#devil may cry imagines



Dante: *accidentally hits Y/N in the face*

Dante: *tryna decide between saying ‘I’m fucking sorry’ and 'Are you okay?’*


Y/N: what is wrong with you?!

Dante: Can we sleep in your room?


Nico: We played with an ouija board and cursed our room.

Lady: Y/N doesn’t know how to fix it, they’re just throwing salt around and yelling “does this look like a hotel to you?!”

Y/N: And remember the photo we took together last week? It got 10,000 likes!

Dante: wow, guess the people love the both of us.

Y/N: yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just you and your fake accounts that made that happen. *chuckles*

Dante: *nervous laughing intensifies*

You know what they say, sharing is caring.

I AM NOT SORRY! I AIN’T NEVER BEEN THE FUCK SORRY! WHAT’S UP! You hoes bet not come up calling me freaky YOU’D DO IT TOO…same bitches who wanna be a Weasley Twin sandwich leave me alone alright?. (Also bit of an AU )




“Are they arguing again?!“ You sighed loudly. “What is with them?” you groaned hearing the two bicker back and forth. “They have some big problems.” you shook your head watching Nico shake in her shoes. Poor girl looked like she was about to blow a fuse hearing the two brothers shout insults at one another. 

“I don’t know but if they don’t shut up while I’m trying to work I’m gonna-” she began, tightening her grip on a screwdriver. You instantly rushed to her side. “Why I outta-”

“Easy tiger.” you put a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down for a second.” you chuckled. “Maybe they’re arguing over who gets to take over the hunt for tonight.”

“Well they’d better figure it out soon.” she seethed. “Hearing them is starting to make my skin crawl. You’d better prepare too. You want you energy up if you’re gonna get me some sick parts.” she perked up a bit, which made you shake your head. “Maybe a discarded head or something?”

“I’ll do my best. What you got for me today, anyways?” you joined her behind the work counter. 

“How does a baseball bat with a bunch of devil-proof nails stickin’ out sound?!”

“Now you’re speaking my language.” you cheered. “Let’s see it!”


“I swear you always do this, Vergil!” a disgusted Dante spat. “Once again, you are trying to get in my way.”

“Excuse me! I think not.” the older brother spat back. “Don’t think I intend on backing off because of your little schoolboy crush.”

“Y/N would never fall for filth like you.” Dante snarled. “Just face the facts, man.”

“And she would be interested in you?” Vergil laughed. “You really should have been a comedian, little brother.” he turned his nose up. “Let’s face it, you aren’t on her radar of suitors either.”

“If that weird kid with the damn annoying ass bird can garner her interest I sure as hell can.” Dante snapped.

“Still one more person she prefers over you, dear brother.”

Dante resisted the urge to punch Vergil across the nose. The last thing he wanted to do was alert you or make Nico upset. “You don’t know her like I do. She’s sweet and kind and way out of your league. I’ve heard how she talks about you! She can’t stand you.”

“You don’t know that. She could be just trying to spare your feelings.” Vergil rebutted. Although there was a part of him that let him to believe his sibling was telling the truth. “She hasn’t spoken the highest of you either, in case you’ve forgotten. She always seems to comment on how immature you are despite your age.”

“I’d rather her hate me forever and avoid you than have you dig your claws into her with your tactics.” Dante hissed. “I don’t care if she doesn’t love me…but to know she would ever choose you over me…” he stopped talking. “Stay away from Y/N Vergil. I’m warning you. She’s young, innocent, pure. Unlike you, ya piece of shit.” he huffed one last time before pushing past him.

He walked back towards the van, huffing and complaining to himself. How dare that slimy asshole even think for a second he could get anyone like you on his side? Vergil must have been dreaming.

Or maybe Dante was just hoping he was. He was pleased to find you hopping out the back of the van swinging your bat. The look of pure joy on your face made his heart flutter. 

“Hiya Dante!!”

“Hey, Y/N! Excited for tonight?”

“Yep! You joining the hunt? I wanna show you my sick skills!” you played with your bat.

“You know it babe.”

…(Later on that night)

“Y/N look!” You turned your head to Nero who was holding a demon skull. “I’m here to haunt you!” He made a bunch of creepy noise and made it pretend it was flying.

