#dean wichester


Superb Cas of Paradise

The dumb shit we come up with in Discord….

Cas truform trying to show off to Dean. Cue Sam cackling insanely in the corner b/c he KNOWS what this is.

Someone please fanart this

S1 Dean and Sam looking for their dad, who turns out to be a man you had crossed paths with before under a false name.

There is some smut, as this blog usually doesn’t ave smut I’ve put it between asterisks * so you can skip if needed. It’s not very long nor descriptive to avoid taking up much of the story.

“Hey Babe” Your boyfriends grumbly voice was music to your ears as you picked up your cell phone. Between looking for John and Sam’s visions, Dean had been busy and didn’t have much time to spend with you lately. You completely understood, but you still missed him greatly when he wasn’t around.

“Look, we have a major lead on Dad and it’s in your town, can me and Sammy crash for a few days until we figure it out?” Dean asked.

“Yes of course, no question.”

“Thank you. We’re only a couple of hours away. See you soon. Love you.” Dean hung up the phone and you immediately jumped off the couch and started to tidy up your apartment. You made up the spare bedroom for Sam, making sure to light a candle and spray some pillow spray to have to place nice for him. He was used to sleeping in shitty motels, and on the rare occasion that Sam stayed with you, Dean always points out how late he sleeps in compared to normal. Mostly because hes comfortable and in a bed that doesn’t have springs poking out of the mattress, but you like to go the extra mile to look after your boyfriends little brother whenever you can. After all he does for the world, he deserves it.

You headed to your own bedroom and gave it the same treatment, new sheets, nice candles lit, hopefully let the eldest Winchester have a bit of comfort himself whilst he stays at yours. You try to make him feel safe when he’s here, like it’s a home to him. You hoped in the shower and cleaned yourself up, dressing yourself in a sexy nightdress, draping a dressing gown over your body for modesty while Sam is about. You went to the kitchen and started preparing the boys a nice home-cooked meal, which is something they didn’t get very often. Just as the food was ready, they walked through the door.

“Hi!” You skipped over to them, always happy to see them both in one piece. You gave Sam a quick hug and told him to get stuck in to the food. Dean cam trudging in behind with the bags and dropped them at the door when he seen you running at him, his strong arms caught you and wrapped around your body, squeezing you tight and making you feel so safe. It had been almost 2 months since you seen him last, your bodys ached for eachother. To be held in his arms right now felt like the best feeling in the world. He set you down and planted a kiss your lips gently, making you melt.

“I made you dinner” You whispered to him, he pulled your body in tight to his own and nibbled on the tip of your ear.

“It can wait” He whispered in your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You moaned slightly and he chuckled, amused by what he was already doing to you before he had even got started. He picked you up and threw you over is shoulder, irrupting a little scream out of you.

“Put your headphones on Sammy!” Dean chuckled as he walked past his brother towards the bedroom, who had noting to say except a playful scoff and the rolling of his eyes as he dug into his food.


Dean opened the bedroom door and threw you down on the bed, your dressing gown falling open as you landed, he admired your body in the black lacy nightdress.

“Look at you all dressed up for me.” He bit down on his lip, as he kicked his boots off and crawled over to you. He spread your legs and positioned himself on top of you, pressing his body against yours and started kissing you neck. You pulled his flannel off his shoulders and chucked it on the floor. You grabbed his face and kissed him, your tongue parting his lips and meeting his as he deepened the kiss. Your hand found its way to his boner in his jeans where you caressed it, before making your way to the buttons on his jeans and pulling them open.

His hand hiked up your nighty and played around between your legs getting you ready for him, as you tugged his boxers off him. You gently jerked his dick as you guided it towards your opening. He slid in slowly as you held on to his biceps, wincing slightly at the size.

“Good girl” He smirked as you adjusted to his size and started to lightly thrust your hips. One hand on your bed frame propping himself up, the other was on your hip, his finger tips dug in deep as he stopped your movements and took over.

As he thrusted inside you hitting your G-spot you felt yourself start to grip around his cock as the pressure built up, you dug your nails into Dean’s shoulders and couldn’t old your moans in any longer.

“Yes baby.” Dean encouraged you as his hand found it’s way to your clit, rubbing it to help your orgasm along. You screamed as you reached your came on his dick, your pussy tightly gripped it which pushed him over the edge, and with a few more thrusts made him cum inside you as he groaned in your ear.


He landed beside you panting, and after a brief moment his gaze found you.

“I missed you so damn much” He said whilst sloppily kissing your lips, before cuddling into your chest and falling asleep.

“Y/n? Dean?” Sam pounded on your door in the morning time, waking you both up. Dean jumped out of bed immediately, threw on his jeans and was at the door before you had even sat up. Hunter reflexes. He opened the door and his body relaxed when he seen Sam wasn’t in any danger.

“I just got a call from another hunter who swears they just seen Dad heading into a warehouse, about 10 minutes from here.” Sam explained.

“Shit” Dean grabbed his t shirt off the floor and yesterdays flannel, picking it up from where you had dropped it the night before. You had jumped out of bed in shock, still in your lacy nighty but not really caring at this point, you knew how long they had been waiting for this, this was massive. You didn’t know what to do or say but Sam and Dean had been searching for their dad for so long, you were dating Dean for over a year and hadn’t even met him yet.

“I think I know the one” You said.

“Get your clothes on, were leaving” Dean said as he rushed out the door. You rummaged through your drawers and quickly threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, along with a pair of boots. You piled your hair into a messy pony tail and rushed out to the car were Sam and Dean were waiting.

You Directed dean the whole way there, he managed to make it there in just over 5 minutes. They armed up, not knowing what was inside the warehouse along with their dad but that wasn’t going to stop them. With shotguns in their hands and you tightly tucked behind Dean where you were told to stay at all times, the boys entered the warehouse. The sounds of screams and chanting in a foreign language met your ears as soon as you stepped inside. The three of you quietly moved towards the room where the noise was coming from, and Dean slowly opened the door. In the room was a limp body tied to a chair and a man stood near it.

“Dad?” Dean whispered. He wasted no time in storming over to him, and stood right in front of him for a brief moment before his father pulled him down into a hug. Sam followed behind with tears in his eyes and hugged him too. You waited by the door way not wanting to get in the way, mainly looking at the body in the middle of the room. That was until you heard John call your name. You looked up at him and had a proper look at him for the first time and when your eyes met, the colour drained from your face and your eyes widened. You felt sick to your stomach as you realised who the man in front of you was.

“Daniel..” You whispered to yourself. You had to turn away from him, the ache in the pit of your stomach from seeing him again was making you want to vomit. You heard Dean calling your name, but it seemed like it was faint noise in the distance despite him being a few feet away.

“I’m sorry” you whispered as you jogged out of the warehouse away from Sam, Dean and the man you had once cheated on Dean with, who turned out to be their father.

I came across something Scooby-Natural related and I had an epiphany:

That episode was ridiculous. I didn’t hate it, I didn’t love it…it was campy, quaint, and endearing and those aren’t bad things.

But there was something about it that never sat right with me, something cringy that I could never quite put my finger on. And I finally figured it out:

It was Dean.

They made Dean into a skeevy horn-dog who couldn’t think about anything but getting up Daphne’s skirt. They didn’t give him any game, je ne sais quoi or savoire-faire. They made him all “I gotta get me a piece of that”.

Dean was more suave, respectful, and chivalrous when he met his favorite pornstar for fucks sake…the sex was her idea!!

I mean, we all have our fanfic headcanons. But even canonically, this maybe would’ve worked with S1-S3 Dean, but not S13 Dean.

Anyway, I need to go think about something else for awhile
