
I don’t often find myself lost for words, but with this man, it somehow seems to happen every single

I don’t often find myself lost for words, but with this man, it somehow seems to happen every single time. Which makes sense, really. Because how do you tell someone how much they mean to you - how much they helped you through - not because of their work, but because of who they are? How do you tell someone how much joy and light they bring into the lives of millions around the world, just by being them? How do you wish someone all the good things the universe could possibly offer, when that list of wonderful things is never-ending (and you don’t even want it to end)?
Let me try this.
Dear Mr Tennant,
Happy birthday!
There’s so much I could tell you today. I could tell you how much light and joy and kindness you bring into our lives. I could tell you how much we love you - not your characters (like you usually think), but you: the incredible, kind, gentle, silly, creative, clever, actual-5-year-old, Scottish unicorn that you are. I could tell you how brave and strong I think you are (as indeed I have before), or how inspiring it is to watch you or listen to you talk (I know you don’t think so, but you are inspiring). I could tell you how utterly grateful we are that you exist and for anything you give us. I could tell you how much we’d give to make sure you and your loved ones are safe and well and happy (if only we could make sure of that, that is). I could. But saying all this would take pages and pages, and I really don’t have that here, do I?
So instead let me just say this: you ARE amazing. You ARE inspiring. You ARE a good person. A truly good human being. You’re so much more than you can see, and I wish you knew how special you really are. I wish I could show you just how much better you make the world by being here. I wish I could show you just how extraordinary you are, and how lucky we are that you’re here.
I hope this year brings you only good things. More happiness and love and lots of health and everything good there is. For this year and for all the next ones.
Happy birthday, David. We love you ❤️
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David Tennant fans - if you haven’t watched Broadchurch yet, make sure it on the top of your list. Just finished season 1 on Netflix and was hooked from episode 1. Superb series.

They’re on a mission from God.
