#day care


After a week of uncooperative parents, screeching temper tantrums, extremely sick children, and one kind parent who brought us all tea, cookies, candles, and lip balm…

I’m finally on vacation.

So here’s a lesson.

If you have one room for infants and toddlers and then try to split it, things go south very quickly.

So stress is a thing…

Wow, it’s been a tough and anxiety-inducing week, but I’m ready to face tomorrow.

See, I’ve been fighting to get full time hours at my preschool for the last 2 years. Even though I’m a main teacher I am only allowed up to 30 hours a week. I am experienced, educated, personally requested, and emotionally connected to what I do.

A brand new, freshly 18 year old coworker went full time after six months. I imagine you can see my frustration.

This is where the anxiety comes in. I wrote a strongly worded but professional email to my boss’ boss, who then told my boss, who then told me that now we have a meeting set up for Monday. So I’m either going to go full time or I will be resigning my position. Either way, with this AND my wedding in 9 months, big changes will be happening soon and I could use all the support I can get. I would love to have some prayers, good vibes, encouragements, etc on my side.

I’ll get off my soapbox now.


Kids are terrifying

I: Teacher, I have an invisible friend!

Me: Tell me about them!

I: she’s a girl and she has two broken arms like her mommy because boys hurt her.


L: *singing a song about a witch* and then she’s gonna kill herself

Me: L, we don’t sing about that.

And now for something cute:

Me: B, what are you going to be for Halloween?

B: I’m gonna be a witch and a ballerina and I’m gonna twirl like this! *twirls* And I’ll use magic to dance and be sparkly!

Things you only hear at daycare…

K: “Miss A, I have ass!”

Me: “What?”

K: “Look at my ass!”

Me: “Look at your what?”

K: *pushes a cup in my face* “Ass! I got ass!”

Me: “OH ICE!”
