


“You like what I’ve done with your office sweety? I just had to take a picture of your initial reaction.”

“What’s that? Are you about to cry?” Your girlfriend coos.

“Let’s get you out of that big boy underwear and into a clean diaper. I got you some sesame street themed diapers too, I know you’ll love them.”

“You think this is a lot of diapers? You should see how many are in your room. Oh, nursery, I mean!”

“And you’re going to use every single one of them.”

“Do you want to wear the safari animals or the little cute dinosaurs sweetie?”

“What’s that?” your girlfriend chuckles.

“I found your collection of diaper porn and after a little bit of research I ordered these for you. That’s right, effectively immediately you no longer have any big boy privileges. You’re going to use these diapers for *everything* and when they’re dirty I’m going to change you. I’m going to feed you, bathe you, and take care of you 24/7!”

“Oh don’t won’t worry I’ve taken care of everything. I cancelled your credit cards, cancelled your cell phone and I even called your work. I told them you were having “medical issues” and wouldn’t be coming back”.

“Oh don’t cry little baby, let’s get you wrapped up in a clean diaper.” She says, smiling.

“Can’t pick? Well, for being stubborn you’re getting double diapered with one of each and a suppository.”

“Now lay down on the floor and put those legs up before you get a spanking too.”

Keep your diaper dry for six hours and you’d get your toilet privileges back - the rules were simple enough.  Standing in the corner of your living room, legs crossed and flinching from the increasing pain in your bladder, you were quickly losing confidence in your ability to not piss your pants.  You remember the previous night, several hours of drinking with your friends and stumbling into your home completely drunk. Waking up the next day, your girlfriend, Lindsay, had diapered you in a large white disposable diaper. Lying on your back in the bed, she laid out the rules.


“Here’s the rules sweetheart.  You clearly need to relearn your role in this relationship.  For the next six hours you’re staying in this diaper and you are under no circumstances to touch or remove it.  Don’t you dare let me catch you tampering with it!” she stated, face to face with you.  She quickly snatched the side of your thigh, painfully pinching it.

“OW!” you screeched in pain.

“I want to hear it from your mouth!” Her face clearly tightening in anger.

“Yeah, I got it” you said, brushing her hand away.

Your casual response had obviously pissed her off, and in an instant she lifted your right leg into the air.  Before you could react several well placed slaps from her hand hit the lower back of your leg, sending a streak of pain up your spine.

Scowling, your girlfriend hissed, “Don’t you dare give me any attitude mister!”

You curled up from the pain and pushed her away, “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

Grabbing her phone from the bed and turning the screen to you, she says  “See this?”

Your eyes widened at what was on the screen.  Pictures of you, passed out in the bed in just a white diaper.

“Disobey me enough, and these are going to your friends” She said, smirking.  "Think they’ll want to hang out with some pervert that likes wearing diapers?“

"Give me that!” You shouted, reaching for the phone.

“Nope” your girlfriend laughed, pulling the phone away.  "You keep your little diaper there dry and clean for six hours, and I’ll delete the photos, everything can go back to normal.  You disobey me and these are going public.“  

Your girlfriend stood there, smiling, obviously enjoying your predicament.

Frustrated, you let out a resigned sigh. "Fine, I’ll play your little game.  You better not send anyone those photos.”

Not even acknowledging your demand, she continued, “A few other things, no more swearing, I don’t want to hear any potty words.  If you need anything to drink or eat, you will ask me.  I don’t want you rummaging through the kitchen on your own.  Also, you will now address me directly as ‘mommy’, is that understood?”


You were immediately taken back by this, “what the hell was she thinking?” you thought.

“Tha’ts cra- ” you stopped talking, cut off by the finger she had placed over your mouth.

“Also, my little man.  If you don’t keep that diaper clean for the next six hours, you’re going to be treated like a two year old for the whole weekend” Your girlfriend had a full on smile.

“OK that’s way too much!” you whimpered, shocked from her proposal.

Silent, your girlfriend lifted the cellphone, waving it back and forth in her hand.  A mocking eyebrow raised as she sneered at you.

Your shoulders lightened and you whined, “Fine, whatever.”

“Great!” she exclaimed, hopping slightly from excitement.

Bending over the bed, face to face with you she asked, “Now what is my name little boy?”

Hesitating from frustration, you slowly replied “..Mommy”.

That was a little over five hours ago.  Through breakfast, story book time and several episodes of Sesame Street your diaper had stayed dry.  The tingling in your bladder had only started about an hour ago, but had quickly grown from an inconvenience to a full out disaster.  Your bladder felt like it was going to explode, and you had no options.  Your girlfriend had left you in the living room while she attended to chores around the house and you couldn’t bear the idea of calling out to her.

She had left the TV on PBS, playing a rerun of the Barney show.  You stood there holding onto your diapered crotch, straining in pain while Barney and several children danced in a circle singing.  The pain continues and you start to sweat.

“Ugh, this is ridiculous” your groan, starting to pace across the room.

Your girlfriend had given you strict orders to not leave the room, and you weren’t about to ignore them.

The tingling continues to get worse and you turn away from the TV, thinking of what to do.  Struggling, you feel you control start to slip and a wave of humiliation washes over you as you realize you had lost the battle.  Legs buckled, you grasp your belly as a hot stream of piss erupts into the front of your thick diaper.  You groan in relief as the volume increases, emitting a clearly audible hissing noise.  The front of the diaper grows both in size and warmth, the soft plastic swelling between your legs.  Closing your eyes, you shift your stance, widening your legs to accommodate the expanding mass.  The flood of piss continues and you’re surprised how much you had to go. 

Finally after a solid minute of peeing, you relax as the flow of urine stops.  Opening your eyes, you stare down at the yellow, swollen diaper drooping from your crotch.  Your accident had completely flooded the diaper, causing to it have grown enormously in size.  

You gently touch the front of the plastic as your realize how impossible it will be to conceal what happened. Thinking of what to do, your thoughts are cut off by a giggle coming from the hallway.

Bewildered, you look up to see your girlfriend standing in the hallway with her phone pointed at you, loudly laughing.


“I just got all of that on video!” She shouts, laughing in between words.

Red faced from both embarrassment and anger, you tighten your fists and straighten your back.  Thoughts of what to do run through your head. The situation had escalated drastically and you didn’t know what to do.  Frustrated, your anger begins to fold inward and large tears begin to well up in your eyes.  Completely losing control, the tears erupt and being pouring down your face.

“Oh I’m sorry baby” she coos, holding a sincerely concerned look on her face.  "I knew you’d react like this.  Come over here to mommy" she says, holding her arms out with a pouty look on her face.

Humiliated, you start walking over to her.  The bulk of your diaper clearly impeding your gait, forcing you to waddle.  She wraps her arms around you as you let your weight sink into her.

“Look how you waddled over to me, baby boy.  You’re just like a toddler” she whispers in your ear.

Kissing the side your head she pulls back.  "Now tell mommy, what did you do in your diaper?“ She asks, locking eyes with you.

Sniffling, you hesitate, "I…”


“Come on tell mommy, tell me what happened.”

“I was watching Barney and I had to go pee, but I couldn’t hold it.”  You say, stammering between words.

“What did you do in your diaper?” She asks, concerned.  "Did you make a number one or a number two in there?“

The question shocks you.  No way she was intending for you to poop your diaper.

"I peed my diaper” you whisper

Let’s take a look, just to make sure.  Without hesitation, she sticks her index finger into the leg opening of your diaper, pulling it back in shock. “You are soaked!  You must have been holding that all night!” She says, grinning.  "Now let’s just make sure you didn’t make any stinkies in there.“

Taken back, you quickly reply "I wouldn’t poop myself, that’s insane!”

