#daryl x you


When I Found You (Pt. 08 of 19)

Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.5 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (07)

Next part (09) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N: I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


On His Lips

“I’m telling you, Gregory won’t be ruling Hilltop for too long. The man is a prick. He sides with the Saviors and–” Colorful flying things get your attention, and when you look to your right, you see a bunch of balloons. “What is that?” Giving Daryl a look, you rush down the stairs into the open area, walking to where a small group of people stands. “Hey. What are you doing?”

“Hey, princess,” Laura says, and everyone quickly kneels. “We found some Helium and decided to make a competition.”

“What kind of competition?”

A silenced shot gets your attention and a balloon exploded midair. “We have to shoot the balloons. The higher we let them get before trying, the more points we get. I have thirty-five.”

“Doesn’t sound like your thing Laura.”

“Winner gets a peanut jar.”

“Mmm.” Looking at Daryl, who stopped some feet away, you smile. “Do you like a peanut?”

“Yeah.” He nods, glancing at the others.

“Then I’m in.” Smiling, you take the gun they’re using and tell Jared, the guy near the ballons to let one of them go. He releases a blue one, and you let it float away, the wind moving it a bit too far. You let it go as much as you can before shooting and successfully hitting it. “Bang!”

“And that makes… Twelve points.” Julian says from his place by the fence. There aren’t many walkers here, so there’s no problem.

“My turn,” Jared says and Anne takes his place.

The silly game goes on for a while, and you and Laura are the ones with the highest points. You do ask if Daryl wants to join, but he just said he trusts you to get that peanut jar. You understand him. Why would he even consider doing that with the people who wouldn’t think twice before killing his family? But you have to participate. You have to laugh and make heart eyes at Daryl… But the thing is the heart eyes aren’t even fake anymore.

“Oh, shit.” The exclamation gets your attention, and you almost miss the ballon.

Looking at Jim, you shrug your shoulders. “What? The game wasn’t my idea. Go piss off whoever invented it.”

“So defensive.” He chuckles, nodding at Daryl when he walks past him. “But that’s not what I meant.” Jim gestures at your legs, and you look down, taking in the simple dark jeans.

“Your statement will require further explanation.” Giving Anne the gun, you cross your arms. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing. It’s just that… Uhm… It’s tight. You never wear anything that tight.”

“Oh…” Giving Daryl a look, you get a small, quick smile that crosses his lips. It’s been around a month since the last time you hurt yourself, and the wounds are finally closing. Once and for all, said Daryl, and wearing your jeans doesn’t hurt anymore. “I decided to change a bit. And they’re super comfortable so…”

“Hey,” Daryl calls, and everyone looks at him at the same time. “Stop lookin’.” He says in a lower voice and for some reason, your cheeks warm up.

“Sorry…” Jim whispers, and you don’t think you were supposed to hear it. “Anyways. I wanna try that. Tell me how it works.”

And after this embarrassing episode, Jim joins the small party and you shoot balloons until they’re over. Laura won because Jim distracted you a couple of times, but she wanted to give you the jar. You didn’t accept though. She won it fairly, and you’re not Negan.

You’ve been keeping it in your mind, repeating it to yourself. You’re not Negan.

After the morning walk and having lunch with your father, you have nothing else to do. So you have to talk to Daryl about the thing. The thing. You’ve been avoiding it because you’re getting confused towards him. And you kinda have the feeling he’s getting confused too. Not everything feels like a game anymore. And more than once you caught yourself holding his hand even when walking through empty halls.

But you need to see past all that because a lot depends on it. So, taking a deep breath and trying to keep it professional, you knock on his door. You still wear the key around your neck, but you decided to knock first. Daryl is not a prisoner anymore.

“Hey.” You mutter, stepping inside. “Hope you’re not busy. We need to talk about our plan.”

“Ain’t ever busy when it’s about keepin’ Alexandria safe,” Daryl says, following you to the couch. “Did somethin’ happen?”

“Nope. We just need to work on the next levels…”

“As in gettin’ the hell out of this hellhole?” He asks and you giggle. Daryl did keep the promise. He intends on taking you to live in Alexandria, and as much as you think this won’t work easily, you have this fantasy of having a good, calm life away from the Saviours.

“Not yet…”

“What then?”

“Negan has been… Accepting the fact that we’re together. It doesn’t mean he’s not angry about it and it doesn’t mean he won’t crush Alexandria the moment we break apart. But we need to be more… Public about our relationship before I can ask him to give me Alexandria.” Making way too many pauses, you try not to blush. But you’re certain you’re failing.

“I don’t get it. We walk around, holding hands, huggin’. How can it be more public than that?” Furrowing his eyebrows, Daryl tilts his head to the side.

You were expecting him to get it, so you wouldn’t have to say it. “I know but… I know Negan, and he has to be one hundred percent convinced, so… We should…” Damn it. Getting up to your feet, you pace around. You’re an adult with a good plan. Just spit it out. “We need to be seen kissing. And not just a peck in the lips. A real kiss. And we have to make sure the word will get to Negan and we have to do it in front of Negan.”

Then, silence. Of course, there would be silence. You’re growing to know Daryl and you know he’s not all that comfortable with certain proximities.

“Fine.” He simply says after almost a whole minute.


“Yeah. I told ya I’d do anythin’ ta’ keep my family safe. Kissin’ ya won’t even be a great sacrifice. Just tell me when and we’ll do it.”

“No, no. If you act weird, it can be misunderstood. We need to… We need to act as if we’ve been doing it for quite a while so…”

“I don’t get it.”

