#negan fic


Did you guys ever noticed Jeffrey has a scar on his right side of his face?

In Jeff’s words: “About 15 years ago I was riding my motorcycle in LA and spotted a guy beating up his girlfriend outside a 7-Eleven. I pulled over to break it up and she coldcocked me from behind with a bottle. She wasn’t grateful at all.”

Poor Jeffrey

The Undead Rising.

Request:Y/N and your people go on a supply run, as Negan and his people show up to the same place. Negan had no other choice but to accept your offer being out run by your bigger community with larger equipment. As Negan and Y/N bump heads showing who has the biggest balls here and a badass attitude, Negan is more impressed by how brave and clever Y/N is.

Requested by:@purple-serenity

Pairing:Negan x Y/N

A/N:this is not a one shot.

Warnings:strong language

“This is the location, we haven’t been here yet and we need to check it out and see what we can find.” You point on the map showing the crew in your office.

“And if we don’t find anything?” David asked.

“Here is another location.” You point to a new spot on the map as you circled it with a red sharpie. “We haven’t been here yet. But we need to make sure the other place has what we need before we go to the next one.” You said

“Anyone have any questions?” You asked everyone in the room.

“When are we going?” Sarah asked quietly, she’s the shy one, as her face turns red she hated speaking in front of everyone.

“Good question, we could leave tonight. But I rather everyone sleep well tonight and we can go first thing in the morning. I’d like for my people well rested before we go on a big supply run.” You said.

You hated over working your people, you always do your best to make sure they’re well rested before a big event happens.

“Alright everyone let’s get some sleep since we have a big day tomorrow, I’d like everyone ready by 7:00 am tomorrow. Also before you leave here, Candace here has a list of everything we need for tomorrow. Run by her on things you need and be ready with it tomorrow morning. Goodnight everyone.” You said as folding up the map and putting all your paperwork together.

“Hey Y/N before you leave.” David said as he opened up the door and Sarah came back in with a cake and some lit candles.

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Y/N! Happy fucking birthday to you!!!! Everyone shouted

“Now make a wish as Sarah placed the cake down on the table in your office. You start to cry and couldn’t gather your words. “Guys..d-did you seriously do this for me? Wait how did y’all know it was my fucking birthday!” You said with tears and a smile.

“How could we forget your birthday we been marking it on the calendar everyday.” David said

“With everything you do for us, you’re one of the rarest leaders who just.. you know treat us well, you gave us a chance to rebuild a life again.. you bring us hope.” Sarah said

“And a hot as bitch!” Candace said as everyone in the room started to laugh.

You chuckled and made a wish and blew out your candles. “Your guys are the greatest get your asses over here!” As you held out your arms and everyone ran to tackle you.

Sarah cut the cake giving everyone a piece, you guys laughed and joked for a good thirty minutes before it was time for everyone to leave. Sarah was nice enough to clean up the office so you didn’t have to do it. You smiled looking around the room before turning the lights off and closing the door behind you to go too your house to sleep.


It was the next morning and you were gathering everything before you had to leave for the run. As you walk outside your crew was ready to go by the gate.

“Well shit look at all you sexy bitches, hot and READY! Me likely!” You said as you gave them all a sassy wink.

Everyone laughed, you always know how to start the morning by getting everyone to laugh. They always look forward to every trip with you. Makes things easier knowing your group loves hanging out with you.

“Well Goodmorning fuckers! Let’s get our asses on the motherfuckin road! Or are we just gonna stand around and be zombies all day?” You said with your arms spread out smiling walking backwards towards the gate.

“Zombies? sounds pretty nice if you ask me?”David said as you look at him with a smile

“Yeah yeah it would be nice, maybe after this trip we can relax and be zombies for a bit.” You chuckled knowing they will need a full day of rest after this trip. Specially you.

“Hey everyone you know I always do this but it’s a reminder. You all know the drill. We run our routes. Mark your log books. Clear any walkers you see. You run into anything, anything you can’t handle, you come back here. Be smart about it. We work as a team okay? You said as everyone nodded.


It’s been about 2 hours on the road as you guys finally rolled up to the place. It was an army base. You take out your radio. “Hey Sarah we have some walkers up ahead it seems like this place has some scattered around. Let’s stop here.” You said as you told David to stop the jeep. “You got it boss lady.” Sarah said over the radio.

You get out of the jeep as everyone else got out of their vehicle and walked over to you.

“You guys know the drill let’s clear the outside first before we go in.” You said as everyone nodded.

You started to ran and slammed your knife in the back of a walkers head, you’re always the first one to take action, it’s your favorite thing. Well taking action first that is not the killing part. You’re slamming all the walkers down there was a good amount here, this kind of thing always got your heart pumping of excitement.

You stabbed another walker through the head and you pulled the knife out and it broke.

“Oh you son of a bitch! Are you shittin me right now!” You said in an anger voice, wiping your sweat off your forehead with your arm as you were trying to pull another knife out of your side pants, a few walkers started to get real close to you, you were walking backwards and tripped over a dead walker landing on your back. You were using your elbows pulling yourself backwards to get away as you heard gunshots from a distance taking out the last few of the walkers around.

You seen a group standing with guns and a tall man with a barb wired bat around his shoulder. He wore black boots with dark gray pants, one glove on his right hand and a fucking leather jacket in 90 degree weather. How in the hell was he not sweating balls here. Is he fucking insane?

The tall man with the bat started to walk towards you along with his group behind him, as you helped yourself up and your group came up behind you with their guns. You put your hands on your hips.

“Hi pretty lady, I’m Negan.” He smiled As he held up both his arms out with Lucille in his right hand. “And we’re the saviors.” He did a slight point towards you.

“Hi.” You said crossing your arms. Lifting one eyebrow.

“Well damn excuse my goddamn French but I just saved your fucking ass and that’s all the response I get?” He said with a smile.

You rolled your eyes. “Sorry didn’t mean to offend you Mr… Negan right?” You said in a sassy tone that made him smirk a little.

“That’s right doll face, may I ask what you’re doing out here? At our base.” He asked leaning to the side moving his eye up and down at you, he was indeed checking you out.

“I could ask you the same thing Mr…. Negan.” Giving him a slight smirk. “In fact how could this be YOUR place when we just cleared the outside and none of your people are here guarding it. And… I don’t see your name on it.” You said giving him a tease with another smirk.

“You see this shit! this is what I’m talking about! Ahh this is the shit that just tickles me balls!” As he turned around looking at his men with his arms up. He turned side ways to look at you with a smirk. “You may not know me sweetheart, but you’re definitely gonna wish you haven’t.”

“Hmm, funny you say that because I feel you’re gonna regret crossing me pretty soon.” You snapping back.

“Yeah, we will see about that.” He whispered where you didn’t hear him.

“You see here, there’s this new world order and well dollface I hate to break it to you but you’re now apart of it. So let me break it down simple and easy for you. One..” as he held up his index finger, smirking away. “You work for me. We have the whole set up, beds, food you name it, I have the whole package sweetheart! So all you have to do is work for me. Or two.” He flipped up his middle finger too. “I kill you and your fucking people now! I take your shit, and be on my merry fucking way. Well I don’t like hurting women, so suggest you pick one. But men? Hell doll face I could bash their brains all fucking day! He sighs shaking his head as he grinned. “…..Women are just to fucking beautiful to kill.. so sweetheart. What’s it gonna be..?” Holding up his arms again with his bat in the air.

Your arms are still crossed and your smile that never left your face

“Neither.” You said with no hesitation.

“I’m sorry doll face I didn’t quite catch that.” He started to look angry.

“Mr. Negan let me be clear here, I’ll make it simple and easy.” As you leaned forward “just for you.” Still having a smile on your face with your arms crossed.

