


Tfw u turn in fanart for an art project

Also the lines all mean something specific and im kinda curious if yall can figure it out


I decided to reblog the answer since its been a few days and no one got it

most of you who answered got the fact that the colors represent the sides, yes, but its more specific than that.

i made a graph using the alphabet and then plotted the points- so id go to the side one letter, down the next, and continue until the name was done. on names that had uneven letters, id just repeat the first letter of the name. so Virgil’s is Anxiety(a), and Logans is Logic(l). the rest are the same. i split romans and remus’s as creativity so romans is creati- and remus’ is -vity. 

so basically not only does the line represent the side, but it literally spells out the side’s name/function.

its not perfect bc i didnt have a ruler on hand lol, but the concept is still the same. 
