#pedro pascal character fanfic



Win A Date With Dieter Bravo
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader

Summary:This is just the set up for the story, consider this the teaser trailer for the movie. You are a fan of the actor Dieter Bravo, his PR team has come up with the idea to help him and promote a better image he would surprise one lucky fan with a date. Cameras rolling to show that he isn’t the bad boy Hollywood has set him up to be. He is trying to get the lead role in a new movie but the production company does not want his image to tarnish thiers. This is the story of his biggest fan meeting their idol, a date not going perfect but having a perfect ending.
Rating:18+ eventual SMUT
Warnings/Triggers: Nothing much in this one
A/N: This is sort of a request, but not an entire request. I saw a while back people waiting ro someone to write a fic in the form of Win a Date with Tad Hamilton I had already started writing ideas for something like this before I saw this ask. I haven’t seen that movie in forever and I hope this is just a fun little read. 

**Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. **

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Oooh I love the idea

Frankie…Frankie from across the street
Frankie Morales x F!Reader

Summary:A new neighbor moves in across the street and he is the most handsome man you have seen in a long time. You know he is out of your league but will the annual neighborhood block party be just the ticket you need to make a move
Warnings/Triggers: PTSD trigger with firework sounds, language, drinking…eating?
A/N: Hoping this little drabble gets me out of my writer’s block and I can get back to the multi chapter stories I started. 

**Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. **

The annual fourth of July block party was quickly approaching and it seemed like the perfect time to finally introduce yourself to the new man who had moved in across the street from you. It had been about a week since you saw him and your heart skipped a beat. A pair of jeans that fit him perfectly in all the right places, especially when he would bend down to pick up a box. A light gray shirt that looked like it was about to bust at the sleeves due to his broad shoulders and large biceps. “I wonder how strong he is?” you think to yourself biting your bottom lip.  Watching him work was a thing of beauty. His friends weren’t half bad looking either. But you had a thing for a man with shaggy brown hair.  He could feel eyes on him and he snapped his head in your direction.  A smile spreads across his face and oh it is a beautiful smile.  He gives a little wave and suddenly you feel incredibly awkward for staring at your new neighbor.  Waving back you quickly move away from the window, now trying to hide the fact that you were still watching him work. 

And that’s how your relationship with him had been going, staring at him from your window. Watching him trim the bushes along the driveway, watching him cut the grass. Taking his shirt off when it got to hot “Shit, how can he be that hot?” his golden hued skin glistening with sweet, his broad shoulders, pushing the lawn mower with ease. His ‘dad bod’ was working for you and you were wondering how he would feel pressed up against you. You worked for a school so you were on summer break and watching him was a new favorite pastime. You noticed he would leave early in the morning for work, and come home late in the evening. He didn’t seem to have someone special in his life as he was the only person you would see come and go from the house.  You had wanted to go over and introduce yourself so many times, but you felt he was so out of your league that every time you talked yourself up enough to go over it was either too late in the evening or he had turned in for the night. Tomorrow was the Fourth of July bash and you were hoping that you would finally be able to introduce yourself, you also prayed that he would be there. 


You walk down the street to the small park at the other end of the block. Carrying the cherry and apple pies you had baked the day before. Setting them on the table with the other desserts you notice Mel, not only your best friend but also the reason you now live where you do. She had told you about the house that just went on the market near her and you jumped at the chance to be her neighbor. She was standing next to four very attractive men, one of them just happened to be the man who lived across the street. The three other men must be the friends that were there helping him move in. She gives you a smile and motions for you to come over to where she was standing. In your mind, you were moving walking over like in those music videos super sexy and slow motions. However, your feet were glued to the ground where you were standing unmoving. You wave back at her, trying to buy yourself time and get your brain to translate to your feet to move. The signal finally gets sent and your feet move you to where she is standing, next to the grill. 

“Smores!” she wraps her arms around you giving you hug, her arm still wrapped around you as she introduces the men she was standing with “…and this is Fish, he lives across the street” 

“Fish…” you think to yourself as you finally get to see him up close. He is so much more handsome up close and your heart starts to race. His dark brown eyes almost hidden by a black baseball cap turn to focus on you. He has a mustache, the shaggy chestnut brown hair you had admired from far away had little curls on the end. It melts your heart, he smiles and a dimple appears making you fall in love with him even more. “Hi…” you smile and start to put your hand out when he almost drops the burger he was flipping. 

“Hi” he says oh god, even his voice is sexy 

“Anyways, I was just telling the guys here how amazing of a baker you are. And that you actually are the home education teacher down at the highschool” she sounds like your mother trying to impress friends 

“Thanks, Mel. Can I uhm have a word with you…over there?” you nod towards the swingset where the little kids were playing.


“What are you doing?” You ask her. Not really angry, just more wishing you had a bit of liquid courage before you had talked to him 

“Wingwoman, you’ve been talking about him since he moved in and have nothing about it…plus I saw his friend Pope walking to the park thought he was cute and well here we are” she waves her hands about as she talks of course she thought Pope…wait what kind of name is Pope? 

“Did you see what she was wearing?” Fish asked his friend. Pope taking a swig of beer 

“Shorts and a shirt, like every other girl here?” Pope responds acting as if it’s not big deal 

You had thrown on a pair of jean shorts, one leg blue with white stars the other leg with red and white stripes looking very much like the American flag. Paired with a white short sleeved v-neck shirt 

“She’s wearing the flag, she was literally draped in freedom. She was absolutely beautiful and like an idiot almost dropped a burger” he groans “and why did you tell her my name was Fish. She’s gonna think I’m weird” 

“But you are…” Pope grins giving his friend a punch in the arm 

“Shut up”

“He’s a vet, used to be a pilot…firefighter now. Helps battle wildfires” Mel tells you as the two of you sit on a sidewalk with chalk and a few of the small children from the black 

“A firefighter huh?” your mind drifts off to thinking of how strong he must be, thinking of him carrying you. Mel snapping her fingers in front of your face trying to get your attention. 

