


charmory replied to your chat:Character Development

…Fuck you. We are not snobs.

You are so angry right now

I think you need to take a minute

Refined tastes is not snobbery. How dare you.


Omfg I liked a post and the heart wend down not up… my Tumblrs Brocken I’m Skarred


#Rings Of Power

#LOTR: Rings Of Power

#Amazon Rings of Power

I will continue to reblog this until my fingers bleed. I’m in no way saying that if this show is one you like that, that’s not okay. Personally I just can’t get behind this at all.



Okay, I am fucking ready to throw hands with the Florida Government. This “Don’t Say Gay” bill would prevent both LGBTQ children and teachers from talking about that. A literal child wouldn’t be able to talk about their own parents if their parents are LGBTQ. Not oy that, but this is severely detrimental to the mental health of both out and closeted children. I for one am disgusted by this bill and beg everyone to sign the petition to get it abolished. Signing is free and takes less than five minutes. Please, this legislation is disgusting, an infringement on people’s rights, and just plain fucked up.

Please share this!

Nonefucks #party #bullshit #bae

Nonefucks #party #bullshit #bae

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About Last Night !! #beer #bira #food #punjabi #sloshed #coldone #golden #happiness #pune #oasis #ca

About Last Night !! #beer #bira #food #punjabi #sloshed #coldone #golden #happiness #pune #oasis #cafe #chillin #weekend #drunktexts #godisgood #beerisgood #workhardplayhard #bullshit #imbored #mwah #reflection #backlit #lit #litaf #oklastone #done #uber #responsible #gothome (at Café 1730)

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I disagree

life is such a hard thing to get your head around

I’ve tried to find inner peace (and succeeded for a little while) but it only leaves me contented, it’s almost boring.

at the same time I don’t enjoy feeling discontented and sad, but feeling that kind of pain almost reminds you you’re alive, makes you happier when the good times come. but good and bad seem like nothing in the end if they’re only temporary, and often they are

I want people who are there with me through it all (I have a few but not many). but I did have people like that and I threw them away because I didn’t have enough excitement in my life

I like to think of myself as being above superficiality and cheap thrills but in the end I still push away a lot of very genuine people in pursuit of a life lived getting wrecked every night and coming home to cry for nights on end

it’s not enjoyable but I feel like I’ve somehow picked up the idea that it’s right to seek thrills constantly, like if I’m not partying constantly then I’m not ‘living life to the full’… but what sort of life is that?

I’m not sure what I’m trying to say in this post… I guess I’m trying to say, life is confusing and often shit and unfulfilling, but it’s so amazing too.

Anyone else feel this way?

bill-11b:The irony of course, is a liberal claiming to stand on facts. http://blog.chron.com/txpotom


The irony of course, is a liberal claiming to stand on facts.


Half of Ted Cruz’s political claims are false, PolitiFact reports
Since his arrival on the national political scene, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has been making headlines.
He has become a hero to many on the right because of his relentless attacks on the Obama administration and his aggressive brand of constitutional conservatism. But liberals have likened the outspoken Houston Republican to the late Joe McCarthy, dubbed him the Senate’s “biggest loser” and, now point to the PolitiFact web site’s finding that he, well, often doesn’t tell the truth.
PolitiFact is a Pulitzer prize winning project that rates the claims of office-seekers and office-holders. Its Texas branch is headed up by the Austin American-Statesman’s Gardner Selby, one of the most respected political reporters in the state capital.
To assess Cruz’s accuracy rate, PolitiFact investigated 14 of the senator’s statements and found that he wasn’t telling the truth 50 percent of the time.

Ted’s managed to score ‘True” or “Mostly true” a mere 8% of the time. The guy’s a snake oil salesman and you’re all falling for him.

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ThEy PiCK oN YoU BecAuSE tHeY liKe YoU, ThEy jUsT DoNT kNoW hOW tO ExprEsS iT.

Me, an intellectual:


deleted my reblog of that callout post cuz it just aint worth involving myself

its too stupid, how sensitive some people are, yknow?

 eu me odeio tanto que me obrigo a passar por toda essa confusão sóbria só pra toda essa merda me afetar mais e mais. 

por exemplo, agora eu consegui algo bom e estou me questionando pq continuo dando importância pra essa merda se vou estragar tudo. 

eu deveria estar orgulhosa, mas tudo o que se passa nas minhas veias é mais ódio por mim e meus pensamentos só me levam a querer acabar com tudo. 

queria dizer que é insegurança, mas nesse exato momento não é isso (não é medo do que virá), o que to sentindo é como uma desesperança

odeio esses momentos em que percebi que tudo é uma grande perda de tempo. 

me questionando pq ainda to insistindo em fingir viver quando eu já deveria ter ido embora a muito tempo. 

é sempre assim, ou estou em desespero por não estar dando conta das coisas ou estou me perguntando pra que tanto esforço em algo se no final do dia ainda vou querer acabar com minha vida.

 é frustrante demais se odiar a ponto de perceber isso e não conseguir ter um momento de sossego, só um minuto me sentindo normal.
