#dev log


I finally cracked it. The placing of Lena’s scene, the exposition on the clergy, a moment on how things unfolded in the past.

Funny thing too, since Lena’s scene almost ended up exactly where it started. It just needed some foundational work, a little nudge to remind the reader of where MC came from, and where they are going. It sounds so simple in hindsight, but it was driving me insane for the longest time.

It only took a restructuring of my entire outline, a hard look at the actual themes I wanted to introduce this early, how it weaves together with the rest of the story, changing the reveals I cherished so dearly… My brain turned to goop. But! I am so satisfied with how it looks now. And with the first draft of the update having grown legs, sprinting ahead of me, I have so much to work with now! Tonight I start on the second draft, the one I will be sending to betas. (Don’t worry, I haven’t announced the need for them yet!)

I feel like I’m finally tooting the boat-horn and shouting full speed ahead! 

Spoilers for chapter 2 beneath the cut: 



“An obedient army, I’d say. I visited Oakwerth just before the release, the Draman job, do you remember?”

“If I remember, Leith? You came back with the skin peeling off your arms. I remember.” You shudder.

“The scourge had already started, then. The commoners turning into mindless, slithering things. Their eyes… Their eyes multiplied like blisters forming all over their bodies, blinking open. I think the clergy wants us to keep them safe from their self-made consequences.”

You scoff. “Short of controlling us into fighting for them-”

“Well..” Leith takes a seat next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, pressing you close. A shiver runs down your spine as le_he sighs. Your hands are covered in tiny cuts, in dried blood and dirt. A thorn is lodged in your thumb. Folding your hands together, you ignore the sting of weeks of unrelenting work. “What are you saying? Do they have the tech for that, to… to actually control us?”

Leith runs a hand over le_his face. “It’s possible.” END ID]

Wayfarer Public Build June 7, 2022 Patch 1.7.ALT

Hi folks,

Public Build Patch 1.7. has been released! This is a small patch that fixes an important bug, alongside the usual various continuity and typo errors.

You can read the full patch notes here, but the highlights include:


A screenshot of Wayfarer's Journal screen, showcasing the new pronoun change button. ALT
A screenshot of Wayfarer's new pronoun menu, available from the Journal. ALT
  • You can now change your pronouns at any time from the Journal! Click on the [+] button to bring up the pronoun menu. You must select a preset or confirm custom pronouns to close the menu. Your pronoun selection will be updated immediately in the Journal, but you will need to navigate to the next passage for them to take effect in the game text itself.


  • If you are using the xe/xemorze/zir pronoun presets, you may have an encountered a bug where your reflexive pronoun prints as “emself” rather than “xyrself” or “zirself”, respectively. To fix this, you must either start the game over from the beginning OR use the pronoun selection in the Journal and re-select your pronouns.
  • The pronoun bug did not effect the he/him, she/her, or they/them presets, nor pronouns set with the custom pronoun form.

Yes Oliver! YES!SO proud of you!

The Test Fleet has (mostly) returned unscathed! There is enough data for me to conclude that a 6th version is needed/wanted. Nothing major, only just fine tweaking.

ThereWILL be an opportunity to sign up as a Test Pilot again, but I can’t say when.


Hey hey, I just wanted to drop a mini little dev long about how far we are in the update. Regrettably, I was only able to add about 10k-ish worth of words into Fell Star, mainly in the Third Path route, not much compared to the other months due to some family complications happening suddenly and I halted my process.

Not to mention this month is pretty busy as well since my sister is getting married and my family and I have been panicking with getting everything done-

Everything is alright, but I wasn’t able to write as much because of what happened in the previous month and the update is taking much longer than expected, so I’m here to say, sorry! ^^’

I’ve added another good amount of words into both BtSL, and WtSB, during the past few weeks, so those two are slowly getting there. Just refining and changing a few things to make things flow easier with the editing process.

So please continue to bear with me and sorry for taking such a long time.


Also, I may or may not be making a low-key shorter project (compared to the other three) of an MC who is a receptionist at a Guild who gives aspiring adventurers Quests and so forth because I totally haven’t been wondering what it would be like being a receptionist for an Adventurers guild ahaha…
