#slade wilson x reader



To celebrate of Valentines Day, the day of love, I’ll be posting mini fics every hour of the day (500/600 words max) for the below characters to show my love for all of you I appreciate every follower and all the wonderful comments and feedback you give me ❤️ so this is for YOU.

There will be two for every character, one smut and one fluff.

This is also to help get me back into the swing of things since I’ve been missing for a few weeks due to an insane schedule! Sorry my loves xoxo

♦️Jason Todd

♦️Dick Grayson

♦️Tim Drake

♦️Slade Wilson

♦️Roman Sionis

♦️Oliver Queen

♦️Roy Harper

♦️Harvey Dent

♦️Clark Kent

Happy Valentines Day to each and every one of you. You all deserve nothing but THE BEST.

I’ll also make a mini masterlist when I’m done - will be found on the “OTHERS” section.

Love always.


❤️❤️ xoxo ❤️❤️


summary: You want to figure out what your relationship is with Dr. Wilson but as per usual he avoids the topic. You use a creative method [read: inadvisable] to wring the answer out of him. 
a/n: Ok, so this is another attempt at dom/sub au but now spiced with college au because why not. 
warnings (these warnings have so many caveats): terrible communication skills, testing people’s boundaries (relationshipwise), professor/student relationship technically but less of a power imbalance because Slade is a sucker, attempted infidelity, oral, strength kink, size kink, sir kink, praise kink, dom/sub, dom Slade, sub Reader,  and something I probably forgot

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To celebrate of Valentines Day, the day of love, I’ll be posting mini fics every hour of the day (500/600 words max) for the below characters to show my love for all of you I appreciate every follower and all the wonderful comments and feedback you give me ❤️ so this is for YOU.

There will be two for every character, one smut and one fluff.

This is also to help get me back into the swing of things since I’ve been missing for a few weeks due to an insane schedule! Sorry my loves xoxo

♦️Jason Todd

♦️Dick Grayson

♦️Tim Drake

♦️Slade Wilson

♦️Roman Sionis

♦️Oliver Queen

♦️Roy Harper

♦️Harvey Dent

♦️Clark Kent

Happy Valentines Day to each and every one of you. You all deserve nothing but THE BEST.

I’ll also make a mini masterlist when I’m done - will be found on the “OTHERS” section.

Love always.


❤️❤️ xoxo ❤️❤️


To celebrate of Valentines Day, the day of love, I’ll be posting mini fics every hour of the day (500/600 words max) for the below characters to show my love for all of you I appreciate every follower and all the wonderful comments and feedback you give me ❤️ so this is for YOU.

There will be two for every character, one smut and one fluff.

This is also to help get me back into the swing of things since I’ve been missing for a few weeks due to an insane schedule! Sorry my loves xoxo

♦️Jason Todd

♦️Dick Grayson

♦️Tim Drake

♦️Slade Wilson

♦️Roman Sionis

♦️Oliver Queen

♦️Roy Harper

♦️Harvey Dent

♦️Clark Kent

Happy Valentines Day to each and every one of you. You all deserve nothing but THE BEST.

I’ll also make a mini masterlist when I’m done - will be found on the “OTHERS” section.

Love always.


❤️❤️ xoxo ❤️❤️

To celebrate of Valentines Day, the day of love, I’ll be posting mini fics every hour of the day (500/600 words max) for the below characters to show my love for all of you I appreciate every follower and all the wonderful comments and feedback you give me ❤️ so this is for YOU.

There will be two for every character, one smut and one fluff.

This is also to help get me back into the swing of things since I’ve been missing for a few weeks due to an insane schedule! Sorry my loves xoxo

♦️Jason Todd

♦️Dick Grayson

♦️Tim Drake

♦️Slade Wilson

♦️Roman Sionis

♦️Oliver Queen

♦️Roy Harper

♦️Harvey Dent

♦️Clark Kent

Happy Valentines Day to each and every one of you. You all deserve nothing but THE BEST.

I’ll also make a mini masterlist when I’m done - will be found on the “OTHERS” section.

Love always.


❤️❤️ xoxo ❤️❤️



Slade Wilson X Reader

Summary: "This is a choice Y/N", he’d whispered, “remember that. Your submission is a gift. You are mine, but only because you give yourself freely. It’s very important that our adventure be based on those truths. Do you understand?”. “Yes Sir. I give myself to you…”.

Warnings – Language. NSFW Smut. Bondage. Dom/Sub.

Word Count: 5.6k

A/N: I wrote this sometime last year but never posted it. So, to celebrate my birthday, I’m posting it now. Enjoy my beauties xoxo

Keep reading



Slade Wilson x Reader

Warnings – NSFW. Smut. Language. Mirror Kink. Semi-Public Sex.

