#death to america




Reminder: americans have absolutely NO SAY OR INFLUENCE in some of the highest positions of power. NSA, FCC, FDA, VP, Supreme court, …federal reserve. NONE OF IT we get to say who is in there, but they get to spy, hack, poison, run the country if the president dies, has final say in law of the land, and has final say in our money. YOU REALLY THINK VOTING MATTERS IN AN OLIGARCHY!?

Do not even get me started on the CIA or ICE….


So how’s that “pushing Biden left“ thing going?

A point that deserves repeating.


With Republicans in several states talking about banning IUDs and Plan B, it isn’t simply that they don’t think women have the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy; it’s abundantly clear they don’t think women have the right not to get pregnant in the first place. All you have to do is actually listen to these men bemoan how Roe and birth control have led to women being less likely to marry them and birth their children to know exactly what this is really about. They want as many women* as possible trapped at home in a cycle of pregnancy and childcare instead of pursuing higher education, careers, and political engagement. If this post sounds extreme to you, again, all you have to do is listen to conservatives actually talk about this, and their regarding women as second class citizens meant to breed becomes abundantly clear.

*yes trans people can get pregnant but Republicans haven’t thought of anyone but cis women in their decades-long campaign to end Roe, let’s be real (and they’re finding other ways to terrorize trans people right now anyway)