Sighing, you clear your throat. “We need to train.”


“Mhmm.” Nodding, you sit down next to him again. “It has to look natural, mostly in front of Negan. He’s great at reading people and if he finds anything odd, he’ll push me against the wall and it’ll only force us to remain here longer.” Looking down at your hands, you shrug your shoulders. “I’m sorry you have to do this. I’m just trying to make it right so we can leave.”

“Fine.” He repeats, in a much lower and softer voice.

“Fine…” You mutter, slowly raising your eyes to look at Daryl. “I-I was thinking we could start now… I-if that’s alright with you.”

Daryl nods, blue eyes looking intensely at you.

“So… When was the last time you kissed someone?” The question only comes because you don’t know what to do. So talking will at least fill the silence.

“Two years before the outbreak, I think. Some hooker Merle set me up with.” Daryl looks down, a sad chuckle leaving his lips. “The asshole paid her to pretend she liked me.”

“I’m sorry your brother was a jerk.” You say, touching his forearm.

“How about ya? Have ya ever kissed Jimmy-boy?”

“No, never.” Smiling, you fold a leg under yourself. “For me, it was a high school crush. But after that nobody seemed worth kissing.”

“Sorry, yer being forced to kiss me. I’m not worth kissing either.”

“From all the men I met after the world went to shit, you’re the only one who really deserves to be kissed, Daryl Dixon.” Saying this changes things. It makes them complicated and turns this into more than just a meaningless kiss. But that’s something you need him to know. “Mmm… Let’s just do it then.”


“Alright…” You repeat, hoping he can’t notice how your cheeks are probably as red as a tomato now. But knowing Daryl, you know nothing goes past him. “Let’s do this and see how we feel.” Clearing your throat, you move closer to him, hands on his shoulders. “Okay…” Your heart is beating so fast you wonder if he can actually hear it.

Kissing Daryl shouldn’t be this hard. If this is just something you have to do, like a job, to keep people safe, it shouldn’t be this hard. But right now, being so close, looking into his eyes, you can’t have this as only a plan.

Daryl was the first one you allowed in. The first one to understand how you feel about this place… The one who knows about your self-harm and who’s helping you not to do that anymore.

So he’s a lot more than just a plan.

Daryl is a good man. A handsome, amazing man, and you just noticed you want to kiss him. And not just because you’ll have to act up before Negan.

“Are we goin’ to do this or have ya changed yer mind?” Daryl speaks suddenly, and you notice you’ve been frozen for a while.

“Yeah, I just… Don’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable. So we should just start slow and… See how it goes.”

“Alright.” He reluctantly nods, and you know that he won’t make the first move.

So you decide to just do it.

Ending the small distance between you, eyes closed, you finally connect your lips to his on a simple kiss. It doesn’t really feel like a kiss since he didn’t do anything. But you gotta make it work, it doesn’t matter how you feel, or how he feels. This is bigger than both of you.

Taking his hands, you place one on your waist and the other on your cheek, but he barely touches you. It’s a beginning though. And you kiss him again, a little harder, moving to sit on his lap for better proximity. Then, he finally moves. Slowly, his lips start moving with yours, and you swear to God you feel a little dizzy, like the world stopped spinning.

This is good, you think. It’s working and that’s definitely something you can get used to. But then, unexpectedly, both of Daryl’s hands come to your waist, holding and pulling you closer, until your body collapses to his chest. Neither of you breaks the kiss, instead, it only grows, more intense, with more need. You don’t know what’s going on, but you don’t care. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you part your lips more, allowing him in, deepening the kiss. All other thoughts are gone, there’s nothing else than Daryl’s lips. And he tastes amazing, he feels amazing, holding you like that.

But eventually, you’re out of breath, so you have no choice but to break the kiss. But even when you’re apart, neither of you move away. You just stay there, catching your breaths.

“Good… That’s good… If we recreate this in front of Negan he won’t ever doubt us.” You whisper, your forehead on his. “We just have to… Keep doing this until it becomes natural…”

“I agree,” Daryl mutters right before kissing you again. But this time, he moves differently, and when you notice he’s pushing you, lying you down on the couch, you don’t even resist.

The next thing you know is that Daryl is on top of you, and you’ve been making out as if this was real. As if you were truly in love.

The whole world is silent as Daryl stares at the ceiling. His mind, unlike everything else, is very loud. What was supposed to be some kind of preparation for Negan to see, became a habit. It’s been a little more than a week since Daryl kissed the angel-like girl for the first time, and he doesn’t think he can go a day without doing that.

She tastes like heaven, like candy, and things he never thought he’d taste again. And he has become addicted to it, to her, because there isn’t a moment he’s not thinking about her.

And it seems like she enjoys his presence too, or else she wouldn’t be sleeping on his bed right now, curled up to his chest.

(Y/N) doesn’t know, but he likes to watch her sleep. Her beauty is captivating as always, and she looks peaceful. She barely moves now, unlike before, since she told Daryl her sleep was restless. But it changed, along with many things. She doesn’t hurt herself anymore, and the wounds are closed, never to be reopened. Because he’ll never let her do that again.

“Daryl…” She mutters, voice barely a whisper, getting his attention.

“Huh?” He grunts, a hand softly caressing her cheek.

“You’re warm.” (Y/N) says, fingers blindly finding his chin and a small, tired smile forming on her lips.