“Thinking about him, all hot and sweaty…carrying you over his shoulder dropping you on the bed?” She smirks knowing that’s exactly what your thinking about 

“What? No!” She laughs at that  “ok, maybe” 

All the families moving to their little tables and blankets enjoying the burgers, hot dogs and even a few steaks. You and Mel were joined by Fish’s friends 

Pope, who later found out is actually named Santiago and Frankie were in basic training together and became best friends. Frankie took on the role of woodland firefighter which led him to where he is now. Benny and Will were blood brothers as well as being in the army together. They actually helped Frankie land the job, putting his pilot skills to good use. He was apparently on call for the evening and had to run to a call. You liked his friends and oddly enough you were getting to know him very well without him actually being there. 

The sun was starting to set, the kids running around the park with sparklers, and some smoke bombs being lit to keep the smaller ones entertained until the show would begin. Mel getting closer to Santiago as the evening continues on and you slowly find yourself becoming a third wheel. Frankie still hadn’t returned and you figured you missed your chance to actually meet your neighbor. Benny and Will drinking a beer and playing some football with a few of the other men

“Hey…I think I’m gonna head home” you get up from the bench. Mel had found a place on Santiago’s lap with his arm wrapped around her. 

She smiles and is about to get when you shake your head telling her to stay and enjoy the fireworks, you catch Benny looking your way and wave at him. Making your way down the street back to your house the sun is just breaking the horizon and the street lights lighting your path. 

“Hey S’mores” you hear a voice call out you look towards the direction the voice came, seeing Frankie sitting on the front steps of his porch 

“Frrr…Fish, hi” you head toward him instead of the sidewalk leading to your front door 

“You wanna sit?” and you nod your head sitting on the step next to him. “So what did, Pope tell you?” 

Unsure of how much you should tell him, and actually wanting to hear it from him “oh nothing much, just that you two met at basic” he smiles taking a sip of his beer you could tell he’s been nursing for a while “that your name is Fish…and you were a pilot” 

“Mmmhmm sure, he’s got a big mouth” 

“He said the same about you…” you respond back and Frankie spits out the beer he was about to swallow, laughing using the back of his hand to wipe away the beer on his chin. You liked his laugh, you wanted to be the one to make him laugh “why Fish?” 

“Catfish actually, callsign that they still insist on calling me. The name’s Frankie” he wipes his hand on his jeans and puts it out towards you which you take. Shaking his hand while telling him your name “What it’s not S’more’s?” 

“Melody gave me that when we were kids. We met at a summer camp and that was the only thing I ate all summer. She told me I was going to turn into one and she started calling me that. Do I wanna know how you got Catfish?” You turn your body to face him, a few of the smaller fireworks just starting to rise in the night sky

“That’s a story for another time…” you see him give a small finch with a small pop

“Sooo…firefighter huh?” You ask trying to help distract him from what is going on 

“Yeah…I was a pilot in Delta and I help fight fires from the air. Needed something to do with my free time now” a few more fireworks lighting up the night sky “I retired, things were going south and I needed this” 

You nod your head, listening to every word he said. His voice was something like you’ve never heard before. He had a storyteller voice something, that no matter what he was talking about it would sound interesting and make you pay attention to it. A light breeze gives you a small shiver despite it being July. He shrugs off his jacket and places it around you, without saying anything. “What a gentleman” you think to yourself 

“So what do you normally do during fireworks, to help?” You ask

“Shower…a long shower”

“Oh….ooooh” it took a minute for you to read between the lines. You were unsure to laugh, but he gives you a small chuckle and you smile 

“Sorry…it’s not bad, I just don’t. I like when I am in control of my environment” he runs the back of his neck. Concerned that he might have said the wrong thing. More fireworks are starting to go off. The pops getting louder 

“It’s ok, talk to me. I want to help you…” it was crazy you just met him and yet you feel like you have known him forever 

“This…this is crazy” he continues to rub his neck but turning his body to face you “I know we just met but I’d really like to kiss you. If that’s alright. If not….” 

“Frankie” you say his name as he starts to ramble. 

He doesn’t hear you so you say it again. He stops and looks at you, he stops mid word, his mouth slightly opened waiting for you to say something “yes…it’s ok. I’d like that” 

He takes a deep breath before slowly closing the distance between the two of you. His lips tentatively find yours, a loud pop from one of the fireworks, Frankie accidentally biting your lip. He panicked and pulled away from you “Sorry…sorry I am so sorry” your fingers moved to your lip, realizing your fine and he didn’t bite you nearly as hard as he thought he did. His hand moves back to his neck, and he turns to look away from you. Looking down at the ground and avoiding all eye contact 

“Frankie,” you scoot closer to him. A hand being placed on his thigh “wanna try it again?” 

“Really? I didn’t fuck that up?” He still looks at the ground, you reach for his face turning him to look at you. You smile at him and shake your head ‘no’ this time it’s you who decides to close the distance. 

He sighs as your lips find his. Gentle at first, a few moments of you in control pass before you feel the shift. Frankie cups your face, he licks the seam of your lips asking permission to deepen the kiss. Your lips slightly part and his tongue darts inside as the fireworks continue to light up the night sky. His tongue brushing over yours, the grand finale taking place behind your closed eyes. Reds, blues, and yellows flood behind your eyelids. One thing is for sure you’ve never felt this with anyone before. The hand that isn’t resting on your shoulder, holding you in place holds your waist. 

He breaks the kiss, quickly pecks your lips before giving you a smile. Thumb stroking your cheek, catching your breath you slowly open your eyes. His chocolate brown eyes are soft and you swear you can see the fireworks reflecting in them. You bite your bottom lip and go for it again, grabbing the collar of his shirt and bringing him back to you. You liked the feeling of his lips on yours and wanted to experience it more, longer, never letting it go. 

