


Lucien Vanserra Week | Day 6

Family Ties

  • Though begrudgingly at first, Eris taught Lucien almost everything he knew in his youth. That included riding horses, archery, sword fighting, court mannerism, and of course…how to talk to the admirers.
  • They both knew their mother suffered the wrath of Beron often so if there was one thing they always agreed on, they never fought in front of her.
  • Lucien inhaled books and loved learning in his youth. He always told his mother all the interesting things he learned that day. She loved to listen to her little walking encyclopedia. It reminded her of someone else she loved and how Lucien not only had similar features to her love, but a similar brain as well.
  • LOA loved dressing Lucien in gold. For a very specific reason.
  • Once they start building a good relationship, Helion tries to get Lucien to match with him and Lucien just laughs for like, 10 minutes straight before calmly stating, “No.”
  • He ends up wearing the matching togas and jewelry. His dad has good taste
  • Lucien initiates family dinners. As much as he gets grossed out by his parents being overly affectionate in front of him, he has a home and people he loves that he wants to spend time with. Elain obviously joins once they begin courting and Eris always drops in to take his job as an annoying stepson very seriously. Lucien loves it.


Lucien Vanserra Week | Day V

Favorite Brotp

Now I know that this post is downright cheating however, can you really blame me? Lucien is such a social guy that it’s hard not to have a favorite dynamic to choose from!

Lucien + Feyre: go back from ACOTAR days being absolute little shits together. I imagine that Lucien likes to come over and hang out with Feyre and baby Nyx often. Not to mention she is also his sister-in-law

Lucien + Nesta: is a brotp I want badly because their dynamic would be hilarious. They secretly end up bonding over books and all of a sudden they have spa dates no one saw coming. She’s the cool yet terrifying sis-in-law he didn’t expect to like much less get along with.They’re too witty for everyone around them.

Lucien + Vassa: is a bond that was forged under the worst kind of circumstances but they both have that fiery sense of humor and personality that makes them excellent friends and the worst to be around people. I like to imagine Vassa is a big cheerleader to Lucien courting Elain. He definitely takes her input when he’s nervous about it.

Lucien + Jurian: are the dynamic duo ofsarcastic disaster. They are the mean girls of the group when together. I like to think they look at each other just go “Bro.” “Bro.” while Vassa rolls her eyes in the background. Jokes on Vassa, she’sthe third wheel.

Lucien + Eris: I know Eris is his actual brother but since they had a less than ideal childhood, I hardly doubt they bonded much. Once Beron is dead, they slowlybuild a much better bond. Two redheaded dickheads unite to smirk their way through things. Lucien is still nicer than Eris. Eris still doesn’t give a shit. Cue the awkward two-second hug in front of their mom and then the punch/kick that follows.

Lucien + Cassian: give off big dumb & dumber energy only because they choose to annoy the crap out of everyone around them together. This does not mean they don’t actually bond over history and fighting techniques. Also, they’re bro-in-laws DUH. Oh, and of course, there’s their podcast. #TheNightLightPodcast

Lucien + Rhys: sudden memory loss on the strange but very brief fling they had years ago, these two bond over High Lord stuff, and how much they groan about it. They also have the same kind of sass that makes both Archeron sisters want to throttle them.Bro-in-laws unite in being annoying



Lucien Vaserra Week | Day 5 - Favorite Brotp @lucienvanserraweek

“Jurian surveyed Lucien with a warrior’s frankness. “I always wondered who made that eye after she carved it out.” […] “I have an old friend at the Dawn Court. She’s skilled at tinkering—blending magic and machinery. Tamlin got her to craft it for me at great risk.” A hateful smile from Jurian. “Does your little mate have a rival?”

“I knew. I knew you were lying the moment you unleashed that light in Hybern. My friend at the Dawn Court has the same power—her light is identical. And it does not do whatever horseshit you lied about it doing.”

“Nuan is one of my most skilled craftspeople.” Rhys leaned back in his seat, brows rising with recognition at the name, and jerked his chin to Beron, to Eris. “You might know her as the person responsible for granting your … errant son, as you called him, the ability to use his left eye after Amarantha removed it.” Nuan nodded once in confirmation, her lips pressing into a thin line as she took in Lucien’s family. She didn’t so much as turn in Tamlin’s

“How did you get those samples?” Cassian demanded.A flush crept over Nuan’s cheeks. “I—heard the rumors and assumed Lucien Vanserra would be residing there after … what happened.” She still didn’t look at Tamlin, who remained silent and brooding. “I managed to contact him a few days ago—asked him to send samples. He did—and did not tell you,” she added quickly to Rhysand, “because he did not want to raise your hopes. Not until I’d found a solution.”