Daryl is a loss of words when it comes to (Y/N). A loss of feelings, a loss of thoughts. But he decided not to think too much. Daryl has always been a thinker, and he goes through things over and over again. But with her, he decided to just act. The future is still a big question mark, but somehow, he doesn’t know how yet, he found something good here. In this shitty place, filled with evil people. He found a ray of sunshine. A light inside the warm girl lying next to him.

Daryl never thought he knew what love is. And maybe he doesn’t know yet, but he’s sure the feelings (Y/N) provokes are part of it. So he’ll keep her close, he’ll protect her, and, when this is over, if she’s fine and wants a distance, he’ll stay away.

But right now, he can hold her. And so he will.



When I Found You (Pt. 07 of 19)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.6 K

Summary: You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (06)

Next part (08) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


A Little Piece of the Sun

“It’s nothing. Let go!” If you managed to keep it together, to keep a straight face, maybe you could fool him. Make him leave. But you’re breaking down, crying, yelling, pushing him. “Get out, Daryl!”

“Who hurt ya?” He asks, voice raised to match yours.

“Nobody! Get out.” In your crying, you don’t have enough strength to push Daryl. And even if you had, he’s bigger, taller, stronger. So it doesn’t take much until you’re pushed back to the living room, bitter tears clouding your sight.

“(Y/N), what–” He suddenly pulls your robe up, and your thighs get exposed. “What the hell is that?” He yells, but his expression softens, and when Daryl looks down at your vulnerable, broken figure, he’s not angry. Or mad.

He’s broken too.

“Why?” He asks in a lower voice, letting go of your robe.

A silence falls as you stand there, way too close in a place nobody can see you, crying, sobbing. Closing your eyes shut, you grab his vest, the one with angel wings, because you feel like you’re just about to fall. And if you do, you’ll break into a thousand pieces.

“I-I…” Stuttering, you shake your head. “Just leave me. Just leave me.” You plead, barely hearing your voice. “Please. Nobody can see that. Nobody can know.”

Silently and gently, Daryl pushes you down, and you sit on the couch. He then disappears into your bedroom, and you don’t even want to know why. Looking down at your hands, you see all the blood stuck under your nails. You didn’t have time to clean it.

When you hear him coming back, you look up, quickly noticing the first aid kit he’s carrying.

“Ya left it in yer bed.” He mumbles, settling down next to you. “Ya planned this.”

You don’t answer, you just keep looking at your hands. Daryl doesn’t say anything either. He moves to sit on the wooden coffee table, and slowly lifts your robe and gives you a look as if asking for permission. But you don’t mind. Your mind is too far away.

Daryl’s hands are soft, and as he cleans the wounds, that go from the top of your thighs to your knees, you flinch a little. But he’s fast, and soon enough he’s done, wrapping gauze around your thighs. Then, he puts the small box next to him and stares at you.

“I knew somethin’ was off.” He mutters, but still, you can’t bring yourself to look at him. “Ya always wear pants a little too baggy for ya. And ya grab yer legs when yer nervous or uncomfortable… I thought it was just a habit.”

Staring at Daryl’s blue eyes, you still can’t say anything. And what could you say anyway? Should you tell him how those people had fun killing his family?

A sob escapes your mouth and you hide your face with both hands. Nobody was ever supposed to see you this way. Nobody was supposed to know what you do to relieve the pain… Or payback for the pain you caused.

Daryl felt his heart breaking. Because hers is broken. Seeing (Y/N) like this, terribly, inconsolably sad… Seeing her hurt herself

The tears glisten, reflecting the living room light, and Daryl knows he can’t stay still. He can’t just do nothing when she’s like that. So he gets up, without saying anything, and carefully bends over, picking (Y/N) Up in his arms. Of course, he expects her to push him, to give him an angry look, to ask him to let go of her. But instead, she silently, shyly even, wraps her arms around his neck, allowing him to lift her. Daryl takes carries the angel-like girl to her bedroom, setting her down on the bed.

She immediately curls up, the soft, pink fabric of her robe lifted, exposing the white gauze. But the image of the wounds, clearly made by fingernails, burns in his head. Long and slim, open, with blood still coming out of them. There are many, some brand new, others, older, were reopened. There are also scars, meaning she’s been doing that for a long time. She puts more strength on her index and middle finger, but the others do some damage too.

Daryl wonders what drives her to do this. To pierce and slice her skin. His eyes move through her body, taking in the sweet details he can’t stop thinking about. Her face is stained by many tears, which keep coming, but it doesn’t change how beautiful she is. Her little hands, clenched into fists, hide her mouth from him. When his eyes travel down, he feels his cheeks burning.

(Y/N) is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, he can’t ignore it anymore. But she’s more than that. She was put in this life, surrounded by the worst people this world could create, she has been offered a position people would die for. She could rule this place, she could be just like her father. But she’s the far opposite.

By everything Daryl has seen of her, (Y/N) is honest, kind, and she’s trying to help people. He has seen her taking food and medicine, giving them to those who don’t have enough points to buy them. She’s different. A light in this dark place.

“Why are you staring…” She asks in a soft, low voice, teary eyes now open and set on him.

And it breaks his heart to see her this way. Daryl has to know why. He has to help her somehow.

“Why, (Y/N)?” Daryl asks, his voice, always a bit raspy, sounds soft. “Why would ya do this ta’ yourself?”

“You should be happy about it.” You burst out, sitting up, staring at him. “My father killed your friends. Your group, your family. You should be happy I’m getting hurt!”