His hand on your hip slides down your thigh, moving it so your legs are draped over his. You move your arms around his neck. The jacket sliding off, his body warmth radiating on to you. You both try to make your bodies as close as possible, his lips move from yours to your neck. Nipping and licking on your pulse point and you can’t help the moan that escapes. The grand finale has nothing on the feeling that Frankie is giving you. 

Your fingers wind into his hair, grabbing some and tugging on it. Frankie moans his lips leaving your skin and moving to your ear “you’re playing with fire if you do that again” he growls low and husky into your ear. Sending a spark through your body and suddenly you are very much a fan of fires 

“Maybe I like to play with fire” you try to smile but it is quickly replaced by a moan when he bites your ear, his lips going back to work. Kissing along your jaw and finding your lips again

“Born in the USA….” You hear someone singing “I was born in the USA” 

Frankie keeps his lips on yours, the signing becomes a little louder now. Frankie doesn’t seem bothered as his focus is solely on you. Your fingers threading through his soft curls. The grip on your leg tightens, “born in the USA…I was born in the USA….Fish was born in the USA”

“Oh my god Benny there are more words to the song!” Will yells breaking you from the kiss with Frankie giggling and resting your head on his shoulder 

“No other words matter…I was born in the USA” he sings again more like slurs again walking about the steps to Frankie’s house “Fish, gonna get lucky in the USA” 

“Benjamin Miller!” Will yells and you can’t help but laugh

The two men walk inside and the mood slightly changes. “Sorry…” he mutters “they can be a bit much” 

“Continue this tomorrow?” you ask lifting your to look at him and he smiles nodding his head. You were incredibly happy that his was your new neighbor, a neighbor you finally like. 

Complete Masterlist
Frankie’s Masterlist

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It Takes Two-Narcos AU
Chapter Six: What Good is Being King, If Nobody Knows It
Javier Peña x OFC! Stevie Murphy

Summary: You are in too deep, there’s no turning back. You are in unknown location, you took the new step in your relationship with Antonio and it was nothing how you expected. What happens when you witness a murder and some how dive even deeper then what you already were

Rating: 18+ SMUT please don’t read if you are under 18
Warnings/Triggers: It’s based on Narcos, sooo if you have triggers with that, this probably isn’t the story for you. The main character is a female named Stevie. 
A/N: The story is written from reader’s point of view, you are Stevie. If that is hard to look past, then I am sorry. The story will eventually contain smut. For the record this is based around the plot of Narcos but in a modern-day setting. As always a huge thanks to @heythere-mel for reading this, story not completely beta’d

**Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. **

“I can’t do this…” you wrap your arms around your body walking back into the room there’s a notebook sitting on the dresser, you didn’t notice it before. Walking over, you pick it up and see a photo of a man you recognize, a man you’d be able to pick out of a line up any day of the week. Next to the picture was a name you didn’t know, but it led to every suspension you had. You were right, right about everything. But how are you going to tell the people who need to know? 

“Collin Williamson…” the picture had him holding the same briefcase as before. The letters CW engraved on the handle. Gov. Williams was gone the same time as Antonio was, he forgot where he had went, or at least he wasn’t able to keep his story straight. He had to be behind this, “…why else did he want me to lead this case so bad when I started getting answers” you ask yourself

You can hear the door click and the knob starting to turn. Your heart starts to race. You drop the notebook on the table and race back to the bathroom. Grabbing a brush, trying to act as natural as you can. The man you were to trust, the man who was your boss for the US Government also happened to be a leader of one of the most expansive and wealthiest drug rings in the country. Looking in the mirror your eyes drift to the pendent around your neck. The necklace Javier gave to you. And at that moment you wished and prayed to anything and everything that was holy that somehow he would find you. 

You can sense him before you see him. Opening the bathroom door, his hands grabbing your hips and you try to hide the pain as he finds a bruise that he left. Moving your hair from your neck and admiring the work he had done from the night before. His eyes moving from your neck to looking in the mirror where he finds your eyes in the reflection. 

“Don’t cover these up,” he says leaning into you. His lips brushing along the side of your ear “I like people knowing who you belong to me”

You swallow hard and nod your head. This possessive trait of Antonio scared you. He was a powerful man who was capable of anything and you were terrified of what the outcome to this could be. You were in too deep to get out now, there was no team with you. The only person who thought you could reply on, lied to you and you made it pretty clear you were done with him. You were in this alone. It was up to you to catch him and his Dad if you wanted to get out of this, and get back to being Stevie

“Did you hear me?” He sounded more angry than you’ve heard him before. Shaking your head ‘no’ and apologizing to him over and over again “10 minutes and you need to meet me downstairs”

“Where are we going?” You asked not entirely sure you even wanted to know

“There is someone you should meet”

You walked off the elevator and towards the large chair he was sitting at with no time to spare. His leg was bouncing and you know if you would have been any later things would not end well for you. He stands taking a hand in his, looking you up and down. The skin tight red dress had been laid out for you. The scoop neck showing off your neck and all of the marks he left there. The sleeves stopped just below your elbow.  The floor length gown had a slit on the right side that went all the way to your waist. Thankfully the dress had built in underwear, otherwise you wouldn’t be wearing any. Your hair was tied up in a bun sitting on the top of your head. Black strappy heels finish the look. Moving his hand to your lower back he ushers you out the door to a waiting black SUV.  The windows were so tinted they were almost as black as the vehicle.

Resting your hands on your lap, your eyes focused on them afraid to look anywhere else.  As angry as you with him, the fact that he didn’t change that he lied to you saying you were the only one, you couldn’t help but wish you told him something, anything about where you were.  Antonio covers your hands with one of his, the other turns your head to him.  He tilts your head at will and then his lips are on yours.  It’s rushed, frantic, ungraceful.  His hand grips tighter to your yours, the one holding your face, pulls down our chin, opening your mouth for him so he could slide his tongue in your mouth.  Nothing about this was feeling right and the goal to get this man caught was becoming the goal to stay alive.  The car comes to a stop, “sir we are here” a voice says from in front of you.  Antonio groans, biting down on the lip he has between his teeth.  Not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to remember it.