“Your rules are shit, and no I don’t do new world orders very well, you see here Mr. Negan. I will take your shit and be glad to shove it up your ass.” You let out a small laugh and you see Negan’s people gripping their guns about to point them to you and your people.

“Ohh sweetheart, you have no… idea who you’re talking to.” Negan now looks more angry.

“Oh I do doll face, and let’s be real here.” You sigh turning your head looking at the army base. “This is mine, and mine only.”

You couldn’t help but stare at his eyes, he had the most beautiful eyes you ever seen, hazel.. oh those hazel eye that could kill you.. when he smiled it just lit up his face along with his dimples. His smile curved so perfectly making his dimples pop out more. Making your heart race faster. His anger made you like him more. His attitude was turning you on.

“Well excuse me sweetheart.. I didn’t know this belong to you, there’s rules here in fact whatever is yours. Is now mine. Rather you it or not.” They He said with more intense voice

You couldn’t help but chuckle at his response. “I never nor will I ever agree to anyone’s rules in fact I dont follow other people’s rules very well.”

Behind you, you could hear more vehicles rolling up. If was more of your people. David must of gave a code over the radio signaling we need help. David is basically your right hand man. One of the most clever guys on your team. He goes with you everywhere.

You turn your head to see behind you and you seen more of your community there with you. In that moment you had more people protecting your crew. More people than Negan brought along. You had more weapons, bigger guns and even a few tankers.

Negan’s eyes had widen, in shocked to see the shit you had. It was more than what he even had at his sanctuary.

“Welcome to the rising undead.” Holding out your hands your elbows were still to you sides. You gave a smirk and shot a wink towards his way.

“Now there’s no rules here Mr. Negan.” You started to walk towards him placing your knife back down on the side of you pants. “But we can try and agree on something here if you are okay with that.” You stopped about 10 feet in front of him. You watch his eyebrow raise making you smile a little.

You seen Negan look passed you at your large group. You were proud of your people in the moment showing up the way they did, how David sent a signal out. You had a huge community that you loved. You took care of. They respected you. You keep them safe and they keep you safe at all cost. Mostly everyone called you mom even for laughs and giggles. But deep down you acted like a mother when they needed you to the most. They love you as much as you love them. And for that, in this moment you couldn’t help but smile hearing more vehicles roll up in front of you. Behind Negan’s group, vehicles driving through the field to your right, an open field. It was huge. You watched Negan’s face as you hear all the vehicle doors open and slam shut. Negan in that moment all he could do was agree, he was out run by your people.

He started to look around as he giggled. He was facing the field and slightly turned his head towards you with a smile, like he was proud of your ass. Probably shocked seeing a woman like you that ran an community the way you do.

“Shit doll face, I guess I no longer have a choice here do I?” He ask turning his body towards you still having a smile on his face.

You couldn’t help but smile at his response, his smile was making you weak. Fuck, you needed to slap yourself in the face to knock it off. And get your shit together.

“Sorry my love I don’t think you do.” You said crossing your arms over your chest.

“There’s another army base that’s untouched, I’m willing to give that to you if you let us have this one. But… there’s a catch.” You said

“And what is that doll face?” Negan asked.

“I’ll let you have it, you let us help you clear some bigger place out for you, since we indeed have the bigger guns here. So in return we get some supplies. You know like a payment.” You said

Negan gave you smile, he seemed like he was trying to figure out what to say. Lost in words. Realized how clever you were.

“So Mr. Negan, what’s it gonna be?”

He took a few seconds to reply. “Alright. So how can we find them?” He raised an eyebrow with a smile on his face.

You started to walk towards him teasingly, looking into his eyes with a mischievous smile. You stopped in front of him standing very close. Finally breaking the eye contact, you put your hand on his shoulder and tiptoed to whisper in his ear.

“I’ll see you soon, big boy.” You say before planting a small but lingering kiss on his cheek. You pull away and see his smile grew wider deepening his dimples.

“I am about fifty percent more into you now…just sayin’.” Negan said grinning from that kiss

“An I’m about zero percent into now.” You said smirking, you slowly move your hand down off his shoulder to you biceps, walking backwards letting him go staring at him like you want him so badly as he started to see that.

You reached in your back pocket and took out a map. You handed it to him, the location that was folded up, as you knew the location was already marked on the map. “It’s the location of the other army base.” You said.

You turn away swaying back to your team and gave them nod to go ahead to the army base. As you stopped in the middle of the road before you went to follow your team, you turn around to look behind you to see Negan one last time, he gave you a smile and turned around as you watched him leave.

You called Joel and Steve over to you. These two are the best you had when they needed someone to sneak around. As they never get caught doing what they do best. They been with you since day one and never left your side. And never hesitate when you ask them for help.

“I need you both to follow them, check out their community and see what they do. Please?”

They both nodded and walked away and left to follow them.

“Jesus Y/N you handle that pretty fucking well, I almost didn’t need to signal anyone out here.” David said, he let out a chuckle.

You giggled still having a smile on your face from Negan. “No no no… I’m really glad you signal out for help. That actually made us look bigger and tougher.” You placed you hand on his shoulder. “Thank you David, seriously I owe you one big time. I’m proud of you, as I always am.” You smiled as you both walked over by the fence to the army base.

You and your people cleared out the inside, there was a lot of walkers more than you imagined. But luckily No one got hurt. As everyone knew the drill to check the walkers for any items that we could use, in fact the walkers had armer, weapons, knifes and extra bullets. There was a lot of items we needed so everyone gathered the items placing them in bins to haul back to their vehicles. We placed everything by the door till we had everything we needed.

There was a storage room full of MREs packages of food that the military used for meals. There was a lot, about a month worth of food. This was big as you needed all the food you could get.

“Hey Y/N!” David called you over. As you walked over to him, you seen the next room full of vehicles.

“Holy shit David!” You yelled out.

There was a full garage of army vehicles. BAe caiman, General Dynamics Stryker, M1 Abrams. The list went on. “Fuck David we could use these!” You had a big smile on your face. You couldn’t believe everything you guys had found inside, more and bigger weapons.

David grabbed a group of people having them get the new batteries and fuel for the vehicles. Most of them worked. While another group took what they could off the bad vehicles.

Everyone gathered everything and loaded up the vehicles, you helped them out too, getting everyone to laugh by your jokes, a lot of them joked back. You always tried and make a trip fun even when everyone is tired and worn out. You knew it was going to be a long trip back as you left the MREs out and had everyone grab some food for dinner before going back on the road. We needed to eat, you could tell how they needed their energy. While you all finished eating you gathered everyone around

“I really wanted to thank every single one of you tonight, seriously. You guys did awesome. The ones that came with me today, and for those who came out when you were signal too. You guys even stayed to helped clear out the inside and helped loading our trucks up making this go by faster.” You see everyone with a smile on their faces. They were all happy to be there with you.

“I seriously couldn’t ask for a better community than this. Thank you everyone again. I dont know about you guys but I’m ready to go home and fucking sleep!!” You yelled out as everyone cheered getting in their vehicles. Before you and David got in your vehicle he wanted to talk with you.

“Hey um Joel radio me, they made it safe and haven’t gotten seen. they’re still out there and safe.” David said

You nodded as you both got in the vehicle to go home. It was a nice smooth way back as you all pulled all your vehicles in everyone was unloading their trucks. You seen Lacy one your guards on the wall. She’s one of your toughest women here, well every women here you think is tough, lacy loves to work out she’s a body builder. She could work out for hours when she doesn’t have to be on watch. Who also teaches karate here. You been trying to get her to come out with you on a supple run but she loves being the guard on watch. Which is is one of your best spotters.

“Hey lacy!” You yelled out waving your two fingers motioning her to come down.

Hey Y/N! I see you brought in some good shit this time!” She said while chuckling.

“Hey now I always get the good shit!” You chuckled back. “What can I do to get you off that wall to come out with us next time?” You smiled at her.

