#dbt group


You might think that since I’m a #DBT group moderator & a DBT graduate myself, that I’m immune to the struggles our students go through. That’s not the case. I can’t tell you the number of times we talk through something in group and it happens in my life right after!

Last week in group we discussed how sometimes you can have the best #DEARMAN imaginable but if you use it at the wrong time (think: 3am) or when the other person is distracted, it might not work out.

So guess what happened in my life a few days later? Yup, a DEAR MAN at the wrong time that negatively affected the relationship. We worked it out in the end but man, it was deja vu.

I’m not immune to struggles in life or in mental health (and neither is Alicia!). I find myself in the same situations y'all do, I just have a few more skills under my belt to deal with them.