Moments later the door opens, it seemed as if he had another new driver.  He unhooks your seatbelt.  The driver has his hand out for you to take, “Mrs. Gonzales”, he says as you take his hand helping you step out of the car.  He holds your hand for a moment too long.  Antonio cursed at him in spanish to not touch you and to never do that again.  Was he always this way, or did it just start when the idea of there being a rat was brought to his attention.  He takes your hand and walks to a gentleman.  Dressed in all black, turning as you get closer, you recognize him as Antonio’s father, Carlos.  The man behind the operations.  This was it, this was the moment you had been waiting for. You were going to be able to catch them and then… “and then what, I have no team” you think biting the inside of your cheek. You glance around the open space of the dock realizing you are totally alone. 

“Nice to see you again Emma” Carlos takes your hand placing a kiss to the back of your hand “I am glad you are here to see me hand over the keys of the business to Antonio”

“The family business?” you ask

“Yes…” he chuckles. “My partner will be here shortly to sign the papers.  Giving my first and only born son the reign of the largest and wealthiest cartell’s this country has ever seen” Carlos looks at his watch

The large watch in his left wrist was gold, solid gold. The face was encased with diamonds. The way the light hit it made it shine and you were very distracted by the beauty of it. The sound of a gun being fired brings you back and you watch Carlos fall to the ground.

His body in a crumbled mess, blood pouring from his chest.  It was a direct shot to the heart, it had to come from someone who knew what he was doing.  Antonio covering his father’s body. Yelling at him to come back to him, you drop to your knees when you hear another shot ring out.  Your eyes scan around trying to locate where the shots came from.  Another shot sounds and you can feel it fly past your ear.  Moving to Antonio placing a hand on his back.  His hands covered in blood.

“We have to go” you tell him but he is frozen in place, unable to move.  Three more pops fill the space “Antonio, look. I love you, but there won’t be a me or a you if we stay here. We have to move” 

“What?” he finally turns to look at you. Blood-shot eyes, tears streaming down his face.  You move your hand from his back to his arm

“I said, we have to move!” you yell again

“You love me?” he asks, eyes focused on you as if there weren’t bullets flying around you. You counted the shots, you know the magazine is being reloaded

“I do.  But there won’t be an us if we stay here”

Antonio lifts his hand signaling for the black SUV that was parked behind a container to move towards you. More shots start to ring out.  The SUV stops in front of you.  Reaching up you open the door and crawl inside, fuck being graceful at the moment the dress ripping at the seam as you try to move.  Antonio pausing, looking back at his fathers body.  Grabbing his Dad he pulls him to the door, as a bullet shatters the back window and you drop to the floor of the car.

“Get in the fucking car now! WE NEED TO MOVE” you scream at him

Finally he gets into the car, leaving his father where he lays.  You yell at the driver to move and the squeal of the tires drain out the sound of the gun being fired.  Driving as fast as he could back to the hotel.  The blood on Antonio’s hands now dred and your hand rubbing up and down his back trying your best to soothe him.  A sob escaping from him.  His head looking down when the driver opens the door.

“Let’s get you to the room, let’s get the off you hands” you slide out of the car reaching for his hand

You finally get him into the room.  He sits on the toilet while you turn the water on for the shower, closing the door.  You kneel in front of him.  His jacket is already unbuttoned and you slide it off his shoulders.  Reaching back down you start to undo the buttons on his shirt, you get to the bottom and pull it out of his pants, hands moving back to his shoulders to take the shirt off. His eyes locked on yours, his hands catch your wrists as they move back down to work on his belt

“Emma…” he says softly, you don’t look up “Querida” 

“Hmmm” you finally look up at him

He leans into you.  His lips catch yours in a much softer kiss than before.  More of the way when you first met him.  His hands bring your wrists to wrap around his neck.  The kiss slow, tender, afraid that he almost lost you too.  Find the zipper of your dress and he pulls it down.  Holding on to you, he stands the two of you up to your feet.  Holding on to you and guiding you back towards the shower.  Your back hits the door, taking a step backwards he opens it, moving the two of you into the large shower.  He pulls the dress down and it pulls around your feet.  Moving your hands to undo his belt and sliding his pants and boxers down.

Picking you up, and wrapping your legs around him he steps around his pants moving the two of you under the water.  Fingers thread into his hair, his lips moving to your neck.  This moment was crazy and after everything that was happening, you shouldn’t be doing this.  You look down to see red water swirling its way down the drain.  You couldn’t help but grind yourself against him as his tongue licks over your pulse point.  Deep within your bones you knew this was wrong, you shouldn’t be giving into him, you shouldn’t be doing this.  He backs you up against the wall for balance and support.  Reaching between your bodies, he teases you before sliding himself into you.  Biting down on your shoulder when he bottoms out.  You moan out his name when he pulls out and slams back into you, pushing you up the wall.

“Emma” he groans his thrusts picking up, he sets a steady pace “I love you”

You pull his head up to look at him, this is what you had imagined sex with him was going to be like.  He finds a spot inside you that has your head going blank, muttering out the words “yes…yes…I love you” as you clench around him. Antonio’s thrusts start to flatter, as you clench around him tighter. After giving you three more hard thrusts he is releasing himself into you. His lips find yours, kissing you gently as the two of you come back down to earth.  Pulling out of you he sets you back on the ground, but your lips still connected

“Sorry…I’m…that was…” he starts to say

“It’s ok, uhm I’ll just yeah.”  Everything was suddenly awkward.  You move around him, and grab a towel stepping out of the shower.  You move your way to the bedroom and to start to pace back and forth trying to understand everything that just happened.

You walk back to the table and pick up the notebook that was still sitting on the table. Flipping it open trying to find any information to lead you to where you were today, and maybe find something about Colin Williamson.  Blank page after blank page then you find your name.  Stevie “Stephanie” Murphy.  Your full name, no one knew that.  It had your birthday, where you were born, your college with a photo of you.  An older version of you, a picture of the day you graduated college. 