“This is what I deserve for all the people we’ve hurt. For those, we killed, for those we crippled, and for those who were left alive, suffering. I-I…” Your voice fades, and you look down, hands involuntary going to your thighs, squeezing them.

“Hey. Don’t!” Daryl is quick to grab both your wrists and you don’t even try to fight against his grip. He sits on the bed next to you, but you don’t dare to look into his eyes. “It’s not yer fault, hear me? What Negan does, that’s on him. Yer tryin’ ta’ help people, the best ya can, and this is who you are.”

It comes to you like a wrecking ball, crashing your ribs, destroying you inside out. You’ve seen what this world turned your father into. The monster it created. You know some people deserve to die because the world will be a better place without them. But a shot in the head is enough. What they do here is torture, madness… And they do it with innocent people, just because they can, or because they want to. “Daryl, I…” Stuttering, you feel yourself breaking down. But you can’t. Not in front of him. Or anyone. “Please, go… You’re not supposed to see me like this. N-nobody should see me like this.”

“Want me ta’ call Jim?”

“No!” You’re quick to answer. “No. He doesn’t know… He doesn’t… Not about all this… I-I’m all alone in this.”

“Not anymore.”

The moment he says it, you raise your head to look at him. “Y-you don’t have to… Really, I’m ok.” Your voice breaks in the end, because that’s a lie you’re tired to say.

Daryl is silent for a while, those bright blue eyes, beautiful and calming, set on yours. His presence makes you feel at ease, safe, and protected, something you haven’t felt in so long. “Come here.” He whispers, letting go of your wrists and arms opening to you.

For a moment, you’re frozen, tears never stopping to roll down, and you look at him.

You never thought you’d be in this situation with Daryl. Or that he’d even want to do that. But you don’t even try to fight it. You just collapse against him, head on his chest as more sobs run through your body.

“Shh. ‘S alright, Sunshine. ‘S alright.” Daryl mumbles, softly caressing your hair. It doesn’t take much until you both lie down, not letting go of each other.

You spend some time in silence, holding onto his vest, making sure he won’t go anywhere. After a while, your tears are dry, and the only thing getting your attention is the light headache and the familiar pain on your thighs. But besides that, everything feels peaceful.

“It’s getting late,” Daryl whispers, and you only nod. “I can leave ya to sleep if ya want.”

Yeah, you should probably let him go. But still, the thought of being alone again, with your thoughts and memories makes you shake your head. “C-couldn’t you stay? Just… Please.”

“Only if we talk about it. Do ya think ya can?”

No. “Okay.”

Then, more silence. “Wanna stay like this?” You quickly nod, not wanting to be away from him. This is an awkward position to be in. Lying on the bed, Daryl’s arms around you as you hide your face on his chest. But you need this. You need this man with you right now or else you’re sure you’ll break all over again. “Tell me why. No excuses, no justifications. Just plain and simple. Why do ya hurt yourself?”

“Because I’m part of this. And this… This gets people hurt. And killed.” Struggling not to cry all over again, you say it. The truth, all of it. For the very first time. “So I deserve this. Just a little bit of pain for all the agony I cause.”

“Yer not the one to do this. Ya don’t pull the trigger, ya don’t manage the knife.”

“Rob was eaten alive because he pushed me.”

“Rob was a rapist and a murderer.” He’s quick to add. “Heard the man talkin’. He deserved ta’ be dead.”

“But what about all the others?” Raising your head, you look at him. “What about Glenn and Abraham? What about all the sick games Negan played with your family? With Hilltop? All those good, innocent people just trying to survive.”

“Yer not Negan.” As he speaks, Daryl brings a hand to your cheek, fingers softly caressing your skin. “And I mean both because he’s yer dad and because of this whole ‘I am Negan’ thing goin’ on here. Yer not him, yer so much better.”

“D-do you really believe that?”

“Yeah.” He nods, eyes never leaving yours. “I hated ya in the beginning. Blamed ya for this too, for what happened to me, but now I see yer nothin’ like that. Yer nothin’ like them.”


“If this plan we have goin’ on works, ya could come live in Alexandria.” The words come out fast, and it looks like he’s still thinking about it as he speaks. But then, he nods, taking a deep breath. “Ya don’t need ta’ run away, stay alone. Ya could stay with us.”

“No, Daryl… They’ll hate me and they’ll be right to do so… And at least from here I can somehow help people.”

“We can find a way to keep helpin’ them, I know we can and…” His voice fades, and his face gets an expression you can’t read. “Once they know ya, they’ll like ya. I’ll tell them what ya did, what yer still doin’. They’re good people, they’ll see yer good too.”

Moving even closer, you close your eyes, your forehead touching his. “Would you really do that for me…?”

“I will. This is no place for ya, Sunshine”

“… Sunshine?” You ask, a low chuckle escaping your lips.

“Because yer a little piece of the sun in this dark, sick place.” He whispers after some seconds of silence. “The only good thing in here.”

“Two things then… Me and you.” You decide to add, despite your cheeks getting hot and red.

“Mmm.” He mumbles, moving his hand from your cheek to encircle your waist again. “Now get some sleep. Ya need it.”

“Will you stay… Until morning?”

“I will.”

• • •

You peacefully wake up, slowly and lazily, taking a deep breath. You’re quick to notice you’re not alone, and yesterday’s happenings come back to your head.

Daryl’s chest moves as he breathes, and for some reason you smile, snuggling closer to him, welcoming his warmth.

“Mornin’.” He suddenly says, startling you a little.

