#different universe same love ccc


Shades of Grey - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader (Ikemen Prince)

  • My contribution for Day 3 - Soulmates AU of the “Different Universe, Same Love Content Creator Challenge” hosted by @xxsycamoreand@queengiuliettafirstlady
  • Prompt: soulmates au
  • Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
  • Warning: slightly angsty

He never gave it much thought – growing up in Obsidian, there wasn’t much color to miss in life. Between the craggy mountains and barren wastelands, the landscape in Obsidian was painted in shades of grey. Color had no home in the militaristic country where blood was too often shed and life was shrouded in darkness. 

Imagine the surprise of the young prince when he had learned one day from town elders of this thing called color; that not everyone shared his clouded view of the world. They told him tales of how once every thousand years, a pair of children were born unable to see in colors. Fret not for these children though, for they were soulmates and when they found one another, they would discover a world soaked with color.

Somewhat skeptical, the young prince kept this tale close to his heart. He scoured the libraries, searching for any shred of evidence that this tale might possibly be true. Examining the world in a new light whenever he met someone new, in the off-chance that this person could possibly be his soulmate. 

This had gone on for year after year, until the prince was no longer a young boy but now a grown man. Rumors abound that he was lonely; by his age, most others had taken a partner. But not him. He was still searching for his soulmate; clinging to that hope from years ago that meeting this one person would change his entire world. 

The prince was filled with rage when he was asked to travel to Rhodolite – he had no desire to be surrounded by those noble beasts unless he could put his blade against their throats. But hope sprung eternal in his heart; what if hiding amongst those beasts was what he had been searching for all these years?  


“Who is that?” Prince Gilbert asked, interrupting the four-eyed devil’s lecture. 

Sariel peered over his glasses at the figure sitting in the gazebo. “They’re nobody.” 

Brow arched; Gilbert questioned the minister. “It is common practice of the royal family to allow nobodies free reign of the palace grounds?” 

Exasperated, Sariel crossed his arms and sighed deeply. “It is of no concern of yours to wonder who is and isn’t allowed access to the palace grounds. Now, come along.” 

Smirking, satisfied he got under Sariel’s skin, he glanced back at the mysterious figure one final time. His smirk disappeared as he clutched his cane; where there should be a garden of grey, there appeared a splash of color. 


The chatter from the other end of the garden distracted you from your reading; so much that you closed your book to see what was going on. Sariel was with an unfamiliar man, their conversation not loud enough for you to make out what they were saying. 

The unfamiliar man glanced back at you, your gaze catching his. Mouth parted in awe, the book in your hands fell to the floor as his single eye shined brightly in a sea of grey. 

Book forgotten, you waited until the men returned to the palace before you made a mad dash to Rio’s room. Rio, your best friend, your confidant, the one who knew of your affliction. Rio would be able to help you, you told yourself. 

“Rio!” you whisper-screamed as you knocked on his door, hoping and praying he was in there. He quickly opened the door, the smile on his face quickly fading when he saw the state you were in. He grabbed you by the hand, and pulled you inside. 

“What’s wrong?” 

You paced around the room, wringing your hands. “Rio, you work closely with Sariel. No one tells me anything. I saw a man today with Sariel, he was wearing an eyepatch….” 

“Gilbert von Obsidian.” 

“Obsidian,”you muttered under your breath. “None of this makes any sense.” 

“What happened?” 

“Gilbert. He looked at me. And for the first time in my life, I saw color.” 


The next few days you were haunted by that single red eye; a shining beacon in the mist of grey that dominated your world. This image pervaded your every thought; from the moment you woke to the moment your eyes drifted close to sleep. Some might call it obsessive, and they would not be wrong. But to have lived your entire life and only see in shades of grey, you too would be curious as to this sudden burst of color. 

Unable to shake the vision from your head, you took it as a sign to seek out this man. Maybe he could explain what was going on; what spell he had cast on you.  

With Rio’s help, you had selected a red outfit to wear today. Red, he had told you when asked what color eye Gilbert had – red like the roses of Rhodolite.  

Rio had also informed you that the Obsidian prince would be attending a tea party in the rose garden that afternoon; the perfect opportunity for you to run into him again on your way to the gazebo. 