“Shit.  He knows” you say to yourself.  You needed to get out and get out now

The shower shuts off and you rip the page from the book and shove it into your pocket.  Shuffling over to the bed, you lean against the headboard trying to figure out the next steps you had to take.  With Antonio not wanting to let you out of his sight before this, he worried about your safety, what was he going to do now with his father dead.  Was this house arrest about to get even worse?

Antonio walks out of the bathroom.  One towel wrapped around his waist and another draped over his shoulders.  He sits on the edge of the bed next to you.  A hand rests on your leg.  There is a silence that falls between the two of you.  His hands now clean, cheeks still tear stained, his eyes still puffy and read from tears that must have fell during the shower.

“I need to get his body” he says solemnly and you nod your head in understanding

“Do you want me to go with you?” 

“I need you to stay here.  I have my security outside to keep you safe.  I can’t let anything happen to you” he leans forward kissing your forehead “I already loss enough today”

“Are you sure you’ll be ok?”

“Yes, please stay here for me.  I love you” he says thumb running along your jaw

“Love you too” You were surprised at how easy it was to let those words come from your mouth. The sad part of it, you did love a part of him. “Please be safe” you add watching him walk to the dresser finding a clean shirt and a pair of pants.  He walks back over after getting dressed leaning down and kissing you before he goes. 

You wait a few minutes before getting up and walking over to the door.  He was right, there were three armed men standing outside of the door.  At this point you would do and say anything to stay alive.  You find the one suitcase that you were able to pack, it had your phone in it.  You turn it on, waiting for it to power up.  Hands shaking you find the name you were looking for…

Carlos is dead…Killed an unknown location.
I don’t know who it was, but Gov Williams knows more than you think Trust me

You push the send button watching the little message bar move across the screen. As soon as you see that it had been sent you quickly turn the phone off and shove it back into the bag.

The next few days went by in a blur, Antonio going here and there taking you with him.  By the time you two finally got home, Antonio’s home you had no clue what day it was anymore.  Antonio was leaving you alone for the most part, if you considered room arrest alone. Armed guards roamed the house, while others were stationed at different points outside of the house.  He was worried about your safety before, but now.  Now he was terrified to let you out of his sight, or the sight of anyone with a gun to protect you.  

“Emma, I need to leave for a while.  Finish some loose ends for the funeral.  Stay here for me” he asks standing in the door frame of your room

“Ok…be safe yeah?” you wrap your arms around him.  If you have any chance of getting out of here alive, you need to keep it up. Needed him to believe you were not the rat

He kisses you goodbye, and you watch him walk down the hall.  Closing the door you make your way to the windows of your room overlooking the front driveway.  Watching him get into a black BMW.  Something new, a car you had never seen before.  You watch it drive away making a mental note of the plate.  You walk into the large walk-in closet.  Pushing a dresser a few feet, you bend down and lift up a piece of the floorboard pulling out a small laptop.  Sitting on the floor, you flip open the screen and push the power button.  You had been able to find a break in the system and use the internet spareling without Antonio or the crew knowing about it.

You navigate to the government’s database and type in the name Colin Williamson.  There is not a single thing about him, no match to the name.  You go to google, the only thing that comes up or matches the name is a facebook page that has not been updated in years.  There are however a dozen or so photos, you start to click through them. A man dressed in a fancy suit, a photo of the same man on a yacht with half naked women.  Then the last photo caught your eye.  You know this man.  The hair color has changed, but all your suspicions were correct. A younger Gov Williams with Carlos and a young Antonio.  They were giving him a briefcase, the briefcase you had seen many times. There was a black sedan in the photo.  Clicking a few buttons to enlarge the photo you see that it is a BMW, a BMW that had the same plate as the one that had left the house


You open a new tab and start an email, adding the name, the photos and the latest details of the car “I need you to search all of the cameras around the city and see where this car has been the last few days” you type “it could be the final pieces we need” you click send and wait for a response.  Staying low to the ground you move towards the window turning on the phone you grabbed out of the backpacks. You peek outside making sure everything remains the same outside. The phone in your hand lights up

“Hello?” you whisper

“Stevie…fuck are you ok?” he asks his voice laced with concern and worry

“I’m scared, I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.  But, look I need to know the locations of that car I sent you” you know Javier is going to be looking for you and not the car.  You know that even though you told him you were done with him, he was your partner and he wanted to protect you. 

“Sending a list now…where are you?” he asks again and you slide back across the floor to the laptop

Looking at the photos, you notice a lot that looks like the place you were a few days ago.  A man getting out in camo, a rifle in his hand and a pistol on his hip.  Zooming in on the photo you catch a glimpse of a watch.  You compare it to the watch you saw in the photo of Colin Williamson.  It’s the same watch Gov Williams had too. You just start to wrap your head around the fact that you were right, and that Gov Williams is the one that shot Antonio’s father.  It had been him the entire time! A new photo popped up.  This time a better shot of the car.  A man in a hat, and a red suit that you could tell was Gov Williams with Antonio who had his back to the camera.

“When was this last photo taken?” you as trying to zoom in for more details 

“About an hour ago, why?” When you don’t respond he asks you again. Tears starting to bubble in your eyes You need to make your voice neutral, and not crack when you opened your mouth

“Javi…” you pause “I’m sorry…I have to go. I am so sorry”

“Whaaaa” and you hang up the phone before you can hear him continue

This…this was the end.  You know he knows, you also know that no matter what you say about the man he is standing with, is the one who killed his father, the life you knew, the life you had was gone. You turn off the phone as Javier’s name lights up on the screen. Quickly shutting it down, you do the same for the laptop and shove the items back into the floorboard.  Moving the dresser back over it, you stumble to the bed.  Crawling into the bed, you pull the sheets over you and let the tears fall.

You don’t know how long you were asleep, or when he got home but when you wake up he was lying behind you.  His arm wrapped loosely around you.  He feels you stir and his hand tightens on your waist.  You take a deep breath, mind racing as to why he was in your bed. 

