#dc riddler


Guys what if I wrote a fanfiction about this

What if I wrote a fanfiction about Cicero being a riddler Stan and him being his discord kitten

Cicero would definitely love the riddler, he’d be the top donater in his twitch streams (or his discord kitten)

Riddler loves the wacky costumes absolutely adores the ridiculousness of fashion. Sometimes he gets in the mood to dress like the lovechild of Elton John, lady gaga, Elvis Presley, and a glitterbomb because it’s fun.

Penguin cares very much about his appearance because he’s got a reputation to uphold. So he hates the ridiculously taller top hats ed always gets him. However Oswald has found that they’re a very powerful persuasion, pacifying, and negotiation tool against Edward.

(They almost always wear at least one piece of the other’s gift, Oswald like the penguin cuff-links, occasionally pants, and umbrella handle. Ed likes it all but mostly goes out with the shoes, ocasionally gloves, and belt)

Here’s a cleaned up Riddler and Penguin. They’re inspired by the Gotham show. Here they like each other but neither of them are clear with where they stand with the other. So they’re kind of mean at times.

thought of riddler as being a decent dad to Oswald’s adopted son and acting kind of fussy and protective to his hench girls to their irritation. Quiz and query are college students instead of domanitrix because it feels like it makes more sense to me that he’d prefer to be around smart to eager to learn people. As for Martin he’s from the Gotham show and I think it would be cute for him to grow up with them to become the next big kingpin when Penguin retires.

penguin and riddler’s relationship here is kind of complicated. They’re always there for each other but that might be all they can really have between them, when there’s so much history.

My version of the characters have a bit of TV Gotham’s influences but isn’t really a one for one for their relationship. Ah the drama.
