#dc fanzine

 Guest Artist Reveal: SibShining our first guest spotlight on Sib! Their breathtaking art promises Guest Artist Reveal: SibShining our first guest spotlight on Sib! Their breathtaking art promises

Guest Artist Reveal: Sib

Shining our first guest spotlight on Sib! Their breathtaking art promises great adventure ️ we’re glad to have onboard.

[Text in Graphic]

Q: Favorite Damian moment / thing about Damian?

Sib:I…..love everything about Damian….if I had to specify I really love the redemption arc and his struggle to balance and understand both sides of his family and background.  And that hes a grumpy little kitty ;w;

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 Mod Introduction: Jay  JAY may be new to the zine scene, but not when it comes to loving Damian! Th

Mod Introduction: Jay  

JAYmay be new to the zine scene, but not when it comes to loving Damian! Their writing knowledge will aid the team and the zine’s writers as the Beta Mod. 

Find them at @wisdom-walks-alone!

Post link
 Hear that? Contributor Applications are closing in a little over TWO WEEKS, April 10! We’d lo

Hear that? Contributor Applications are closing in a little over TWO WEEKS, April 10! 

We’d love to see more of you take part in this mission as an ARTIST,MERCH ARTIST,orWRITER

 Find our original Contributor Applications post here.


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 Mod Introduction: Jinn  Running Social Media and Communications is none other than JINN! Another mo

Mod Introduction: Jinn  

Running Social Media and Communications is none other than JINN!Another mod part of Third Time’s Charm: A Tim Drake Zine and a couple of other zines, they look forward to seeing this passion project for Damian come to life. 

Find them at @softpunks!

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 Mod Introduction: Lyss  The vision for this zine is all thanks to LYSS, who is in charge of Graphic

Mod Introduction: Lyss  

The vision for this zine is all thanks to LYSS, who is in charge of Graphics and Formatting! Her passion for DC Comics has led her to moderate projects such as Third Time’s the Charm: A Tim Drake Zine, and Bats & Birds Zine, just to name a few. 

Find her at @lyssartandstars!

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 A little over THREE WEEKS until Contributor Applications close! Damian will need all the help he co

A little over THREE WEEKS until Contributor Applications close! 

Damian will need all the help he could get for this mission to be a success. Apply today as an artist, merch artist, or writer through the forms below! 

 Artist App Form | Merch Artist App Form | Writer App Form 

Find our original Contributor Applications post here.

Post link
   Mod Introduction: Marina Overseeing Finance, Production, and Shipment is MARINA, who brings to

  Mod Introduction: Marina 

Overseeing Finance, Production, and Shipment is MARINA, who brings to the table her experience in running numerous zines. Some of these projects include the Jason Todd Zine, Third Time’s the Charm: A Tim Drake Zine, and many more! 

Find her at @marinaxstudios!

Post link
 CONTRIBUTOR APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Join Damian on his road to redemption by applying as a contr


Join Damian on his road to redemption by applying as a contributor, open from March 10 to April 10! Find the forms for the following positions below!

Artist Application Form 
Merch Artist Application Form
✍️Writer Application Form 

Learn about our guidelines for applications here.

See our FAQ,Schedule,andTwitterif you’d like to learn more!


Post link
 Interest Check is CLOSED!  Thank you to everyone who has answered and for the support! Results will

Interest Check is CLOSED! 

Thank you to everyone who has answered and for the support! Results will be reflected in our Information Doc and Carrd, and we can’t wait to see you again when we open Contributor Applications now on MARCH 10! ✨

Post link
 Our Interest Check closes TODAY  Last call to let us know how you feel about this project by answer

Our Interest Check closes TODAY 

Last call to let us know how you feel about this project by answering the form here!

Post link
 Hear that? Our Interest Check will only be open for ONE (1️⃣) MORE DAY! Tell us how you’d lik

Hear that? Our Interest Check will only be open for ONE (1️⃣) MORE DAY! 

Tell us how you’d like to see our youngest Robin soar in this zine by answering the form here!


Post link
 The clock ⏰ is ticking with only TWO DAYS left in our calendar before the Interest Check closes!  T

The clock ⏰ is ticking with only TWO DAYS left in our calendar before the Interest Check closes!  

That’s still plenty of time for you to check out our form here!

Post link
 THREE THREE THREE DAYS until our Interest Check period is over! It’s not too late to let us k

THREE THREE THREE DAYS until our Interest Check period is over! 