“Hi…” You mutter, rubbing your eyes. “Didn’t know you were awake.”

“Woke up a couple of minutes ago.”

“Mhmm.” You fall into a comfortable silence again until you notice something. “Did I move a lot? My sleep is restless so I’m always…” Your voice fades as you try to understand how you’re pretty much in the same position as yesterday night. “…I’m always moving.”

“Yer didn’t move at all,” Daryl says, and you sit up, looking down at him.


“Yeah…” He nods, sitting up as well. “I’m gonna make ya something to eat.”

“Daryl, wait.” You grab his hand before he stands up, making him sit down again. “What… What you said last night… Did you really mean it?” You didn’t want to just spit it out, but you need to know.

“I did.” He nods, eyes hidden by his hair. “All of it.” The fear that you felt disappears. The look on his face is the same as before, soft and kind. And when he takes your hand on his, you can’t help but smile. “Yer not alone. I know ya don’t like ta’ feel vulnerable but ya don’t have to hide it. Not from me, alright?”

“Alright.” You say, voice barely a whisper.

“C'mon, ya need ta’ eat.” He stands up and so do you, heading to the kitchen.

This time you help him make the sandwiches and eat in silence before organizing the kitchen. You’re finishing when a loud knock on the door gets your attention. And by the way, the person knocks, you know it’s Negan. Putting the dishcloth down, you look at Daryl.

“I’ll stay in the bathroom until he leaves.”

“No, no.” Taking a deep breath, you fix your hair the best you can. “We’re still playing. It’ll be good for us if he sees you here.” Walking to the door, you straighten your robe before noticing the bandages can be seen. “Shit.” Stepping back, you sigh. “Daryl. Open the door and let him in. Don’t say anything stupid, I need to change.”

“What do ya mean by don’t say anythin’ stupid?”

“Just open the door please. Trust me, he’s not going to hurt you.” Rushing to the bedroom, you take off the robe and put on the first clothes you find, ears paying attention to what’s going on in the living room. But you don’t hear anything after the door is open.

Putting some pants on and one of the old shirts you use to sleep you walk out, making sure to smile when you see Negan. “Hi, dad. What are you doing here so early?” Both men stand side by side. Daryl is tense, angry, as he always is when Negan is close by. And your father is beyond pissed off.

“I’m more interested in what he’s doing here so early.” Negan gestures at Daryl, walking over the couch and letting himself fall on it.

“He spent the night here.”

“What?!” Negan shouts, giving Daryl a hard glance.

“He just slept here.” You explain yourself, sighing, crossing your arms. “We were talking, it got late and I invited him to crash here.”

Shrugging your shoulders, you stare at Negan, who looks… Perplexed. Like he just realized something new. “Is it just me or are you and this piece of shit over there getting real?”

“First of all, Daryl is not a piece of shit.” Walking over him, you hold his hand, fingers intertwining. “And second, yes, we’re… We’re getting real.” Squeezing his hand, you give him a look.

“We’re datin’,” Daryl says, and you have to control yourself not to look surprised. You weren’t expecting that.

“You and your damn group are so lucky I love my daughter,” Negan says, the voice suddenly dark. He bends forward, elbows resting on his knees. “But I must tell you now when this is over, it’s over. I’ll hunt Rick down, and get my plans from where I left them.” He stands up, sighing. “I’ll annihilate you and your people from the face of Earth. I promise you that, Daryl. And if you ever hurt my baby, your death will take weeks.”

With another sigh and a nod, Negan moves to the door, but not before placing a kiss on your forehead.

“That was a threat,” Daryl mutters when your father is gone.

“I’m not gonna let him fulfil it. That’s my promise.”



When I Found You (Pt. 03 of 19)

Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.2 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

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{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


A Good Plan

“I need to speak with you.” Bursting into Negan’s apartment, you raise your voice, following the humming noise and finding him in the kitchen, eating a fresh potato salad.

“Good morning to you too.” He sing-songs, a smile on his lips. “Sit down and eat, for goodness sake.”

“Urgent matter, Dad.” Rolling your eyes, you take a plate and serve yourself some of the salad. It’s better if you look as casual as you can, despite the anxiety that didn’t leave you alone all night. Make it believable, you tell yourself.

“I have something to ask too.” Cleaning his mouth with a napkin, Negan stares at you as you sit down across from him. “My men told me you took Daryl Dixon out of his cell.”

Of course, he knows. Negan knows everything. “Yes, I did.”

“And why in the hell would you do that?”

“Because I find Daryl very attractive.” It’s not even a lie, but you have to start somewhere. You can’t pull off a relationship out of the blue. Things need to escalate there.

Negan looks at you dead in the eye for a few seconds before bursting into a laugh. You patiently wait until he’s done, arms crossed and food forgotten. Then, he stares at you, waiting for you to call it off. “Holy shit! You gotta be kidding me.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“(Y/N), I have bad blood with him and his whole group.” He says, leaning forward, elbows on the table. “I’m going to kill every single one of them.”

“I like Daryl, alright? So you won’t do anything until I see how this will turn out.” Trying not to let him notice how nervous you are, you start eating. “I like him, I really do.”

“You can have anyone you want, and you want the only man who will mess with my plans?” Negan stands up, taking his empty plate and leaving it in the sink. “Why don’t you have Jim instead?” He raises his voice as if he just had the greatest idea ever. “He’s handsome. He seems to like you a lot. Go on, get it on with Jimmy!” Throwing his fist in the air, he leans against the countertop.

