

DBH: #Deaf!Gavin AU PART 2


Gavin stormed out of Fowler’s office without realizing the android was following him until he arrived at his own desk and saw his reflection on the crystal-clear screen. He sat down heavily and glared at him, expecting it to be discouraging enough to make him leave. To his dismay, the thing rested his hip on the table and glared back. Gavin didn’t remember seeing eyes so pale. They were almost grey. He felt exposed, as if the damn thing could see past him. 

There was a pause.

—I’ve been told you were the best —signed the android calmly—. I’ve also been discouraged to be your partner, and many advices have been given to me in order to approach you. I’ve been informed that you are… difficult. A lot of agents offered to work with me instead, but I’m only interested on you —Gavin held his breath, confused—. I am the best too, updated with all Cyberlife had to offer. I was made to do this job perfectly and flawlessly, so I will ask you once more: can you be that man again?

—I’ts clear I can’t. I’m fucking deaf —signed Gavin violently, obviously pissed. The man had the android towering over him and made him feel insignificant. He hated it—. Choose someone else. I don’t have time for this.

Now it was the android’s turn to look confused, his eyebrows rising slightly before replying.

—I don’t want someone else. Also, why do you refuse? I don’t understand. I know you w-

“y0u dOn’T kNow ShIt ‘B0uT mE, dRoId.”

The android’s eyes widened, obviously didn’t expect him to be able to speak and Gavin took pride on being able to catch the thing off guard. He knew his voice was crooked and fucked up, and he hated to speak nowadays, but it was worth it. He just wanted him gone ASAP.

I didn’t happend.

After a moment of consideration the android raised his hands again, hesitant just for a second before signing softly, if ‘softly’ was a word that could be used for ASL. There was something on the care that he took to spell the words that made Gavin’s guts twist.

—I wouldn’t mind to get to know you. If being deaf it’s all that bothers you about working with me, I could be your ears… If you let me. I will give you a couple of days to think about it. If you don’t come to me by wednesday, I’ll find myself a partner and won’t bother you again —he straightened his jacket, ready to leave—. My name is RK900, by the way —he added.

RK900 turned to leave without looking back. Gavin wasn’t given the chance to sign back that he didn’t want to work anywhere close to a damn android.  He kicked the rubbish bin under his desk, grunting. If the fucking thing expected him to go and ASK to be his partner he would grow roots and die first.


“Gavin was really self concious about his voice. He imagined it sounded cracked, harsh, and badly at

“Gavin was really self concious about his voice. He imagined it sounded cracked, harsh, and badly atonal. He has forgotten how words felt on his tongue, the amount of air to take and make them softer.

What he didn’t know was that his rough, low tone sent shivers down Nines’s spine, and he absolutely loved to hear him speak.”

This is a follow up for this deaf!gavin promp I made and wont write. I hope it inspires someone else.

For anyone interested, this is the type of inking that the Haunted project is going to have once it’s totally sketched. I’ll show you the kind of coloring I’m planning to do too, eventually ^^.

Post link




With 25 years, Gavin Reed was a top tier detective of the Detroit Police Department with all the records regarding solved cases and sorts. He is really good at his job despite his douchebag and unapologetically ruthless attitude. He is the kind of person you want to have around when a tough case has to be solved.

Then, he was left deaf.

All his career, all his hard work aiming to become Liutenant, lost. For ten years he was delegated from field work to office stuff, his temper is worse than ever. He is alone most of the time because despite not talking to anyone the vibes he emits are simply toxic. No one heard him say a single word for years. Most of his coworkers pity him in silence, and his frustration knows no limits. He can’t stand seeing Anderson arrive hangover at work knowing how much better he could do on his damned position, the amount of shit he could get done IF ONLY his hearing wasn’t gone forever.

Then, an Android is assigned to him with the opportunity to get back to the game. He is convinced it won’t work, and don’t want his hopes to be crushed again. Also he can’t stand the damn things. He is gesticulating to Fowler that he doesn’t want it (Fowler and Tina the only two persons that learned properly the sign language since he isn’t really that good at reading lips) and then, RK900 enters the office.

Gavin obviously can’t hear him but sees Fowler looking past him, so he turns around. RK900 stares back at him in silence. Slowly, the android raises his hands and a soft smile appears on his lips, as if trying to calm him.

—It’s nice to meet you, detective.