A sharp pain erupts from the back of your thigh as your girlfriends palm connects with flesh.  

“I just watched you completely soak your diaper. As far as I’m concerned you’re fully capable dropping a load in there too.” She says, sternly holding a finger to your face.  "Now let’s check"

You feel her lift the back of you shirt as she pulls the top of your diaper out.

“Hmm, I think we’re ok, but I need to get you out of that diaper.  I have several packs sitting in the kitchen.  Why don’t you be a good boy and fetch your diapers for momma?”

Your diaper was starting to cool, and the wet feeling was becoming slightly irritating.  Ready to get out of your soiled undergarment, you didn’t hesitate.

Waddling into the kitchen you immediately spot the pack of diapers.  Wrapped in tight shiny orange and red plastic, the label reads “ConfiDry 24/7 High Absorbency Diapers”.  Blushing, you grab the pack, holding it against your chest as you waddle back into the living room.

Your girlfriend had laid out a large Sesame Street changing mat across the floor with what appears to be several containers of creams, powders and various diaper changing supplies.  She had taken her skirt and bra off, wearing just a tight lace thong.  You stood there in your soiled diaper, holding the pack of diapers, clearly staring at her large breasts.  This was the first time you had looked at her like that today and you can feel your cock slowly growing warm and expanding.

“Stop staring. Get that little bottom over here and sit down” she commands in a playful voice.

Resigned to your position you sit the large pack of diapers next to the changing mat, and slowly sit down.  The thick diaper squishes against your skin, causing you to grimace.

“Good boy, now lay back” she says, cooing.

You follow her words and lay backwards, staring at the bright light from the ceiling.

“Now suck on this” she demands, forcing a large rubbery object in your mouth.  You realize it must be an oversized pacifier.  Feeling your cock hardening further, you begin to suck on the pacifier.  You realize that oddly, you were enjoying this.

“That’s it” she says softly, “let’s get this gross diaper off you”.

You feel her peeling the tapes off the front of the diaper, laying the sides down.  A rush of cool air covers your groin as she peels the wet diaper away from your skin, revealing your erect penis.


“Well well, it looks like someone is enjoying this” she laughs.

You blush at the thought. She was definitely right, this felt amazing.

“Alright baby boy, I need you to hold your legs for me.  Grab your legs and pull them up.”

Listening, you pull your legs upward to your chest, fully exposing your crotch and bottom.

“Good boy, now this might be cold!” she warns.

You feel a rush of cold as she starts wiping your skin with baby wipes.  After several wipes, you feel the diaper being pulled from under you, leaving you naked.

You hear her pull open the pack of diapers, unfolding one. She gently slides the soft plastic beneath your butt.

“Let’s get some cream on that little tushie!” she says in a babyish tone.

Surprised, you suck tightly on your pacifier as she presses a glob of sticky paste against your anus, rubbing the substance all over your groin.  Your cock is throbbing at this point, waving in the air, begging to be touched.

“Now now, let’s see if we can take of that” you hear your girlfriend say seductively.

You feel her hand wrap gently around your swollen penis, and you grunt in ecstasy.  She tightens her grip, rolling the swollen flesh between her fingers.  Squeezing your eyes shut, your balls contract and tighten in response to the pleasure.  Loosening her grip, a sudden pressure against your anus startles you.  Sliding her fingers up your ass, Lindsay again tightens her grip on your cock.

“Let’s talk about the rest of the weekend sweetie” she says calmly, holding her fingers in place.

You nod immediately, opening your eyes to her cleavage hanging over your face.  The pressure was too much, you were on the verge of climaxing.

“You’re no longer allowed to walk, I want you crawling on your hands and knees for the rest of the weekend. No more big boy words anymore either, if you need to say something, say it like a baby. Understood?” she says with a slight smirk on her face.

Exacerbated, you shake you head up and down in agreement.

Smiling, she says, “Let’s here it in your baby voice then.”  You feel her roll your cock softly around her palm.


Without missing a beat you stammer “Yesh mommy, Imma baby!.”  You cringe slightly at how you sound.

Continuing to roll your cock, she was watches you smiling.  "Ready to cum baby boy?“

She clearly knows you’re on the edge of erupting and you nod in excitement, sucking tightly against the pacifier.  She continues stroking all while plunging and retracting her fingers.  You being to arc your back and just as you’re about to explode, you feel her quickly retract her fingers and loosen her grip.

"Babies don’t make cummies, they just make pee pees and poo poos” she says laughing.  You feel her wrap the front of the diaper over your erect cock, quickly taping it.


Completely astonished, tears begin forming in your eyes, as you moan into your pacifier.

“Aw that’s ok baby boy.  You’ll eventually learn your place. Babies don’t get pussy, they get Pampers.”

Tears rolling down your cheeks, she pulls your arms forward, leaving you sitting upwards.

“It’s going to be okay, your diapee is all nice and clean now.” she says, cooing.

Standing up, she pulls her skirt up over her thong, watching your frustrated, tear ridden face.  Turning away while pulling her shirt over her shoulders, she peers out the window.

Turning to you and winking she says, “Just in time.”

Stammering, you reply, “What are you talking about?”, feeling your penis shrink as a cold wave of fear falls over you.

Your girlfriend ignores your question, walking to the front door and opening it.

“Stacy!” she shouts “You made it!”

Your mouth opens in astonishment, dropping the pacifier to the floor followed by a stream of spit.  Stacy, a friend of Lindsay’s steps through the door, locking eyes with you.


“When you told me about this, I couldn’t resist” she says, still holding eyes with you.  You had always found her extremely attractive.  Her long brown hair, large breasts and mature look definitely turned you on.

“Here he is” your girlfriend says, smiling at you.  "I just changed his diaper, he was really wet.“  

Stacy laughs, "I didn’t think you’d actually get him in diapers, but here he is.”

In a rush of anger and embarrassment, you jump to your feet running for the hallway.  Just as you turn the corner, you feel hands grab at your back and arms.

“Oh no you don’t!” you hear Lindsay yell.  "Hold him down!“

You struggle and realize that both women were holding on to you.  You would have been able to fight your girlfriend off, but both of them were too much.

Struggling, you’re pulled back into the living room and pushed onto your belly directly on Lindsay’s lap.  You squirm, trying to free yourself.

"Hold him down Stacy, he’s getting a spanking for this.” your girlfriend yells.

“Noo!” you wail. You feel Stacy’s grip tighten, holding your arms behind your back. Your thick diaper is quickly pulled down, revealing your bare ass.

“Bad bad bad boy!” you girlfriend shouts, connecting several slaps against your bare ass.

“Mommy I sorry! I sorry!” you bellow, tears gushing from your eyes.  The pain was shocking, sending streaks of lighting throughout your legs and backside.  Losing control, you feel a hot spray of urine erupt into the front your diaper.

After what must have been twenty solid spanks, you feel your diaper being pulled up over your aching ass.

“On the floor, now.” your girlfriend commands.  You immediately obey dropping to your knees, looking up at the two behind tear flooded eyes.


“Keep acting up and the punishments will get worse” your girlfriend says, glaring at you.  You see Stacy holding a mocking grin towards you.

Lindsay turns to Stacy, “You see?  This is all it takes with them. They need to learn their place.”  Stacy nods, grinning still staring at you.

“And look, he pissed his diaper too. Didn’t take long for that happen” Lindsay says, giggling.  "I’m not changing that anytime soon mister, you can stew in your mess and think about what you’ve done.“

You frown, still sobbing from your spanking.

