#dear door

Dear Door will be available in English on Tappytoon at one point in December!

Dear Door will be available in English on Tappytoon at one point in December!

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Sid of Dear Door - is he really betraying Cain?I decided to make a few posts on Dear Door, on Sid es

Sid of Dear Door - is he really betraying Cain?

I decided to make a few posts on Dear Door, on Sid especially. This is the third. The first, which explains who and what Sid actually is, can be found here; the second about his (non-existent) deal with Satan, here.

In this I will just sort out the things that make him seem like he is betraying Cain. In another post I will explain what I think he truly is doing. If I put both into the same post, it would become faaar to long =D

Now, first of all: I can’t read Korean, but use several translation tools for the chapters which are not yet available in English. Thus, part of this is interpretation, yet with the knowledge of what happens until the most recent Korean chapters. I will leave links to support the author at the end.



1.) He tells Cain, when he attacks him, that Satan made him an offer which he could not refuse (riches, power, standing, for Cain’s life).

Cain asks him “WHY?” and the parasites - as you see above - are closely watching Sid. The fact is, the reasons he tells Cain are not what Satan actually promised him. Satan told him, he would get “the one thing” he wanted if he gave Satan everything else for it. But the “one thing” Sid wants is Cain to live safely and with that, Sid will not trust Satan (”Take it all, but I will not trust you with the safety of the King”). What he answers Cain instead of the truth, are more likely the reasons he told the parasitic demons inside him, who would otherwise stop him from his plans if they did not see a gain for themselves.

2.) We have him say that he does not want to die a “meaningless death” in a war that Cain cannot win.

Sid is sure that Cain can not win against Satan. First of all, he thinks Cain is too “good hearted” for that - if you could use this phrase with a demon. Secondly Cain is a part of Satan and Satan is the only one who could suck Cain up - and as long as normal laws rule not the other way around. Yet all that Sid says in the end, is that he does not want to die in that futile war. However, this does not mean that he will not die for Cain. And in fact, in chapter 43 he says “I’ve imagined (…) what it would be like to die by your side. But (…) I couldn’t allow that to happen to you”, meaning he will not let Cain die.


3.) The demons inside him frequently talk about how they want to bring down the King (Cain).

Of course they do. Sid had to make them believe that what he was planning was because he wanted more power, more safety for himself. They do not care if Sid loves somebody, cares for somebody or wants to protect somebody. All those parasites care about is staying alive themselves, and whenever Sid does something that seems threatening to his own well-fare and thereby theirs, they try to interfere.

It’s important to note at this moment, that the only ones, who ever phrase something like “let’s kill/end the King” are those parasites. Never Sid.

4.) Sid steals the compass for “Sneaky-snaky-demon-boy” to find and kill Aaron, the only one he presumes could easily heal Cain from the wound he receives in chapter 1 (the shard). He sends the other medic, who tried to heal Cain and told him about Aaron, into the front line of the next battle where he is missing in action.

He needed Cain hurt by that shard because it slowly drained his Mana and kept him from recuperating easily. I will come back to this in the post about what I think he actually is doing, but at this moment just let me mention that Sid says at some other point, that as long as Cain’s Mana is low, he could hide Cain in the human realm and Satan would never find him.

Also, though Sid gave the compass to the other demon to get rid of Aaron and tried to kill him in the moment, Aaron was telling Cain about the compass, Sid later on never pulls through with killing Aaron, even if he could have done so easily. The reason is that at that point, Aaron being dead or alive is not important for Cain’s safety anymore.

5.) He steals other weapons from Cain’s territory to weaken him.

Yes, he definitely is trying to weaken Cain’s forces for the sole purpose of stopping the war in which Cain will ultimately die if he keeps going. Without weapons and men, Cain will have to retreat for now and will not be able to oppose Satan and his forces in hell. He also had to make Satan think he was indeed working for him.


6.) He seems to be at odds with all of Cain other generals and subordinates.

Sid is not easy to deal with, yes. There are moments in which he is an arrogant bastard and we would probably need a long psychology session to find out why. Jealousy? Fear? Mocking? The need to hide the parasites? Who knows? In the end, Sid has to be as secretive towards those who serve Cain as he has to be towards Cain himself and towards the demons inside him. That means, he couldn’t be a team player, even if he wanted to.

