#death and life






concept: a death god that is actually surprisingly supportive and on the side of the good guys, supporting actions and promoting policies that will lead to the kingdom growing and thriving instead of being destroyed, because the more the kingdom grows, the more people there are, and the more people there are the more people will eventually  die, and when you’re an immortal god of death, you know there’s no need to rush. you’ll get them all in the end

i like how the responses on this post are cleanly split between “hey this is a great story idea i love it” and “this is absolutely terrifying”

Yes. A Death that is kind, and patient, and inevitable.

A Death that need not fight against you, that will often fight for you, because why not? It will gather you home eventually. Why not enjoy you first?

A Death that treasures those who fight it most ardently. That loves healers and defenders and survivalists and necromancers and mad scientists and immortal gods. That lets them pour everything they are into fighting it, denying it, adoring every desperate scrap of strength and will and brilliance and raw determination poured out against it. That catches you when your strength is done and all your will and brilliance run out, that gathers you close beneath a warm, dark cloak, and whispers well done, oh child, you were magnificent, well done.

A Death who will not seek to hasten an inevitable end, who will chastise those who seek to hasten it for others in Death’s stead, who will slowly and patiently plot and sow and siphon away from the great monsters of the world. Because who are they to hasten Death’s domain, who are they to deny Death its time and its place, who are they to cut short these vital glories that illuminate it so? Who are they to presume upon its will, that is so much larger and so much longer than theirs?

Who are they to call, and presume that Death, of all beings, should obey?

A Death that is not a hunter but a gatherer, who is always and eternal, who loves you, and can afford to wait. A Death who will fight for you and defend you, who will place its hand upon those who would speed you to its embrace, who has no need to rush you, only to greet you when you call.

A Death who is kind.

And patient.

And, before all and above all,


Who are they to call,

and presume that Death, of all

beings, should obey?

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

epica / feint

Fall is here, death is here, but the flowers keep on flowering

Fall 2018 Fall is here, death is here, but the flowers keep on flowering
#animal photography    #animals    #apple tree    #autumn    #autumn 2018    #autumn colors    #autumn leaves    #bittersweet    #cosmea    #death and life    #deathbed    #endlichkeit    #fall 2018    #flowers    #garden    #herbst    #herbst 2018    #life cycles    #lily of the valley    #macro amp close-up    #marigold    #nature    #nature photography    #november    #plants    #schmuckkörbchen    

May 7th, 2019, Nordfriedhof Düsseldorf

Nordfriedhof Düsseldorf May 7th, 2019, Nordfriedhof Düsseldorf

I was afraid of love, of being taken away. Everyone afraid of love is afraid of death. I pretended indifference even in the pressence of love, in the pressence of hunger. And the more deeply I felt the less able I was to respond.

Louise Gluck

Memento mori-Last breath

So guys im finaly done after 5 long days and traying to learn how to work with ipad and pencil and procreate, im realy happy how painting end. Memento mori is about are mortality and passing of time, and this painting is called Last breath because everthing realy started and ends with are breath, so don’t waste your time, tray to life life to the fullest so one day you won’t have any regrets