Gilbert was bored; neither the tea party nor its participants were doing much to interest him and he found the entire ordeal to be a waste of his time. He had spent the past few days searching for the mysterious figure he last saw in the gazebo. Try as he might, no one knew who they were or where he could find them.  

The Obsidian prince was just about to leave the tea party, when something, or rather someone, caught his gaze. He remained in his seat, waiting for the participants to dissipate.  


You distracted yourself with your book, casually glancing up every so often, hoping to catch the Obsidian prince’s eye and see if your mind was still playing tricks. You waited patiently, hoping the other attendees would leave soon, allowing you to seek out Gilbert. 

Your patience was rewarded doubly; not only were the other guests leaving early, but the prince was approaching you. You quickly put your book to the side, and got up from your seat, meeting him in the rose garden. 

This isn’t real, you told yourself; the closer you got to him, the more the shades of grey gave way to color. Stopping in your tracks, your jaw slackened as not just his visage was in color, but so was the surrounding scenery.  

“You see it, too,” he said gently, his voice almost a whisper. You nodded your head as he approached you. Upon hearing your response, he closed his rose-red eye shut; his cane fell to his side, its thud softened by the lush green grass, as he dropped to his knees before you. Body trembling, he let out a shaky breath as he pressed his face against your midriff. Instinctively, your fingers stroked his dark hair, as you held him close to you. 

“I don’t understand. The other day, when I saw you. I saw red.” 

“Have you ever heard the tale of the children born unable to see in color?” 

You sank to your knees next to him. Gazing into his rose-red eye, you implored him to tell you everything he knew, and tell you everything he did. All these years, you thought you were cursed with this vision of life with no color, only to find that this man before you was your soulmate and key to discovering a whole new world.  

“Soulmates…” Now bathed in the bright, vibrant colors of the sun, you traced the features of his face with your fingertips. 

He brought his face close to yours, his lips brushing against yours. “Yes,” his whispered, his breath hot on your skin. “I think fate brought me here to you.” He pressed his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, and you knew. You knew he spoke the truth, that he was your soulmate. Your eyes drifted shut as you leaned into his kiss, your arms wrapping around his shoulders, savoring love’s first kiss. 

He pulled back, breaking the kiss, and rested his forehead against yours; he smiled sweetly at you, but you smiled sadly back. 

Trembling, with tears in your eyes, you forced the words out that shattered your heart. “This can never be.” 

He brought his hand to your face, cupping your cheek. “What are you saying?” 

You pressed your hand against his; you didn’t know him at all, but your heart somehow did, and your heart didn’t want to let go. Not yet at least. “You are Gilbert von Obsidian,” you said sadly, “and I am Belle.” Your shut your eyes, your heart shattering into a million pieces. Of all the cruel twists of fate, you had to be paired with your enemy, the very last person you should be with. 

“You are Belle.” You heard him repeat your words, his voice cracking with the same sadness. He brought your hand to his lips; brushing a kiss against your knuckles, his words whispered warm against your skin.  

“I don’t care that you’re Belle.” 

Your eyelids fluttered open, your gaze tender as you looked into his. He stole another kiss, his lips firm against yours, reaffirming his feelings for you.  

“I waited for you; I searched for you for years. I am not letting a thing like this get in the way. You won’t be Belle forever; and when your job as Belle ends, I will be there waiting for you.” He kissed you again, already addicted to the sweet taste of your lips. “I love you; I am in love with you. I will start wars to be with you; I will end wars if it means I get to bring you home.” 

“I waited so long for you; I can wait a little longer. But I am not giving up on you. Or us.” 

Overjoyed, your heart sang for him; melting into his embrace, your arms encircled his waist as he pulled your close against his body. Overwhelmed with emotion, you lifted your lips to his, a promise to wait for him. 

“And I love you,” you whispered to him before kissing him again, your bodies bathed in the fading glow of the sunset. 


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Things That Go Bump in the Night - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader (Ikemen Prince)

  • A/N: My contribution for Day 1 - Modern AU of the “Different Universe, Same Love Content Creator Challenge” hosted by @xxsycamoreand@queengiuliettafirstlady
  • Prompt: modern au
  • Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
  • Warnings: campy horror, crack fic, spiders

“Where are you going? It’s late. Stay with us.” 

You scoffed as you glanced at Nokto, who was sprawled on his bunk bed, eyes half-lidded and glassy. “You’re drunk.” 