“Father, I don’t want Jim.” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. “I met Daryl by accident and… I don’t know when I looked into his eyes something happened…” Your voice fades for a different reason this time. It clicks suddenly that you’re not even trying to lie. You weren’t plotting, you just said how you felt.

“Daryl is too old for you.”

“You have wives my age.” You’re quick to answer, drumming your fingers on the table. “Actually, you have wives who are younger than me so you don’t get a say in the age thing.”

“They’re all of age, I’m not a monster.” No, of course not. He just kills and tortures people. “And everything is consensual, so–”

“Dad, I don’t ask much, do I?” Pushing the plate away, you stand up, arms crossed. “You told me the world is ours. That I can have anything I want.”

“And I meant it.”

“Then let me have it.” Put your heart in the matter. “You know I’m the romantic type, so what if this is meant to be? What if this… First sight… The feeling is right? What if this is what I’ve been looking for? You can’t take that away from me just because you hate some people.” You feel vulnerable saying these things because as the words leave your mouth, you realize they’re all true. Even though you never gave much thought to such things, it doesn’t change the facts.

“But Jim–”

“Dad, I want Daryl!” Raising your voice a little, you pace around.

“Do you really think there’s any chance Daryl will want to have anything to do with you?”

“Well, he said I was pretty.” Finally, you get to follow the plan you and Jim made. What to say, how to answer the questions you knew Negan would ask. It’s easier to follow the instructions than to explore the dark places of your heart.

“He did?”

“He did.”

“Holy hell.” Giggling, Negan turns around and starts doing the dishes himself. “Daryl is more animal than man, (Y/N). I wouldn’t fall for him if I were you.”

The insult almost makes you snap at him, but you bite your tongue. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Just give me some time to see what happens with me and Daryl.”

Negan sighs, and you can tell he’s a little angry. “Fine. But the moment it ends you tell me.”

Controlling yourself not to give a little jump, you move to hug his back. “Thanks, dad.”

“I can’t believe you’re just hugging me because of Daryl.” He complains, giving your arm a little pat. “Oh, I’ll be going to the Hilltop in an hour. Keep an eye here for me.”

“I will.” Moving to his side, you tiptoe to kiss his cheek before leaving the apartment.

Jim is outside, and the first thing you do when you see him, you jump into his arms. “It worked!”

He’s quick to hug you back lifting you up a little. “I told you it would.”

“Now…” Jim puts you back down, and you straighten your clothes. “I’ll give Daryl the good news.” Smiling, you gesture at the hall. “Come with me?”

“Sorry, I have to get Negan’s truck ready. But as soon as he leaves I’ll meet you up there.”

“God help Hilltop. I hope nobody gets hurt.” Sighing, the happiness you felt just some seconds ago fades, as you imagine the terror that will overcome that community.

“Hey.” Jim touches your shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “You can’t save everyone, (Y/N).” Silently, you nod. “Now, go. Because you’re on the right path to take this group off Negan’s hands.”

Daryl didn’t do much since he woke up at four in the morning. He showered again, making sure to spend as much hot water as he could, checked his wounds, and ate a bowl of cereal.

Despite this being a normal apartment and not the dark cell, he can’t help but feel caged. And alone. Daryl felt alone for the most part of his life, but it changed with time. He found a family in Rick’s group.

Now, here he is, separated from them, held captive. The only good thing, at least he hopes it’s good, is this insane plan Negan’s daughter came up with. He still thinks it’s some kind of trap, a sick game they’re playing, but given his position, the only thing he could do is try.

And if it backfires, he’ll just kill her.

Seated on the couch, Daryl thinks about this possibility.

(Y/N) is little. He can overcome her easily, take her gun and run. Shoot his way out. Or even better, he can drag her with him with the gun pointed at her head, until he’s out of this place.

This was a good plan. This will work. Daryl would only have to count on himself to make it work, and it would.

It took only a couple of minutes until he makes up his mind. The safety of Alexandria can’t be in the hands of someone who has Negan’s blood. There’s too much at stake to trust it on some stranger.

Mind already settled on the plan, he waits, muscles tensing up when he hears footsteps coming closer and closer until they stop at his door.

Daryl is ready, and he stands up to his feet, fists clenched as a wave of anger takes over him.

But the moment he sees her, the same feeling comes flooding back. The angel-like girl walks into the living room. Clean face delicately framed by her hair, dark clothes that he swears smell like flowers. Like rose maybe, he can smell it even with the distance.

Her eyes are quick to find him, but despite his tall figure, so much bigger than her in this predator-like instinct, ready to take her down, she doesn’t seem like she’ll run away. I’m fact, (Y/N) looks happy.

“It worked.” She says, her voice a little too low. “It worked.” Repeating soon after, louder this time, she walks over the armchair, letting herself fall on it, elbows on her knees. “I told Negan I find you attractive and that you said you find me pretty. So he gave us the chance to see what happens.”

“So, what now?” He grunts, a bit too rudely, walking back to the couch and taking a seat.

And just like that, at the sight of her, Daryl changed his mind.

“Now it’s up to us. You and I, because I’ll need you to be convincing, Daryl.”

“I will.” He nods, eyes on her. “Won’t let ya dad hurt anyone else.”

(Y/N) tales a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. “I’m so sorry for–”

“Sorry doesn’t cut it,” Daryl speaks up, pointing a finger at her face in a quick, harsh gesture. “It doesn’t bring them back.”