“Well you got me off the wall now.” Lacy chuckled. “But you know I rather stay here, I’m your best spotter and you keeping me off the wall isn’t gonna help you out you know.”

You nodded knowing she loves her job. “Maybe one day I’ll get you out.” You smiled as lacy shocked her head.

“We will see boss!” Lacy ran back up to the wall as you watched her. You really would like her out there soon. But you hated pushing people who didn’t want to do something they don’t like.

“Alright everyone let’s get some rest shall we!” You said while everyone start to head back to their homes. Everything was put away and it was quiet in your community. As you get home you sat on your porch and pulled out your cigarettes. Before you could light it.

“Hey now, I thought you quit that shit?” Sarah said with a tease.

She had the most beautiful red hair you’d ever seen, it was long and wavy that was down to almost her butt. She barely wore it down but when she did she was beautiful. She had these beautiful hazel green eyes with a tint of gray around the edges.

You chuckled “yeah I thought so too.” As you lit your cigarette handing her the pack as Sarah grabbed a cigarette and your litter and lit her cigarette.

“You were pretty awesome the way you handle Negan.” Sarah said

“Yeah, yeah I fucking was.” You both chuckled.

“Not gonna lie, Negan was… hot.” Sarah took a hit of her cigarette and held it in.

You chuckled at her comment. “I’ve seen hotter.” you actually thought he was hot as fuck but you didn’t want to say that out loud.

“Your sassy attitude today, I think you scared him.” Sarah laughed taking another hit of her cigarette.

You take hit of your cigarette as well. “I wouldn’t say me, but I think we all scared him.” You put out your cigarette and stretched out your arms and yawned.

“I think you all did awesome today. Without you guys I truly dont know how that situation would of went.” You leaned back in your chair crossing your arms.

“I think we did awesome too. Sucks we had to give that other location away. Not gonna lie. I was looking forward to that.” Sarah frowned

You sighed reaching out your hand as she placed her hand onto yours. “I wasn’t happy about it either but we were stuck in a situation and we don’t need a war. I rather keep you all safe than loose any of you over a building.” You seen a tear rolled down her face.

“Thanks Y/N you truly do know how to keep us safe.” Sarah got up from her chair and leaned in giving you a peck on the cheek. “Goodnight Y/N.” As Sarah walked away.

You watched Sarah go to her house across the street making sure she made it inside. Even though your community is supposed to be safe, it’s just something you always did and never will stop.

You get up to go inside and your radio goes off “Y/N you there?” You heard Joel whispering over the radio. “Yes Joel..” you said over the radio. “We’re safe, we got everything we needed here.” Joel said.

You sigh with relief “come on back, be safe if you run into anything. You find somewhere safe and radio me or Lacy.”

You placed the radio on your end table, switched into you pjs and hopped on your bed. Negan was running through your mind. That handsome ignorant man with his sense of humor turned you on. You rolled your eyes. “I can’t be thinking about this right now.” You mumbled to yourself and closed your eyes to sleep.


It was a beautiful new day as everyone was eating their breakfast. You usually don’t eat breakfast but you always had to have coffee. That was one of your favorite things right when you wake up. You headed outside with your coffee as everyone was greeting you this morning. You smiled at everyone saying Goodmorning as you hear a knock at the front gate you turned your head fast.

Dun-dun-dun-DUN. “LITTLE PIG, LITTLE PIG, LET ME IN!” You recognized that voice as you head turned slightly.

“Oh you gotta be shittin me right now.” You mumbled to yourself.

You walked over to the gate and gave the guards a nod to open the door. You crossed your arms over your chest and had a slight smile on your face. As the door opens all the way and Negan had a smile on his face holding out his hands with his stupid bat out standing outside your community.

Everyone was trying to get up as you moved your hand behind you stopping them. You wanted them to finish eating as you could handle this situation by yourself.

“Well hello there pretty lady, you gonna let me in?” Negan said smiling putting Lucille over his shoulder.

You chuckled “now why would I go and do that? We can talk where we’re standing at.” You we’re about 20 feet away from him and the gate.

He had a huge grin on his face. “Okay what If don’t accept your offer.” As he took a few steps forward and the guards from the bottom and top of the fence pointed their guns at him.

He chuckled “you really gonna shoot me now?”

“I will if I have to.” You shot him with a smirk as you started to walk towards him. You were about 5 feet away from him.

“You know I thought we had a special moment yesterday.” He chuckled

“Ahh easy there Romeo.” You said teasingly.

“Oh where are my manners, hi Mr. Negan, now why in the hell are you here.?” As he took one more step towards you, you can hear the guns shift. He stopped himself with a smirk on his face. As you raised one eyebrow.

“I wanted to see you doll face! And your..” He started to look around in your community where he was standing. “Your Beautiful community!” You rolled your eyes at his comment.

“That’s it? Seriously?” You said in a disappointed ton.

“Oh I’m sorry sweetheart, were you wanting more? I mean shit we can go somewhere doll face if that’s what you want?” He teased.

You laughed at his response. Placing your hand on your eyebrow scratching it “okay seriously why are you here, Negan?” You acted frustrated.

“Well doll face we searched that army base you gave us and we found some good shit. But we also had found another few location and you said you’d help us out so here I am.” He smiled placing Lucille down at his side.

“You ready sweetheart?”

Great he’s ready to go when I haven’t even prepared my people yet. This will be a shit show.

“Whatever you say Romeo.” As you walked away.


Love In The Air

Request:This is so weird ik but say negan and reader are dating at the sanctuary (he still has his wives) but a new wife comes along and that’s sherry and basically he forgets about the reader and she feels abandoned and one day she runs away and begs for a home at Alexandria or hilltop and after the war when negan is at the cell, he finds out that she’s alive and staying with them and he basically begs michonne to see you and you agree and you can’t lie that you’ve missed him and well a cute ending.

Requested by:Anonymous

Warnings:Bad language, sexual content, mature content

Pairing:Negan x Reader

“Who is that?” Amber leaned in whispering in your ear. Her voice cracked a little like she was nervous of a new girl showing up. Amber tucked her blonde hair behind her ears and looked at the new girl walking with Negan. He had his arm wrapped around her waist.

“I’m not really sure.” You said and shrugged your shoulders not worried about a new girl. You knew how much Negan liked you, in fact you guys have a relationship, you and Negan were dating, he treats you the best out of all his wives and all the wives knew that but not the relationship besides Amber. She knew everything about you. She knew you weren’t one of the wives but he treated you like one. Amber was your best friend the only one you trusted here.

We were seated eating our food in the cafeteria. You could tell Amber never took her eyes of the new girl and Negan.

“I wouldn’t worry about it.” You said to Amber sitting next to her grabbing her hand that was on her lap that never left her side to eat her food. You gave her a peck on her cheek and got up letting her hand go. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You gave her a wink and left the cafeteria.

Negan watched you walked out of the cafeteria as he started to head towards the exit door going after you. You didn’t bother to look behind you as you heard his footsteps from behind. His boots echo through the halls, he knew you could hear him.

You made your way to the top of the stairs heading to Negan’s room and still not once did you bother to look behind you. You opened up the door and slammed it shut. You wanted him to hear that to piss him off. You knew how much he hated door slamming but you did it anyways. You jumped up on his desk and crossed you legs and arms.

Door flung open and Negan stood in the door way looking at you. He had a seething look on his face, wearing his black leather jacket and Lucille over his right shoulder. He walked in and slammed the door shut behind him and locked it. This time he didn’t bother placing Lucille down leaving her in the corner by the door. It was still on his shoulder as he walked over to you.

“Who the fuck do you think you are!” He yelled in your face. You didn’t even flinch or get scared. You knew you wouldn’t hurt you. You didn’t bother to reply to his question. “SPEAK WHEN YOU’RE SPOKEN TO!” He screamed in your face.