"Why don’t you spend some time in the corner with those toys?” Lindsay say, pointing to the pile of toddler toys she had laid out.  “Mommy has some stuff to talk to Stacy about.”

Not about to question her, you move to your knees and shuffle towards the corner, your diaper slightly sagging between his legs.  Not sure what to do, you roll back onto your throbbing bottom and begin sorting through the toys, acting as if you were interested.

Stacy and Lindsay are quietly chatting behind you, obviously trying to hide their conversation.  You ignore this and start stacking several colorful blocks.

Creating a small tower of blocks, you begin to feel something new.  A very small, hot feeling in your belly begins stirring followed by several large gurgles.  The feeling is pretty distinct. The same feeling you get after some food that doesn’t agree with you or after having a large cup of coffee.  Your bowels are clearly moving, and you’re stuck in a room wearing a diaper with two crazy women.

Crawling on your knees towards the two, you sheepishly stare at them.

“Yes?” Lindsay asks, an annoyed glance on her face.

“I need to use the potty” you say, looking at Lindsay, while shifting your eyes to the ground.

“Babies use their diapers.  You’re not potty trained are you?” she asks.

“I.. I need to go number two, I don’t want to use my diaper.”  you stammer.

Lindsay rolls her eyes, “Oh I don’t understand you, what did you say?”

“I need to poo poo” you say, making your admission as babyish as possible.  You feel another churn in your belly as a large gurgle erupts from your stomach.

“You made a boom boom?  I don’t smell anything, do you smell anything Stacy?” Stacy looks over to your girlfriend, shaking her head.  "I’ve changed a few poopy diapers in my time, and I don’t smell anything like that" she says, smiling at you.


“Go back to your toys, little man, we’re still talking about adult things.” Lindsay says waving her hand signaling you to leave.

Frustrated, you crawl back to your corner, picking your pacifier up and sticking it in your mouth.  You had to figure something out quick or you’d be pooping your pants like a toddler in no time.

Casually listening to the conversation behind you, you catch a few key sentences.

“Well, I think Steve will take this well too.  He’s got the same problem as this little guy, he clearly doesn’t respect female authority.”  Your girlfriend whispers.  "Why don’t you invite him over after stinky pants here goes to bed.  We’ll get some drinks in him and diaper him up after he passes out.“  You hear Stacy excitedly clapping at this idea.  "Can you imagine? They’re going to have so much fun together!”

You hear the two giggling in your direction.  Suddenly your bowels contract, and with no control a loud fart erupts into your diaper.  Your rectum feels numb for some reason, and the fart had completely caught you off guard.

Listening to the whispers you hear. “Oh when I was changing him, I gave him a couple anesthetic suppositories.  I got them online, they’re supposed to make him completely lose control. He’s going to be in full baby mode in no time.”

That explained the sudden feeling to relieve yourself.  While fingering your ass, your girlfriend had stuck suppositories up there, knowing how this would pan out. Sweat begins to bead on your forehead as your strain against the growing pressure in your behind.

“Stacy, will you watch him for a bit while I make a few phone calls?” Lindsay asks, turning to her.

”Sure, I think I can manage” Stacy happily replies.

Lifting a finger and turning to you, Lindsay continues. “All the rules are still in place. I’ve informed Stacy of everything, and she has total control to make sure you obey.  Is that clear?”

You quickly nod, shifting your worried eyes between the two women.  You slightly pull away as Stacy casually walks over to you.

“We’re going to have some fun together aren’t we?” Stacy says mockingly.  You didn’t like where this was going but you had no choice.  You watched Lindsay walk out of the room, waving a hand in you direction, smirking.

“How about some coloring books little man?” Stacy says, reaching into a large bag she had brought with her. Pulling the contents out, she reveals a Paw Patrol coloring book, with a large box of crayons.  Sitting them on the floor, Stacy gracefully sits on chair in front of you, leaning forward.  Her large breasts are peaking above her low cut shirt, forcing you to stare.


“Looking at my tits I see. Ever since we met I knew you were a little pervert” Stacy says, shaking her head with a grin.

Shaking your head out of the trance, you become panicked, begging Stacy, “Please Stacy, I need your help.  I really, REALLY need to go to the bathroom.  Please let me go!” Begging, you reach to her.


Slapping your hands away, she sharply replies, “I’m only going to warn you once, use your little boy words.”

Frustrated, you whimper, “I needs go potty, my tummy hurt.”

“What’s that?” Stacy says, smirking.  "How about your write that down in crayons for me?“

Another loud gurgle erupts from your stomach, causing the hot weight to push further down your colon.  You feel a giant mass sitting at the edge of your rectum.  Any slight movement or loss of control would surely send it spurting into the seat of your diaper.

Not questioning her, you grab a red crayon and quickly begin illustrating your predicament.  Your poor artistic abilities only contribute to the humiliating act as you render a poorly drawn stick figure holding his stomach.  To the side you scribble in barely legible words:

"i gotsa go poo poo, i use poty”

Grabbing the childish drawing, Stacy glances over it making an infantile wooing noise.  "Oh I get it, you have to go poopy, huh?“ Stacy says faking a laugh at her realization.

You nod squeamishly, holding the load of waste back with the last of your strength.  Sweat continues to trickle down your temples.

Smirking, Stacy continues, "If you can crawl all the way up the stairs to the potty and pull your diapy off, then you can use it.  How about that?  That’s what a big boy would do wouldn’t he?”  

“PLEASE” you stammer.

“Ok let’s go little man, crawl up to the potty”  Stacy stands up motioning you to crawl in front of her.

You roll onto your front hands and begin crawling forward.  As you bring your first leg forward, you realize how futile this all was.  Pulling your leg forward, the slight relief in tension causes an extremely loud and wet fart to squeeze into your diaper.

Stacy snickers, “That sounds like you better hurry up baby boy!”

You frown, continuing to move.  The suppositories had worked their magic and your backside was completely numb.  Each movement forward loosening your control. Continuing to let out small farts, you finally reach the stairs.  Lifting your hands upward, a sudden cramp causes you to buckle over.

An extremely pleasurable tingling sensation shoots up your spine and with a quiet groan you relax. A hot spurt of diarrhea quickly explodes into your diaper, sticking in between your butt cheeks. Shocked, you hold still, slightly squatting over the stairway in your freshly soiled diaper.  Another cramp hits and staring blankly at the floor you give in.

Loudly grunting while biting the pacifier, you push as hard as you can.  A loud spurt of poop slips out, making rude crinkling noises as it causes the undergarment to rapidly expand.  Continuing pushing, a thick coil of mess presses into the diaper further, smashing the sticky, hot eruption over your groin.  This was beyond a small accident, you had completely and utterly soiled yourself.  You continue pushing, emitting gurgly, wet farts in between small spurts of diarrhea.  The mess was now completely filling your diaper front to back.

“Figured you wouldn’t make it.”  You hear Stacy say, mockingly.  Her words reminding you of her presence.  You ignore her, focusing on the throbbing cramps in your belly.

Normally this would have sent you into a panic, but the completely infantile act of soiling yourself had put you in a different headspace.  Your cock was completely erect and you were enjoying this.

Spitting out the pacifier you look up to Stacy, replacing the pacifier with your thumb, sucking vigorously.

Raising an eyebrow Stacy smiles, astonished.  "You’re totally into this aren’t you?“

You feel another cramp hit and facing Stacy, you continue pushing the mess into your bloated Pampers.  The strain causes a stream of urine to start flooding the front of the diaper.  Looking down you realize your once white diaper is stained yellow and brown, clearly showing your deed.