“No! You’ll never take me alive!” You began running ahead as Nero chased you. 

“Grrr I’ll get you!” you could hear him behind you, laughing at the top of his lungs. You could hear the crunch of his boots against the ground. “You can run but you can’t hide Y/N!” You bolted ahead of Vergil and Dante, who looked less than pleased. 

“Nero NO!!” you laughed, hopping over a fire hydrant. “You throw that at me I will swing!!”

“Hey! Would you stop acting like a bunch of children for three seconds!” an annoyed Vergil snapped. “I haven’t the patience for your silly games.”

“Shut up, old man.” Nero caught up, glaring potholes into his father’s head. “Don’t get mad that I get all of Y/N’s attention and she won’t even look your way.” he threw an arm around your shoulder. “You’re just jealous she’d rather hang out with me than you.”

“How dare you speak to me that way!” Vergil began lashing out.

“Guys calm down.” you stepped between the two. “Nero come on, we have a job to do.”

Nero smirked at his father. He knew his old man had a crush on you. He thought it was pretty weird, considering you were much younger than him. He also knew Dante had a thing for you as well. It was exactly why he, Nico, and Lady made it a mission to make sure they wouldn’t sink their claws into you. (Not so much Trish…she didn’t care enough to interfere unless it affected you negatively…give it a few days….oops, spoke too soon)

Vergil met your eyes. You felt a bit guilty. You knew this was a big mission and you were goofing off with Nero. It wasn’t even that bad to be honest, he just hated seeing his…son…of all people getting close to you. Vergil instantly felt like a jerk. He didn’t mean to make you sad, he was just…ugh. Damn him and his anger.

“Vergil.” Dante made his presence known. “Leave Y/N alone.” he came to your side. “Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun.” he practically replaced Nero’s arm with his, swatting his arm off you. 

“Whatever.” Nero scoffed. “Come on Y/N. Don’t let the oldies slow you down.” he began walking ahead of you three.

“Hey Nero! Wait up-” You attempted to jog, only to be halted by a hand on your shoulder. 

“Hey, why don’t you walk with me for a while?” Dante began leading you down the street. “If a demon comes along, I’ll make sure to protect you.” He threw an arm around your shoulder. “I’ll protect you from the bad guys.”

“I can take care of myself.” You replied. “But thanks, Dante.” You shyly shrugged Dante’s arm off you. “Hey Nero! Wait for me!” You ran up.

“Smooth move, idiot.” Vergil smirked at his brother’s rejection. “But watch how it’s really done.” the cocky man walked ahead of his brother. “Hey, Y/N…”

Before you could fully catch up to Nero, Vergil stopped you and made you walk with him. “Yes, Vergil?” you smiled politely. “What’s up?”

“I don’t think I’ve have the chance to compliment you on your stunning good looks today.” he smiled at you.

“Umm, no offense Vergil but I’ve been knuckles deep in monster parts and devil blood, I’m the last thing you should consider stunning or good looking.” you replied sheepishly.

“Insecurity is an ugly monster.” he hummed thoughtfully.

“…I’ll remember that.” you felt the heat rush to your face. “U-um….bye now!” You looked at the devil skull on the ground. “TAKE THAT!” you used your bat to swing it like a golfball at Nero’s arm.

“HEY! You’ll pay for that Y/N!” Nero yelled, starting to chase you down the street. You laughed as you ran down the street. 

“ALL RIGHT Y/N!!” Nero thrust his fist into the air as you jumped down from the balcony you had been fighting on. 

“Thank you!! and FUCK YOU!” you kicked a random head sending it flying into a garbage can. 

“Not bad for a human-”

“NoT bAd FoR a HuMaN!” you mocked Nero. “Come on! We’re making great timing!!” 

Vergil watched you as you ran ahead of the bunch. You could definitely hold your own ass. You were truly amazing. When that demon had grabbed you and he was gonna go into demon mode to save you, before you he could even take another step you had already made it down. 

What did Nero or that V fellow have that you didn’t? Why did you enjoy being around him so much? He watched you two laugh at the top of your lungs. Damn, if he started holding your hand, he’d go ballistic. 

