

I was out with my caregiver, crawling along the sidewalk, naked at the end of a light pink leash.  I was led to the outside of a restaurant and my leash was tied to the bike rack outside the door while my caregiver went inside to get a table and to order for us.

Sitting on the sidewalk, I tried to close my legs, but (in that dream way) I couldn’t find the strength to bring them together.  I struggled to hide my tender little private parts from the people who walked past, glancing down at me where I sat outside the door with my knees up, but I couldn’t close my thighs.  Worse, I felt a compulsion to touch myself, and after a few minutes I couldn’t stop; I was rubbing myself right in front of everyone, feeling the sun on my thighs while I masturbated vigorously by the restaurant’s front door.

Eventually my caregiver came back to get me.  My leash was untied and I was led into the restaurant on my hands and knees, then encouraged to climb onto the table and lie on my back, there in the middle of the packed restaurant.  My caregiver had a plate of chilled salad.  One by one, the rough, cold leaves were pushed into my bottom hole.  When the whole plate was empty, the oily dressing was thoroughly rubbed into my wet pussy, and then I was powdered and diapered while all the other customers watched and ate.

With my hole full of cold leaves, naked except for my diaper and my leash looped over the arm of my caregiver’s char, I was then expected to sit at the table and eat my meal with good little-girl manners.

How can someone fault us for wanting to be confortable! It’s in even in the name! We all just want t

How can someone fault us for wanting to be confortable! It’s in even in the name! We all just want to be pampered

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Feeling cute, might delete later, IDK. ‍♀️

 work in progress.

work in progress.

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My Christmas books are on sale on Amazon! (US/UK markets, until Dec 26th). All three are about age r

My Christmas books are on sale on Amazon! (US/UK markets, until Dec 26th). All three are about age regression, diapers & spankings.

Please buy them if you want to support me, they’re only $1-2 dollars! Links:




Thank you and happy holidays!

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I’m writing a book about a VERY strict babysitter who administers HARD punishments. Stay tuned~

I’m writing a book about a VERY strict babysitter who administers HARD punishments. Stay tuned~

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