"Oh my god, you smell horrible.  What did you eat?” Stacy says, waving a hand in front of the disgusted look on her face.  “Lindsay!” Stacy yells. “Someone really needs their diaper changed!”


You hear Lindsay coming round hallway. “What’s happen..” Linsday is quickly cut off as her nose catches the smell in the air.  It was definitely horrible.  Almost three days of poop was sitting in your bloated diaper. Sucking against your thumb you stare up at Lindsay, a sad look on your face.


Pinching her nose, Lindsay gasps “Oh my god, that has to be worst thing I’ve ever smelled!”  Looking at you she says, “See what I said?  You’re definitely capable of making boom booms, isn’t that right”  You quickly nod, pulling your thumb out

“I sorry momma, I made poopy.  Please change me.” you stammer, begging your girlfriend to get you in a clean diaper.

“Crawl over to your mat and we’ll get your little Pampers changed sweetie.” your girlfriend coos.  “Stacy, I’m going to grab a bottle, will you feed him while I get that changed?” 

“Oh of course!” Stacy says with a smile.

You roll onto your front hands, beginning to crawl to the mat.  Each movement forward smashing the poopy mass between your legs.  Reaching the mat, you sit down, further smashing the mess over your backside.  Looking down you see various Sesame Street characters staring back at you smiling.

Lindsay comes back in the room with a large baby bottle filled with milk. The bottle is covered in various Cookie Monster drawings and the top is capped with a gigantic rubber nipple.

“Now just give him this while I get this disgusting diaper off.”

Nodding, Stacy leans over you, asking in a babyish tone, “Open up!”

You immediately open your mouth as she forcefully pushes the oversized nipple into your mouth.  A hot stream of milk squirts into your mouth and you suck furiously.

Rubbing the front of your diaper, Lindsay exclaims “Choo choo diaper express!” giggling.

You smile into the bottle looking up at Stacy, who is smiling back at you.

Closing your eyes you feel Lindsay begin changing your diaper as a slight amount of drool escapes your lips.

“Thank you mommy”


Your girlfriend pulls the top of the crib down, clicking into its lock.

“Now you stay here and take a nap while I do some chores.  I’ll be back in later to check on you.”  She smirks as she taps the side of the oversized crib.

You’re on your back, surrounded by the tall bars of a crib with its top fully enclosed, locking you in. Around you are a variety of stuffed animals and plush decorations.  You’re wearing barely anything, just a small navy-blue t-shirt and tightly wrapped, thick plastic diaper covered in an array of colorful shapes and patterns.  You squirm, kicking your legs against the wall of the crib.  You try to shout, “I don’t want to be in here! I’m not a baby, I don’t want to wear diapers!”, but all that escapes is a muffled grunt.  Inside your mouth is an oversized pacifier, strapped around your head preventing you from talking.

Grinning, your girlfriend coos, “Aw, its ok baby, Mommy will be back soon.”

It was the second day of you being in this situation.  You had admitted your diaper fetish to your girlfriend and her response was more than you could have expected.  She immediately assumed the role as your mommy and began transitioning you back to a toddler.  Diapers, high chairs, breastfeeding, spankings and nap times were all now a normal part of your life.

The nursery door closes as your girlfriend leaves.  Immediately you sit up, pressing your arms up against the top of the crib.  The fixture moves slightly but seems stuck.  You try again as tears began running down your eyes. You always had a diaper fetish and loved casually wearing them. You never expected your girlfriend to be accepting of it, let alone this.  She had a nursery built into her basement, filled with diapers, oversized baby furniture and toys.  She had coaxed you the night before into wearing a diaper, and you’d been stuck in them since.  

You press your arms against the top of the crib again as a new feeling arises.  A hot gurgling sound emerges from your stomach, signaling an impending disaster - you were going to poop.  Panicking, you shake at the bars desperately looking around the warmly lit nursery.  Looking back at you are the eyes of stuffed teddy bears, tigers, and turtles, almost smirking at your predicament.

Your stomach gurgles again, causing your gut to cramp.  Cradling your belly, the pain forces you to bend forward onto your knees.  Clinching your butt cheeks, the cramping subsides. You had to get of this crib quickly or you would be pooping your diaper like an actual toddler.

Looking up, your eyes catch sight of the lock for the crib.  Astonished, you realize it isn’t completely closed.  Smirking behind your spit covered pacifier, you wedge your finger into the contraption, unlocking it.  Instantly you push the top of the crib open, standing up.  You begin to lean over the waist high wall of the crib when another stomach cramp hits.  It’s much more painful than last time and you involuntarily stand straight up, clenching again.  Moaning into your gag, a loud fart erupts into your diaper, causing it to puff out. Your eyes are wide open, this wasn’t normal.  Had your girlfriend given you laxatives? She’d already fed you several times, so it was possible. Furious, you relax as the cramping subsides.

You lift your leg over top of the crib, throwing yourself over and onto the floor.  With a soft thump, you land on your bare feet, immediately sprinting for the door.  Once you got out of the room, you would make a run for it.  You’d have to ditch the diaper first - no, that would take too long, just run.  This was your only chance to get back to your life and get away from your insane girlfriend.

You reach the door and begin to open it.  Your hopeful grin slowly fades as you turn the door knob.

It was locked.

You let out a muffled cry as more tears began streaming down your face. Panicking, you look around the room for any options when your stomach begins to cramp again.  This time the pain wasn’t as bad, and you feel like you have to fart.  Your stomach feels like it is going to burst, so trying to relieve the pain you push, slowly releasing the pressure.  Immediately a gush of hot mush burps into the back of your diaper.  Standing there in just a t-shirt and a diaper, you had pooped yourself, like a baby.  

Taking in the shock of losing the last bit of remaining dignity, another cramp hits, much worse than any of the others.  With no control, your knees bend, and you cry into your pacifier as you begin pushing a huge load into the back of your Pampers.  Several spurts of mushy poop, followed by a series of loud farts erupt into your diaper, causing it to expand.  "NOO!“ you wail into your pacifier, grunting as you push more poop into the diaper.  You can feel the soft plastic sag against your legs as more and more mess spreads into it.  Finally, the pressure fades, and the last of mess pushes into your soiled diaper.

The smell is horrible, and you begin to feel dizzy.  Blinking, you stumble slightly trying to regain your balance.  In a daze you fall backwards on to the floor, landing directly on your loaded diaper.  Poop shifts in every direction covering your crotch and backside.  You began to wail, “MOMMY!” crying, now resigned to your situation.  You feel so small, so out of control.  Sobbing, you lean forward grabbing a teddy bear laying the floor.  You grip into the toy, holding it hard as you can.

A slight creak from the door reveals your girlfriend, with a concerned look on her face.

“What’s wrong sweeti-” she stops, her face twisting into a disgusting smile as the abhorrent smell of your diaper hits her nose.

“Did you have a boom boom in your diaper?” She asks in a playful voice.

You can’t respond, cradling the teddy bear, sitting on the floor in a completely full diaper.  You look up at her with tear filled eyes sucking quickly on the pacifier.

“Let’s have a look” she says as she walks around you.  You can feel her lift the back of your shirt as she pulls the back of the diaper out.


“Oh my, this little boy made a big poopy in his diaper, didn’t he?” Giggling, she turns towards you.

“Do you need your mommy to change your stinky diaper?” She asks, locking eyes with you as she undoes the pacifier.

Immediately you blurt out, “I’m sorry mommy! I couldn’t hold it!”

