#dbd danny johnson


Hello fellow tumblrs I’m here to dump a bunch of sketches I’ve been doing lately between commissions to loosen up

There’s A LOT of ghostfrank just because yes.

Also there’s my two original characters, a bit of Layla and a lot of Vinnie. I’ve been heavily practicing hatching and cross hatching, fortunately it has passed from painful (like, literal pain, my wrist was sore on the first tries) to pleasurable

One last thing that has been between my top priorities is figure drawing to make more fluid poses and vivid characters, there will be another sketch dump for them more in the future :D

(that one danny smoking weed came out after discussing with my friend which killers would be into it, I’d love to keep it up, which characters do you think that can use a drag once or twice?)

Also here’s a maskless version of the first one c:<
