#daryl fluff


Daryl’s Affection Would Include:

Type: Headcannon

Warnings: Fluff, (slight) smut

If you want added to my Daryl and/or TWD taglist, comment below! I have a new Daryl series coming out soon, so if you want tagged in that, PM me or comment below as well :)

Requests are open! (I’ll be away this weekend but I’ll be able to post next week).


  • At the beginning of your relationship, Daryl wasn’t very physically affectionate.
  • Not because he didn’t want to touch you, but because he was rather inexperienced and didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
  • He had never experienced being loved or loving someone else in that way, so it was nerve-wracking for him - he didn’t want to mess it up.
  • So you took things slow for the first couple of months - reserving hand-holding and kisses for when you were alone.
  • When Daryl became more comfortable in your relationship, he quickly came to realize that he loved being intimate with you.
  • The highlights of his day would be when you shared kisses or secret touches.
  • Since Daryl wasn’t really into PDA, he made sure to make it up to you when you were alone.
  • In private he was one of the most affectionate people you had come across (though he would completely deny it).
  • He loved to wake up before you, so that he could just hold your sleeping form in his arms.
  • Hereally loved hugging you.
  • He would sneak up on you in the morning when you were making breakfast and hug you from behind.
  • When you were reunited after being separated by long missions, he would scoop you up in his arms and spin you around in the air.
  • Daryl also loved your lips.
  • He loved how warm and soft they felt against his.
  • He loved the way moans would fall from them whilst he was deep inside you.
  • He loved how your lips looked around him when you sucked him off.
  • And most of all, he loved the way your lips would stretch into the most beautiful smile he had ever laid eyes on.
  • He liked to leave dark love-bites trailing along your neck for everybody to see. Despite not being into PDA, he still liked people to know you were his.
  • Kissing - lots of it.
  • He loved to share slow kisses as he made love to you first thing in the morning.
  • He loved the small pecks on the lips when you were in a rush.
  • He loved the heated, sloppy kisses you shared when he thrust deep inside of you late at night.
  • He loved to trail hot kisses along your trembling thighs.
  • He loved forehead kisses, cheek kisses and jawline kisses.
  • When it came to sex, it all depended on his mood.
  • He enjoyed slow, gentle love-making after a long day.
  • He also enjoyed fucking you, hard and fast in the middle of the night.
  • He made it a personal goal to get you to cum at least once a day, if not more.
  • Daryl also loved cuddling.
  • He liked to make sure you felt protected, so each night you would fall asleep wrapped in his strong arms.
  • He was usually the big spoon, but on particularly difficult days, he would be the small spoon.
  • Daryl was also really into acts of service and he was always there to help you.
  • He enjoyed going out hunting to make sure you ate well every day.
  • If you ever needed help fixing your car, he was there to help.
  • If you needed something specific on a run, Daryl would go to the damn ends of the earth to find it for you.
  • Though he would never tell you this, he would purposely place objects in high up places or tighten the lids on jars, just so you would ask him for help.
  • Overall, he would go to no end to make sure you were happy and safe.