#us imperialism

The US military establishment will breathe a sigh of relief at Joe Biden’s victory in the presidenti

The US military establishment will breathe a sigh of relief at Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. Nearly 800 former high-ranking military and security officials penned an open letter in support of the Democratic candidate during the campaign. A who’s who of former generals, ambassadors, admirals and senior national security advisers—from former Secretary of State Madeline Albright to four-star admiral and Bush-era Deputy Homeland Security Advisor Steve Abbot—backed Biden as the best bet to revive US power. A month earlier, 70 national security officials who served in Republican administrations threw their weight behind Biden (the list soon grew to 130), arguing that, on foreign policy, Trump “has failed our country”.

Why was Biden the war criminals’ candidate of choice? The foreign policy chaos and controversy of the Trump years were a symptom of a global superpower in relative decline, with no real strategy out of the quagmire.

READ MORE: Why the military establishment backed Biden

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Oh my god. The US government is putting up billboards across Guatemala hammering home Kamala Harris’s message “Do Not Come.” This one says: “Share your pride for Guatemala with [your family]. Stay here.” pic.twitter.com/vddCXTe6s3 — David Adler (@davidrkadler) May 22, 2022

Comparte tu orgullo por Guate con ellos, quedate.

Un mensaje del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos


The American effort of the last year has occasionally included trips to Somalia by Nairobi-based C.I.A. case officers, who landed on warlord-controlled airstrips in Mogadishu with large amounts of money for distribution to Somali militias, according to American officials involved in Africa policy making and to outside experts. […]

The details of the American effort in Somalia are classified, and American officials from several different agencies agreed to discuss them only after being assured of anonymity. The officials included supporters of the C.I.A.-led effort as well as critics. A C.I.A. spokesman declined to comment, as did a spokesman for the American Embassy in Kenya. […]

Several news organizations have reported on the American payments to the Somali warlords. […] The extent and location of the C.I.A.’s efforts, and the extent of the internal dissent about these activities, have not been previously disclosed.

Indeed, some of the experts point to the American effort to finance the warlords as one of the factors that led to the resurgence of Islamic militias in the country. They argue that American support for secular warlords, who joined together under the banner of the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counterterrorism, may have helped to unnerve the Islamic militias and prompted them to launch pre-emptive strikes. The Islamic militias have been routing the warlords, and on Monday they claimed to have taken control of most of the Somali capital. […⁰

“You’ve got to find and nullify enemy leadership,” one senior Bush administration official said. “We are going to support any viable political actor that we think will help us with counterterrorism.” […]

Senior American officials indicated this week that the United States might now be willing to hold discussions with the Islamic militias, known as the Islamic Courts Union [editors note; al shabaab emerges from the ICUs military wing in 2006]. […]









Inflation. Housing crisis. Banned books. Revisionist history (like with slavery). Abortion bans. The rise of white nationalist groups. $813.3 billion for national defense. $773 billion for department of defense. No money for schools. No money for covid relief. No money for anything. $6 gas when the minimum wage is $7.25. A large portion of ex-current military and police officers being part of far right movements. Neo nazis at local farmers markets

I could go on. Are you getting the picture I’m painting??

I’m at the point now where I’m less worried about like moving somewhere in the United States and more worried about how I’m going to get out of this country


Oh I have even worse news

America is nosediving into open fascism fast as fuck if only people were warned a million times but ignored it bc it didn’t impact them directly until now when it’s basically too late

We’re like quite honestly in danger………..

Also if you’re American. Maybe don’t ignore this. I know shit looks bleak but it’s important that we are all informed. I’m not joking.

Eggs actly!!!!!


So how’s that “pushing Biden left“ thing going?

A point that deserves repeating.

funding to topple a government



I don’t even want to write a review of “Top Gun: Maverick” honestly, I’ve seen 1,500+ movies and I’ve never finished one that left me more depressed about the future of this country. I just want to stop thinking about it

By popular demand:


colourfulactivistSolidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination acolourfulactivistSolidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination acolourfulactivistSolidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination acolourfulactivistSolidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination acolourfulactivistSolidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination acolourfulactivistSolidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination acolourfulactivistSolidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination a


Solidarity with all and any people fighting for their right to self determination and to live a life free of fear and persecution under occupation.

What Russia have been doing is horrendous and should be wholeheartedly condemned.

May this horrific situation awaken you to the horrors of imperialism and encourage you to fight for a world free of its stain wherever and whenever it appears.


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