“I know, I… I heard of it. The two men my father killed–”

“Abraham and Gleen.” He raises his voice again, back to his feet, pacing around that stupid living room. “The names are Abraham and Gleen. Gleen’s wife is pregnant.”

Daryl is expecting her to lash out at him, tell him to shut the hell up, end the deal. Punch him, try to hurt him, anything that gives him a reason to carry out his plan. Because he sees her as nothing else than Negan’s daughter. So, she must be as cruel as he is, maybe even worse.

But instead of anger, hate, or anything of that nature, Daryl sees sadness. Her lower lip shakes a little, so she bites it, a hand moving to wipe something off her eye as she looks away, letting her hair fall and hide her face.

“If I was there, I could’ve tried. I don’t always succeed, but I try.”

“Ya gotta try harder.” He’s still speaking when he notices. (Y/N) has both her hands on the outside of her thighs, fingers brushing on the fabric of her pants, from her knees up, as if she’s shy. But the movement is slow.

“I will.” She bursts out, jumping to her feet. “I gotta go now. See you tomorrow so we can talk about our next move.”

As fast as a lightning bolt, she leaves, banging the door shut before locking it.

Daryl can’t help but wonder if he caused the outburst. He only spoke the truth, a truth she knows very well, even better than him. And being who she is, here, the girl must be a lot stronger than that.

Shaking his head to push these thoughts away, Daryl lies down on the couch, eyes on the ceiling. He’s been thinking about her way too much. It’s time to stop. So from now on, Daryl decides, he will only think of her when she’s around. Once she leaves, she’s gone.

Once you’re safe inside your apartment, the tears roll down. They’re a living thing, bitter and hot, soaking your cheeks.

You can’t deal with this. You can’t deal with what your father does. He was kind, gentle. A normal person before. Now, he’s a murderer. A tyrant. A monster.

And so are you.

You’re his daughter, after all, his only child. And he built this world for you as well. So you won’t ever be hurt or starve. ‘The world is yours now’, he once said. But you don’t want it.

Things won’t ever be like they were before, but there’s gotta be a way to live without killing. Without being a barbarian.

Moving from your place leaning on the door, you rush to the bedroom, taking off your pants. The wounds are still quite fresh. They don’t really have time to heal.

You’re not the one to deal with pain very well. But this… You deserve this. For everyone who died at the hands of your people. And for those left behind, in agony, forever separated from a loved one.

You don’t need blades. You can use your nails, always kept just long enough to allow you this relief, and not to get in the way of anything you do around here.

Closing your eyes shut, you place both your hands on your thighs, near the knees, on the outside. Taking a deep breath, you sink the nails into the soft flesh, and you begin.




Requested by: @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl

Words: 800

Request:Just wanted to ask a fluffy Daryl!! It’s New Year and reader wants to kiss Daryl (who she started dating only some days ago) at midnight. He thinks it’s a silly tradition but she convinces him!! Please and thank you!!

Daryl was not the man who was a big fan of traditions, especially not with the way the world was right now.

He couldn’t care less about any traditions, holidays like Christmas for New Year’s Eve.

In Alexandria Rick wanted to at least have a little Christmas of their own, he invited everyone to his house and they even exchanged small presents, Daryl went along with everything that happened but he knew better than to get too comfortable.

He only went because of you, Because he knew you would be there he wanted to be there as well, and he did not regret that.

He wasn’t sure how you found such a dress, but he was not about to ask questions as you looked like the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life.

After a couple of short conversations with you, he just knew you were the one for him, and he was also shared that his friends had a certain plan to get the two of you together. But he didn’t care about that he forgot about everything even the walkers outside as soon as you walked in with that beautiful red dress of yours.

He needed some fresh air after dinner so he went out to the porch and there he found you sitting in a chair drinking but you can only assume was wine. Out there on that porch is where everything happened, it’s where he was finally able to confess his feelings to you and the two of you became a couple. Of course, everyone was watching you from the windows and when you pulled him close to kiss him under the mistletoe everyone cheered inside.

And now came New Year’s Eve.

Another year went by in this hell, and Daryl didn’t see the point to celebrate that.

If you weren’t so excited, he wouldn’t even go to the party that the people were throwing around the neighbourhood.

You sold him that you wanted him to kiss you exactly at midnight but he wasn’t really fond of the idea. Although you definitely understood why he was behaving like this, you understood that there was nothing to celebrate about a new year coming but it was something that you always wanted to try and now that you finally had someone, someone you loved, you really wanted to.

Daryl didn’t have a choice, he just didn’t know about it yet.

You ended up not going to the others, you just headed over to Daryl’s so the two of you could have a quiet night. And that you did.

Maybe too quiet. 

You were a bit bored but you didn’t tell that to Daryl. He did give you some nice alcohol which certainly helped your courage.

But you were still set on that kiss at midnight.

You were not about to force or trick him, you wouldn’t do that. So, you decided to talk to him and ask him why was he so against a little kiss. Not like during the last couple days you two didn’t kiss.

“I just think it’s stupid.” he said and you tilted your head at his answer.

“Why? Does it have to do with your past? Were you rejected or heartbroken? I don’t care if you were I’m o-“

“No, that’s not it. I’m just not a big fan of traditions like that in a world that is burning.”

“I know that but… if we forget holidays, traditions, what will be left? We won’t have anything just pain and misery.”  Daryl never thought about it that way, you were completely right he was at a loss for words.

“I never-“ he didn’t know what to say you got him there.

You smiled at him, it was such a sweet smile. That smile always made his worries disappear, that’s why he fell in love with you in the first place, you had something that no one else had.