You stared into his eyes and gave him a smile uncrossing your arms and legs, placing one hand on his beard. “Now Negan baby, that’s no way to speak to your girl now is it?”

You could smell the anger in the air as he bit the inside of his cheek. He grabbed you by the throat tighten his grip. A small moan left your month making him grip tighter around you neck. You wrapped you legs around his waist pulling him closer making his pants feel tighter.

His face isn’t even an inch away from yours. You can feel his hot breath on your lips. “Who do you belong to?” He questioned furiously looking into your eyes with anger. “I belong to you.” You whispered quietly. He barely heard you. He loosened his grip around your neck slowly making you take a deep breath.

“Now I didn’t quite hear you dollface, speak up.” He demanded as his anger was slowly going away. He moved Lucille off his shoulder, placing it on the side of the desk as his eyes never left yours. “You, I belong to you.” You said in a sassy voice giving him goosebumps appearing on the back of his neck.

He grabbed your thighs pulling you closer to him, loosening your grip around his waist. He wanted you, he wanted you so badly. His lips hit yours, kissing you with force. It was more intense than last time. You love getting him all worked up. He knew how much you loved rough sex. He knew what he needed to give you.

You pulled away, unwrapping your legs from his waist letting your legs drop back down on the desk. You placed one hand on his chest. “Easy there, Negan.” You pushed him back a little so you could get up off the desk and walk behind him crossing your arms. You turned around to look at him. As he turned to his side looking at your confused and pissed off at the same time.

“Who’s this new girl you were walking with in the cafeteria with your arm around her waist.” You demanded an answer.

His pinched the bridge of his nose then sliding his hand down his face to his beard as he was rubbing his it with a smirk on his face. He dropped his hand and pointed at you.

“You don’t get to ask questions here. I DO!” He said in anger. “What the fuck was that! You teased the fuck out of me then you ask me a question?” Now he’s more furious than he was slamming the door shut. He knew you was jealous.

“If you don’t answer my question then I’m not answering yours.” She said with anger.

He started laughing and picked up Lucille placing her on his right shoulder again. “Someone’s a little jealous.” Shoving a smirk at you. “She’s one.. I’ve my new wives.” He threw his hand up smiling.

“Fuck you.” You mumbled under your breath with anger. You could feel your cheeks turning red. It was so hot like an hot iron hit both your cheeks.

He was still smiling, he loved upsetting you, making you feel jealous turned him on. This moment was different. You were more than upset. You were furious wanting to rip his throat out and never wanting to see him again.

“Her name is Sherry, and she. is. awesome. In fact! She’s really nice and she instantly agreed to be one of my wives and I didn’t even have to force her!” He chuckled placing his head down looking at the floor smiling like he was proud to have Sherry. More proud than having you.

“I hope she’s good in bed.” You said as he picked his head back up looking at you with a smirk.

“Come on baby girl, you don’t have to be jealous like that! Alright I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you.” He started to realize you weren’t playing anymore and being serious. He walked over to you. “I’m sorry baby.” He said lifting her chin up forcing you to look into his eyes. “Your my baby and no one will ever place you even if I have hundreds of wives. You’re still the special one.”

A tear came down your cheek and you felt his thumb whipping it away. “I’m sorry Negan.” You said softly as more tears come pouring out of your eyes. He stares at you feeling guilty for how he acted. He instantly grabs you wrapping his arms around you and hugs you tight. You heard his bat hit the floor. Like he didn’t even hesitate to drop it as that bat means more to him than anyone here. But in that moment you meant more to him than anyone.

He slowly loosens his grip from hugging you and you both look at each other. He leaned down to your soft lips. Placing his lips onto yours, It was gentle. You never felt this side of him before. The kiss became more passionate than ever. Something you never felt before. It was always rough, angry, intense, but this, this was a whole new side of Negan you never met before.

The kiss became more intense but gentle. Moving faster. His hot breath in your mouth made you moan. His tongue swirling around your mouth slowly. You felt his hand lifting you up placing your legs around his waist and than your back hit the wall. It was a gentle hit. You felt confused, very confused. Was this love sex? You questioned yourself.

He placed his hands on your thighs lifting your black dress up. You weren’t wearing underwear. You never did and he loved that. You hear him unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning his pants. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moving one hand to his salt and pepper beard. He knows how much you loved his beard. He moved his lips to your cheek than placing his beard on your face. Lightly rubbing your cheek with his beard than down to your neck making you moan softly as your head fell back hitting the wall. Letting him kiss even inch of your neck. “Negan..” you moaned his name as he hurry’s to unzip his pants knowing you’re begging for him.

You wonder what has gotten into him, he’s never touched you this gentle before. You didn’t want to ask Incase you piss him off.

He pulled out his hard cock, you were ready, you wanted him to make love to you. He could see in your eyes you wanted him. He felt your body shaking. “Negan!” You moaned louder showing you wanted him now, that you couldn’t take it anymore. He teased your folds with his tip of his member before entering you he ask whispering. “Tell me what you want baby girl.” As his lips were touching yours but we weren’t kissing, we were breathing heavy feeling each other’s warmth in our mouths. “I want you Negan.” You whispered softly and you felt him go inside you gently as you gasp for air.

He was moving in and out of you slowly, picking up the pace gentle not wanting to hurt you. He was making love to you. Your name was coming out of his mouth in small growls. He felt you walls tighten up making him lose his mind knowing you’re about to cum. You moan louder as he gentle grabs your face and kisses you more and more intense. “Oh..Negan.” You moaned as your legs began to shake, you can’t stop moaning, you’re about to cum. “Oh fuck.” You moaned into his ear he begins to moan your name as you both cum. He filled you up with everything he had.

He gently kisses your lips and whispers “I love you.” So quiet your head moved back confused staring at him. “Wait, what?” Trying to process what he just said hoping you heard him right.

He snapped back into reality, he had a confused look on his face. He began to look angry. Realizing what he just said to you. “Get out.” He said forcefully letting go of you.

“Wait Negan..” he stopped you with his hand up turning around to where his back is facing you. “ I said get out!” He yelled as you flinched pulling your dress down.

“Don’t make me ask again.” He was more angry than earlier. You did want you were told and walked out but before closing the door you took one more look at him as he was still standing in the same position when he told you to get out. You closed the door and walked back to your luxury.


One week has gone by and Negan hasn’t bother to talk to you. He refuses to see you. He even punished you one day sending you in the cell for having a conversation with another guy. You felt lost and confused. The I love you words were always on your mind. It was killing you inside because you felt the same way. You were sure if he actually meant those words or not.

You begin to realize maybes it wasn’t true as you see Negan and Sherry walk in together through the cafeteria. He stopped in your view and made out with her in front of everyone. He knew you were watching.

Your heart fell to your stomach, you feel it turning like you’re about to puke. As tears come down your face. You get up leaving your untouched tray of food before walking you look up at Negan. He was staring at you smiling. You look away and head to the exit doors running to your room.

You can feel a panic attack starting as Amber barged into your room scaring you half to death that you fell to the ground. “Oh my god no..” Amber said freaking out as she sat next to you wrapping her arms around you to comfort you. “How… how long has this begin going on..?” You asked as tears pour out of your eyes. Shaking into her arms. “About a week.. I’m so sorry..” she tells you gripping you tighter as she lets you sob everything out..

A few hours gone by and amber never left your side. You’re lost with words, confused and just feel like dying. “I don’t understand this.” You say feeling like your about to cry again but your eyes hurt and are puffy and red. “He told me he loved me.” You finally told amber and she looked at you in shocked.

“Wait what? He said that to you?” She asked. She acted like he’s never said anything like that to them before.

“I’m sure he’s told you and all the other wives he loved you guys.” You say starring out into space.

“No, he’s never said anything like that.. to any of us..” she said still in shocked like she couldn’t believe what you just told her.