“Querida” he murmurs into your ear

“When did you get in?” you ask moving your body to face him

“Late.  Was with my Fathers business…my business partner.  Making final funeral arrangements” he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear “he has information on my Father’s killer”

“Oh?” you grab the wrist that is cradling your head “that’s, uhm. That’s a good thing yes?”

“Yes,” he replies. He lifts your chin so your eyes meet his “and I am going to kill Javier Peña”

Complete Masterlist
Series Masterlist




How I See You - Part 2


He is something else I love him so much. They are good together and this warms my heart and it’s so cute! I would like to see some more of this universe. Her meeting Marisol? her meeting the boys? her totally destroying his ex because Mari starts calling you mama too? Frankie being possessive bastard and giving you little bites and hickeys to all your colleagues know how he loves his girl. I’m too in love and too invested in this story I’m sorry it’s just so perfectly written ♥️

Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!plus sized reader

Word Count: 1400+

Rating:Mature - 18+ ONLY!

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

Notes:This is a continuation of How I See You. I was going to write all of the ones you asked for BUT since this, you’ve asked me to turn it into a series so I think I’ll address it there!

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!

Main Masterlist

Frankie Morales Masterlist

How I See You


Frankie and you have been together for about 6 months now. Everything has been great - he treats you like you’re a damn khaleesi, always telling you how beautiful you are, he is the nicest guy to not just you but your friends and family too, your conversations always interesting, and not to mention the sex is just insanely hot. The man is talented, that’s for damn sure. 

But with everything so perfect, why are you so nervous?

Keep reading


How I See You - Part 2


He is something else I love him so much. They are good together and this warms my heart and it’s so cute! I would like to see some more of this universe. Her meeting Marisol? her meeting the boys? her totally destroying his ex because Mari starts calling you mama too? Frankie being possessive bastard and giving you little bites and hickeys to all your colleagues know how he loves his girl. I’m too in love and too invested in this story I’m sorry it’s just so perfectly written ♥️

Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!plus sized reader

Word Count: 1400+

Rating:Mature - 18+ ONLY!

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

Notes:This is a continuation of How I See You. I was going to write all of the ones you asked for BUT since this, you’ve asked me to turn it into a series so I think I’ll address it there!

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!

Main Masterlist

Frankie Morales Masterlist

How I See You


Frankie and you have been together for about 6 months now. Everything has been great - he treats you like you’re a damn khaleesi, always telling you how beautiful you are, he is the nicest guy to not just you but your friends and family too, your conversations always interesting, and not to mention the sex is just insanely hot. The man is talented, that’s for damn sure. 

But with everything so perfect, why are you so nervous?

Keep reading


How I See You - Part 2


He is something else I love him so much. They are good together and this warms my heart and it’s so cute! I would like to see some more of this universe. Her meeting Marisol? her meeting the boys? her totally destroying his ex because Mari starts calling you mama too? Frankie being possessive bastard and giving you little bites and hickeys to all your colleagues know how he loves his girl. I’m too in love and too invested in this story I’m sorry it’s just so perfectly written ♥️

Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!plus sized reader

Word Count: 1400+

Rating:Mature - 18+ ONLY!

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

Notes:This is a continuation of How I See You. I was going to write all of the ones you asked for BUT since this, you’ve asked me to turn it into a series so I think I’ll address it there!

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!

Main Masterlist

Frankie Morales Masterlist

How I See You


Frankie and you have been together for about 6 months now. Everything has been great - he treats you like you’re a damn khaleesi, always telling you how beautiful you are, he is the nicest guy to not just you but your friends and family too, your conversations always interesting, and not to mention the sex is just insanely hot. The man is talented, that’s for damn sure. 

But with everything so perfect, why are you so nervous?

Keep reading


How I See You - Part 2


He is something else I love him so much. They are good together and this warms my heart and it’s so cute! I would like to see some more of this universe. Her meeting Marisol? her meeting the boys? her totally destroying his ex because Mari starts calling you mama too? Frankie being possessive bastard and giving you little bites and hickeys to all your colleagues know how he loves his girl. I’m too in love and too invested in this story I’m sorry it’s just so perfectly written ♥️

Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!plus sized reader

Word Count: 1400+

Rating:Mature - 18+ ONLY!

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

Notes:This is a continuation of How I See You. I was going to write all of the ones you asked for BUT since this, you’ve asked me to turn it into a series so I think I’ll address it there!

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!

Main Masterlist

Frankie Morales Masterlist

How I See You


Frankie and you have been together for about 6 months now. Everything has been great - he treats you like you’re a damn khaleesi, always telling you how beautiful you are, he is the nicest guy to not just you but your friends and family too, your conversations always interesting, and not to mention the sex is just insanely hot. The man is talented, that’s for damn sure. 

But with everything so perfect, why are you so nervous?

Keep reading


How I See You - Part 2


He is something else I love him so much. They are good together and this warms my heart and it’s so cute! I would like to see some more of this universe. Her meeting Marisol? her meeting the boys? her totally destroying his ex because Mari starts calling you mama too? Frankie being possessive bastard and giving you little bites and hickeys to all your colleagues know how he loves his girl. I’m too in love and too invested in this story I’m sorry it’s just so perfectly written ♥️

Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!plus sized reader

Word Count: 1400+

Rating:Mature - 18+ ONLY!

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

Notes:This is a continuation of How I See You. I was going to write all of the ones you asked for BUT since this, you’ve asked me to turn it into a series so I think I’ll address it there!

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!

Main Masterlist

Frankie Morales Masterlist

How I See You


Frankie and you have been together for about 6 months now. Everything has been great - he treats you like you’re a damn khaleesi, always telling you how beautiful you are, he is the nicest guy to not just you but your friends and family too, your conversations always interesting, and not to mention the sex is just insanely hot. The man is talented, that’s for damn sure. 

But with everything so perfect, why are you so nervous?

