#thomas sanders fanart


The Ward and the Wanderer

“What are you doing here?!”

“Uh, what areyou doing here!?”

The intruder comes nearer, a young man with shiny hair and a beautiful face. Oddly enough, it causes Youngblood to search for poetry and poems to describe it.

“Sorry, I’m sorry! I came on a little short-”

“No, no it’s fine. It was me,” Youngblood apologizes, and doesn’t know exactly why. Usually he is cautious around strangers. “I just… I don’t do well with people invading my space.”

The other guy nods knowingly. Sun rays flicker through the treetops, leaving dots of light on his brown hair. It looks like a halo.

“You’re not from Reston, are you?”

Youngblood raises an eyebrow. “Is this an attempt to flirt or pure interest?”

“Hey! What? No! What? I didn’t want to… you know…this is a misunderstanding!” He couldn’t even protest as quickly as he got seemingly hot and cold at once. Quickly he clears his throat. “I was instructed to inspect a noise in the forest and you were lucky, because that tree I was hiding behind caught fire and uhm… so… yeah!” There’s an awkward pause. “So what’s your name?”

An amused smile twitches at the corners of Youngblood’s mouth. “Youngblood.”

“Exciting! My name is Roman. Roman of Reston.”

“Oh, you’re the town patrol?” asks Youngblood with a sparkle in his eyes. If this guy is what I need to worry about, he thinks, I’ll be perfectly safe there.

“I am!” With his most charming smile, Roman casually builds up in front of him. The elf’s gaze wanders over his new acquaintance and briefly gets stuck on the too large sword. It is more than obvious that this clumsy guy is not able to wield the weapon properly.

“I defend the town. The people in Reston rely on me,” says Roman proudly, pointing with one finger at himself. “And I totally, totally know how to use this sword.”


Youngblood tries to hide a grin. This is the most green person he could have met. He thinks, this will be the start of a wonderful friendship.

“Logan… what’s with you? You’re acting strange lately-”

“I don’t understand… why I’m not getting through to Thomas?! Can’t he see that what I’m trying to do is beneficial for all of us? He NEEDS to listen to me!”

“Patton, this is a very bad idea.”“It’s alright, I can take the truth.”As the gloves glide slowly ov

“Patton, this is a very bad idea.”

“It’s alright, I can take the truth.”

As the gloves glide slowly over Janus’s skin, every finger and scale revealed, he suddenly feelssomething again. He feels seen and seen through and naked, and it is the best and the most frightening experience in a long time.

“See. Much better this way,” Patton says softly, his breath vibrating beneath Janus’s cheek. “Now, you can tell me what’s bothering you.”

The pathological lie is already on the tip of his tongue, ready to deny. But without his gloves Janus can’t spit it out. He just can’t.

And then there’s Patton.

He of all people.

Patton, who is as different from Janus in every way as one can be. Patton, who is loud and honest, and sunny and kind, who makes stupid dad-jokes and likes frogs. Patton, who has not the slightest idea what he is getting himself into when he takes off the yellow gloves. Patton, who is warm and firm and real under his fingertips. More than anything else, he is real. Not a lie.

Janus shakes his head, lips tingling and heart pounding. He is sure that Patton can feel the frantically vibrating heartbeat against his chest. Everything in Janus’s traitorous body yells at him that this moment might be the most important moment in his life. There’s no way to deny it. Not anymore.

“Patton, I…”

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“But… the tie?”

“Trust me, Lo, you’re looking gorgeous without it!”

I believe this whole casual outfit was secretly Roman’s idea. Don’t you agree? ;)

It’s not easy to resist the dark side… especially not if it’s a sassy snake with multiple hands.

I love all of Virgil’s outfits but the skeleton onesie…. oh my heart, it makes him extra cute Janus agrees with me.

“Even I don’t have the vocabulary to describe what I’m feeling inside.”

Well, someone likes his jelly berry much

“You don’t have to hide your pain, life without rainy days is incomplete.”

I got inspired by The Puzzle Song. Patton is such a cute character, very comforting.

Sometimes, when Creativity needs a nap to refill his batteries, he just leans on Anxiety.Uoh, that’s

Sometimes, when Creativity needs a nap to refill his batteries, he just leans on Anxiety.

Uoh, that’s deep, isn’t it?

Love this ship (not the boat) very much! ❤

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 Every snek boi deserves his very own throne! This is for the amazingly talented Mati. (@ace-ace-in-

Every snek boi deserves his very own throne!

This is for the amazingly talented Mati. (@ace-ace-in-yo-face)

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I have the feeling that all the Fanders are on Tumblr instead of Instagram. Since you liked my latesI have the feeling that all the Fanders are on Tumblr instead of Instagram. Since you liked my lates

I have the feeling that all the Fanders are on Tumblr instead of Instagram. Since you liked my latest Janus picture so much, I have another redraw of a traditionally painted picture I made a few month ago. I fixed all the mistakes, adapting what I’ve learned so far. I like it soooo much better now Hope you all too!

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Me: huh I wonder why I haven’t done a watercolor piece in so long

Me, like 12 hrs later: oh yeah


Tfw u turn in fanart for an art project

Also the lines all mean something specific and im kinda curious if yall can figure it out


I decided to reblog the answer since its been a few days and no one got it

most of you who answered got the fact that the colors represent the sides, yes, but its more specific than that.

i made a graph using the alphabet and then plotted the points- so id go to the side one letter, down the next, and continue until the name was done. on names that had uneven letters, id just repeat the first letter of the name. so Virgil’s is Anxiety(a), and Logans is Logic(l). the rest are the same. i split romans and remus’s as creativity so romans is creati- and remus’ is -vity. 

so basically not only does the line represent the side, but it literally spells out the side’s name/function.

its not perfect bc i didnt have a ruler on hand lol, but the concept is still the same. 

Pesterin babyy <3

Gosh I love Remus-

Just curious, what’s y'alls thoughts on the trash rat?


Sometimes you just gotta take some sides and make them scrunkly

Tryna rework my style while also making solid designs for the dudes

Do not repost/trace/steal

Click for better quality

A very happy birthday to one of my favourite creators @thatsthat24

Your content never fails to inspire and make me smile♡

My boy Virgil from Sanders Sides. Kind of obsessed with him atm lol

I think this is the first time I’ve drawn him actually happy

Normally I draw him hysterically crying or being the brooding emo nightmare he is-

Oh and uh don’t worry about the backgrounds I have no idea what I’m doing… i tried..

Moonlight night

Hey! Today is my birthday and to celebrate it I finished this drawing which is going to be published on Twitter by Fanders Calendarsoon.

I just really wanted to try a new coloring technique, and I quite like the final drawing!

I hope you all like it

Remus Rules

It has certainly been a while since my last art post. I apologize for that but school has been quite stressing and my mental health was suffering a little but now I’m pretty good, at least for now.

I lost inspiration halfway through it and I actually thought I would never finish it, but I managed to make it look good, I think. I’m quite proud of it, I think the colors are great and the small details of the Cosplay are great!

I also think this pose fits home so well, he would definitely lick the bat just out of curiosity and then he would continue to do it whenever Janus looks at him since he thinks it is gross to do that stuff (although he should have gotten used to this kind of stuff).

Of course, I hope you like it!! I hope to be able to post something new soon, but, in case I can’t, I apologize beforehand.

I really like the idea of alip!Thomas’ eyes being a positive and negative theme because of his power

I really like the idea of alip!Thomas’ eyes being a positive and negative theme because of his powers


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