“Amber.. I have to get out of here. I have to go.” You said as tears begin again.

Amber didn’t fight with you, but she cried letting you know she didn’t want you to go but she knew you had to.. amber decided to help you escape that night. But you needed to see one last thing before you goes. You had packed a few things so you had some supplies.

“I-I need to go to Negan’s room real quick before I leave.” You sigh and amber nodded saying okay.

You headed to Negan’s room the door was already cracked a little as you hesitated to look inside but you wanted to see Negan’s face before you go. Instead you seen Sherry, she was laying on top of him on his bed kissing him. She wasn’t wearing anything. “Goddamn you’re the best kisser I ever had baby girl.” You stepped back feeling your heart drop to your stomach. You ran, you ran so fast. You got to the bottom of the stairs and seen amber. “You have to go now!” Amber tells you as you nodded and she ran with you to the door. “I can’t go with you. I love you, you will always be my best friend.” Amber says and giving you a peck on the cheek.

“I love you too.” You said and walked out the door.


“Please! Don’t shoot me..” you throw your gun and knife at their direction. Taking your backpack off placing it on the ground besides you. You drop to you knees begging for your life.

“Where you from?” A little girl asked you with her sword pointing at you. Her hair was behind her shoulder besides a long bread part of her hair was laying over her left shoulder. She wore a brown cowboy hat. That looked way to big for her

You start to cry knowing the name of the group you were in everyone outside the sanctuary hated them. “the Saviors.” As you closed your eyes waiting for someone to shoot you.

“Why did you leave them?” The little asked as you finally opened your eyes seeing four people staring at you waiting for your to answer.

You were about to answer as you started to feel dizzy and your head started to hurt, and your vision start to go blurry everything went black.

You finally woke up and see a woman with a long dreadlocks and a man who was tall and skinny staring at you. The light was bright making your eyes squint it hurt. You were laying in a twin bed. A nice warm blue blanket laying flat over your body.

“What happened..?” You asked them squinting your eyes as the lady was kind enough to turn part of the lights off in the room.

“You passed and you were out for a few days, Siddiq our doctor who was taking care of you said you were very dehydrated.” The tall man said staring at you with his hands on his hips. “I’m Rick and this is Michonne.” He said introducing himself.

“Where am I?” You asked them trying to sit up and look around the room. A man walked in, wearing all white

“Hey now take it easy, you been out for a few days, here is some water and ibuprofen. Oh and I’m Siddiq.” He said with a smile hand me a small cup of water and two pills. You take them and drink chugged all the water.

“Thank you.” You said gasping for air.

“This is Alexandra, now I need to know why did you came here?” Rick asked, he looked pretty concerned like I was an enemy some sort.

“I’m sorry I was just traveling trying to get away from the sanctuary and I ended up here.” You say telling them the truth.

“We’re you with anyone else out there or traveling alone.” Michonne asked she had more of a serious look on her face than rick did.

“Alone.” You whispered.

“And did you escape the sanctuary?” Michonne asked.

“Yes.” You said. You start to feel nervous with being questioned as a tear fall from your eyes and landed on your cheek.

“Why?” Michonne asked.

“I just didn’t want to be there anymore..” you say as your eyes start to water more.

Michonne and Rick begin to look at each other, they started asking more questions making you overwhelmed. You couldn’t help but cry. But you answered all their questions truthfully.

“I’m sorry but once Siddiq has taken care of you and you can get back on your feet, you need to leave.” Rick said has he placed his hand on the back of his hair he he began to rub it.

Your tears began to pour out of your eyes and you start to shake. “Please.. I don’t want to go back there.. I can’t..”

“You don’t have to, the place in empty now.” Michonne said as she looked at you feeling guilty realizing you have no where to go.

“Rick maybe we need to talk about this some more.” Michonne whispered to Rick. They both nodded. “Get some rest we will talk to you tomorrow.” Michonne added as they both walk out the room.

You drop your head onto your pillow, staring at the ceiling. Million thoughts were in your head. You were confused on how the sanctuary was empty. How could that be? Just about a week ago it was filled and everything there was working. “Oh god Amber!” You yelled out gasping for air. You shock back up. “Oh fuck..” you try and gather your thoughts as Siddiq walking in.

“Hey you okay?” He said rushing over to you. Laying on hand onto you shoulder he hears you crying.

“My friend Amber was there at the sanctuary m.. I-I don’t know if she made it out..” you said and whipped away your tears.

“Can you tell me what happened there?” You asked Siddiq looking him in the eyes.

He nodded and took a seat at your side down on your bed “Negan and his people, the saviors he calls them. They started a war and.. and we took them down.”

You look at him shocked at what he just told you.. “and Negan? What happened to Negan?” You asked.

“Well Rick slit his throat but didn’t kill him. I stitched him up and now he’s in a prison cell. Here actually.” He said looking at you trying to read your face expression.

You nodded and thanked him. He got up and gave you another cup of water. This time a bigger cup. You take a sip and watched Siddiq leave. Then a little girl walks in. This time she didn’t have a sword but she still wore the cowboy hat. She was.. adorable.

“Hi, I’m Judith.” She said walking towards you bed. She gave a small smile. “And you’re?” She asked

She had the cutest little voice ever that was soft to your ears. “I’m Y/N.” You chuckled a little giving a smile. “You’re the only one to ask me that since I got here.”

“Sorry for that, usually they ask. That’s one of their rules here.” She said taking a seat at your side on the bed. “Are you staying here?” She asked you.

“I don’t think so. Rick and Michonne pretty much said I have to leave when I’m back on my feet.” You dropped you head looking at your hands. “But they mentioned they needed to talk more before actually releasing me.”

“Maybe you get to stay!” She said as Michonne walked there the door interrupted Judith.

“Hey sweetheart there you’re.” She said as Judith hopped off the bed and ran over to Michonne.

“Hey mom.” As she wrapped her arms around giving her a soft hug. Her hat almost fell off as Michonne caught it for her.

Michonne looked up as you both make eye contact. “Rick and I talked, we thought about you staying, but first I need to ask you something.” She said as she let go of Judith and asked her to walk in the hallway. She did what she was took and left.

“You and Negan, is this going to be a problem with you staying here? Seems like you two have a history of some sort.” She asked and she seemed more angry.

“Negan abandon me, he- he treated me like garbage, a slave. So please tell me how this would be a problem.” You say a little with anger.

You were still pretty upset on how he treated you. But those three words were still glued into your brain. The way he said it made you feel safe. You wanted to hear him say it again. You missed him so much but you didn’t want to show it. Not now.

“That’s pretty funny since he’s begging me to see you after describing you.” She said shaking her head. “Can you explain that?”

You drop your head looking away from her. “We.. we dated when I was back at the sanctuary. We got in a fight and a new girl showed up. And..” you begin to cry whipping your tears always. “And he abandoned me for her. It just went down hill after that for me.” Your head was still down not wanting to look at Michonne.

“Would you like to see him?” She asked, you can hear in her voice she hesitated the question. You can tell she didn’t want to ask. Maybe she wanted too see how we acted or was this a trick?

“What’s the catch here?” You asked her finally lifting your head up to look at Michonne.

“Not really a catch but Rick and I would like to see if it’s worth keeping you here while Negan is in a cell. More like can we trust you.” She said with a sigh. “It’s up to you.” She added waiting on your reply.

Fuck, you thought to yourself that this is definitely a test. Maybe she wants to hear you say no, probably the answer she wants from you. But deep down you wanted to see Negan. You missed him so much that this situation was making your stomach turn.

“Yes.” You said to michonne as she asked if you could stand and you helped yourself up off the bed no problem.


You both head to the cell that Negan was in and Michonne unlocked the door for you. “I’ll give you fifteen minutes..” Michonne whispered to you as she was giving you the hand motion to walk through the door. As you did, you heard the door close and lock behind you as Michonne stayed outside leaving you and Negan together alone.

