
Please buy my Christmas book, I’m poor ;~; amazon.com/dp/B00RF18XWO

Please buy my Christmas book, I’m poor ;~; 


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Changed in the ladies dressing room.

Changed in the ladies dressing room.

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Diaper check at the door

Diaper check at the door

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Hi, baby! You’re looking a little funny, sweetie. Are you making boom-booms? Or… Ah, I see. I

Hi, baby! You’re looking a little funny, sweetie. Are you making boom-booms? Or… Ah, I see. It looks like the hypnosis is wearing off. Is my widdle guy having big boy thoughts again?

Who am I? Silly boy, I’m your Mommy. I guess you don’t remember what happened, huh? Well, let me explain. About six months ago now, Mommy overheard you talking at the bar about how boys are so much better than women. Isn’t that so silly? Anyway, Mommy didn’t like that one bit. No she didn’t! So she put a special little something in your drink, helped you home, and had a hypnotic conditioning headset over your eyes before you even woke up! It told your naughty, sexist little head all about how boys are just babies, how you need diapers and breastmilk and spankings and naps, how you’re totally dependent on women to take care of your every need. You’ve been living with me as an overgrown two year old ever since!

What’s that? You’re leaving? Awww, I’m sorry sweetie, but I’m afraid you’re not. You might have had a little wakey-wakey out of the hypnosis, but that’s okay. I made sure to put a special little trigger phrase in your head to wipe away those pesky grown-up thoughts if they ever showed up again, you see. No need to look so frightened, baby! You’ll love being my helpless, diaper-dependent adult toddler for the rest of your days! It’s a lifetime of stinky diapers and Mommy’s milk for you, mister! Are you ready? Because it’s time to go back to babyland… There we go! There’s my widdle guy!

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Hi sweetie! Oh my goodness, that is one full diapee! Well, at least we know the incontinence drugs w

Hi sweetie! Oh my goodness, that is one full diapee! Well, at least we know the incontinence drugs worked, huh? I swear it’s only been about ten minutes since you finished your lunch, and it’s already ended up in your pants! But your diaper’s not quite hanging off your hips just yet, so I think you can wait for a change…

What’s that, baby? You want me to let you go? Awww, I’m sorry honey but I can’t do that. I know some people might call it kidnapping but I prefer to think of it as adopting! Besides, the effects of all those drugs I’ve given you are permanent, sweetie. Really, what kind of life could you have as a grown man who pees and poops his pants, walks with a toddle, and speaks in an adorable baby voice? I bet all your old friends would laugh themselves silly if they ever saw the new you! Much better to stay here with me and live as the big, silly two-year-old I’ve turned you into.

Uh-uh, little boy! I understand you’re upset, but if you keep acting fussy, Mommy will have no choice but to spank you! I don’t tolerate tantrums in this house, mister. You have to forget about your old life and focus on your new one. Mommy has the rest of your afternoon all planned out. First a breastfeed and some cuddles, then a nap, then dinner, and finally a diaper change before bed! Doesn’t that sound nice?

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Ready to go to the Halloween party, sweetie? I can’t wait to show you off to all my girlfriends!What

Ready to go to the Halloween party, sweetie? I can’t wait to show you off to all my girlfriends!

What’s that? I’ve forgotten my costume? This is my costume, baby. I’m going as a strict but loving Mommy-girlfriend who’s as quick with a cuddle as she is with a spanking. I’ll be taking your paddle with me too, just in case I need to smack any naughty bottoms.

Huh? You want to know where your costume is? You’re already wearing it, silly! You’ll be wearing nothing but your diaper tonight. I told you I wanted us to have matching costumes, remember? You’re going as my naughty little boyfriend who had his big boy privileges taken away for cheating on me, and who isn’t allowed to use toilets anymore. Shouldn’t be too hard for you to get into character, right? I’m sure all the ladies are going to think you’re adorable. Now pass me your diaper bag and let’s get going!

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Come on, let’s get going! We’ve still got plenty of shopping to do, baby. Why are you dawdling?Yes h

Come on, let’s get going! We’ve still got plenty of shopping to do, baby. Why are you dawdling?

Yes honey, I know you’ve got a dirty diaper. I saw you squatting and making scrunchy faces in the aisle earlier. Plus I can see you’ve pooped from the way your diaper’s sagging almost to your knees, silly! It’s obvious to anyone who looks at you that you’ve made boom-booms. Why do you think I don’t let you wear anything over your diapers when we go out? It’s so I can tell when you need a change!