It’s not too late to let us know your thoughts about the zine Find the form here!

Post link
 ONE WEEK left until we close the Interest Check! ⏰ Let us know how excited you are for this project

ONE WEEK left until we close the Interest Check! ⏰ 

Let us know how excited you are for this project by answering the form here!

Curious to learn more about us? See our FAQ,Schedule,andCarrd to learn more!


Post link
 TWO WEEKS left until March 3! ⏰ If you haven’t answered our form yet, what are you waiting fo

TWO WEEKS left until March 3! ⏰ 

If you haven’t answered our form yet, what are you waiting for? Fill out our Interest Check here!


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Presenting our ✨ CONTRIBUTORS ✨ who will be aiding us on our mission to REDEMPTION! The R Stands forPresenting our ✨ CONTRIBUTORS ✨ who will be aiding us on our mission to REDEMPTION! The R Stands forPresenting our ✨ CONTRIBUTORS ✨ who will be aiding us on our mission to REDEMPTION! The R Stands forPresenting our ✨ CONTRIBUTORS ✨ who will be aiding us on our mission to REDEMPTION! The R Stands forPresenting our ✨ CONTRIBUTORS ✨ who will be aiding us on our mission to REDEMPTION! The R Stands forPresenting our ✨ CONTRIBUTORS ✨ who will be aiding us on our mission to REDEMPTION! The R Stands for

Presenting our CONTRIBUTORS who will be aiding us on our mission to REDEMPTION!

The R Stands for Redemption: A Damian Wayne Zine Modsare ecstatic to finally let you know who will be taking part in our zine! 

The PAGE ARTISTS, whose visual skills are essential to paint and layout the scenes, and the MERCH ARTISTS, whose nifty merchandise makes for handy gadgets we’ll need to get the job done: @abisalli|@annie-chuu|@awkwardalphajay |@aedandraws|@bardicious|@boxonarock|@bunnvoid|Bridie C|Clara Ferreira|dinottosaur|@floatinghanmi|@holey-cheese|hydrangeo|@nicodrawings|@ninalinovna|PichiiParu|quirkred|Rim|@carelessapples|Sib|@s-mscott|Sora|@tamdrry|@umnoving|Vil |Aimzdoodlez|Bubbles|@hexwake|@fraudue|Mimi Aguilar|@epitomime |@marinaxstudios

✏️ The WRITERS, whose sharp words can defeat even the most heinous villains:  @kumeko|@coyote-nebula|@preciousthingsareprecious|@meaninglessblah-writes|@pechoraflow|trixstar |@wisdom-walks-alone


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 Guest Artist Reveal: smscott  Prepare to be swept away by the breathtaking art of the one and only  Guest Artist Reveal: smscott  Prepare to be swept away by the breathtaking art of the one and only

Guest Artist Reveal: smscott  

Prepare to be swept away by the breathtaking art of the one and only @s-mscottThe care this guest artist puts into every stroke ️ is nothing short of magical.

[Text in Graphic]

Q: Favorite Damian moment / thing about Damian?

Smscott:For some reason, my favorite iteration of Damian are his Li'l Gotham features. Something about how Fridolfs writes him and Dustin Nguyen’s whimsical art style just keep me buying every new book, even if they aren’t the most canon. Out of all the DC series I follow, any of the Li'l Gotham books are a must-buy whenever I come across them in the store. 

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 APPLICATION RESULTS HAVE BEEN EMAILED!   Huge apologies for the delay, but all results have been se


Huge apologies for the delay, but all results have been sent! Please check your inbox or spam, and feel free to email us at [email protected] or message us on Twitter if you haven’t received anything from us!

Thank you to everyone who applied! We can’t wait to show you what we have in store! ​

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 Guest Artist Reveal: ninalinovna  The journey won’t be complete without @ninalinovna! With he Guest Artist Reveal: ninalinovna  The journey won’t be complete without @ninalinovna! With he

Guest Artist Reveal: ninalinovna  

The journey won’t be complete without @ninalinovna! With her lovely illustrations, we’re thrilled to have her take part in our zine as a guest artist.

Q: Favorite Damian moment / thing about Damian?

Nina:Favorite moment? Damian taking Jason down with a hug in Robin #5. Adorable and heartbreaking at the same time. 

Post link
 CONTRIBUTOR APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED! A huge thank you to anyone who has applied! Results will be se


A huge thank you to anyone who has applied! Results will be sent by April 24 latest. Damian and the rest of the mod team look forward to working with you ⚔️

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