“Aw, you’re adorable. Just a little while ago you didn’t want to be a baby.  Are you ready to be my baby boy?”

You quickly nod. Something had happened - this woman had brought something out of you.

“OK, let’s get you some food first and I’ll get you into a clean diaper.  Come here sweetie.”


Grabbing your hand, she helps you up, walking you to a large chair in the corner of the room.  She sits down, pulling you into the chair.  Unclasping her bra, she lets her large breast slip out. Instinctively you let the erect nipple into your mouth as you begin sucking.  A hot stream of thick milk gushes into your mouth and you can’t help but swallow it.  You feel your girlfriends soft hand brush over your hair as she begins humming a soft melody.

“You will always be my baby.”

Mischief Night

NSFW 18+ Only

Contains ABDL Content

A silent chuckle escaped Dylan’s mouth as he threw the last roll of toilet paper over the front yard’s tree to his partner-in-crime Mark. It was the night before Halloween and Dylan had always wanted to do something crazy for Mischief Night. After a few illegally purchased beers using their fake IDs, Dylan and Mark, along with their getaway driver Nadia, had come up with the brilliant albeit classic prank to TP the dreaded Blackleach House and then ding-dong-ditch to glimpse the reaction of Old Lady Blackleach.

Rumor had it that the decrepit house at the end of the unlit road belonged to the old witch and that those who disturbed her disappeared into the house: never to be seen again. “What a bunch of bullcrap,” Dylan had said on the drive over to the house. “I’m not afraid of some old hag.” And so upon finishing their act of vandalism, Mark snuck back to the car with Nadia ready to drive off as Dylan approached quietly to ring the house’s bell as he was dared to do.

Dylan stepped onto the front porch that was now covered in toilet paper. He looked around the old wooden porch for a doorbell to no avail. Of course this broken down place has no doorbell, he thought. The only option was the old-school one: the front door had a knocker shaped like a skull. That’s actually pretty spooky, Dylan admitted to himself. But a little Halloween decor wasn’t going to get him to believe in made-up witch stories so easily.

Dylan used the knocker a few times before darting off the front porch and into the yard. He wanted to make sure he could get to the car in time to not get caught but enough time to see the old lady’s face. He took a second to look back at the house and then… WHAM! Dylan tripped and hit his face against the ground HARD. Normally, the 19 year-old would’ve been able to spring back up in an instant; him and Mark were on the high school football team, after all. But this particular hit really stung and, to Dylan’s own surprise, tears began to well up in his eyes and he found himself unable to get up.

“Oh dear, are you ok?” Dylan turned himself over to catch a glimpse of the woman through his tears.

Dylan wiped his eyes to get a better look at the woman. He was expecting the old lady, but this woman couldn’t have been much older than him. Maybe 24? 25 years old? He didn’t know that Old Lady Blackleach had a granddaughter who lived with her, let alone one this hot! Dylan’s face still stung but he had to hold back the tears if he wanted to save the situation and impress Ms. Blackleach. He picked himself off the ground, briefly noticing that Nadia and Mark had pulled away without him. Some friends, he thought.

“I’m ok, thanks,” Dylan finally responded. “I… uh… just walked by and noticed some assholes TP’d your poor grandma’s house. I wanted to offer to help clean up when I tripped over a root or something. No big deal.”

“That’s so thoughtful!” the young woman exclaimed. “I’m actually watching the old place while my grandma is out of town. But why don’t you come in and we can get your face cleaned up?”

Perfect, Dylan thought. An empty house and she’s inviting me in? Score! Dylan followed her into the home. The woman, whose name Dylan learned was Barbara Blackleach, was truly quick to take care of him. She pulled out a chair for him, took his leather jacket, and prepared him a cup of coffee and that was all before she pulled out a wet wipe and started cleaning the dirt off his face. Dylan had to admit that there was something super intimate about being looked after. As she tended to his scars, he even found himself getting lost in the woman’s emerald green eyes. Everything seemed almost too good to be true. That was until…

“Uh-oh!” Barbara said in an almost sing-songy voice. “Did somebody have an accident?”

HIt took Dylan seconds to even register what Barbara’s strange tone change could be referring to. After about ten seconds, Dylan looked down to realize his jeans were soaked! What? How was that even possible? Did he spill his coffee? No, his pants were warm but the coffee would’ve been scalding. He couldn’t have…

“Did somebody have trouble making it to the bathroom in time?” Barbara teased.

Holy shit! The realization hit him like a hurricane. This was humiliating. His chances of having a sensual night with Barbara had plummeted from one hundred to zero. He stood up in alarm, figuring he may as well try to rush out of here with whatever dignity he’d have left.

“Oh my god!” Dylan shouted. “I am sosorry! I should really get going. I’m really sorry about this!”

Barbara reached out and grabbed Dylan’s hand. “Don’t be sorry. You couldn’t help it,” Barbara affirmed. “Don’t leave. I can help you get changed.”

Dylan was surprised this seemingly matriarchal household would have a change of clothes for him. He wasn’t sure if staying to change was worth the humiliation anyway. But, as Barbara led him by the hand to the next room, Dylan found himself following her without question.

The next room quickly broke his trance, however. Dylan could’ve sworn he was dreaming. The room was a nursery! But like, an oversized nursery! Giant cribs, giant highchairs, a giant rocking horse! Even a giant changing table that Barbara began to lead him over to.

“Come on!” Barbara said. “Let’s get you changed into a nice, fresh diaper!”

Diaper?! The word made Dylan’s skin crawl. Wandering down the road to face Mark and Nadia with soaked pants was certainly less embarrassing than waddling around in an adult diaper.

“No thanks!” Dylan said, backing away. “I really do have to go now.” As he turned to leave, the 19 year-old lost control of his legs. He didn’t trip like last time; his legs stopped working! And he ended up on the ground on all fours. He crawled to the now-closed door that lead to the living room, but try as he might, he could no longer stand to reach the knob.

Barbara began to snicker to herself, which eventually turned into a sinister cackle as she approached Dylan. “Nice try, darling,” Barbara said. “But you’ll have to listen to me now. As I said, let’s get you changed.”

A crawling Dylan trembled in fear as Barbara miraculously lifted him and carried him on her hip. All of a sudden, Dylan felt miniscule next to her, despite the fact that they were about the same height. Barbara dispensed him onto the changing table, where he found himself unable to move at all, and she began systematically removing his wet clothes all the way down to his birthday suit.

Dylan’s eyes went wide as Barbara grabbed his flaccid penis in between her thumb and pointer finger, waving it around playfully. “Awww,” she cooed. “And I bet you thought you were going to get some action with this tonight. Adorable!”

“But I-” Dylan was interrupted mid-sentence by a large baby blue pacifier that had somehow made its way into his mouth. He wanted to spit it out, but he started to suck on it rhythmically for some reason.

Much to Dylan’s absolute shock and terror, Barbara wiped his private parts and taped a fluffy white diaper onto him as she explained what was happening. “What a naïve little boy,” she commented. “I guess you’ve never encountered an enchanted knocker before. Its magic will slowly take away your ability to walk, stand, use the toilet… well, to be a man basically.” Dylan’s face reddened as she cackled. This couldn’t be forever, could it?

“I’d bet you figured out by now that I am Old Lady Blackleach,” the witch admitted. “I’m actually one hundred and thirty-three years old. But I like to keep this younger form so that I can punish and nurse naughty little boys who think it’s funny to disturb me on Mischief Night.”

As Barbara talked, Dylan realized his mind begin to slip away. He would think about a plan to escape when thoughts of toy blocks and trains would invade. He tried to roll off the changing table, but he started to think of ways to make Mommy… er, he meant, Barbara… happy.