I need to know more about this friendship, I want to see some dynamics between them and would love to see her with the BoE form a beautiful group of sassy and strategic people. Give me a dynamic of this SJM, I beg you.


lucien week, day 5: favourite brotp

“I’m not your enemy, you know. You can drop the aggressive brute act.”

Rhys sprawled in an armchair, and Cassian occupied a second armchair with Lucien leaning against it, arguing with them about something that seemed related to a sporting event.

Cassian’s heart strained at at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing.

He had to give Lucien credit: the male was somehow able to move between his three roles — an emissary for the Night Court, ally to Jurian and Vassa, and liaison to Tamlin — and still dress immaculately.

in conclusion: cassian and lucien besties when?


@lucienvanserraweek, day 8, favorite headcanon.

I’m so sorry for the delay :( yesterday was rough and I couldn’t really edit and finish this drabble, so here it is now!

Just a little bit of hurt/comfort, Lucien being taken care of is one of my Before Bed Daydreams. Modern AU.

TW: mentions of past sexual assault.

also, sorry for the formatting, Tumblr decided to be a little bitch about it.

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Lucien Week, Day 4:

Mating Bond Wishes

  1. Calanmai
  2. That’s it, that’s the post


Lucien Week Day 4: Mating Bond Wishes


Lucien and Elain are going to have a large family. Just like they’ve always wanted.

Their home is filled with an incredible amount of warmth and love. Elain and Lucien are THAT couple that kiss in front of their children.

“YUCK” is the usual response from their kids, but they don’t mind. They find it hilarious.

Their first child is a little girl. Out of all their children, their first born child is the closest to her father. One of the few to inherit her father’s red hair, and Autumn Court powers.

Elain and Lucien aren’t really sure what their youngest children are magically adept at. At least not yet. Hopefully none of them accidentally sets the kitchen on fire again.

Their first born is the only girl in an ocean of boys, so she defintely doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty. Nor does she shy away from playing rough.

Naturally, she also has an amazing fashion sense thanks to her parents. Girls can roll around the dirt in the morning, but dress to impress later on in the day. Duh.

Lucien doesn’t know what to make of his daughter becoming better at fishing than him… He’s apparently taught her toowell.

Elain laughs at them both from a distance. The boys are giant mamas boys that compete for mamas lap. They want to be the first to get a taste of the fresh baked pastries mama made.

Lucien looks over to his mate and his children, but sends his mate a look. He gives her that grin of his that screams “you’ll pay for that later, love.”

Elain blushes, but clears her throat around the children.

It’s never a dull day in the Spell Cleaver - Archeron home. But there is always love.


lucien week, day 4: mating bond wishes

  • lucien and elain don’t just have a mating ceremony, no, lucien knows what kind of life elain had wished for and so he surprises her with the most romantic wedding ceremony ever
  • somewhere at an isolated beach with just their closest family and friends
  • and elain is so confused at first, but can’t help feel the hope fluttering inside of her when she sees the gorgeous white gown nesta tells her to put on
  • she knows lucien knows how much it would mean to her, but they’ve never talked about a traditional wedding before
  • and then, when she sees the wedding bouquet, pink hydrangeas, she just knows that that day is a special day
  • and lucien is actually wearing a suit for her, looking like a gentleman waiting for her
  • and everyone is there, nesta and feyre and nyx, jurian and vassa (grinning conspiratorially at her), helion standing right next to lucien, eris is next to his mother
  • and elain tears up because it’s so beautiful and she can’t believe he’s done it all for her
  • she wants to run into his arms and kiss him but this is also the day she’s always dreamt of having and so she decided to enjoy every single second of it
  • when she reaches lucien, beautiful soft piano music playing in the background, she realises how nervous she was before because now, touching his hands, she feels as light as a feather and can’t stop the smile spreading on her face




Every time Lucien returns to the Night Court, he finds the jacket neatly folded on his pillow. 