7.) He allowed demons into the human realm and had them attack Cain.

He did so because he needed to weaken Cain, and probably to keep him occupied. But some of those were in fact sent by Satan, not by Sid.

8.) He fights with and almost kills both Cain and Ben.

And yet, he never does kill any of them, even when he has the chance. There are moments where he could have killed Joon, Cain, Aaron, Jin, Ben, Gayle with the flick of a finger, but he didn’t. He always fled the scene and the parasites inside him reprimand him because of it.

In fact, in chapter 70 he leaves Ben alive and tells him to stay by Cain’s said. It makes Ben wonder, why a traitor would ask that of him.


9.) He teams up with Jude, which up till then we don’t know.

Yes … but Jude is not with Satan. Jude is with the angels who in the end happen to safe and help Cain as well.

10.) He teams up with Metatron …

He does, at a moment when he thinks he lost everything and won’t be able to safe Cain anymore. Furthermore, it’s not like he comes with Metatron fully of his own volition. Metatron keeps him locked in several times and meddles with his mind and feelings. He also switched off the demons inside Sid and that honestly must have felt like suddenly finding Paradise.

In the end, when Sid has to decide between Cain and Metatron, he saves Cain from the other.


Tl;dr: Sid is turncoat in many ways. He makes everyone think he works for Satan: To make the parasites work along, to make Satan halt the war and wait for Sid to deliver Cain. He also weakens Cain’s forces so he can not attack Satan in that war he can’t win. But if he had truly turned on Cain, he could have killed him several times. He never did.

Please support the author, Pluto, by buying the manhwa (18+ contents!!!!): Bomtoon(Korean),Tappytoon(English),Tapas(English),Delitoon (German) for more see the author’s twitter!

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Sid of Dear Door - the deal with Satan he never struckI decided to make a few posts on Dear Door, on

Sid of Dear Door - the deal with Satan he never struck

I decided to make a few posts on Dear Door, on Sid especially. This is the second. The first, which explains who and what Sid actually is, can be found here.

Now, first of all: I can’t read Korean, but use several translation tools for the chapters which are not yet available in English. Thus, part of this is interpretation, yet with the knowledge of what happens until the most recent Korean chapters. I will leave links to support the author at the end.



In chapter 42 we see Sid remember one incident when he was much younger and Satan came to “visit him” in his mind. There is no exact time frame given to when this “meeting” happened, but I am pretty sure that it’s happening at the same time as what we see in chapter 34, where Cain comes home from a battle against the forces of Satan finding a distraught and crying Sid.

Sid in chapter 34 was hurt himself, but much more than for himself, he feared for Cain and his troops, and blamed himself for not being able to help. Around that time I think Satan came to see him. He tells Sid, that he had felt him be so distressed, he could not pass him by. This sounds a lot to me like Sid was already fearing for Cain, and that Satan had been near: So there had been a battle, there had been a peril and Sid had been scared and very upset.


To be able to talk to him, Satan “switches off” the parasitic demons, then he shows Sid what will happen to Cain if he continues fighting against Satan: he will die.

At that point, Sid already fears that Cain can’t win against Satan. The pictures shown to Sid, however, are probably more for effect, because actually Satan will simply be able to suck Cain up. Higher demons feast on same and lower class demons. There are some demons of the same statute as Cain, but he is not of the same statute as Satan. In chapter 21, Cain admits to Joon, that there is only one who can suck him up. That one is Satan.

Cain, in fact, happens to be a part of Satan. At some point, they split and there is a chapter, in which Satan claims that when Cain “broke loose” from him, he took with him anything kind and bright in Satan.

His offer is, that if Sid gave him “anything else”, then Satan will give Sid that one and only thing “he wants”. Sid tells Satan, that he accepts that bargain and Satan leaves. Then Sid says - while the parasites are still out cold - “that Satan may take anything from him, but that he will not trust Satan with the safety of his king.”

Or to put it shortly: Satan can have it all, but not Cain.