Then Daryl heard the others counting back.




He pulled you closer, looking you in the eyes, he didn’t speak, he didn’t have to.




You moved your arms around his neck as he moved his hands up your back.




He leaned down as you moved up, letting your lips meet.


Happy New Year!

The sweetest kiss, exactly at midnight.

Maybe this year will be better, maybe things will finally change for the better. And with you by his side, Daryl was sure they will.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​




You’re ours now sweetheart chapter two

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Series warnings. smut, non-con, dubcon. Stockholm syndrome. Fingering. Humiliation. Voyeurism. Threesome, bondage, spanking, dark fic

Y/n didn’t know how long the car journey lasted, all she knew was it lasted far longer than she wanted it too.

The car came to a sudden halt and the bag was removed from y/n’s head. Blinking, it took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. Glancing next to her she noticed that Negan had left the car, he slammed the door which made y/n jump out her skin. Her car door was forced open and someone grabbed the top of her arm.

“Move it!” The blonde man screamed. Looking at his face y/n wondered what happened, half his face melted and she knew deep down that Negan had done it but why?

Y/n knees were weak as she tried to keep up with the group of men. She knew Daryl had been taken as well, and it made her blood boil. What was Negan’s end goal? Why had he taken both of them? Y/n knew that Negan always liked the way that Daryl fought and how fearless he was but her mind pondered why she was here.

Walking through an old factory that had been repurposed for people to live in, Y/n saw a canteen and people lining up with trays waiting for whatever food - that smelled like heaven - filled Y/n’s nose. A hand grabbed the top of Y/n’s arm, dragging her up some stairs and she became nervous as the blonde haired man walked faster and with purpose. Walking down a long corridor, the blonde haired man came to an abrupt stop as he opened a door, pushing Y/n into the room. The door slammed shut behind her and she heard the lock turn. She knew from that moment she would be left alone for a while.

Minutes seemed like hours and hours seemed days, just waiting for someone to tell her what was happening or give her some food or water, she had finally sat down from her pacing. Her nerves had not settled and her breathing had only just calmed down. The room reminded Y/n of the old days, the days where you don’t have to fight for your life because of walkers. There was a king sized bed with a small dresser either side and a black leather sofa underneath the window. Y/n didn’t want to sit on either the bed of the sofa and opted for the floor instead.

Her eyes became heavy as she sat and pondered about everything that had happened. She hoped Daryl was ok and she would see him again and he wasn’t locked away in a cell. She hoped that Rick was coming up with a plan to save both of them, but she knew that chance was slim. Rick hated Negan and was scared to death of him, of course he wouldn’t be able to come up with a plan.

The sound of the lock turning caught Y/n’s attention, but she didn’t get up from her spot on the floor. She did lift her head up though, to slowly inspect the intruder.

“Y/n,” the all too familiar sound of Negan’s voice rang through Y/n ears. She shivered and she hoped it would be anyone but him. “You’re still awake I see” Negan stomped towards her and crouched down to her level making eye contact. He didn’t say anything for a minute, just took in the sight before him. “Wanna know something sweet cheeks” the nickname made Y/n want to vomit but she knew better. “You see Rick the dick didn’t have enough supplies for me this week, so I took his favourite thing. Daryl!” Negan’s grin grew across his face. “But…now this is a big but, I think Daryl has a thing for you so what better way to get him to obey me than to take you and…well you’ll see”

Panic started to wash over Y/n as she came to realise that the reason for her capture was to make Daryl listen to Negan, that meant Negan could, and probably would, do anything to Y/n. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat and she felt the walls surrounding her cave in. Her heart beat so hard it could be felt through her chest. She was suffering from a headache, her head was spinning. All Y/n wanted was a way out but she knew that wasn’t an option especially if she wanted to keep Daryl safe.

Fluttering her eyes open Y/n didn’t remember passing out from her panic attack. She was curled up in a ball and her whole body ached as she stretched. Lifting her head up slowly she looked out of the window. Darkness had now filled the sky, she didn’t want to have another panic attack, so Y/n tried her best to stay calm.

Getting up slowly she made her way to the door, she wanted to try her luck and she turned the handle. To her surprise it was open. Creeping out of the room Y/n tried to make as little noise as possible, walking down the familiar corridor, Y/n could smell food. She can’t remember the last time she had eaten a fully cooked meal. Thanks to Negan and his men, Alexandria was suffering and everyone was going hungry. Making her way down to the canteen, Y/n hesitated as she watched people line up and wait for food.

“Now there’s my sugar tits” the voice made Y/n skin crawl. The low rumble of his voice made it easy to identify the owner of the ridiculous nicknames. “Now sugar, you don’t need to wait in line, come with me” Negan wrapped an arm around Y/n’s middle and she tried to resist but the thought of food made her weak. Leading her to the front of the line, the other people kneeled as soon as they saw Negan. It confused Y/n, how could someone hold this much power.

An hour had passed or what felt like an hour, and Y/n was truly stuffed. Meatballs and spaghetti was something that she had craved for years and finally she had a taste. Bear in mind it wasn’t the best but it was still better than nothing.

“Now, in your room” Negan popped up “is a dress, tomorrow morning I want you to wear it. With the heels that have been provided. Do you understand?” It took a minute for Y/n to comprehend what was being said and frustration grew on Negan’s face “well?” He questioned.

“I understand”


Twd Everything.@hc-geralt-23


You’re ours now sweetheart chapter three

You’re ours now sweetheart chapter three

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