#day 3 jacketjam



gonna post this again since all 6 chapters are now finished!

this fic has the prompts AU, Rain/Library, and also a bit of Jam and Crushes lol


Jacket? What Jacket?

Summary: Logan unknowingly exposes himself, much to Roman’s delight and Virgil’s shock.

Pairing: pre-romantic analogical

Warnings: brief food mention, Virgil freaking out and that’s it I think

Word count: 1,382

I am so late I know, but time is rare for me so…. yeah. Anyway this is my one shot for day 3: Jacket/Jam @analogicalweek

Virgil grunted in displeasure as he slowly woke up, closing his eyes in defiance of his body regaining awareness.

After a while though, Virgil had to open his eyes as he heard the others waking up, the doors to their room opening and closing as feet treading the hallway outside.

He rolled out of bed, pouting and grumbling over the fact of being awake. His hands reached out automatically to his hanger on the door, where he always put his beloved jacket-

His hands closed on nothing.

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