

come outside

and breath in

relax your arms

and let me in


life lately

a lot of painting, going to coffee shops and parks, playing the guitar at inconvenient hours and trying to write my own music, and finding a balance

the semester is finally over and I can officially start my gap semester *cough* drop out *cough* and focus on working to move out of my house soon and devote my time to creating (art/music/writing/etc.) which school was ironically distracting me from

feels like I’ve changed a lot this year and have felt a lot of judgement for coming into my own and feeling comfortable with who I’m becoming and the things I want so this playlist sums up those vibes

*pictures are mine except the third and fourth*

Yesterday South Western trains tried their best to sabotage my journey to Banquet Records for Small Yesterday South Western trains tried their best to sabotage my journey to Banquet Records for Small

Yesterday South Western trains tried their best to sabotage my journey to Banquet Records for Small Press Day but I’m glad I had the chance to meet Chibi Shibby and retrieve my copy of “I Made You a Mixtape” zine! ❤️ 

The song I chose is Knife Prty by Deftones

If want to buy a copy of the zine you can do it online HERE  ~ profits will go to Mind, a charity organisation who provide advice, support and empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

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