Dutifully, he puts it on before bed, spending the night in it, rubbing his cheek over the collar as if it can imbue his scent into it further, before gently leaving it on his dresser, a little less neatly folded, but it’s his best effort. He leaves for the day, visiting Feyre or meeting with Rhysand, drinking with Cassian, trying not to think of the scent of flowers that clung to the cloth, melding with his own scent, creating something so new and enticing and fragile he’s afraid to even whisper, or it would vanish.

When he returns, the jacket is gone, and he can barely taste the scent of hydrangeas and jasmine in the air. He breathes it in, this small, tiny gift left behind for him, and allows himself a small smile. This one small joy in a lifetime of sorrows.

@lucienvanserraweek just another lil headcanon for day 3 nothing to see here


In honor of Lucien Week…

Testing, testing…can anyone hear me?



Oh, greetings ACOTAR earthlings! It’s been a while. Hope you’re all doing well. ☺️



Thought I’d pop in to say ‘Hi’ since I heard through the grapevine that it’s Lucien Appreciation Week. I’m truly honored, to be honest. Thank you!



I know there are a lot of concerns and questions about me after reading ACOSF and believe me, I would love to address them all but as my creator has stated, I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment.



Unfortunately I still can’t say much currently but rest assured, Sarah has BIG plans for me. Goodplans.



(whispers) As a hopeful reminder, I will be back. Sass and all.



Until then, please take care!





Avatar creator: illustratoraya on Twitter ❤️


Lucien Week Day 3: Favorite Headcanon


“Easy,” Lucien said

Cassian snarled.

“Easy,” Lucien repeated, and flame sizzled in his russet eye.

Favorite headcanon?

Lucien is defintely the more dominant one in bed. None of his past lovers were able to walk straight for days, and that’s with him holding back slightly.

With Elain, no such restrictions exist. She isn’t able to walk straight for days, but it’s 100% worth it. Lucien never ceases to chuckle to himself. His mate is quite fond of the additional attention she gets. He’s always more than happy to oblige.

e-bacellar: Lucien Vaserra Week | Day 3 - Favorite HeadcanonLucien is passionate about horses and th


Lucien Vaserra Week | Day 3 - Favorite Headcanon

Lucien is passionate about horses and this is exactly the way I think he gets in the spring court when he wants to relax.


I’m not good with this

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e-bacellar: Lucien Vanserra Week| Day 2 -  Song Association Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Annie


Lucien Vanserra Week| Day 2 -  Song Association

Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Annie Lennox/Dave Stewart, but I think this version fits better

Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody’s looking for something. Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused


image made in  Picrew

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Lucien Week Day 6 : Family Ties

The Little Ember of The Fox and The Seer

Takes place in the distant future

Today could not have gone as she planned, why oh why did they have to tell her that they’ve been planning a birthday ball for her twelfth birthday tomorrow?

“May the light of the sun shine on you father.” Aurelia Spell Cleaver, greets her father with a picturesque smile on her face

“And to you my darling little ember.” Lucien, clad in his high lord toga of the Day Court and matching sandals rises from his office desk as he flashes a smile to her so wide that it could blind nearly anyone. Knowing his little ember, that specific smile she had on her face right now and the use of calling him “father” meant she intended to make a little “bargain” with him.

“So are you going to ask your ‘father’ of what it is you want?” He asks without beating around the bush.

“Can I be excused in my room for today and all of tomorrow?” In return I"ll..pick out all the weeds in mama’s gardens instead of you!“ There, that should sound reasonable to him.

"As if I will allow my only child to do such arduous work in the heat of day.” Lucien’s eyes narrowed, after everything he went through, he made a promise on the day of Aurelia’s birth, to be the responsible and nurturing father for her that he was deprived of his whole life from his own biological father, Helion. Even if it involves something minute as preventing her from picking weeds in the royal gardens.

“But papa,” he smiles at hearing her use his preferred title “Why would you and mama choose to have a birthday party for me? You know I’d prefer if it’s just the five (including Helion and Lady Autumn) of us?!”

“Well it’s your twelfth birthday tomorrow, and I think it’s time for Day to formally meet its heiress.” Elain walks in holding a measuring tape into her husband’s study wearing a pink toga with pearls pinned to style her hair back.