What’s that? Are we going to a changing room? No sweetie. I said it’s so Ican tell when you need a change, and I’ve decided you don’t need one just yet. That diaper’s sagging pretty heavily, but they’re ultra-thick for a reason and I think they can take at least one more wetting and messing before they need to be swapped out for a clean one. Now let’s go, baby. If you don’t get that little tushy moving, you’ll be staying in that stinky diapee until bedtime!

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Diaper Discipline: A Strict Wife’s Guide

Hey, Tumblr!

I’ve published a few stories over at Smashwords, including Diaper Discipline: A Strict Wife’s Guide. The description is below, but you can read the first 20% of the book for free to see if it’s your jam. Check it out!


Is your husband or boyfriend irresponsible? Rude and boorish? Does he neglect your needs as a partner and as a woman?

Put him back in diapers!

Do I have your attention? Good! This comprehensive guide will show you how diaper discipline can transform your relationship, just as it transformed mine. Here are just a few of the lessons contained in this 42,000-word book:

  • How to select thick diapers that will last through even the longest night of bedwetting.
  • Getting him into that first diaper…and then getting him to use it.
  • Dealing with leaks and messes.
  • Why diapers and chastity go so well together.
  • Essentials every diaper bag should contain.
  • Tools and tips to prioritize your pleasure in the bedroom.
  • Helping him learn to love his diapers.
  • Journaling: why he should do it (and a list of prompts to get him started)
  • Finding a sitter so you can hit the town for an evening or weekend.
  • How to administer chores, changes, and punishments.
  • Spreading the word and building a support group of like-minded women.
  • And much, much more!

Check it out at Smashwords.com

An excellent guide to putting your husband back in diapers! There’s truly nothing more effective at putting a man in his place than teaching him to potty in his pants and call you Mommy. I hope this will encourage more women to send their misbehaving men back to the nursery where they belong. Diaper discipline is the answer, ladies!

What’s that? You’re still a man? Awww. I’m sorry sweetie, but I don’t think so. Not anymore. Ever si

What’s that? You’re still a man? Awww. I’m sorry sweetie, but I don’t think so. Not anymore. Ever since my mother put that incontinence curse on you, I just can’t think of you that way! Do you really expect me to see you as a grown man when you’re wearing a diaper under your shorts?

Now now baby, stop fussing! I swear, you’ve been such a bad little boy lately! I don’t want to hear any more whining from you, is that clear? Not a single word of complaint about how I don’t treat you like a man. I mean, just imagine thinking you’re still a man when you need your wife to wipe your bottom for you after you poop your diaper! This is your own fault, honey. Don’t forget that.

Well yes, I suppose I should have told you that my mother was a witch. But I didn’t expect you to be so rude to her! I’m sorry baby, but when my mother makes a decision like that, she never changes her mind. You might as well get used to being a pants-filling adult toddler because you’re gonna be stuck that way for a very long time!

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What’s that, sweetie? You need a diaper change? Well of course you do, silly boy! I swear that diape

What’s that, sweetie? You need a diaper change? Well of course you do, silly boy! I swear that diaper is never clean and dry when I check it!

Awww, look how red you’ve gone! Mommy’s big stwong boyfwiend can’t stop making boom-booms in his diapee-wipees, can he? No hims can’t! Hims is just a widdle stinky-pants now! Ever since Mommy made him watch that special hypnotic conditioning video, huh honey?

Poor baby, you look so sad about losing your potty training… But I don’t think you’re going to be cheating on me anymore, are you little guy? No lady’s gonna look twice at you now. Women like a guy with a big bulge in his pants, but not when that bulge is from his dirty diaper! Go back to playing with your toys, sweetie. Mommy will change you later. Right now I’ve got to get ready for my date!

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Oh, sweetheart… Are you really going to stand there in your dirty diaper and complain that I

Oh, sweetheart… Are you really going to stand there in your dirty diaper and complain that I don’t “take you seriously” anymore? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look?

Yes honey, I know you didn’t ask the government to make every adult male go through a mandatory diaper-dependency program, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re just a big, pants-pooping baby now. Remember when you dropped a load in your diaper while we were out shopping yesterday, and I had to take you into the ladies’ room for a change? You can hardly blame me for not seeing you as the strong, respectable man you used to be, sweetie. You’re just a silly little boy now!

See? Now you’re crying like a toddler! You need to accept that nobody will ever take you seriously again, sweetheart. You’ll be much happier that way. The next time someone points and laughs at you while I’m changing your diaper in the park, try giggling along with them. Stop taking yourself seriously. You’re just an adult toddler. Now lie down, baby boy, and legs up. I suppose it’s about time I changed you out of that stinky diaper, huh?