“I’m not drunk,” Clavis piped in.  

Turning to your favorite mischief maker, you smiled sweetly. “Yes, but you will keep me up all night rambling about your ideas on how to prank the campers. How many traps Yves has stepped in this week? And so on and so on.” 

“I need to bounce my ideas off of someone. And Jin… where is Jin?” 

“He had to take a piss. Probably ran into a pretty lady on his way back,” Nokto said, his words slurred as he slumped further onto his bed. 

“See,” Clavis pleaded, pointing to his drunk brother. “You can’t leave me. Not yet.” 

“Sorry. I’m tired. And I am not staying in here with you guys, I’ll never get any sleep.” You grabbed your flashlight on your way to the door. “Goodnight.” 

“You should let one of us keep you company on your way back,” Nokto said while attempting to sit up. “It’s dark out. You never know who or what is lurking out there.” Nokto, unable to remain sitting up, proceeded to fall back into his bed. 

“Thanks, mom, but I’ll pass. My cabin is not that far away, I can make it there on my own. Clavis, you need to stay and babysit your brother. Make sure he doesn’t do anything silly. Like try to get out of the bed.” 

Clavis stood there, pouting slightly, but nodded in acceptance. “Hey, if you see Jin, can you send him back here? I have some ideas I need to discuss with him.” 

“Hey! I’m here…you can talk to…”  

“Sure thing,” you said, stifling a laugh as Nokto snored loudly. You tilted your hand up in one final wave. “Have fun, I’ll be sure to send Jin over if I see him.”  

Closing the cabin door, you flicked your flashlight on, illuminating the pathway before you. “Jin’s a big boy, he can find his way back on his own,” you muttered under your breath. Although it was pitch black out, save for the light the moon provided, you were not scared; this was a trip you frequently made with relative ease. In less than 10 minutes, you would be safe in your bed, tucked under the covers.  


"Ugh!” You flashed your light down below; it was just a tree branch you stepped on. A very loud tree branch, but just a tree branch. It’s nothing, it’s just a stick, you reminded yourself silently. After kicking the branch to the side, you continued on the dark path. 

Careful to avoid any more branches, you slowed your pace, keeping the light bright. You smiled, remembering how sweet Clavis and Nokto were, concerned about your well-being. But the truth was, the scariest thing you could bump into tonight was Chevalier, whose bark was worse than his bite. But the chances of running into him at this hour were slim to none; his nose was most likely buried in one of his many, many romance books. 


You heard a man groan loudly, his familiar voice coming from the same direction as the noise. Swinging the light in your hands around the tree nearby, your heartbeat quickened, certainly not expecting what you found. 

“For fucks sake, Jin,” you whisper-screamed. “What are doing here? Your brothers were wondering what happened to you.” You offered your hand to help him get up. 

Jin, a bit shaky on his feet, was rubbing his head. “I came out here to, um, take a leak.” Rolling your eyes, you waved your hand, urging him to continue. “And I dunno, this spot here just looked really comfy so I took a seat.” 

“Jin, you were gone for over a half an hour.” 

“Yeah, and I might have drunk a bit too much whiskey? Anyways, I sat down, and then this acorn decided to go and fall flat on my head.”  

You couldn’t help but laugh at Jin’s poor predicament. “I promised your brothers I’d send you back to the cabin if I ran into you. So, off you go.” 

“Maybe I’ll go back to your cabin for a bit,” Jin offered, his hand covering the huge yawn that was trying to escape.  

“Thanks, but Clavis is waiting for you. He needs to discuss pranks with you.” 

“He has Nokto there!” 

“Nokto’s not really all there right now,” you smirked. 

Jin sighed. “Alright, I guess I should get going then.” With a wave, he bid you goodnight and headed back to his cabin. 

Twisted around from your distraction, you swung the flashlight in a wide circle trying to make sense of where you were. You heard a noise – it’s just another acorn, you told yourself – and glanced up at the full moon shining bright above you, wondering what other tricks it had for you this evening.  


Your head jerked towards the sound; your heart raced as fear began to build in the pit of your belly. Yours eyes flicked all around, flashlight following.  

You felt it. 

The skin on the back of your neck pricked. You felt like a rabbit being stalked. This was not like the other times. This was no random acorn falling from the sky. 

You felt like you were being watched. 