“Mama, what are you measuring me for?” Aurelia ask with skepticism in her tone as she sees her mother crouch down her height to make measurements on her waist and chest.

“Giving your grandma the appropriate measurements for the dress she’s having made for you to wear at tomorrow’s ball.” Elain tells her with a wink, before leaving the study with it and of course not forgetting to kiss her daughter on the cheek.

Aurelia let’s out a nervous breath she didn’t know she was holding.

“You know for being mine and your mother’s daughter, it’s quite amusing to see our kid averse to formal gatherings.” Lucien then let’s out a loud chuckle when she turns to him with a pout on her face.

“Then shall I be excused to roam around the Court on my own while you and mama dally in to the gardens?” She sasses back at him with her arms crossed.

In a flash of light, she found herself laughing while seated on her father’s lap, only to find out her was tickling her belly.

“When did you get so coy all of a sudden little ember?” He playfully taunts her while he continues to tickle her mercilessly.

“Okay *laughing uncontrollably* okay…I give in.”

“Much better.” He stops, once he sees her face turn into a beaming smile at him.

After all it’s what he treasured most in his little ember.



☀️Lucien Week Day 7: Free Day

“Elain allowed her stranger to spin and lead her in the dance of her dreams. She couldn’t help to laugh and smile and giggle as they swayed in impossibly rehearsed arrangements, his wide, carefree, delighted grin pouring sunshine into her chest.”

This is a fanart in collaboration with @rarephloxes’ fanfic!! Go read it, her work is amazing!!



lucien week, day 7: free day

recently, I talked about how much I would have liked to have seen elain meet lucien as a human under different circumstances, here’s a drabble that was/is supposed to be a part of a bigger work (inspired by taylor’s enchanted cause literally what else do I get inspired by) that I have worked on like 4 months ago


Nesta pulled her aside before Elain could leave, grabbing her arm forcefully, and reminded her of something she’d been whispering into her ear for years now. Elain rolled her eyes, not bothering to reply anymore. Nesta could be too protective sometimes and she wasn’t aware how much it had started to bother Elain recently. She was twenty-two now, but she supposed she would always be a little girl to her older sister. It was endearing, but it was also annoying. “Have a nice time, Nesta”, she muttered, not daring to look her in the eyes, and wandered off. Nesta could be as intimidating as she was protective. She didn’t want to stick to her side the entire time and scare away good company, knowing how Nesta got at these types of events. She’d be watching her like a hawk the entire night anyway.

Elain allowed herself a glass of wine. She had thought about it the whole day – whether she should even try some of the drinks that would be offered. But she was here with her father and her sisters, what could possibly happen to her? Just for once she did not want to be the scared and shy little girl clinging to her sister’s skirts like a five-year-old. The wine was surprisingly sweet and fruity, and she licked her lips as she looked around the ball room. It was simply incredible, she had to admit. Elain had often been at balls and dances and any kind of social events, really, but never ever had she been at a location like this manor. It looked elegant, and there was nothing simplistic about the decorations that adorned the halls. Silvery candle stands in all sizes, curtains that seemed to have been hung up for this event and this event only. But it was the flowers especially that made Elain’s heart beat faster. Flowers in all colours hanging from the ceiling, decorating all entrances and exits, flowers on the ladies’ dresses that seemed almost alive as they were swirling through the rooms. Elain was careful to not betray her awe in case anyone might notice. This was a High Lord’s home after all.

Feyre was nowhere to be spotted. She was probably enjoying the fading sunlight on the outside and trying to memorise the sight to paint it in the morning. If she even decided to go to bed. Elain was more surprised to see Nesta looking daggers at a big bulky man towering over her. The smile on his face, Elain could see it from a distance, was lazy and provoking. As if he wanted to make her angry, show some emotion other than the coldness she usually reserved for strangers. Elain almost, almost, made her way over to her elder sister, but for some reason she halted. Because for a brief moment, she could’ve sworn a smile tugged at Nesta’s lips.

“Thank the Cauldron you on your own accord, I would’ve almost felt bad to have interrupted you when you looked so positively determined,” a voice startled her. Elain tried not to cringe as she turned to look at the man on her right. Male — not man. It was a male standing next to her, a fox mask concealing his face. She could still see the smile gracing his lower half was charming, which could not be said about the brutal scar she spied beneath the mask. It seemed to stretch across the entire right side of his face.

