#dbh rk900


DBH: #Deaf!Gavin AU PART 2


Gavin stormed out of Fowler’s office without realizing the android was following him until he arrived at his own desk and saw his reflection on the crystal-clear screen. He sat down heavily and glared at him, expecting it to be discouraging enough to make him leave. To his dismay, the thing rested his hip on the table and glared back. Gavin didn’t remember seeing eyes so pale. They were almost grey. He felt exposed, as if the damn thing could see past him. 

There was a pause.

—I’ve been told you were the best —signed the android calmly—. I’ve also been discouraged to be your partner, and many advices have been given to me in order to approach you. I’ve been informed that you are… difficult. A lot of agents offered to work with me instead, but I’m only interested on you —Gavin held his breath, confused—. I am the best too, updated with all Cyberlife had to offer. I was made to do this job perfectly and flawlessly, so I will ask you once more: can you be that man again?

—I’ts clear I can’t. I’m fucking deaf —signed Gavin violently, obviously pissed. The man had the android towering over him and made him feel insignificant. He hated it—. Choose someone else. I don’t have time for this.

Now it was the android’s turn to look confused, his eyebrows rising slightly before replying.

—I don’t want someone else. Also, why do you refuse? I don’t understand. I know you w-

“y0u dOn’T kNow ShIt ‘B0uT mE, dRoId.”

The android’s eyes widened, obviously didn’t expect him to be able to speak and Gavin took pride on being able to catch the thing off guard. He knew his voice was crooked and fucked up, and he hated to speak nowadays, but it was worth it. He just wanted him gone ASAP.

I didn’t happend.

After a moment of consideration the android raised his hands again, hesitant just for a second before signing softly, if ‘softly’ was a word that could be used for ASL. There was something on the care that he took to spell the words that made Gavin’s guts twist.

—I wouldn’t mind to get to know you. If being deaf it’s all that bothers you about working with me, I could be your ears… If you let me. I will give you a couple of days to think about it. If you don’t come to me by wednesday, I’ll find myself a partner and won’t bother you again —he straightened his jacket, ready to leave—. My name is RK900, by the way —he added.

RK900 turned to leave without looking back. Gavin wasn’t given the chance to sign back that he didn’t want to work anywhere close to a damn android.  He kicked the rubbish bin under his desk, grunting. If the fucking thing expected him to go and ASK to be his partner he would grow roots and die first.


I’ve heard pride month so have some reed900. Cheers and Rock on! =)

I’ve heard pride month so have some reed900. Cheers and Rock on! =)

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I didn’t get the chance to participate in #d3artfest because I was too busy at work. But I really wanted to do this scene. So, here it is.

Day 2 of #d3artfest - #gavin and #nines at home.

PS. I originally made the morning version then realized that the script said night.

Upgrade complete

Upgrade complete

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Sixty:You flirt and kiss and for what? Love? Pathetic.

Nines:To level up my charisma stat.

Sixty:Ah, a gamer. You may pass.

#33 Attention! We have made a full circle! I repeat, A FULL CIRCLE! Remember the very first comic pa


Attention! We have made a full circle!
I repeat, A FULL CIRCLE!

Remember the very first comic page, the “oopsy-doopsy” one? The one that started this whole damn thing?
Now you can see it from another angle

More pages (#34-36) on my Patreon! ✨
The whole comic is here on AO3

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it was another work for russian ASKit was another work for russian ASK

it was another work for russian ASK

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New breakdown video! 

This time it wasn’t my usual pipeline, because I started from sculpting in Blender.


I wanted to draw them in my clothes

((Text says: why is he so small and so angry))

leetmorry: 8: And he consented?9: …I don’t see how that’s relevant. I asked for your help, not for aleetmorry: 8: And he consented?9: …I don’t see how that’s relevant. I asked for your help, not for aleetmorry: 8: And he consented?9: …I don’t see how that’s relevant. I asked for your help, not for aleetmorry: 8: And he consented?9: …I don’t see how that’s relevant. I asked for your help, not for a


8: And he consented?