“Ho- ho- holy shit well would you look at that, you’re alive goddamn it.” Negan said as you turned around to see him. He had a big smile on his face.

He was sitting on his bed wearing blue jeans, blue buttoned up long sleeve shirt, he even had a patch on his neck that Siddiq mentioned his throat gotten sliced. You could barely notice him without his leather jacket and boots, skinny jeans, and even Lucille. The barb wired bat. You never seen him without it on his shoulder.

“What the fuck happened to you?” You asked as you watched him stand up walking to the bars.

“I could ask you the same thing baby girl.” He said with a smirk, wrapping his fingers around the bars.

You both stood there staring at each other. You still thought he looked handsome as hell. That smile that never left his face when you entered the room. He looked pleased to see you. As he always did before Sherry came in the picture.

“You ran away from the sanctuary. Why..? I- I thought you were dead.” He said as the smile dropped from his face making him look sad.

“Dont even act like you cared Negan. Sherry had you wrapped around her pretty little fucking finger.” You said with anger. You had a disgusted look on your face.

“Y/N it.. it wasn’t like that baby gi..” you interrupted him putting your hand up to stop him from talking.

“Don’t you fucking dare Negan. Don’t tell me it wasn’t like that because it FUCKING WAS!” You scream as a tear came down you cheek.

Your face started to feel hot again, you were red as a tomato, the heat almost sizzled off your tears with how hot your face was getting.

“You.. abandoned me, you fucking kissed sherry in front of me and you fucking enjoyed every minute of it.” You said

Your face wasn’t hot anymore, you felt the anger go away as you felt sad, betrayed. You just wanted to hear Negan say those three words again to make all the pain go away.

“You told me you loved me and kicked me out of your life like I did something wrong to you!” You said yelling while you cry. You pointed at him. “You don’t get to ask why I left you. That’s not how it works here, not with me.”

You seen Negan gripping the bars tighter, his knuckles were turning white. You look into his eyes as you see a tear falling down onto his cheek.

“You said those three words to me, you let them buried in my head and you watched me become destroyed and you smiled about it.” You told him as you cross your arms over your chest.

“Baby I-“ you stopped him again

As you cry even harder “I don’t want to hear it Negan.” You whispered quietly.

You watch Negan drop to his knees as he held on to the bars still. He looked at you. You can see how much pain he was holding on to. You start to feel guilty for yelling and stopping him from trying to explain.

You walked over to the bars and slowly drop to you knees. Negan watch every minute of you, as his eyes never left yours.

“I’m so sorry baby girl.” He said soft as he begins to cry.

“Negan..” you whispered placing your hands on to his that was gripped around the bars

“I do love you, and that scares the shit out of me Y/N.” Negan said as your eyes widen with shock.

“I- I didn’t know how to react towards that. I haven’t told anyone those three words since..” he dropped his head as you slid you hand in between the bars lifting his chin up slowly.

You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You knew he wasn’t lying, not now. Not with how he was being. You knew he loved Lucille so in that moment everything was real between you two.

“I love you Y/N I’m so sorry..” Negan said as he was still crying.

You brought your other hand in between the bars grabbing on to his face. As you moved your head closer to the bars. He lean in as well. You both leaned in for a kiss. As he placed his onto yours. You both kiss gently. The bars made it hard to kiss but you didn’t care.

You pulled back a little looking into his eyes as he was looking at yours as well. You whipped away his tears.

“I love you too Negan.”

If Carl was raised in this meme of a time

Negan: You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry. Hell, you’re all gonna be doing that.

Carl: lmao that’s a fat mood right there. Bet


Mister Rich

Author’s Note: I’ve been meaning to write this kind of series and have some inspo from @hswrites

Summary:You lend a helping hand to a handsome stranger but don’t realize the impression you left

Warnings:fluff, swearing, age difference, eventual smut, romance

This weekend was an important business party you had to attend for with your publishing company. The walk you made was a bit longer since you had to buy flowers for the big hot shot of the author. You have to ride the subway, thankfully no lines. You went to scan your pass but notice a man just standing at the gates. He was wearing a very nice suit and had a height to his body. He looked confused and since you had time you approached him.

“Hey, do you need help?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“You’re fine. Here let me help. Have you ever ridden the subway?”

“I actually haven’t. Usually I drive my car or a car would come pick me up.” He’s rich! You thought to yourself as his eyes stared at a map.

“Well if that’s the case then I can help you. Here, I’ll get you a ticket. Where exactly are you going?”

“The big fancy hotel downtown.”

“No way! Me too, if you’d like we could ride together.”

He agreed with you as you finished buying his ticket and led him into the station. Like always it was flooded with people. You made sure he was behind you when the doors opened and heard the announcement for your route.

“That’s us, try to hurry so we don’t miss it.” He kept quiet and took long strides to enter the opened doors of the sub train. He moved a bit fast but you made it in time before the intercom announced to clear the doors. As you go to sit on one the chairs, the man joins by taking the free space next to you. He was silent for the ride and your mind was racing about this conference tonight. There were many thought going through your head, what to say to the author, how to act around the other departments, and hoping the dress you picked arrived to the hotel on time.

“The flowers. Did your boyfriend get you those?”

“No. These are for someone else and I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Do you like flowers?”

“Doesn’t everybody? Sure these ones are beautiful, I wanted them to be special. But if I had to choose a favorite, it would be yellow roses.”

“I see.” He then looks ahead and keeps to himself for a few minutes. It gives you time to get on your phone to text your colleagues.

“If you don’t mind me asking, if you have a car. Then why are you taking the subway?”

“I get tired of doing all that. I wanted to do something independently.”

“I can understand that.”

You smile at him and he does the same. For the rest of the ride it was a comfortable silence and you looked at your peripheral to notice how handsome he was. He must’ve noticed since he wore a smirk that made deep dimples appear against his salt and pepper beard. What a beautiful man. It was then your destination was reached and made your exit with him. Upon walking upstairs to the street you notice he was still right behind. The sun shined bright along the sidewalk and you look at your map for directions.

“Here, it says we need to walk a couple blocks straight ahead.”

“Lead the way.”

You walk through the crowded sidewalk of the city as the stranger keeps beside you. It was nice to have a man next to you, mostly to avoid the really annoying catcalling you’d experience. That was definitely the most annoying part of city life. You then look to the side to see the hotel. The man wasn’t kidding about it being big and fancy. You both walk through the main entrance and you go to check in.

“Alright ma’am. We have you all set and there was a dry cleaning dropped off for you.”

“Thank you so much.” You then turn to see the stranger waiting for himself to check in and immediately get out of his way.

“Well it was certainly nice to meet you. I had fun traveling with you.”

“I’m flattered. Thank you for the help, guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

“Guess you will.” You waved as you took the dress from the employee and go to the elevator. A fun night was ahead of you and the first impression to your coworkers and the rest of the publisher’s was important. You enter your room and set everything in place.

“Time to get ready.” You say in a voice fueling confidence.


Leather & Spikes 6

Negan x ofc

Chapter 6: the agreement

Words: 2,293

Previous || next || fic info

⚠️Warnings: killing walkers

Raven should be back in her room by now.

But two hours later she was still with Negan. After offering her a second drink, Negan asked about her past, and how she ended up with the group. Feeling loose tongued and relaxed, she tells him.

By the time she gets to the end, Negan is laid back on the couch, one leg bent with his drink resting on his chest. To anyone peeking in, this looked like two old friends talking, and thought she hated to admit it, it felt like that too.

Keep reading


Leather & Spikes 6

Negan x ofc

Chapter 6: the agreement

Words: 2,293

Previous || next || fic info

⚠️Warnings: killing walkers

Raven should be back in her room by now.