Barbara picked him up with ease once again and placed him in the nursery’s playpen and Dylan realized for the first time that the two of them weren’t alone. In the playpen was another young man who was drooling all over himself as he played with a set of toy keys.

“This is little Billy,” Barbara introduced him. “Billy thought it would be funny to break my windows two Mischief Nights ago. A few spankings later and he’s now my little innocent bundle of joy. Isn’t that right, Billy?”

Billy nodded, completely entranced. Dylan couldn’t believe it. Billy’d been here for two years? Would he end up like this?

“Well, it’s your first night Dyl and you were oh so excited to make some cummies, weren’t you?” Barbara teased. “Well, I suppose you deserve a little Halloween treat. Billy, lay down for Mommy.”

Billy did as he was commanded, and soon, Dylan found himself climbing on top of Billy as much as he commanded his brain to do otherwise. Barbara giggled as the two former ladies’ men began grinding their diapers against one another. Dylan, who admittedly didn’t have the greatest stamina in bed, within seconds came faster and harder than he had ever before. His eyes shot to the back of his head and, if not for the enchanted pacifier in his mouth, would’ve moaned in radical ecstasy. His diaper immediately ballooned with his cum and it immediately filled up to the point that cum rocketed to the top of his stomach and began leaking down his legs through the holes in his diaper.

He rolled over onto the floor of the playpen. The spell was complete. Dyl could only gurgle and play with his toes as his adult mind screamed for this hell to be over. But his body would not obey. He belonged to Mommy now.

“Another diaper change already?” Mommy asked in amusement. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Won’t get many treats like that again.”

Mommy carried Dyl over to the changing table and began to untape the diaper of her new captive.

“Isn’t it ironic?” she chuckled as she pulled out a bag of wet wipes. “You’ll never have to use toilet paper ever again.”

Easter Egg Hunt

NSFW 18+ Only

Todd wished he was spending his Easter Sunday any other way. While everyone else in the family was drinking mimosas and catching up at the country club’s fancy brunch, his girlfriend Melissa had volunteered the two of them to watch his five year old nephew Billy participate in the club’s annual Easter egg hunt for the kids.

Todd didn’t have anything against his nephew, of course. But how come his parents couldn’t watch him? Why Melissa have to volunteer them? These kid’s events were agonizing to watch for Todd. It took a half hour for the event to even begin while the chaperones separated the eggs across the front lawn. The eggs weren’t even hidden in challenging places for the children to find. The kids simply had to run around like maniacs collecting as many eggs as they could, which was not an ideal Easter activity for Todd to watch.

Some doofus in a ridiculous Easter Bunny costume came out to entertain the kids before the hunt even began. It was at this point that Todd had his eyes on his phone, just waiting for this thing to start so it could be over and done with.

Just then, someone tapped Todd on the shoulder. “So you think this is boring, do you?”

Todd looked up from his phone and did a double take. This woman was stood out in the open at their family’s country club in nothing but white lingerie with a bunny tail and bunny ears. Todd couldn’t believe that no one else had reacted to this inappropriate display, especially on one of the club’s most busy days. But when he turned to talk to Melissa, he noticed that her and all of the club’s guests were stood completely still.

“What did you-” Todd began to ask, bewildered.

“I noticed you didn’t find much joy in the Easter Egg hunt,” the woman said.

“Yeah, but I wanted it to go faster, not stop completely,” Todd responded. “Who are you?”

“I’m the Easter Bunny, of course,” she said.

Todd laughed. “Yeah, right!” he said. “And I’m the tooth fairy!”

“How else do you explain this?” the Easter Bunny asked.

Todd did have to admit that all of this was pretty irrational. If time was frozen, then why couldn’t this strange Playboy Bunny be the real Easter Bunny? As ridiculous as it was, he decided to play along. “So what do you want?”

“I can tell your bored of the Easter traditions,” the Easter Bunny said. “I think you need to rediscover their joy. Wouldn’t the hunt be more fun if you were participating?”

“I suppose so,” Todd pondered. “But it’s so easy. If these kids can manage to discern colored eggs, then it wouldn’t be especially hard for me.”

“Then we’ll make it more interesting,” the Easter Bunny said. “Every egg that you collect will make you one year older and your nephew one year younger. Every egg that your nephew collects will make you one year younger and him one year older. Perhaps, that will add a level of challenge.”

Todd definitely didn’t want to agree to those terms. “No, I don’t think that-”

“On your marks, get set!” a voice shouted from behind Todd. Todd turned to discover that time was unfrozen and the hunt was about to begin. When he turned his attention back to the Easter Bunny, he noticed the woman was gone.


Todd was frantic as he noticed the young children, albeit very slowly, begin to collect the eggs. Billy, at age five, certainly wasn’t a track star, but he did begin to collect quite a couple around his feet. Todd noticed as his button-down shirt and pleated pants began to grow on his body. Or rather, he was starting to shrink! He couldn’t believe it! The Easter Bunny wasn’t bluffing. Todd, twenty-one years old just moments before, was now a teenager.

“Billy, stop!” Todd yelled as he ran to participate in the hunt. The now teenager began to fumble eggs in his hands while Billy and the other kids had made their way far out into the lawn with their Easter baskets, leaving few eggs for Todd to retrieve. Todd had about six eggs in his hand, returning his clothes to normal, when they begin to slip and fall out of his hands. At that moment, Todd felt weaker and smaller as his clothes changed to a twelve year old’s bunny-adorned sweater vest and khaki shorts.

Todd fell to the ground, attempting to catch the eggs is his hands again, but it was futile. Soon, Todd was getting slower and slower as his body began to act its age. His clothes soon turned to an ensemble similar to his nephew’s: suspenders, a bowtie, and a newsboy cap. It wasn’t long before Todd sat in front of the family’s country club wearing only a diaper covered in pink bunnies to hide his shame, as well as an oversized pink pacifier. On top of his head were cute little bunny ears meant for an infant.

Todd began to sob. He tried desperately to crawl to gather what few Easter eggs may turn him in to a toddler, at least, but was stopped when Melissa picked him up and held him against her chest, bouncing him up and down to soothe him. Melissa, who was shorter than Todd, had absolutely no problem lifting the man off the ground.

“Shhh, shhh,” Melissa cooed. “It’s ok, Todd. Let’s get you home.”

As Todd continued to cry, he saw a man walk towards them through the tears. Todd recognized that the grown man who was carrying an almost full Easter basket was once his nephew Billy, now aged up by two decades due to the Easter Bunny’s magic. Billy rustled the infantile Todd’s hair.

“It’s ok, buddy,” Billy said. “It looks like you are just a little too young for your first Easter egg hunt. We’ll try again next year.”

“Looks like someone had an accident too,” Melissa pointed out. “We’ll need to get you into a nice, clean diaper before brunch.”

Todd hadn’t even noticed that his diaper was soaked. His cries continued as he realized he would be undergoing his first diaper change of many under the hand of his former girlfriend, now caregiver.

Billy and Melissa began to strap Todd into a stroller when he spotted the mysterious woman, the Easter Bunny, snacking on a carrot in the distance. Todd figured his best hope was that he could make a similar deal with the rabbit next year in hopes that he could gain some years of his life back. Although, his body next year would only have the power of a three year old’s; it was more likely that he would just lose more years next time, resetting his progress.

All he knew is that he had now gained a new appreciation for the classic Easter tradition of the Easter egg hunt. And that he would be looking forward to it each and every year from now on.

Diapered at Disney

NSFW 18+ Only

“Are you serious, Nathan?” Laura asked. “I can’t believe you forgot!”

