#day 4 auhome



“You’re Okay” Chapter 4


Quick note - I’m posting this on mobile so the formatting might be weird, I’ll come back and look it over as soon as I can get onto desktop

Day 4: AU/Home

Ship: Romantic Analogical (Virgil/Logan)

Warnings: Food mention

Word count: 435

AO3 rating: G

AO3 link

Summary: Logan glanced up at Virgil as they groaned and put their phone face-down on the table. “What’s going on?” xe asked.

“My parents keep asking me about what I’m doing for Thanksgiving,” Virgil said, “but I don’t know what I’m doing yet.”

Keep reading


Summary: A rainy night and a secret rendezvous in the castle library is the only time Virgil can seem to get alone with Logan, and while those moments were rare, he was going to enjoy them while he can.

Another entry for @analogicalweek Day 4 - AU and Day 5 - Rain/Library

Thunder cracked loudly outside the large bay windows, rain pelting against the glass. Virgil watched it idly, gaze sweeping along outside, watching as lights flickered out one by one before everything went dark. Anticipation twisted in his chest and he stood, wrapping himself up in a dark cloak, grabbing a lantern on his way out of his room. It took only a second for him to light it, and he was off down the quiet halls.

When he was younger, rainy nights like this meant he would be snuggled up nice and warm in his bed, the sounds soothing to him and easing him into a peaceful sleep. Now, it provided the perfect cover for him to sneak around well past the time he should have been asleep, his feet carrying him along a familiar path to the castle’s rather large library. He didn’t hesitate to slip inside past the heavy door, taking a moment to make sure it closed silently behind him, before making his way to the far corner to an isolated reading nook.

He just turned past the last bookcase when arms wrapped around him, pulling him back against a strong chest. Virgil let out a sigh of content, relaxing in the embrace. He enjoyed it for a few seconds longer before he turned to fully face the other. “Logan…” he breathed out, a soft smile tugging at his lips. 

A hand lifted to gently cup Virgil’s cheek, fondness shining out of a warm gaze. “My Prince.” 

Virgil’s chin was angled up and a gentle kiss was pressed to his lips. The sound of wind and rain was picking up outside, but here, in Logan’s embrace, Virgil was warm. He hated how they had to grab these fleeting moments when they could, that his father would never approve of any kind of relationship between them. He was a prince, who had a responsibility to marry another royal for the good of the kingdom, and Logan was a lowly worker, one who was in charge of maintaining the books. But he was going to cherish these moments for as long as he could. Logan was worth it.


gonna post this again since all 6 chapters are now finished!

this fic has the prompts AU, Rain/Library, and also a bit of Jam and Crushes lol
