#demisexual means normal



an unfortunate announcement

I’m sorry, but I cannot be running this blog anymore for a number of reasons.

1) It’s not been that great for my mental health. There’s only been a couple of stressful things about it, all of which have passed. But between everything else in my life and the couple experiences I had, I haven’t had an amazing experience with this blog since. Not bad, but not good.

2) I’ll be going on a religious mission in less than a year and will be unable to be on tumblr during that time.

3) It’s a lot harder to do this while living with five people that I’m not out to and having a considerable less amount of privacy I had compared to before (sharing a room with a roommate, people being home often in the living room, etc).

So because of those reasons, I don’t think I’ll really be on here any longer. That said, I don’t want to delete this blog. A lot of cool stuff is up here. I’d be more interested in adding someone to here to run things.

I might start things up later when I’m done with my mission and have a better living situation, but that’ll be in a while, but I still refrain from deleting because of that as well.

DM me if you’re interested in being the mod here.

Sorry and thanks for understanding.

I guess “demi culture is… LITERALLY BEING A XIAN NLOG!!!”

This is fucking sick.

What, the LDS wasn’t “persecuted” enough for Sister Demi Culture, she’s got to pretend to be a “queer” Mormon, as well??

Yeah, fuck this shit. My gay arse has been with enough ex-Mormon gays to know that the LDS cult LITERALLY has tweaked their Anti-LGBT “conversion” to induce sex-repulsion and repress people to believing that they’re “asexual” —literally one of the MOST OPPRESSIVE Xian sects in existence LITERALLY PREFERS ASEXUALS TO LGBTQ PEOPLE, and yet you dumbfucks still like to pretend y'all are oppressed! Fuck you all.