Correction. You knew were being watched. Straining your ears, you heard the light crunch of footsteps in the grass. Best case scenario, Nokto wandered from his cabin and you’ll need to return him. Worst case, Chevalier is prowling the woods, ready to scold you for being out of your cabin late at night. 

Wrapping your arm around your body, you hugged your red hoodie tightly across your chest; your eyes scanning the woods for anything. Or anyone

Continuing along the dark path, you heard another noise. A twig snapping, perhaps? You jerked your head, waving the flashlight in your clammy hands.  

“What’s that?” you called out. “Jin? That better not be you.” You heard another noise in the nearby distance. Flashing your light around, you tried to calm down, telling yourself that it was just another acorn.  

You heard it again. Footseps. 

Panning the light left and right, your breath became shallow as your eyes searched the shadows. You spun in your spot hoping to catch a glimpse of what was out there, only to end up dizzy and disoriented. Frustrated, you sighed as your ran a hand through your hair, wishing that Clavis would jump out from behind the bushes.  

Upon hearing a faint noise, you flashed the light one more time. You screamed, nearly dropping the flashlight, when the light shined on a single red eye glittering in the moonlight.  

“Did I scare you?” Gilbert asked, a friendly smile spreading on his lips. Dressed all in black, it was easy to see how he remained hidden in the shadows this entire time, his dark eyepatch masking another glowing eye. 

Gilbert von Obsidian. He was a counsellor at Camp Obsidian on the other side of the lake that separated the two campsites. You had never met him before, but you had heard stories of the young man who wore an eye patch. Shrouded in mystery, you had assumed much of what you had heard was purely the gossip of bored kids. Smart as a whip, trampler of hearts, every story about him shared one common theme – avoid at all costs. But seeing him in the flesh, you found a part of yourself wanting to reach for him. 

“What’s a lone bunny like you doing out in the woods this late at night?” He traced the outline of the Camp Rhodolite logo over your heart on your red hoodie, hoping and praying that he did not feel how fast it was beating. “You’re far from home and these woods can be a scary place. It’s a good thing you ran into me.” 

You gritted your teeth in frustration; his words were anything but reassuring. Schooling your composure, you stared back at him. “I could ask you the same thing.” 

“I can see the moon better on this side of the lake.” 

You stared at him blankly, confused by his cryptic answer. Okay, Mr. von Obsidian, if that’s how you want to play. 

He took a step closer to you; his hand reaching out to you, his fingertips touched a loose tendril of your hair. Adrenaline flooded your system; you weren’t sure if you wanted to stay or scream. 

“Hold on,” he whispered softly as lightly tugged on your hair. “There.” He pulled his hand away, and held it up to the moonlight where you saw a single spider crawling on his skin. “Didn’t think you’d want that visitor on you.” He held his fingers close to his lips and blew on his skin, sending the spider drifting off into the midnight breeze. Your heartbeat slowed, the gentle gesture both unexpected and comforting, the urge to reach out to him increasing.  

“Thank you.” You weren’t sure what came over you, but you found yourself standing on tiptoes, your lips brushing against his. His mouth pressed firmly against yours, his lips were soft and gentle. One taste of his cool kiss and you were already enchanted by his spell; he was welcome to trample all over your heart. 

Breaking the kiss far too early, he pulled back and smiled at you. “The moon is beautiful tonight; it’s glowing, gorgeous.”  

Only he wasn’t looking up at the sky; he was gazing straight into your eyes. 


Something he said earlier came back to haunt you - “I can see the moon better on this side of the lake.” You were the moon. He wasn’t being weirdly cryptic earlier; he was talking about you. He wasn’t there by some happy accident; he was waiting for you. 

You shivered, realization dawning on you that perhaps there was a shred of truth to the rumors and that maybe you should heed their warning – avoid Gilbert von Obsidian at all costs.  

“I should be going…” You were almost there, in just a few minutes you would be back in your cabin, tucked in your bed surrounded by your friends. Safe. Away from him. 

“Come with me. I’ll keep you safe.” He extended his hand to you, a gentle smile spread on his lips. There was something that pulled you to him; how many others had he charmed with that soft smile? Daring to dance with danger, you slipped your hand in his, his cool touch stinging as his fingers intwined with yours. 

Safe from what? How can he keep you safe, if what you needed protecting from was him? 


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