The midnight blue silk dress was bunched up around your waist messily Slade ground into you hard from behind, his smirk burning you through the reflection in the mirror. You swallowed the gasp threatening to escape, trying to look away from the mirror, the heat flooding your cheeks.

Ah, ah, ah”, he pinched your chin, forcing you to look at you both, “I can’t have you missing how pretty you are”.

Slade wedged his thigh between your thighs, pressing up against your fluttering core. The lace fabric was rough and rubbing deliciously, stoking the flames.


He ignored your words, smirking devilishly, “Look at you”, his eyes scanned over your satin dress and high heels hungrily, unable to contain the growl that left his lips, “Such a sight”.

You shifted against him, biting your lip hard to suppress a moan. You were in a public bathroom. Anyone could walk in. Maybe that’s what Slade had planned. Whoever walked in would see exactly who you belonged to. Not that you needed reminding but Slade’s desire to claim you was powerful, especially when you’d garnered so much attention at the gala.

Slade dragged his calloused hand up your bare leg, reaching the edges of your lace underwear. His fingers slipped underneath the fabric, feeling just how wet you were. You gasped and shivered at the feel of his rough skin stroking along your flesh. Bolts of pleasure shooting through your nerves like lightning.

Kitten”, he grunted as his fingers dipped into your tight pussy. He set up a lazy pace, occasionally brushing the sensitive spot that had you seeing stars.

You whimpered at the sensations and gripped the edges of the bathroom sink, desperately grounding yourself as you felt the pin pricks of euphoria nipping at the corners of your vision. You stared at Slade in the mirror, watching his handsome roguish face curl with satisfaction.

“Do you think you can keep quiet for me, kitten?”, he teased, letting his thumb swipe over your swollen clit. Daring you to make a noise.

Y-yes, Sir”, you murmured and pushed your hips back, catching the straining bulge in his suit trousers, “I promise”.

Slade smirked, “Well—let’s test that promise shall we?”.



Slade Wilson x Reader

Warnings – Language. Fluff.

At first you’d been nervous in the gym, favouring to train in the women’s section at the back behind closed doors but when Slade had decided to join you, he changed all of that.

“How can I help, kitten, when I can’t go in that room with you?”.

So he trained with you out in the open free weight section which you’d been so scared about previously. Batting away your worries and anxiety. His words repeated in your mind.

“Show them how strong you are, kitten”.

Coming to the gym early on the weekend wasn’t your idea of fun but Slade had insisted, assuring you the rest of the day would be free. Free to do as you pleased. And you were damn sure that time would be spent wisely.

He’d worn that ridiculously tight tank top and his black joggers on purpose. You swore he was trying to torture you with that outfit. Especially when he’d pressed you into the kitchen counter from behind this morning whilst you prepared your breakfast. Allowing you to feel the full length of him before he rudely ripped himself away.

On one of the training mats near the weights, Slade applied pressure to the bottom of your lower back, bending you over as far as you could. He smirked, “You’re a little tense, kitten”.

The gravel of his voice ran coarse through your veins making you twitch.

“You’re making it sound dirty again”.

Slade scoffed, “That’s just your filthy imagination”.

“It really isn't”.

Ignoring you, Slade peppered his fingers along the ridges of your spine trying to ease out the tension. You felt him brush his crotch across your ass briefly, “Relax your muscles or you’re going to hurt yourself”.

You swallowed the moan back and turned your head to the side, giving him a pointed look, “People are going to look if you carry on”.

“We’re not doing anything, I’m just stretching you out”, he gave you his best innocent look but the sparkle in his eyes said otherwise.

“You do hear yourself right?”.

“Loud and clear”, he grinned.

“You’re not being fair”, you sighed when his fingers teased the waistband of your gym pants.

“I never am”, he retorted and rolled your hips, hearing a faint pop of your bones.

Rising back up slowly, you inched away from him, “I think I’m stretched out enough now, Wilson”.

“I’ll be over there if you need me, kitten”, his rough voice echoed in your ear, making your spine rattle. Knowing exactly what effect he had on you.

Pushing the sinful thoughts out of your mind, you nodded before heading over to the squat rack in front of the mirror. Setting up the bar to your desired weight, you readied up for your first set. You dipped under the bar, feeling the cold metal on your shoulders but you jumped at the unfamiliar voice behind you.

“Need a hand with spotting sweetheart?”.

Your eyes met the strangers’ in the mirror, and you shook your head, “No thanks, I have a partner already”.

“He’s not doing a very good job if he left you unattended, you should have their full attention”, his eyes drifted over your body wrapped in the skin tight gym clothing.