“Gavin was really self concious about his voice. He imagined it sounded cracked, harsh, and badly atonal. He has forgotten how words felt on his tongue, the amount of air to take and make them softer.

What he didn’t know was that his rough, low tone sent shivers down Nines’s spine, and he absolutely loved to hear him speak.”



With 25 years, Gavin Reed was a top tier detective of the Detroit Police Department with all the records regarding solved cases and sorts. He is really good at his job despite his douchebag and unapologetically ruthless attitude. He is the kind of person you want to have around when a tough case has to be solved.

Then, he was left deaf.

All his career, all his hard work aiming to become Liutenant, lost. For ten years he was delegated from field work to office stuff, his temper is worse than ever. He is alone most of the time because despite not talking to anyone the vibes he emits are simply toxic. No one heard him say a single word for years. Most of his coworkers pity him in silence, and his frustration knows no limits. He can’t stand seeing Anderson arrive hangover at work knowing how much better he could do on his damned position, the amount of shit he could get done IF ONLY his hearing wasn’t gone forever.

Then, an Android is assigned to him with the opportunity to get back to the game. He is convinced it won’t work, and don’t want his hopes to be crushed again. Also he can’t stand the damn things. He is gesticulating to Fowler that he doesn’t want it (Fowler and Tina the only two persons that learned properly the sign language since he isn’t really that good at reading lips) and then, RK900 enters the office.

Gavin obviously can’t hear him but sees Fowler looking past him, so he turns around. RK900 stares back at him in silence. Slowly, the android raises his hands and a soft smile appears on his lips, as if trying to calm him.

—It’s nice to meet you, detective.

He has taken to using the number Gavin gave him. Secretly he was quite fond of it, even if it was only a nickname. Connor suggested him to pick one himself long ago, but it just felt meaningless.

It’s been months of them working together and Nine was quite surprised on how good it was all going. He wasn’t the only one. It felt like the whole Detroit Police Department expected them to get at each other’s throats since day one and some “accident” would’ve happened. It wasn’t the case, though. Well, mostly.

Nine noticed how Gavin came back to the investigation field full of energy and decision, but also witnessed how he puffed out when they needed to actually deal with people and interrogation rooms. Nine wasn’t pushy, sensing the hard barrier the detective felt under those situations. He wasn’t too bossy, or acted as a leader. It was impossible to say if Gavin noticed how he always tried to discuss every step they took and give him the opportunity to decide as well. By the looks he caught the man giving him sometimes, he suspected Gavin knew but preferred not to comment on it.

Nine knew Gavin hated it, but he couldn’t help but feel pity for him. The man was a competent and passionate worker, the “no bullshit allowed” type. He still hasn’t dared to ask how he was left deaf because the human was painfully sensitive about the topic, though. The day came with the perfect opportunity a couple of weeks later. They were on night shift for a case of drug dealing that seemed to have run cold. It was evident nobody was going to show up at the industrial unit they were watching and the man was terribly bored. Nine felt him nudge his feet and looked at him.

—How does your voice sound like?

—Why do you want to know?

—I am curious.

Nine raised an eyebrow when Gavin pulled out a cigarette box from his jacked and lighted one, but didn’t comment on it.

—I’ve been told that I sound similar to Connor, but more uptight.

—Surprising —mocked Gavin with a shit-eating grin.

—Yes, who could’ve guessed a copied model would be almost identical to his predecessor.

Nine heard for the first time a gravy, deep sound come from Gavin’s chest. It took him a second to understand he laughed.

—Can you be more specific?

—No. How do you think I sound, Gavin?

The man was taken by surprise, but didn’t waste the chance.

—Formal. Cold. Smartass.

Nine chucked.

—Well, I am —he looked at him intensely—. But I am not cold-hearted.

That did the trick.


—You know, Gavin. It’s been brought to my attention that Cyberlife is implementing technology to help disabled people. There is a hearing technology for deafs I thought that may-

—I’m not interested.

The change on attitude was radical and It happened so fast It caught Nine off guard.

—But I think it could improve…

—I don’t want anything to do with Ejiah Kamsky, got it?

There was a tense silence. Gavin sighted, raising his hands.

—I appreciate your effort but I pass. It’s just something personal. Now let’s go, nobody is gonna show up in the end.

Nine nodded and watched him leave. It took him only 40 seconds to look for feedback and set the pieces together. He never brought the topic back again.




Days passed one by one.

