knees.

He covered his face with his hands, tears falling down his face. There was nothing Daryl would do as he dropped to the ground, his back resting against the tree behind him as him and Rick broke down in the middle of the woods.



Next Chapter


Yes, I’m still here.

I’m sorry I vanished for a couple of months, but real life has been really kicking my ass lately and work has been stressing me out and I’m trying to apply for a new job which is also stressing me out and, yeah, just a lot of shit is going down atm but I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, so please be patient. I’m really trying.