Nathan scoffed at the pathetic display that his girlfriend was showcasing. He couldn’t imagine being a grown adult, throwing a tantrum in the middle of Disney World. And for what? He already dragged her here despite the fact that the theme park was for literal children. How could he be bothered to remember to book tickets to meet Anna and Elsa, the stars of Laura’s favorite Disney film?

“Babe, who cares?” Nathan retorted. “Aren’t you a little old to want to meet the princesses from Frozen? They’re just women in costumes.”

“I was just hoping you would indulge me after we spent our entire day building lightsabers in the Star Wars park!” Laura said. “But I guess I expected too much of you, hoping you’d plan the one thing I asked you to…”

“At least Star Wars isn’t for babies,” Nathan responded.

Laura rolled her eyes at Nathan’s immature defense. “You’re such a dick,” she proclaimed before storming off further into the park. Nathan shrugged and followed after her. She’d come around, he thought. She just needed some time to cool down. After all, it was a really stupid thing to be mad about.

They spent the rest of the day getting drinks at EPCOT. Nathan had a great time, but Laura was still bitter by the time the couple got back to their hotel room. Nathan pressed his luck one last time trying to get some action from his disappointed girlfriend. “Not in your dreams,” she had said. Nathan didn’t remember much else before passing out in his bed.

Nathan woke up with a headache, but oddly enough, not from a hangover. It took a second for him to get his bearings before he realized something was definitely wrong here. He had definitely passed out in the bed, but it felt like he was closer to the ground. He slowly opened his eyes, realizing he was surrounded by bars.

“Is my sleepy guy finally awake?” a familiar voice cooed at him.

Laura’s voice finally shook Nathan fully awake. He went to respond, but something fell out of his mouth followed by a tremendous amount of spittle. Nathan was embarrassed and wiped his chin dry, but was immediately more embarrassed by what he saw next. A large blue pacifier had been what fell out of his mouth and the only piece of clothing he was wearing was a giant diaper adorned in snowflakes and the annoying snowman from Frozen.

“What the fuck?” Nathan said audibly.

“Good morning to you too,” Laura responded, lowering the bars of what Nathan now realized was his crib. Nathan began to question his reality, but was stopped by his girlfriend pushing the oversized pacifier back into his mouth.

“Let’s get you fed, Nate,” Laura said. “We’ve got a busy day at Disney World ahead of us!”

By the time Nate, as he was now affectionately called, was locked in an adult-sized baby stroller while being pushed through Disney World, he had a better understanding of what was going on. His girlfriend had picked him up from his crib with remarkable ease and locked him in a highchair. Try as he might, he could not escape the highchair. And as much as he cursed, screamed, fought, and inevitably sobbed out of frustration, Laura couldn’t understand a word he said as she fed him spoonful after spoonful of disgusting prune mush. Now, after what seemed like a never-ending car ride strapped in his booster seat, he was being carted through Disney World like a helpless infant.

Nathan’s eyes widened as he realized his predetermined destination: the line to meet Queen Elsa and Princess Anna. He tried with as much effort as he could manage to escape his stroller, but he was too uncoordinated to undo the strap.

“Don’t be so fussy, Nate,” his girlfriend-turned-caregiver had said in the line. “You’ll see your favorite Disney princesses soon!”

After what felt like hours waiting, during which Nathan resorted to played with a plastic ring of keys for entertainment, he was cycled into a frozen palace throne room, decorated with snowflakes and icicles. On two thrones at the front of the room sat Elsa and Anna and a professional camera was set up facing them.

“Welcome to Arendelle!” Queen Elsa proclaimed.

Nathan was, once again easily, picked up by Laura out of the stroller and sat next to the two women, whom Nathan had to admit were very attractive. He might have been more confident if he weren’t about to get his picture taken with them in nothing but a diaper. Trying to run away, he discovered that his body was able to even stand, forcing him to crawl before being picked up by one of the princesses and rocked in their arms demeaningly.

“What a cute little prince!” Princess Anna teased. “Are you my knight in shining armor?”

The absolute dismissal of Nathan was utterly humiliating. He wasn’t a baby! He didn’t even like Frozen! What he did to deserve this was beyond him, but things only became worse as Nathan felt a strong sensation in his stomach. The prunes had caught up with him.

“No,” Nathan muttered behind his dummy. “No way!” His body began to tense up as he anticipated what would follow. But it was no use. He wasn’t able to fight it like he normally would. Nathan heard his girlfriend instruct, “Smile for the camera!” before a flood of diarrhea absolutely destroyed his Frozen-themed diapers. Instead of smiling, his face had turned bright red, both out of frustration and effort. At that moment, the camera flashed, immortalizing the baby’s first accident.

Nathan couldn’t help himself as he began to wail uncontrollably, reaching the final straw of his frustration. The crying only added to the embarrassment he felt from messing his diaper in front of three gorgeous women. Princess Anna tried to comfort him by bouncing him up and down, only spreading his mess further around his diaper.

“Awwww,” Anna baby talked. “What’s wrong?”

“Looks like someone made a stinky,” Elsa chimed in.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, ladies,” Laura said. “He didn’t have an accident last night.”

Nathan couldn’t believe Laura was talking about him like that when he was right there. But what was more unbelievable was Anna laying him down and beginning to untape his messy diaper. “It’s ok, hun,” she said. “We deal with big babies like him all the time.”

Big babies? Nathan couldn’t believe it. They didn’t see him as a baby, but as a grown man acting and being treated like a baby. Nothing could make this more humiliating, he had thought. Only then did he notice that his penis was hard underneath his diaper. He had to cover his face from shame.

“That’s so cute!” Elsa remarked. “Is someone excited to meet his favorite princesses?”

Nathan wanted the ground to swallow him up. He had never been a shower (or a grower, for that matter) in that department, but he had never expected to be so casually nude and aroused in front of these women. He couldn’t even understand why he was hard. He must have been turned on by something.

“Oh gosh,” Laura said. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be!” Anna responded. “It happens all the time. Babies can’t control themselves. Let us take care of it.”

Nathan was shocked as Anna began stroking his erect penis. He normally lasted pretty long, especially considering the current circumstances. But just having his member lightly touched sent a wave of ecstasy throughout his body. Within a matter of seconds, Nathan had the most intense orgasm of his life, showering his cum into his previously used diaper. He could only cover his face as the two princesses disposed of his diaper and changed him into a fresh, clean one.

The two princesses waved goodbye to their new favorite baby boy, Nate, as he sunk down into his stroller, arms crossed. “Don’t worry, Nate,” Laura said, pushing him back into the park. “We can visit them again tomorrow… and the day after, and the day after, and the day after that.” Nathan could only sit in his stroller and pray that this was a dream or that whatever magic dust had affected him would wear off that night. But one thing was for sure: he would never call anyone a “baby” ever again.

 Whimper and whine all you want. You’re staying in diapers. No more potty for this diapee baby

Whimper and whine all you want. You’re staying in diapers. No more potty for this diapee baby. Just big icky diapers. I mean it, weep all you want, it isn’t going to change anything, it’s just going to get me more excited about your new predicament.

Post link
 Keep going, baby, keep making crinkles for Mommy. What feels better, the warm, soft, soaked padding

Keep going, baby, keep making crinkles for Mommy. What feels better, the warm, soft, soaked padding in the front or the big stinky poopy smooshing up against your bottom in the back? Who are we kidding? You love it all! Keep going, cutie pie. Mommy wants you to make a big squirty in your diapee! That’s it, baby. Just relax and think about that big full diaper taped on you. Look at Mommy’s chest. There we go, just let go, baby, drain it all in your diaper.


