#david hoffmann


As I’ve stated before, David Hoffmann is, to my mind, probably the most extraordinarily attractive and virile man currently competing, so gorgeous he’s regularly tasked with playing “impossibly handsome gentleman” roles on German TV, few of which even make note of stunning physique. He’s the sort of man who’s fully aware of his own remarkable beauty, and, who, rather than pantomiming false modesty, plays off his powerfully, almost uncannily, potent physical appeal with a sophisticated, good-humored wink and a shrug. While he almost painstakingly seems to avoid overtly sensual or erotic stage movements or modeling poses, his powerfully built body and his slyly expressive, almost flawlessly ideal face are more than compelling enough to stun and sexually mesmerize. More focused on aesthetic appeal than bulging mass—and, therefore, more palatable to the general public then most of his peers—he’s wisely been able to parlay his uncommonly exquisite physicality into a successful money-making operation outside the “sport’s” restrictive confines. Good for him. And good for us.



David Hoffmann, Germany
IG: hoffmannbodybuilding
