#ddlg blog


Ever since I was a little girl I always had the idea that a woman cannot be sexual.That she can never ever express her sexual feelings and sexual desires in public. That she must always keep her sexual thoughts bottled up, because if she didn’t they would label her as a slut or whore. But in my mere 17 years of living I have come to the conclusion that men and women should be created as equal and that there should be no gender roles or gender misconceptions in the world. So with that being said women should be able to express every bit of sexual desire that she has without being ridiculed or called a slut. And yes I know you’re asking yourself why at 17 do you have these thoughts but. I’m just being real with you guys. I’m telling the truth. I’m saying what many of you guys are thinking but wouldn’t have the balls to say out loud, because let’s be honest just because you like sex doesn’t mean that you are a whore(whore-someone who sleeps with anyone and has reckless sex with multiple partners). A woman can be a sex freak but still be a lady. Me…myself… I like to be what is called “a lady in the streets but freak in the sheets”. I’d never spill my dirty laundry out there for everyone to know(except in this anonymous blog of course lol). I would do anything and everything in my power to make my man happy and keep him satisfied. so with that being said I am a woman, I am a lady, I am Lexi.


When he moans “my pretty girl” imma be the biggest slut anyones ever seen just to hear it on repeat ❤️

love when he says this especially when he’s using my mouth for his pleasure I just melt hehe

The preschool diapers are so discreet that you can wear them under normal clothes and whip them out

The preschool diapers are so discreet that you can wear them under normal clothes and whip them out when nobody’s watching! They’re like a superhero costume, always ready for action

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Thank you all for the interest that you have shown and the kind words I’ve received about my pictures! I try my best to show you all what is so lovely about being an AB, DL, DD or LG! Thanks again for 500 and stay padded you guys and if you have any questions for me feel free to ask!

I’ve seen a few of these around now and they always make me smile! So I hope you all join me in what I think we should call the “diaper dance challenge”