But two hours later she was still with Negan. After offering her a second drink, Negan asked about her past, and how she ended up with the group. Feeling loose tongued and relaxed, she tells him.

By the time she gets to the end, Negan is laid back on the couch, one leg bent with his drink resting on his chest. To anyone peeking in, this looked like two old friends talking, and thought she hated to admit it, it felt like that too.

Keep reading

You’re ours now sweetheart chapter two

Get a head of tumblr by eight weeks here

Series warnings. smut, non-con, dubcon. Stockholm syndrome. Fingering. Humiliation. Voyeurism. Threesome, bondage, spanking, dark fic

Y/n didn’t know how long the car journey lasted, all she knew was it lasted far longer than she wanted it too.

The car came to a sudden halt and the bag was removed from y/n’s head. Blinking, it took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. Glancing next to her she noticed that Negan had left the car, he slammed the door which made y/n jump out her skin. Her car door was forced open and someone grabbed the top of her arm.

“Move it!” The blonde man screamed. Looking at his face y/n wondered what happened, half his face melted and she knew deep down that Negan had done it but why?

Y/n knees were weak as she tried to keep up with the group of men. She knew Daryl had been taken as well, and it made her blood boil. What was Negan’s end goal? Why had he taken both of them? Y/n knew that Negan always liked the way that Daryl fought and how fearless he was but her mind pondered why she was here.

Walking through an old factory that had been repurposed for people to live in, Y/n saw a canteen and people lining up with trays waiting for whatever food - that smelled like heaven - filled Y/n’s nose. A hand grabbed the top of Y/n’s arm, dragging her up some stairs and she became nervous as the blonde haired man walked faster and with purpose. Walking down a long corridor, the blonde haired man came to an abrupt stop as he opened a door, pushing Y/n into the room. The door slammed shut behind her and she heard the lock turn. She knew from that moment she would be left alone for a while.

Minutes seemed like hours and hours seemed days, just waiting for someone to tell her what was happening or give her some food or water, she had finally sat down from her pacing. Her nerves had not settled and her breathing had only just calmed down. The room reminded Y/n of the old days, the days where you don’t have to fight for your life because of walkers. There was a king sized bed with a small dresser either side and a black leather sofa underneath the window. Y/n didn’t want to sit on either the bed of the sofa and opted for the floor instead.

Her eyes became heavy as she sat and pondered about everything that had happened. She hoped Daryl was ok and she would see him again and he wasn’t locked away in a cell. She hoped that Rick was coming up with a plan to save both of them, but she knew that chance was slim. Rick hated Negan and was scared to death of him, of course he wouldn’t be able to come up with a plan.

The sound of the lock turning caught Y/n’s attention, but she didn’t get up from her spot on the floor. She did lift her head up though, to slowly inspect the intruder.

“Y/n,” the all too familiar sound of Negan’s voice rang through Y/n ears. She shivered and she hoped it would be anyone but him. “You’re still awake I see” Negan stomped towards her and crouched down to her level making eye contact. He didn’t say anything for a minute, just took in the sight before him. “Wanna know something sweet cheeks” the nickname made Y/n want to vomit but she knew better. “You see Rick the dick didn’t have enough supplies for me this week, so I took his favourite thing. Daryl!” Negan’s grin grew across his face. “But…now this is a big but, I think Daryl has a thing for you so what better way to get him to obey me than to take you and…well you’ll see”

Panic started to wash over Y/n as she came to realise that the reason for her capture was to make Daryl listen to Negan, that meant Negan could, and probably would, do anything to Y/n. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat and she felt the walls surrounding her cave in. Her heart beat so hard it could be felt through her chest. She was suffering from a headache, her head was spinning. All Y/n wanted was a way out but she knew that wasn’t an option especially if she wanted to keep Daryl safe.

Fluttering her eyes open Y/n didn’t remember passing out from her panic attack. She was curled up in a ball and her whole body ached as she stretched. Lifting her head up slowly she looked out of the window. Darkness had now filled the sky, she didn’t want to have another panic attack, so Y/n tried her best to stay calm.

Getting up slowly she made her way to the door, she wanted to try her luck and she turned the handle. To her surprise it was open. Creeping out of the room Y/n tried to make as little noise as possible, walking down the familiar corridor, Y/n could smell food. She can’t remember the last time she had eaten a fully cooked meal. Thanks to Negan and his men, Alexandria was suffering and everyone was going hungry. Making her way down to the canteen, Y/n hesitated as she watched people line up and wait for food.

“Now there’s my sugar tits” the voice made Y/n skin crawl. The low rumble of his voice made it easy to identify the owner of the ridiculous nicknames. “Now sugar, you don’t need to wait in line, come with me” Negan wrapped an arm around Y/n’s middle and she tried to resist but the thought of food made her weak. Leading her to the front of the line, the other people kneeled as soon as they saw Negan. It confused Y/n, how could someone hold this much power.

An hour had passed or what felt like an hour, and Y/n was truly stuffed. Meatballs and spaghetti was something that she had craved for years and finally she had a taste. Bear in mind it wasn’t the best but it was still better than nothing.

“Now, in your room” Negan popped up “is a dress, tomorrow morning I want you to wear it. With the heels that have been provided. Do you understand?” It took a minute for Y/n to comprehend what was being said and frustration grew on Negan’s face “well?” He questioned.

“I understand”


Twd Everything.@hc-geralt-23


Youre ours now sweetheart rewrite

Get a head of tumblr by eight weeks here

Series warnings. smut, non-con, dubcon. Stockholm syndrome. Fingering. Humiliation. Voyeurism. Threesome, bondage, spanking, dark fic

Chapter one

Therumble of a car pulling up to the gate sent shivers down Y/N. Putting down the shears in her hand, Y/n wiped the sweat off her forehead. She was working on the vegetable patch in the compound and she didn’t need the interruption. Standing up with a grunt y/n didn’t want to turn around and see who was walking in through the gate, she knew instantly who it was.

Taking off her gloves and walking slowly to the entrance of Alexandria y/n knew today was not going to be a good day. Feeling a hand on a shoulder y/n looked towards the owner. Her best friend at Alexandria was always by her side no matter the situation. Daryl found y/n walking the streets on her own, her feet swollen and bleeding, her hair a mess, clothes torn and hanging on by a thread. Since that moment Daryl rarely lets y/n out of his sight. He had become protective of y/n, not that she minded but she always wondered if there was more to his friendship than he was letting on.

Standing before the iron clad gates y/n crossed her arms across her chest, her jaw clenched as she saw the older man walk towards her. With his salt and pepper beard and his hazel eyes it took everything in y/n to not run back to her shears and stab the man to death.

Gritting her teeth she resisted the urge. She knew causing a scene would make matters worse at the moment. The sound of whistling made the hairs on y/n arms stand. She hated that sound and tune, it brought dread to her every time she heard it.

“Get to work boys” the six foot two man shouted back towards his men. His wire covered back rested on his shoulder as he glared at everyone before him. Staking towards y/n she tried her best to stand her ground. Keeping her shoulders back and puffing her chest out she kept repeating to herself ‘don’t look him in the eye. Keep your eyes straight’. The mantra rattled around in her head as she could feel the evil man hovering over her.

“Well if it ain’t shit stain Daryl” his hot breath tickled y/n neck as he leaned down to her. She didn’t know why he was so close but she knew not to ask.

The sound of crashing distracted the man and a smile spread across his face.

“Well Rick the dick, looks like my men can’t find anything this week” he tutted and circled y/n like a lion hunting their prey. “Maybe I should take something else, something of use” his hand lifted up and stroked y/n cheek. Y/n never broke the mantra in her head once and her eyes were fixated on the fence in front of her.

“Keep your hands off her” Daryl’s gravelly voice rumbled through the air.