Wednesday came, and Gavin had made up his mind. He would swallow his pride for once and ask the damn thing to be his partner. He just was too stubborn to admit it. Also, the fucker was never alone. RK900 was polite and competent, of course people would be dragged towards him. Specially when you have your super easy-going brother easing your way in.

“As if he needed that.” Thought Gavin, snorting.

He groaned, passing his hands through his hair with exasperation. Damn, he really wanted to be back. He was too good to be doing paperwork for the rest of his life. He didn’t need anyone telling him how his talent was wasted there. He missed his job. It was 20:00 and most people were finishing their works and getting ready to leave. Gavin was literally flinching on his seat, watching RK900 from the other side of the department. He was turning off his terminal and getting up. Connor was talking to him animatedly from his desk next to Hank’s. They were too far away for Gavin to read their lips, but whatever the shorter android said, RK900 just gestured negatively with his head.

He left, and Gavin felt the impulse of getting up and go after him, but his pride kept him glued to the seat. He also noticed Hank watching him before gesturing to Connor for them to leave too. Gavin gritted his teeth feeling pathetic.

Thursday came and went, and it was late Friday afternoon. There were barely some officers on duty besides those on the night shift or some unlucky bastards finishing pending work or doing extra hours. RK900 was on the office kitchen when he felt something poke at his shoulder and he turned. Gavin was there, fidgeting while looking really interested on the water stains of the sink next to him. The android waited patiently, hiding carefully the rising hope he was feeling.

Do you have a partner yet?

—You know I don’t.

—Why not?

—Youknowwhy —emphasized the android, chucking.

“This man is a real treasure.” He thought containing a smile. He still remembered when he read his profile. The detective’s career spoke of  resolve, harshness , and consistent results. Then when he actually saw him for the first time, the man behaved as a wounded animal. It made sense, though. Someone with such a temper being drowned on his current situation, with so little support and expectations. When RK900 learned about it, it felt… lonely. Well, maybe he was too soft with Gavin after all. Maybe he had a soft spot for the man. It shouldn’t be a problem, though.

If we work together —signed hurriedly the man, still not meeting his gaze—. Will I be able to get my gun back?

Not for now, but I do have permission to carry one. So only I will be armed.

—What about driving?

We can ask for the patrol car to be adapted. I don’t mind if you want to drive, but I would rather have automatic mode on most of the time.

Gavin took offense on that.

Why? You think I can’t fucking drive?

—I know you can. But if you drive I can’t talk to you.

The human stopped and looked at him. Really looked at him. Not his hands, but his face. The android had an open expression, completely honest. When he realized how shocked the man was with his comment he even smirked, playful. Gavin felt his ears burn.

I wouldn’t like to distract you —continued the droid—, but we could use that time to discuss about the cases and what lines of investigations we should follow. If you want to do the driving during the chasing I don’t have any objection with that. You have a driving license after all.

—Who of us would lead the investigations?

—It would be me. At least at the beginning. You’ve been out of field work for ten years.

Gavin gritted his teeth bitterly.

So you have the gun, lead the team and give the orders. Basically you don’t actually need anyone, huh? You just need someone to carry along while you do your thing and you thought about “poor little Gavin” who can’t do shi-

The android stepped ahead and held his hand on an iron grip, all the warmness on his eyes gone. Gavin tried to get rid of him but the android didn’t let him, so he was forced to look at his lips while he talked really slow, conscious of his lack of talent to read them at normal speed.

“I won’t tolerate that destructive behavior, Gavin. Don’t give me that shit because you are not getting rid of me. I’ve waited, and you did come to me. Because you know there won’t be any other chances. You do want to be a true detective again and I’m telling you the rules to do so. Those were Fowlers conditions on me asking to have you as my partner. I know what you are capable of and I know that talent is still there. So don’t put words in my mouth and accept already, I don’t have all night.”

Gavin eyes were wide open, and RK900 gave him a couple of seconds before releasing his wrist. It was slightly bruised, but the man didn’t seem to care. He was going to sign. Then stopped. Looked at him, groaned, started again.

I don’t want to be your fucking assistant.

—You won’t.

—I don’t deal well with androids.

—I can handle that.



There was a moment of silent understanding before RK900 extended his hand, and Gavin shook it with determination. He was fast to pull it back, though.

—Then, I’ll just see you on Monday, Nine.

He turned and left quicky, and RK900 took a puzzled moment to realize that the man has actually given him a name.