You shuddered at his leering gaze and twisted your face into a scowl, hoping it was somewhat intimidating, “I said, no thank you”.

Just as the stranger was about to say something else, he flinched comically as Slade’s large hand clasped onto his shoulder, patting him roughly.

“Thanks for keeping an eye on her for me kid”, he turned to you, licking his lips slowly, “—you ready kitten?”, Slade smirked smugly as the stranger retreated with his tail between his legs.

“You’re terrible, you know that? I could have handled him”.

Slade shrugged, “I know, but, I enjoy scaring them”.

Hi, thanks for sending this in. I feel like it was very short? I don’t always have the chance to write about Slade Wilson so thanks for giving me the chance to do so! Hope you enjoyed reading this.

p/s:since a few of you are asking, I figured I should just answer you all in one go:, requests are open and yes, I am accepting them. So send them in whenever.

  • The moment you found out you were pregnant was during that one time you had a cold. You thought it was just an ordinary cold, so you didn’t really want to go but when your ‘cold’ didn’t go away, Slade insisted that you go, even made the appointment for you himself. 
    - “You are such a worrywart, Slade.” You tell him and Slade scoffs, before he pulls you to him. 
    - “You love me anyways.” Slade rolls his eyes at you and you laugh, leaning into his embrace. “Besides, it’s worrying. You rarely get sick too.”
  • Imagine his surprise when your Doctor informed the both of you that you are pregnant. You had ended up crying right there and then while Slade simply pulled you into his arms, as he rubs your back.
  • The first few weeks will probably be a little bit awkward for the both of you. Mostly because you are at the end of your first semester and about to enter your second semester.
  • Slade will definitely buy a few books on pregnancy, kids-related books and basically just a lot of ‘new parents’ books. Sometimes, at the end of every (other) day, while the two of you are curled up on bed, Slade will read those books out loud to you and you will always snuggle on his side.
    - “Says here that we will learn to love our kids for who they really are and enjoy them and that they will be one of the best things that happened to us.” 
    - “Do you think so?”
    - “That kid’s going to have two amazing parents.”
  • There is a lot of reassuring you need to do though, especially when the days get bad for Slade. He will probably be withdrawn for an entire day but come night time, Slade will lay on the bed and you just curl up against him. 
    - “Do you think I’ll be a good dad?”
    - “I think you’ll be the best dad.”
  • Once you enter your second semester, that’s when Slade’s protective instincts kick in. He tries his hardest not to be too overbearing especially considering how active you like to be and when you see that it clearly stresses him out, the two of you come to a compromise – you will leave all the heavy duties to Slade and Slade will let you do whatever you want without supervision for 4 hours, every day.
  • Although after a while, Slade will be pretty alright with letting you be independent. He won’t hover as much unless you really want him to.
  • Most probably will make Oliver Queen your unborn baby’s Godfather, no questions asked. (You absolutely agree with this because Oliver’s family already).
  • The two of you will probably have a fight or two about the name(s) of your unborn child(ren).
    - “How about Alexander?”
    - “Too common. What about Demetri?”
    - “Won’t be my first choice but we can keep that as a middle name? But why are we looking at names for boys? What if we have a daughter?”
    - “Then we name her after you.”
  • Not only that, the two of you will probably also argue about what colour the baby’s nursery should be or the amount of things Slade is buying for your baby. 
    - “Did you just buy another tram?” 
    - “We can never have too much.”

pushing a strand of hair behind their ear

Slade Wilson x Reader

Word Count: 357

There were days that Slade looked his age. Most of the time, his attitude and the way he held himself made him seem both much younger than he really was and impossibly unaging at the same time. Then there were days like this. Granted, you doubted you looked much better.

Jason had gotten into it with his ‘family’ again. On the whole, that wasn’t very surprising, but this time it mirrored the time that Bruce almost killed him a bit too much for your comfort. The bat had left him bleeding on a rooftop near Crime Alley, and none of that precious familycame to help him. Thankfully, he was able to activate his emergency signal to summon you and Slade.

Much stress later, he was lying safely in bed at one of his safehouses while you and your husband sat in the living room. For a long time, there was only silence in the apartment, silence apart from the steady beep, beep, beep-ing of Jace’s heart monitor that is. 

Slade ran a hand through his white hair, looking like he was about to say something before cutting himself off.

You knew him well enough to practically read his mind after all your years working together. “We can’t go after them.” Jason would never stand for it, no matter what they did to him. Protest all he liked, he still loved them; it was plain for anyone (but them) to see.

“I know.” The crowsfeet at the corners of his eyes seemed deeper in this light, highlighting the tired slump to his shoulders and the frown lines around his mouth.

