#dieter bravo you



For The Love Of Kit-Kat

Pairing: Dieter Bravo x fem!reader

Rating: Mature - 18+ Only!

Word Count: 3500+

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

A/N: @musings-of-a-rose gave me this idea and I kinda rolled with you.

Growing up with Dieter was always an adventure. You met him your first day of first grade on Valentine’s Day. No one gave you anything because nobody knew you. When you came back to your new assigned desk from lunch that day you had a Kit Kat bar with a child handwriting saying: 

“Will You be My Valentine? Check off Yes or No? Dieter Bravo

You didn’t know who Dieter Bravo was until 6 year old Dieter came up to you and announced himself. 

“Hi, I’m Dieter and want to be my friend?”

With glee you nodded with excitement and your life with Dieter was never the same. As the years went by you and Dieter were inseparable. Experiencing everything together. In 7th grade you both shared your first kiss at a party while playing Truth or Dare. Since that day your crush on him started. When the both of you entered High School Dieter told you that he wanted to be an actor and one day win an Oscar. You wanted to be a lawyer and UCLA was the college of dreams. With both of your dream places colliding you made a pact that after graduation you both would move out to California and pursue your dream careers. When senior prom came around you knew that you were going together but everything changed when he told you that he was going to prom with his crush. Heartbroken as you were, you accepted that if there was a chance between you and Dieter it went out the door once you found out he was going with someone else. After Prom he finally got together with his crush and you became a distant memory to him. Dieter spent all his time with new gf and you became an afterthought to him. One afternoon he showed up to your house with news that he was finally moving to California. Caught off guard because he hadn’t mentioned anything to you about you being disappointed but everything came tumbling down when he told you that his girlfriend was coming with him. Seemingly he had forgotten the pact that you both made years ago. 

Here was your one shot to tell Dieter your true feelings for him after all these years. Maybe he would change his mind and stay to be with you but nevertheless you gave one last hug and wished him the best.

As Dieter drives away you run to your bedroom and weep for the rest of night never knowing that you didn’t express to him your true feelings and that you would never see him again. 

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