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Cuddle time, little one! Why don’t you lie down and rest your head on my chest, sweetie? All the day

Cuddle time, little one! Why don’t you lie down and rest your head on my chest, sweetie? All the daycare workers here are really good cuddlers, you’ll find. You can even have a little nap!

Oh? You don’t want to cuddle? Well, that’s okay baby. I know you’re upset because that hypnotic conditioning program we made you watch took away your potty training. It must be so humiliating having to wear diapers as an adult, waddling around with your potty taped around your waist, helplessly peeing and pooping your pants like a baby. But you’re not an adult, sweetie. Not anymore. You’re just a big baby with a full diaper.

Awww, are you trying to hold in your tears, honey? Well I’m afraid you’re not going to be able to do that for much longer. The next hypnotic conditioning program is going to take away all your silly emotional control. When you’re angry, you’ll throw a tantrum. When you’re hungry, you’ll fuss. And when you’re upset, you’ll come running into my arms for a cuddle! If you’re lucky, I’ll even lift up my shirt and let you have a suckle on my boobies. Doesn’t that sound adorable?

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I saw you peeking, little man. You snuck into this private resort and watched me change into my biki

I saw you peeking, little man. You snuck into this private resort and watched me change into my bikini, didn’t you sweetie? Don’t try running away now, silly! I know what you look like. You’d better stay right where you are unless you want me to call security.

Good boy. Now, since the matriarchy took over, the laws regarding peeping toms like you have gotten pretty strict, haven’t they? You could be looking at three years in a chastity cage just for peeking at me! And if I tell the police that you tried to take my bikini off too, well… I think you get the picture. But don’t worry, sweetie! I’m not gonna go to the police as long as you do as I say. I’ve got a much better punishment in mind for you. Diapers.

That’s right, baby. You’re going to wear diapers from now on. Full time. 24/7. Awww, there’s no need to look so upset, little guy! You’ll be allowed to carry on with your normal life! You’ll just be doing it with a big, crinkly diaper on your butt! And I have a feeling they’re going to be frequently wet and dirty, young man, because I’m going to be doing little check-ins on you, and if I ever find you in a dry diaper (or worse, no diaper at all) then I’ll go straight to the police, is that clear? Good boy. Now come with me. Let’s get you changed into your new underwear. Then it’s off to begin your new life!

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Just think sweetie, not that long ago seeing a woman bounce her boobs like this would have made you

Just think sweetie, not that long ago seeing a woman bounce her boobs like this would have made you get all excited! But now it just makes you hungry because you know it means you’re about to get breastfed!

Oh my God, was that your tummy rumbling? Hahaha! You really are just a big baby now, aren’t you? Unless… Uh-oh… Mommy knows that face! It looks like I was wrong. That wasn’t your tummy. That rumbling was your body getting ready to make a boom-boom in your diaper!

Hahaha! I never get tired of seeing my baby boyfriend squat down and fill his pants like a big dumb two-year-old! Taking you to the regression clinic to make you permanently incontinent was the best thing I ever did! Well, it looks like someone’s made lots of room in his tum-tum for his Mommy’s milk. It’s time for your afternoon feeding, little guy. Mommy will change that stinky diaper later!

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Surprise! Hi cutie! I decided to wait for you outside the regression clinic. I wanted to tell you th

Surprise! Hi cutie! I decided to wait for you outside the regression clinic. I wanted to tell you that I was the one who submitted the complaint to HR about your “problematic masculinity” and recommended you be sent away for forced diaper dependency and babyish characteristics training.

Awww, does that cute little scowl mean you’re mad at me? You look so adorable! I know you’re upset that your adulthood has been taken away permanently, but from the moment I saw you strutting around the office like such a tough guy, I knew that you belonged in diapers. And I just had to be your Mommy! You’re such a handsome little guy, after all.

Uh-oh! Looks like someone’s throwing a widdle tantwum! It’s good that I’ll never have to worry about you getting violent. All that hypnosis training had made it so all you can do is pout and huff and stomp your little feet, hasn’t it? That’s so precious! I’ll let you throw your silly little public temper tantrum, sweetie, just because I think it’s cute. But after that it will be time to take Mommy’s hand and head home to start your new life as an adult toddler!

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whenever I see a man who thinks he doesn’t belong in diapers

whenever I see a man who thinks he doesn’t belong in diapers

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