Post link
Are you sure you don’t have something you’d like to share with me? I can play this game

Are you sure you don’t have something you’d like to share with me? I can play this game all day if you want. Would you like to explain to me why I found a massive bag of used diapers in your trash? No, they are not someone else’s. Don’t lie to me. This can go one of two ways. Lie to me and this is all over, right here, right now. The other option is, why don’t you tell me what’s going on? Why were they there? Communicate with me, share yourself with me, let me in. 

I saw that they were used. Is that something that makes you feel good? Is it a turn on?

Where do you get all the ones with animals and stuff on them?

Which ones absorb the best?

I’m glad you’re being more receptive and respectful to me. This is promising. Let me tell you something. I don’t care what you’re into, the biggest turn on for me is open, real communication. Let’s talk more about this after I get you into one of those big fluffy diapers.


Post link
 So it looks like your roommate was right. I almost didn’t believe him when he first told me h

So it looks like your roommate was right. I almost didn’t believe him when he first told me he thought you wore diapers. It all makes sense, though. I’ve never seen you with someone. You don’t like going out with us on the weekends, so yeah, it all adds up. A little snooping in your room and what do I find? A whole assortment of huge diapers, ones that look like babies and everything. Not to mention the gross used ones, bagged up and hidden in the corner of your closet. Seriously, ew. So we’ve decided a bachelor’s place like this is no place for you. You’re going to move into my apartment. You’ll stay diapered and desperate. You’ll do whatever I ask, and you’ll be happy about it. You don’t belong here. You belong in a place of structure and rules. Under my roof is just the place for you.


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No, I’m not happy right now. You know, when Mommy’s working out, she doesn’t want

No, I’m not happy right now. You know, when Mommy’s working out, she doesn’t want to be disturbed. You better have an awfully good reason for interrupting me. So, what now? What is it? What do you need? Yeah, that’s your diaper… Why do you keep pointing, use your words please.

Absolutely not! I can’t believe Mommy had to stop so you could ask for a diaper change! I don’t care how yucky it is, you should have waited. Actually, you know what, yes. Let’s go change your diaper right now. I’m going to take my time and make sure you’re as clean as can be, but the moment your squishy bottom hits that changing mat, I’m putting the clothes pins on those sensitive nipples of yours and they’re to stay there until Mommy is finished.


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 What do we have here? It looks like someone pretending to be a baby wanted to play in the grass wea

What do we have here? It looks like someone pretending to be a baby wanted to play in the grass wearing nothing but their big diapee! You know, I can see over the fence. I’ve seen you do this a few times since I moved in next door. I should have come over the first time I saw you. It is awfully dangerous for someone this little to be unattended. I seriously think you need a baby sitter. Luckily, I have experience, and that diapee does look awfully soggy to me. Why don’t we take a break from playing, you give me the tour and show me all your baby stuff?


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 Hey, what’s all the fuss about here? What’s going on, baby? Why are you all worked up?

Hey, what’s all the fuss about here? What’s going on, baby? Why are you all worked up? Awe, it’s okay baby, Mommy is here. Just take a deep breath, come here. I think you need a hug. Apparently, you need that diaper change too. Pew baby, you are ripe! Babies are smelly sometimes, though, aren’t they? Yes they are! Everything is going to be okay, sweetheart. Mommy is going to take care of you.


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This is you. I need something more like this. You’re more suited for pampers, not my beautiful

This is you. I need something more like this. You’re more suited for pampers, not my beautiful pussy. So that’s what we’re going to do! I’m going to wrap that little dicklet in the loudest, thickest, most embarrassing pampers because it belongs nowhere near me. If you try to push the subject, we’re going to lock it up too. Understand? I’ve also got another real man-sized toy on its way, identical to this one. You’re going to get really comfortable with it. In your ass, in your mouth, you’re going to know every single inch of it. The thought of stretching your tight hole gets me more excited than that itty bitty clitty ever did. Why, you ask? Because I can, that’s why. Not only is there no way you can stop me, but I don’t think you want to. Tell me I’m wrong.


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 What are you so anxious about? It’s just a diaper. It’s not like it’s even all sw

What are you so anxious about? It’s just a diaper. It’s not like it’s even all swollen and saggy yet! Oh, the neighbors aren’t going to see. How could they over the fence? Now get out there and play. Maybe go on the swing or jump on the trampoline. We’re not going inside until Mommy’s special medicine helps you make a big present in your pampers.


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I’m just about ready for you sweetie. Go wait for me in bed, okay? I know you’re excited

I’m just about ready for you sweetie. Go wait for me in bed, okay? I know you’re excited for crinkle butt snuggles. Be good now.


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Cutie, you’re trying to tell me it’s her… I don’t think that icky smell is

Cutie, you’re trying to tell me it’s her… I don’t think that icky smell is coming from anyone but you. You’re the only one in a diaper here, so I highly doubt it. We don’t blame others for what we’ve done, do we? You’re better than that.


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 Yeah, I think it would be okay if we tried it. Diapers might look pretty cute on you. Are you going

Yeah, I think it would be okay if we tried it. Diapers might look pretty cute on you. Are you going to use them too?


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 Beg and plead all you want, but the toilet is off limits. All your nasty needs are going to happen

Beg and plead all you want, but the toilet is off limits. All your nasty needs are going to happen in that thick, loud diaper you’re in. Now turn around, stick your bottom out and submit.


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Is someone going to squirt in their pampers? I think they are! No, no, no. Don’t stop, baby! K

Is someone going to squirt in their pampers? I think they are! No, no, no. Don’t stop, baby! Keep making humpies. You don’t stop until Mommy says so.


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This is fairly typical. On punishment nights like this, when there’s no diaper change before b

This is fairly typical. On punishment nights like this, when there’s no diaper change before bed, you can hear the bed creaking for up to two hours sometimes. I’m not sure. I guess sometimes it’s harder to cum in your diaper than others. Yeah, I know it’s supposed to be a punishment, but for something like this, I feel it’s best to just let it happen. The best conditioning works when they think it is their decision. Before they realize it, a big full diaper is going to be the biggest and best turn on they can imagine.


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Look at how much prettier mine is than yours. Much bigger, too. Come on, let’s get that bottom

Look at how much prettier mine is than yours. Much bigger, too. Come on, let’s get that bottom out. I’m going to fuck you till you leak through your cage and those thirsty pampers suck up all that sticky mess.


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Hey! Nice to meet you. I’m Jennifer. Ashley has told me all about you. I was hoping you were g

Hey! Nice to meet you. I’m Jennifer. Ashley has told me all about you. I was hoping you were going to be here for the party. I can tell she wasn’t lying. Oh sorry, they’re just so noticeable. Don’t be ashamed; they suit you well. You know, she also confided in me that they’re not a medical thing for you. Like, you “really” like wearing them and even use them. That’s so kinky. I like kinky. So she said, you’re like diapered constantly now. You must just be constantly excited then, I like that too. Want to go inside and talk a little more about it?


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What’s the hold up babe? Wait right now, you’re pooping in your pampers as we’re l

What’s the hold up babe? Wait right now, you’re pooping in your pampers as we’re leaving? Baby! Why didn’t you go before I changed you and got you dressed to leave? Seriously? You’re not doing it on purpose? So like it’s just happening, you’re literally filling your diapers like a baby with no control. How does it feel? No, not your dirty butt silly. How’s it feel to be officially a diaper baby now? You know what this means, right? I guess I’ll have to get a diaper bag.


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