“My feelings are hurt Daryl, you think I would do something to a woman without her consent” the man held his chest pretending to be hurt. “No, who I really want is…you. You see you’re Rick’s right hand man. Having you would do more damage, but by the sounds of..’ he took a deep inhale as his arm wrapped around y/n middle, “having y/n as well, would be the icing on the cake”

Worry washed over y/n body as Negan embraced her. She wanted to kick at him and run away but she knew he wouldn’t stand for it. She knew the consequences when someone stood up to him. Glen and Abraham were perfect examples of this, having their faces smashed in by Negan’s trusty bat still haunted y/n dreams.

Accepting her fate a single tear rolled down y/n cheek. No matter how much she wanted to do something, anything, her body betrayed her as she stood in her place frozen and still as ice.

“Negan don’t do this” Rick’s voice broke as he saw the situation in front of him. He wanted to protect his people, his family. Recently he hasn’t been doing his duty. With two members being recently murdered most of Alexandrian now don’t trust him.

“Now now Rick I’m just taking what’s mine”

Darkness engulfed y/n as she soon released that a bag had been placed over her head. It was hard to see out of the material clearly but y/n could see some shapes. A hand wrapped around her forearm and dragged her. Panic has overtaken y/n whole body, her breathing was staggered, her body felt heavy. She had not no idea what was in store for her and that alone terrified y/n.

Y/n was pushed into what she thought was a car; the slam of the door confirmed her suspicion. Y/n jolted in her seat when the other door opened and she felt a presence next to her body, the heat from the person made y/n sweat. She knew no one could see her face and she let tears freely flow from her eyes. Shaking with fear y/n just wanted all of this to end.


TWD Everything @hc-geralt-23


Saviours Coffee HouseCh. 3 Sneak Peek + Moodboard

…Being late didn’t fit in with your plan, and so you scrambled from the car and hurried inside, apologies ready on your tongue. Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you tugged it out as you opened the back door, glancing down to see a message from Dwight, asking if you were alright.

Eyes cast down, you didn’t see Negan in the back hallway. Didn’t notice the panicked look on his face, the keys in his hand, or the way his eyes widened in surprise and relief when he saw you.

Instead, you ran right into him at full speed.

With a yelp, you bounced off of his chest and fell backward at the same moment the door swung shut behind you. With a thwack, your head hit the door and you crumbled, disoriented, and heard yourself moan as pain lanced through your skull. “Ouch!”

“God damn it, pretty,” You felt his hands grab at you, catching you before you hit the ground…


Saviours Coffee House|Chapter One

Summary: The reader struggles with her dark secrets. Negan has feelings and begins to learn about her life.

Warnings: Language, dark themes, angst, TW: (verbally) abusive relationship alluded to, self harm (cutting).WC—+4K

A/N: Resources provided at end of chapter. Remember you are never alone.


It was the perfect sort of morning, the sky already bright and cloudless, the sun drenching the downtown with golden light. You approach the door to Saviours Coffee Shop with a quiet, content sigh, ready to start another busy day. As you pull out your key to the front door, you automatically said another thank you in your mind to Daryl for recommending you apply for the vacant position at Saviours.

It was your favourite place in the entire world.

You didn’t mind the early mornings or long days even a little bit, because everything about the place—the people, the vibe, your coworkers—they made it worth hopping out of bed at the crack of dawn every morning. It paid well, but more importantly, Saviours was literally yoursaviour—your escape, your solace. You’d been working here for…wow, it had already been six months. You pause as you close and lock the door behind you, surprised at the realization. Time had truly flown by. Because for the past six months you were happier than you’d been in a long time.

Happiness was, for you, hard to come by. And you were okay with that, with lying in the bed that your actions had made for you. But working at Saviours had brought you close to a feeling you thought you were closed off from forever. All because of what you thought had been one bad date.

Keep reading

Day 14 - Negan smith x Reader

“Don’t smile at me like that, it drives me crazy”

  • Season: 9
  • Words: 800
  • Warnings: none

Hope you enjoy this one! Will be taking breaks inbetween these next few posting days as I’ve been struggling with sleep again, hopefully getting back on track with battling my exhaustion though - love mads



Alexandria was filled with children, toddlers, teenagers you name it. Negan never realised how many children there were until he started to help tend to the gardens, he only watched from afar seeing you being bothered by the children and their wild questions as you weeded the gardens. Judith and her friends would run up to you asking for help for homework or help solve something. He watched as you looked over to him, offering a small smile and wave as you caught him staring, negans normal cocky grin would find its way on his face giving you a wink. You scoffed, turning back to the children that have now come up to you. “How can I help you guys today?” You laughed at their stances next to you. “We found some of Carl’s comics,” Judith said, smiling in her pose like a superhero. “Oh really? Who’s your favourite?” You asked the small girl. She giggled, “guess by my pose”

“Mhm? I think maybe the hulk”

The small girl giggled, catching the attention of Negan yet again. “No! It’s iron man”

“Oh really? Doesn’t Iron Man fly?”

“Yes he does”

You didn’t reply, instead picking up the girl and running around the garden holding her like she was flying, her laughter catching the attention of everyone in the area. Negan stopped what he was doing and watched as you played around with judith, both of your laughter causing him to smile.

Judith caught wind of him staring again beckoning the man to come over. Confused as to what she was doing, you looked at her and negan. You stood up, ruffling the girl’s blonde locks before walking over to Negan and his ‘watchguard’. “Hey tim! I’ll watch him for a bit.”

“You sure?” The boy replied. You nodded smiling, “yeah, he wouldn’t harm me or anyone don’t worry”

Tim nodded, allowing you to take over watching the man. Negan stood up, a grin placed on his face still. “Don’t smile at me like that, it drives me crazy”

“Crazy good?”

“You know the answer, now come she wants you to join”

Negan laughed, walking over to Judith with you. “Negan you be the bad guy and kidnap y/n and i’ll save her “ Judith instructed. “Sure think kiddo, i wouldn’t mind that at all” he laughed winking at you. You smiled before creating the best performance you could like you were being kidnapped, your back pressed firmly against Negan’s chest as he held you ‘captive’

The small girl ran around pretending to shoot lasers from her hands trying to kill Negan who would jolt and move you around away from judith. When you finally managed to escape you ‘ran’ moving slowly so the small girl could keep up with you. “No Judith help!” You yelled dramatically as Negan moved further towards you, backing you against a wall. He smiled at you, glancing up and down as he trapped you between himself as the wall, the small girl yet to have caught up to you both. The tension the man made was heavy but exciting. Guilt trying to make its way up as she thought about all the people that died because of him and what he tried to do with the community. “Negan-“

You didn’t get to finish as the man quickly pressed his lips to yours, before pretending to be shot and killed by Judith as you just stood still shocked. You didn’t get much time to react before Michonne appeared. “Are you alright?”

“Yes! Just some supervised hero playing, I'll…uhh…put him back in the cell” you said awkwardly, helping the man stand up from being pinned by judith.

The walk back to the cell had an awkward silence. Both of you thinking about the impulse kiss negan had given you. You were attracted to him, but were always reserved because of the recent events and people still affected by the trauma he had given them. “Hey look we can forget about the kiss if you want to” negan said as you unlocked the cell door. You stood looking at him, thinking about how Glenn, Abraham, Rick or Carl would want you to go about this. Coming to the conclusion that they would want you to be happy and move on, continue to survive and enjoy every small moment. The thought gave you a surge of confidence as you leaned in placing a kiss on the man’s lips. Causing him to kiss you back and grin. “I told you not to smile like that” you joked as you pulled apart. “Can’t help it, I haven’t felt like this since Lucile. Got to enjoy it” he smiled back. You nodded a grin placed on your lips. “Well its time for the villain to go back in the cell now the hero captured him” you joked. Negan nodded, walking into the cell. “I’ll be back by dinner”

“You better be”