Meanwhile Dante was cheering you on inside. You could definitely keep up with him. Surely you’d be happier with Nero…he was closer to your age. He didn’t care…as long as you didn’t end up with Vergil. He’d forbid it.

Another bloodbath later and everything was done! You had high fived Nico as you hopped back on the van. 

“Could you drop me back home? I am in desperate need of a shower.”

“Sure thing Y/N!” Nico threw everything you had gotten for her in the workshop. “How’d it go?”

“Y/N kicked ass of course. I could barely get any hits in.” Dante laughed, plopping down.

“Keep up next time.” you shrugged, setting your weapon down.

“Your smugness will be your downfall, little girl.” Vergil scoffed at you. 

“You’re one to talk, Vergil.” you found yourself speaking back. The van had already sped off while you were speaking. “Every word out of your mouth is something smug.” you glowered.

“Watch it! I’m old enough to be your father.” he warned.

“Oh…I’m so scared…daddy.” you rolled your eyes.

Vergil froze. What the- How the- Why the…He didn’t even register the van coming to a stop and you jumping down. Dante on the other hand was green with envy. If anyone had a daddy kink it was him! Where did Vergil get off coaxing such a phrase from your lips! That should have been for him…now he was mad.

The van door closed leaving a strange chill over the older Sparda men.

“If you two idiots love Y/N so much why don’t you either team upor shut up.” Nico glowered, noticing how dull the mood was. “If there’s only one Y/N, do what siblings do and fuckin’ share already.” she huffed.

“Dude! Y/N isn’t some kinda toy!” Nero protested. “I forbid you two from going near her!” he tried to put his foot down. He’d be damned if his best friend be manipulated by those two.

“I’d rather die again than share with this…idiot!!” Vergil snapped.

“I’d rather die this instant!” Dante one-uped his brother.

The two practically fought to get to your door. Vergil grabbed Dante’s leg and Dante tripped Vergil in an effort to get to the door first.

You were surprised to see the two there, breath heaving. It made you sort of embarrassed to have shown up to the door in a bathrobe.

“Guys?” you raised an eyebrow. You combed your fingers through your hair to work out the knots.

The two paused. Your body was nearly completely soaking wet, so you obviously had just gotten out the bath. Having demon senses, they both could feel the warmth radiating off you. 

“Any reason you two are fighting at my door? My neighbors are old ladies, they could call the cops if you aren’t careful.” you joked.

Vergil watched a singular water droplet run down your neck and drop into your cleavage. Dante always wondered what your living space looked like, it was definitely a highlight of you from what he saw.

“Y/N! We have an issue….and you need to solve it for us.” Vergil coughed.

“Um ….okay?” you raised an eyebrow. “What can I do for you-”

“Who do you see as a potential romantic partner? Me or Vergil!” Dante finally came out with it.

“Pardon me?” you raised an eyebrow. 

“This oaf and I have been vying for your affection since we saved your life 5 months ago and you became a part of this little organization.” Vergil sighed. “Either you know and you ignore it or you’re more ditzy than I thought?”

“Vying, for my affections?” you raised an eyebrow. You suddenly hugged yourself, feeling very exposed. “Nero wasn’t kidding?”

“Nero told you!?” they both gasped in surprised.

“Yeah…he did. That’s why I thought he was full of shit.” you laughed. “B-but um..I guess not.” you giggled.

“That little-”


You watched as the two began griping about Nero and how he couldn’t leave well-enough alone. 

“So…you two…with me?” you tilted your head to the side. 

“I’ve loved you longer.” Dante piped up. “When you uncle called me up to handle an extermination and you just hid behind a wall the whole time…how quickly you changed your tune.” he laughed.

“Well I love Y/N for the person she is inside! She has a pure heart?”

“That you can tarnish?” Dante fired back.

“BOYS!” you called over them. “I swear you two are more brotherly than you think.” you shook our head.

Suddenly, the phrase ghosted over their heads. 

Do what siblings do and share….

“Y/N…may we come in?” Dante stepped forward.

“We have matters to discuss.” Vergil followed.

Poor, unknowing, innocent you.

“Sure, just lemme get dressed.” you made room for them to walk in.

“Don’t worry, darling…this is strictly business between us and you.”

(Probably gonna do something Nero related soon)