To Cain, however, Sid later claims that he indeed struck that deal with Satan - but not because he actually did. Only because the demons inside him are listening. Sid formed a plan, one to safe Cain from Satan for good, but this thing is dangerous. It could lead to his own death if he was found out by either side. So to make the parasites play along he had to give them an explanation. Claiming that he was planning to deliver Cain to Satan, to gain a new standing and safety by that, was probably the best way to make them play along.

With all the things Sid keeps on saying and doing, it is easy to believe, he was actually working with Satan or trying to kill Cain. And this is easily contradicted: If Sid had wanted Cain dead, he could just have left him to die in chapter 3. There were several moments for Sid to kill either Cain, Joon, Aaron, Ben, Gayle, Jin, yet he never did. He came close, but he always fled the scene, he never pulled through. He could have killed but never did.


Tl;dr: Satan offers Sid to take everything Sid does not want but to give him the one thing he wishes for instead. Sid pretends to accept it, but once Satan is gone he says: “You can have anything, but I will not trust you with the safety of the king (Cain).

Now the question obviously is, what indeed is his plan, but that has to get into a new post ;)

Please support the author, Pluto, by buying the manhwa (18+ contents!!!!):
for more see the author’s twitter!

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Sid of Dear Door - Who or what is he?I decided to make a few posts on Dear Door, on Sid especially,

Sid of Dear Door - Who or what is he?

I decided to make a few posts on Dear Door, on Sid especially, and this is the one I will start with.

Now, first of all: I can’t read Korean, but use several translation tools for the chapters which are not yet available in English. Thus, part of this is interpretation, yet with the knowledge of what happens until the most recent Korean chapters. I will leave links to support the author at the end.



Sid was a very low class-demon (there are classes). Though he was not supposed to, he developed some kind of self-awareness and curiosity, and thus wanted to explore the light shining in from above and the noises he kept hearing. 

Once he had climbed up there, he was snatched by some higher-class monsters/demons, who wanted to feast on him and tore him apart. Young Cain somehow happened to witness that and stopped them. He gave Sid a new body, some powers and a new life, and named him Sid (or rather ‘Seed’ in Korean).

In general, as a demon to survive, sustain your Mana or gain strength, you need to feast on other demons. This can be lower/smaller ones, but they won’t really satisfy and you’d need a lot. So it better be demons of the same size/stature.


Sid had to do this as well. He had to sustain a “higher-class body and Mana”, but only had the mental strength of a lower-class demon. Therefore, he could not digest the ones he had to feast on. They ended up cluttering inside him, became parasitic and developed some kind of control over him.

Those parasites have a very good idea of what they want - and first of all they want to stay alive. This means, of course, that they want Sid to stay alive.


However, it does not mean, that they want what is best for Sid or what Sid wishes for. They do not care about what is best for Sid, about how he feels or what he wants. Rather they have him unfeeling at all, because like that it is easiest for them to know what’s going on and what he’s doing next. Because of this, Sid often has to lie about his true plans (see below).

Furthermore, they fear of Sid having to feast on more demons for his strength, because they know they will also just end up inside him and that it’s getting “too full” in there.


Sid is in a constant struggle against them now. He wants to get rid of them but does not know how. He wants to quiet them down, but this is a trick he is still trying to learn and whenever he accomplishes it, it won’t last long and takes a lot of his strength.

They threaten to take control over him and seem to actually have the ability to do so. They talk to him constantly; try to influence him and think he is behaving more and more suspiciously. This is a bit like Sid was being schizophrenic, only that his true self is always aware of what is happening all the time and is trying to maintain control.

He can’t let those demons inside him know what he really is planning for Cain or what he feels about Jin because they will stop him, work against him or take control fully.


Tl;dr:Sid got his body from Cain and had to feast on other demons to remain alive. Those ended up as parasites in his body who try to control him. He has to lie to them (and thereby others) to conceal from them what he truly is planning, as they will try to stop him, otherwise.

Please support the author, Pluto, by buying the manhwa (18+ contents!!!!):
Bomtoon (Korean),Tappytoon(English),Tapas(English),Delitoon(German)
for more see the author’s twitter!

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