#die tumblr


Slowly I will delete content here, because Tumblshit made archive unavailable, profile cant be watched and neither I have any normal possibilities to edit in any normal way my uploads…

Soooo if you want to keep supporting me >>> https://trychastity.bdsmlr.com/ follow me there

As all you have noticed Tumblr decision … sooo I will not post anything new

And as many of you too hope that Tumblr will die after this stupidity!

PS as their mobile app already is just pure shit full of adds and irrelevant posts, hope then this gonna be nail in coffin!

PPS any advice or suggestions just PM me :)

PPPS as this is actually my second acc (previous one got more than 50K or 75K followers got just deleted) I warn you not to expect ANY help from Tumblr staff!!! They still havnt given me any reason or explanation, neither answer! And in bonus they did the same to another blog where I was just coadmin!
