#deathstroke headcanon


Hi, thanks for sending this in. I feel like it was very short? I don’t always have the chance to write about Slade Wilson so thanks for giving me the chance to do so! Hope you enjoyed reading this.

p/s:since a few of you are asking, I figured I should just answer you all in one go:, requests are open and yes, I am accepting them. So send them in whenever.

  • The moment you found out you were pregnant was during that one time you had a cold. You thought it was just an ordinary cold, so you didn’t really want to go but when your ‘cold’ didn’t go away, Slade insisted that you go, even made the appointment for you himself. 
    - “You are such a worrywart, Slade.” You tell him and Slade scoffs, before he pulls you to him. 
    - “You love me anyways.” Slade rolls his eyes at you and you laugh, leaning into his embrace. “Besides, it’s worrying. You rarely get sick too.”
  • Imagine his surprise when your Doctor informed the both of you that you are pregnant. You had ended up crying right there and then while Slade simply pulled you into his arms, as he rubs your back.
  • The first few weeks will probably be a little bit awkward for the both of you. Mostly because you are at the end of your first semester and about to enter your second semester.
  • Slade will definitely buy a few books on pregnancy, kids-related books and basically just a lot of ‘new parents’ books. Sometimes, at the end of every (other) day, while the two of you are curled up on bed, Slade will read those books out loud to you and you will always snuggle on his side.
    - “Says here that we will learn to love our kids for who they really are and enjoy them and that they will be one of the best things that happened to us.” 
    - “Do you think so?”
    - “That kid’s going to have two amazing parents.”
  • There is a lot of reassuring you need to do though, especially when the days get bad for Slade. He will probably be withdrawn for an entire day but come night time, Slade will lay on the bed and you just curl up against him. 
    - “Do you think I’ll be a good dad?”
    - “I think you’ll be the best dad.”
  • Once you enter your second semester, that’s when Slade’s protective instincts kick in. He tries his hardest not to be too overbearing especially considering how active you like to be and when you see that it clearly stresses him out, the two of you come to a compromise – you will leave all the heavy duties to Slade and Slade will let you do whatever you want without supervision for 4 hours, every day.
  • Although after a while, Slade will be pretty alright with letting you be independent. He won’t hover as much unless you really want him to.
  • Most probably will make Oliver Queen your unborn baby’s Godfather, no questions asked. (You absolutely agree with this because Oliver’s family already).
  • The two of you will probably have a fight or two about the name(s) of your unborn child(ren).
    - “How about Alexander?”
    - “Too common. What about Demetri?”
    - “Won’t be my first choice but we can keep that as a middle name? But why are we looking at names for boys? What if we have a daughter?”
    - “Then we name her after you.”
  • Not only that, the two of you will probably also argue about what colour the baby’s nursery should be or the amount of things Slade is buying for your baby. 
    - “Did you just buy another tram?” 
    - “We can never have too much.”