9: …I don’t see how that’s relevant. I asked for your help, not for a lecture

8: That’s not… Nines, of all people, I understand

8: Believe me, I do

8: Do you really think you can do it?

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headfulloffantasy: klayr-de-gall:Do not Cross Hey guys! Long time no see with Reed900 content! (I



Do not Cross

Hey guys! Long time no see with Reed900 content! (I still have quite a few things to post <3)

The reason I gotta post this is not the happiest one, but hey, art! It was meant to be a entry in the Russian DBH Mini Zines, but sadly that project was canceled due to different reasons. Maybe I will turn it into a postcard for my own shop!

But let’s be happy that I can post this art now! I love it quit a lot. It was done last November.

This little guy was rescued while on a job. Nines will adopt it - his first own cat! - and name it Cricket!

Okay lemme tell you: I ADORE this!!

The softness of the kitten in contrast to the red LED of Nines. The calmness of the night sky vs the stark „do not cross“ line marking this as a crime scene. Gavin’s look at Cricket and Nines looking at Gavin. That Gavin’s jacket was used to keep the cat warm while Gavin wears Nines‘ uniform jacket I love all these details so much and how you‘ve drawn their expressions. Their looks are so soft, like they adore what they see. You know the action is already over (with Nines being damaged and Gavin also being hurt on the arm, I can only imagine how he got that ^^) and now there is room for a few calm moments on the scene beneath the stars. This is so so gorgeous, thank you for sharing this

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Gavin: I am literally about to beat your ass without the b!

Nines:As if I’d let you.

Gavin:Y-you wouldn’t?


Nines:Okay, maybe just-

SO I’ve recently decided to continue to hyperfixate on Detroit again. To the  point where I am beingSO I’ve recently decided to continue to hyperfixate on Detroit again. To the  point where I am being

SO I’ve recently decided to continue to hyperfixate on Detroit again. To the  point where I am being RK900 for Halloween.
So have some impulse drawings that I made while solely listening to Disney villain songs.

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charm·​ing | \ ˈchär-miŋ \ | adj.

MEANING: extremely pleasing or delightful, entrancing

Comm for Tex of their G9 Band AU: Bare Hands

Check out their fic and show them all the love

Gavin and Nines adopt a cat

PANDATEMONIUM chapter 4 goes live today

Watch as Gavin continues to fumble at being an incubus, and Nines continues to facepalm the whole situation, all courtesy of the amazing Rakkel

I missed Gav’s bday again, so now I’m gonna celebrate his on mine — with tiddies ofc



I love this story so much and had such a great time working with Nat!!! I’ll always be here for these two dog dads and their adventures!

Please give it read it and shower @16ruedelaverrerie with love and comments


I LOVE THIS STORY WITH ALL MY HEART Y’ALL!! BLESS @16ruedelaverrerie FOR THEIR AMAZING WRITING!! I’m gonna go find a way to physically absorb this fic into my body

In the meantime, here’s an edited version of my art (The full image is very R18 and can’t be posted here)

Workin on that booba meme

“You’re in danger, Mister Reed,” Sitri narrowed his beautiful, forgiving gaze, and removed a spot of lint from his pressed, lilac shirt. His voice was music—orchestral, yet bored. “May I call you Gavin? I’m going to call you Gavin.”


Various flavors of Nines holding Gavin’s cheek

Nines: I have been accused of sleeping with Gavin for money. This is false.

Nines: I sleep with him because I want to and he gives me money regardless of whether I sleep with him.


I see you

Tina: So are you going to ask Nines out?

Gavin: Nah, he’s taken.

Tina: What? Since when?

Gavin: No clue.

Tina: Then how do you know he’s taken?

Gavin: I was instantly attracted to him, and experience tells me that means he’s unavailable.


Nines: We all have our demons.

Nines: *pointing at Gavin* That one is mine.