Keep reading


How I See You - Part 2


He is something else I love him so much. They are good together and this warms my heart and it’s so cute! I would like to see some more of this universe. Her meeting Marisol? her meeting the boys? her totally destroying his ex because Mari starts calling you mama too? Frankie being possessive bastard and giving you little bites and hickeys to all your colleagues know how he loves his girl. I’m too in love and too invested in this story I’m sorry it’s just so perfectly written ♥️

Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!plus sized reader

Word Count: 1400+

Rating:Mature - 18+ ONLY!

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

Notes:This is a continuation of How I See You. I was going to write all of the ones you asked for BUT since this, you’ve asked me to turn it into a series so I think I’ll address it there!

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!

Main Masterlist

Frankie Morales Masterlist

How I See You


Frankie and you have been together for about 6 months now. Everything has been great - he treats you like you’re a damn khaleesi, always telling you how beautiful you are, he is the nicest guy to not just you but your friends and family too, your conversations always interesting, and not to mention the sex is just insanely hot. The man is talented, that’s for damn sure. 

But with everything so perfect, why are you so nervous?

Keep reading


Run Through the Jungle - a Naked & Afraid/Triple Frontier AU


Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader

*reader is vegetarian and ethnicity/weight inclusive. people of all sizes have competed on this show (and completed it)

Fic Summary: Benny Miller convinces his bestie Frankie to compete on the Naked and Afraid survival show. He has no idea what he’s walking into when he’s paired with you

*Naked and Afraid is a reality survival show on Discovery Channel where two contestants, a man and a woman (trans & non-binary inclusive) are paired with no food, clothes, or water in a hostile environment with only 1 survival item each. Contestants can tap out at any time but must make it to 21 days to win

Read on A03

Inspiration Spotify Playlist: Frankie’s Jungle Love Mix


Word Count:20K

Rating:E, 18+, lemon

Warnings:large age gap (legal), size kink, discussions of killing, processing, and eating animals, cussing, PiV, oral (f & m), dirty talk, masturbation (m), face fucking, somnophilia, enemies to lovers, Pride and Prejudice vibes, ANGST, Frankie being a misogynistic DICK for a little bit

A/N:Someone needs to fucking stop me because my brain is ignoring SO MANY WIPS RIGHT NOW! HELP! This unasked for one shot was bred out of a binge watch weekend of this show, mentioning it in passing to @musings-of-a-rose​, who then had the audacity to ask me, “what if Frankie were on that show?” and this is what happened.  This is an AU. Triple Frontier hasn’t happened yet or won’t, I haven’t decided. Frankie doesn’t have kids yet. I hope you enjoy it, I’m really in love with this story.

Keep reading

I’m really struggling for words after reading this

but christ I am YEARNING

The tension, the angst, the buildup, so painful but so fucking worth it like

I’m gonna be thinking about this fic for a WHILE and I’ll probably come back and re-read because oh my godddd ❤️


Run Through the Jungle - a Naked & Afraid/Triple Frontier AU


Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader

*reader is vegetarian and ethnicity/weight inclusive. people of all sizes have competed on this show (and completed it)

Fic Summary: Benny Miller convinces his bestie Frankie to compete on the Naked and Afraid survival show. He has no idea what he’s walking into when he’s paired with you

*Naked and Afraid is a reality survival show on Discovery Channel where two contestants, a man and a woman (trans & non-binary inclusive) are paired with no food, clothes, or water in a hostile environment with only 1 survival item each. Contestants can tap out at any time but must make it to 21 days to win

Read on A03

Inspiration Spotify Playlist: Frankie’s Jungle Love Mix


Word Count:20K

Rating:E, 18+, lemon

Warnings:large age gap (legal), size kink, discussions of killing, processing, and eating animals, cussing, PiV, oral (f & m), dirty talk, masturbation (m), face fucking, somnophilia, enemies to lovers, Pride and Prejudice vibes, ANGST, Frankie being a misogynistic DICK for a little bit

A/N:Someone needs to fucking stop me because my brain is ignoring SO MANY WIPS RIGHT NOW! HELP! This unasked for one shot was bred out of a binge watch weekend of this show, mentioning it in passing to @musings-of-a-rose​, who then had the audacity to ask me, “what if Frankie were on that show?” and this is what happened.  This is an AU. Triple Frontier hasn’t happened yet or won’t, I haven’t decided. Frankie doesn’t have kids yet. I hope you enjoy it, I’m really in love with this story.

Keep reading




What You Do to Me - Part 2

Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!plus sized reader

Word Count: 2100+

Rating:Mature - 18+ ONLY!

Warnings:This is a continuation of What You Do to Me. I’m making it a series of one shots for the above comment!Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

Notes:This part 2 to What You Do to Me was requested by @skvatnavle and I’m too weak for this man to deny writing for him so here it is!

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!

Main Masterlist

Frankie Morales Masterlist

What You Do to Me


2 weeks. Two long weeks until yours and Frankie’s schedules aligned and you both were available. There was nothing to do but wait.

Frankie, however, wasn’t going to make it easy for you.

He would call you daily and you’d chat for a while about everything and nothing, your casual crush on a random hot guy that made you feel desirable quickly turning into something more. About a week in, he started leaving you voice messages.

Or rather, he was sending voice messages.

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Taglist Reblog 2:

Frankie Morales Taglist:


aaaaaaand I’m done ❤️

Love this


She’s Got The Ticket - Chapter 5

Pairing: Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (reader has a latina name but no physical descriptions)

Word Count: 4500+

Rating: M for mature - 18+ only! NSFW

Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.

A/N:  Thank you everyone for the response and positive vibes from the intro of this series. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Here we go :)

To my helpers thank you all @musings-of-a-rose@icanbeyourjedi@mypascalito975

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!


