


Míriel Þerindë

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Dtiys for @arlenianchronicles

I had really fun drawing this, especially the twins haha, I am not really good at drawings kids so it was something new for me also mags was definitely the problematic child, he just refused to be drawn! I had to redo him like 3 times I am still not satisfied with his posture but oh well

Thanks for hosting such a lovely dtiys it was really fun to draw!

Awwwwwwwww the feels!!! T_T❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I gushed about this a bit on Instagram, and I’m happy to do it again here! XDDD I just realized that Maedros has bright freckles! (I think he does, at least ^^;;) And I really love the lighting here, with the motes of light floating in from behind Maglor :DDD It really feels like they’re in their own world of peace for the time being, and nothing can get in! You did a wonderful job with the twins, too!! They’re just so blobby and cute hahaa And the little designs on their sleeves is a very nice touch! ❤️❤️❤️

Aaahhh it’s just so sweet, I can’t stop staring at the painting! Thank you so much for participating in the challenge!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