You thought back to when Jason first came out of surgery. How that white fringe of his was covering his face, and how it’d tried to stick to your fingers when you brushed it away due to all the sweat and blood. “And he won’t ever leave Gotham,” you found yourself murmuring.

Again, Slade replied with a tired, “I know,” this one accompanied by him taking one of your hands in his.

“He’ll be fine.”

“He’ll be fine.”

You weren’t sure who was trying to convince whom.

kissing the other’s brow

Slade Wilson x reader

Word Count: 278

You woke for no real reason during one of those hours of the night where the entire world seemed to be on pause and knew immediately that this was going to be one of those times where you wouldn’t be nodding back off in quite a while. You blinked your eyes open slowly, thankful that the only real light in the room came from the red numbers on the clock on Slade’s side of the bed. 

A car honked outside, one of the few signs that there was still life outside the bedroom.

Your husband shifted against you. Curious, you turned over and found that he was lying on his back, one arm slung up under your pillow in a position that couldn’t have been comfortable. A smile crept onto your face. His mouth was just slightly open, slack in an uncontrolled sort of way that happened rarely. He was sleeping like a rock, that was for sure.

You wouldn’t be waking him, but you didn’t particularly want to stay here and stare into space for the next while until you felt groggy again. Carefully, you leaned over to brush a gentle kiss to his forehead before you crept out of bed. Odds were, he’d find you asleep on the couch in a few hours because you dozed off reading or something similar. It’d happened often enough that it wouldn’t surprise either of you if it happened again.

There was always work to be done, though, so you quickly set about the task of doing some prep research for the next job. 

Another car honked. 

The city may never sleep, but hopefully Slade would for a bit longer.

squishing the other’s cheek

Slade Wilson x reader

Word Count: 475

If someone were to tell Jason that one of the things he’d see by the end of the day was the sight of Slade Wilson getting his cheek pinched like the person doing the pinching was his great aunt, he’d have laughed himself hoarse. But there it was right in front of him, the sight that immediately sent him into a fit of alarmed half-coughs and caused him to trip through the landing he’d been in the middle of.

“Hood, are you alright?” Barbara’s worried voice came through the comms only a moment later. 

“Yeah, I’m good!” he struggled to get out. To his own ears, his voice sounded a bit strangled. “I’m, uh, gonna go offline for a bit. Got something personal to handle real quick.”

That was when B’s voice spoke up, “Hood, if there’s something–”

“Nah-ah,” Jason cut him off. “None of your business. I’ll be back in five,” he barked before promptly hitting the kill-switch for the radio on the side of his helmet.

By the time he made his way over to the rooftop where his sometimes-pseudo-parents-sometimes-work-partners were standing, Slade’s cheeks were back to being unmolested and were currently contorted in a slight scowl. “What do you want, kid?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just checking in with the family, wondering since when the pair of you started taking jobs in the city … getting future blackmail material against Deathstroke, you know. The usual.”

Already, you seemed to piece together what he was vaguing about and started snickering. “Saw that, did you?”

Slade’s eye narrowed as he caught on. “You best delete that video at your earliest convenience.”

“Oh I will …” Jason smirked. “After I make a copy and stash it somewhere in case I ever need it. Nothing like the sight of the Terminator being literally putty in his wife’s hands to motivate him.”

“Jason …”

“Oh, relax,” you said, rolling your eyes and slapping his chest with the back of your hand. “Like he’ll ever need it. And he’ll be giving me a copy, too.”

“Sure thing!” he chirped, much to Slade’s displeasure. “But if you want to avoid the rest of the Bat Brigade, you’re gonna wanna get the hell out of town as soon as possible. Riddler’s got shit setup all around town, and the whole bunch has been tapped to work on cleaning it up.”

Slade growled a little under his breath.

You simply nodded. “Alright. We’re done anyway.” You bent to collect the case for the sniper rifle you’d put away only minutes before Jason made his way over. Again, you reached up to pinch your husband’s cheek. “Come on, snookums! We’ve got places to be!”

Which promptly sent Jason into peals of laughter, especially after Slade batted your hand away from his face.

“Enough. Kid, you’re still expected at dinner in two weeks.”

“*weeze* Wouldn’t miss it!”




Jason Todd x CamGirl!Reader Series (Complete)

Summary: Deciding to try something new, Jason heads over onto a Cam Girl website finding something he never expected.




Hades!Jason Todd x Persephone!Reader Series (Complete)

Summary: Modern twist on the Greek Mythology story of Hades and Persephone.




Hermes!Dick Grayson x Reader Series (Complete)

Summary: Spin off series to ‘House Always Wins’ - Dick has never had a problem finding someone but he’s never really connected, until he met her soul in the Underworld.
