Over the next couple of weeks, you and Javi got closer, but nothing went beyond that; it was just straight work oriented. Your partnership was spectacular. You complimented each other. Not having anyone to go home to, late nights for both of you was becoming the new norm. Every night a different take out place for dinner. Javi and you would eat in his office and have late conversations whether it was work related or personal. Each one of you is fighting through your feelings towards each other. Lust filled glances exchanged throughout the day at each other, but that path was never crossed between the both of you.. Since that night at your apartment ,the almost kiss was never mentioned or even tried again. It was as if nothing happened. You were starting to like him more, but you didn’t know if he felt the same about you.

Keep reading


She’s Got The Ticket - Chapter 5

Pairing: Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (reader has a latina name but no physical descriptions)

Word Count: 4500+

Rating: M for mature - 18+ only! NSFW

Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.

A/N:  Thank you everyone for the response and positive vibes from the intro of this series. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Here we go :)

To my helpers thank you all @musings-of-a-rose@icanbeyourjedi@mypascalito975

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!


Over the next couple of weeks, you and Javi got closer, but nothing went beyond that; it was just straight work oriented. Your partnership was spectacular. You complimented each other. Not having anyone to go home to, late nights for both of you was becoming the new norm. Every night a different take out place for dinner. Javi and you would eat in his office and have late conversations whether it was work related or personal. Each one of you is fighting through your feelings towards each other. Lust filled glances exchanged throughout the day at each other, but that path was never crossed between the both of you.. Since that night at your apartment ,the almost kiss was never mentioned or even tried again. It was as if nothing happened. You were starting to like him more, but you didn’t know if he felt the same about you.

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For The Love Of Kit-Kat

Pairing: Dieter Bravo x fem!reader

Rating: Mature - 18+ Only!

Word Count: 3500+

Warnings:Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 

A/N: @musings-of-a-rose gave me this idea and I kinda rolled with you.

Growing up with Dieter was always an adventure. You met him your first day of first grade on Valentine’s Day. No one gave you anything because nobody knew you. When you came back to your new assigned desk from lunch that day you had a Kit Kat bar with a child handwriting saying: 

“Will You be My Valentine? Check off Yes or No? Dieter Bravo

You didn’t know who Dieter Bravo was until 6 year old Dieter came up to you and announced himself. 

“Hi, I’m Dieter and want to be my friend?”

With glee you nodded with excitement and your life with Dieter was never the same. As the years went by you and Dieter were inseparable. Experiencing everything together. In 7th grade you both shared your first kiss at a party while playing Truth or Dare. Since that day your crush on him started. When the both of you entered High School Dieter told you that he wanted to be an actor and one day win an Oscar. You wanted to be a lawyer and UCLA was the college of dreams. With both of your dream places colliding you made a pact that after graduation you both would move out to California and pursue your dream careers. When senior prom came around you knew that you were going together but everything changed when he told you that he was going to prom with his crush. Heartbroken as you were, you accepted that if there was a chance between you and Dieter it went out the door once you found out he was going with someone else. After Prom he finally got together with his crush and you became a distant memory to him. Dieter spent all his time with new gf and you became an afterthought to him. One afternoon he showed up to your house with news that he was finally moving to California. Caught off guard because he hadn’t mentioned anything to you about you being disappointed but everything came tumbling down when he told you that his girlfriend was coming with him. Seemingly he had forgotten the pact that you both made years ago. 

Here was your one shot to tell Dieter your true feelings for him after all these years. Maybe he would change his mind and stay to be with you but nevertheless you gave one last hug and wished him the best.

As Dieter drives away you run to your bedroom and weep for the rest of night never knowing that you didn’t express to him your true feelings and that you would never see him again. 

Keep reading


She’s Got The Ticket - Chapter 5

Pairing: Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (reader has a latina name but no physical descriptions)

Word Count: 4500+

Rating: M for mature - 18+ only! NSFW

Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.

A/N:  Thank you everyone for the response and positive vibes from the intro of this series. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Here we go :)

To my helpers thank you all @musings-of-a-rose@icanbeyourjedi@mypascalito975

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!


Over the next couple of weeks, you and Javi got closer, but nothing went beyond that; it was just straight work oriented. Your partnership was spectacular. You complimented each other. Not having anyone to go home to, late nights for both of you was becoming the new norm. Every night a different take out place for dinner. Javi and you would eat in his office and have late conversations whether it was work related or personal. Each one of you is fighting through your feelings towards each other. Lust filled glances exchanged throughout the day at each other, but that path was never crossed between the both of you.. Since that night at your apartment ,the almost kiss was never mentioned or even tried again. It was as if nothing happened. You were starting to like him more, but you didn’t know if he felt the same about you.

Keep reading


She’s Got The Ticket - Chapter 5

Pairing: Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (reader has a latina name but no physical descriptions)

Word Count: 4500+

Rating: M for mature - 18+ only! NSFW

Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.

A/N:  Thank you everyone for the response and positive vibes from the intro of this series. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Here we go :)

To my helpers thank you all @musings-of-a-rose@icanbeyourjedi@mypascalito975

**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!


Over the next couple of weeks, you and Javi got closer, but nothing went beyond that; it was just straight work oriented. Your partnership was spectacular. You complimented each other. Not having anyone to go home to, late nights for both of you was becoming the new norm. Every night a different take out place for dinner. Javi and you would eat in his office and have late conversations whether it was work related or personal. Each one of you is fighting through your feelings towards each other. Lust filled glances exchanged throughout the day at each other, but that path was never crossed between the both of you.. Since that night at your apartment ,the almost kiss was never mentioned or even tried again. It was as if nothing happened. You were starting to like him more, but you didn’t know if he felt the same about you.

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Narcos scene - S1 E2

The sexiest scene in all of Narcos! its a shame we only see Helena in this ep as they have a wonderful chemistry and Pena genuinely cares for her. I prefer this scene to the Pena/ Gabbi scene, although each to their own, but i love the fact she can get in among his hair and neck here! At the time Pedro was 39 and Adria was 23what a lucky girl, especially as she later starred with him in Triple Frontier!!!and now will be seen in Andor, another Pedro co star into the Star Wars universe!