Elain’s breath caught. She did not know what to say, she’s never spoken to any of the fae before and it would be a lie to say she was not intimidated. All she could suddenly remember were the things Nesta had told her over the years. Elain blinked and tried to not look scared. But thinking about how displeased her Nesta would be seeing her talk to a fae, Elain could not help but blurt out, “My sister told me to stay away from males like you.” She blushed right after she said those words. She sounded like a child, and she wished, not for the first time in her life, that she could take those words back.

“And what would the world be like if we listened to what our siblings told us all the time? Terribly boring, wouldn’t it?”

Her eyes narrowed. A troublemaker. Of course it would be a troublemaker invading her peace and quiet on a night like this. He laughed at the sight of her in front of him. She must have looked ridiculous with that frown on her face. “Can you really find fault with me trying to ask the most beautiful being in these halls for a dance tonight?”

Elain looked him up and down, trying not to feel flattered at his word choice. Not most beautiful woman, but being. But dancing – she almost felt giddy at the prospect of dancing. How long had it been? Maybe two months. Too long anyhow.

But dancing with this male? She didn’t know whether he was joking. Didn’t know how long he might have been watching her before approaching her. Or why. “I didn’t realise you were asking me for a dance.”

She could feel it in her cheeks then, how she blushed at his next act when he stepped away and bowed extravagantly, excessively and yet respectfully as to not embarrass her in front of … well, everyone. He didn’t even think about it. For some reason it irritated her and she bristled, tried to imitate Nesta’s guarded and cold look her sister had perfected over the years. The male in front of her did not seem bothered at that. If anything, it seemed to amuse him.

“Would you do me the greatest honour of my life and share the next dance with me?” Elain hated how serious he sounded while giving her his most disarming smile. Hated how he intrigued her at the same time.

“And how long exactly would that life have been already?”

“Are you calling me old?”

“I’m not calling you anything. I’m simply curious.” She did not want to give in easily, though every muscle in her body craved to dance. He looked like an acceptable partner. He was taller than her, much taller, and reasonably muscled. Not like the male Nesta had been talking to – or not talking to earlier.

“Curiosity killed the cat, isn’t that what you humans like to say?” She could tell by the growing grin on her opponent’s face how he was enjoying their conversation, and she hated how flustered it made her. For a second, she hoped her own mask would conceal the redness on her cheeks, but she somehow doubted it.

“Well, good for you that you’re not a cat,” she said inspecting his fox mask closely. Its orange and red shades were lighter than the ones she could see reflected in his long hair. His whole demeanor – it seemed as if was the exact opposite of her. Easy-going, informal, relaxed.

She almost wished to see his face, just once. Which is why, that’s what she told herself afterwards, she gave in and nodded. “Fine.”

The handsome stranger simply laughed while taking her hand. She was surprised at how soft and warm his hand felt and could’ve sworn her heartbeat increased at that. “Good for me, indeed.”


Lucien Vanserra Week Day 7: Free Day

A/N Ngl this turned into an Elucien one shot rather than just a Lucien one, but it still centers around him so I hope that’s okay I’ve had this idea of Elucien’s future in my head for a while now and I hope I was able to get my thoughts out properly. This is my first writing piece ever so please be gentle with it as I tried my very best. I hope you enjoy it☺️

Word count: 1500+

Elain was never one for dreams. Sure she had them, but they were shattered before they had the chance to become a reality. Whether that be because of her mother’s insistence that all she was good for was marriage and beauty, her father’s neglect after their fortune was lost, or her life as a human washed away with the water of the Cauldron, Elain’s dreams were always out of reach to the point where she stopped having them.

But, sitting there in the Spring Court before the High Lord meeting began, surrounded with the flowers she spent hours grueling over, her title as High Lady, and above all, her fox, her mate, her love sleeping soundly in her lap, Elain couldn’t help but think that her dreams had just begun. 

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Lucien Week | Day One | Favourite Quote

“If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?”


Lucien Week | Day Three | Headcanons

“It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.”

Lucien enjoys reading in the library and basking in the sunlight. He loves exploring locations and cultures. His morning tea and breakfast spread are essential to his day. He loves experimenting in the kitchen with his cooking and baking.
