#it’s about damn time


THIS…is the 14th Doctor. 14. Fourteen.

I don’t know what his TARDIS looks like. I don’t know what his catch phrase is or what he’s going to wear. I don’t know who his Companion(s) will be. I don’t know what his accent will be or how/if he’ll react to being Black…on Earth…today. I don’t know if he’ll remember Martha. (I wonder if he’ll ever meet her…or Rose…or Donna…or Amy…or Clara…)

(ADDENDUM:Of course he’ll remember Martha. He’ll remember all of the Companions and their partners—especially dear Rory.)

I don’t know anything about him…but, gahtdammit, I already love him. I mean…Look At Him! He looks so damn cool. He looks like he Knows Shit. (Some of it sublime, some of it heartbreaking.)

I can’t wait for the first time he knows who he is, and says “I’m The Doctor.

They say “You never forget your first Doctor.”

There are kids from all backgrounds around the world who are gonna fall in love with their first Doctor, and I’m glad it’s this guy: and his name is Ncuti Gatwa. (nSOOtee GAHtwa).

And he’s a Scottish - Rawandan - Brit…Gallifreyan.


I love him already

My heart is so happy for him My heart is just so happy!!

The new Percy Jackson and the Olympians TV show coming to Disney+ has cast a young Black actress as the female lead.

Now….I just found out that the next Doctor Who (the 14th) is being played by a Black Scottish actor named Ncuti Gatwa.

Yes…The Doctor is finally, after 500 years (OK, 50 years) is regenerating as a Black man.




After a week of uncooperative parents, screeching temper tantrums, extremely sick children, and one kind parent who brought us all tea, cookies, candles, and lip balm…

I’m finally on vacation.

I don’t care if it’s Balenci-enci’s. I will continue to say Balenci-ussys.

I’m gonna buy new pillows today
