#ikepri jin




That man goes to the battlfield topless……i know they wanted to go for the strong as a bear sirius kind of vibe but this is just dumb and ridiculous.

It makes me laugh every time. Wear an armor for god’s sake !

Re-reblogging this because jin’s route is coming.

Cant wait for him to get stabbed because HE CANT BOTHER TO WEAR ARMOR ON THE BATTLEFIELD !


Prince’s whom i think would survive if the old tradition of claiming the throne still exists

This is my opinion.

Chevalier would obviously survive, heck he could protect himself even when he was still a little peanut and would probably kill Clavis the first time the 3rd prince challenge him to a duel if it weren’t for Chevalier sparing him for a good reason. He’s the strongest rival for Leon because in terms of strength i think they are equal but when it comes to brain Chevalier is superior. Chevalier is an obstacle to Leon.

Keep reading

My opinion on this:

-Jin does not care for the throne. He’ll survive until the very end and leave the palace once the new king takes the throne.

-Chevalier is the most “legitimate” of the princes and he is the strongest and smartest of them. He is a genius born once every thousands year and got the support of most if not all nobility. He will be the king no questions asked.

-Clavis will ally himself with obsidian and commit treason only to die by the hand of Chevalier on the battlefield. That would also shatter the last bit of humanity Chevalier had. He actually loved his brother.

-Leon will be Chevalier’s biggest rival. They would fight until the very end but Chevalier does not kill when he does not have to. He always knew Leon little secret and he will use that against him. Once Leon’s truth is revealed he will get thrown away out of the race for the throne as well as the castle.

-Yves will survive by making himself as small and insignificant as possible. But the other princes knew well. Deep inside he wanted the throne. There will be many assassination attempts most were sent by Clavis when he was still alive. But he manages to survive everytime. Once most of the princes were gone. He will know that there is no place for him in that palace anymore and will try to run away to obsidian but will be intercepted and killed by Chevalier because of the insider information he might leak to obsidian if he manages to run away.

-Nokto will survive until the very end and will become Chevalier’s advisor. But….

-Licht will also survive until the very end only to kill himself. Which will make nokto kill himself too.

-Luke will leave the palace one Chevalier becomes king and resume his life as a commoner like nothing happened.

At the end Chevalier becomes a very outstanding but lonely and cruel king. The palace which was once animated by Clavis’s pranks, Yves and licht tea parties, Jin and Nokto bringing in womans and Leon’s loud laugh, has become a cold and dead block of rocks and marbles.

Sariel who could not live in that palace anymore as every corner reminded him of the princes, left.

Chevalier never felt any guilt. Or so he says. As on many nights, he sees his brothers in his dreams.


That man goes to the battlfield topless……i know they wanted to go for the strong as a bear sirius kind of vibe but this is just dumb and ridiculous.

It makes me laugh every time. Wear an armor for god’s sake !

Leon: Don’t worry about it! You’re way better than him.

Leon: you have this! right? *Points at his right chest*

Jin: My nipple?

Leon: Your Heart! H.E.A.R.T! You Idiot!

Luke: The first time i met Jin, he gave me 10 gold coins. It wasn’t necessary and nobody asked him to do it, but he still did it.

Jin: I thought he was homeless

Modern Ikemen Prince Shinenigans Pt. 2

  • Back in highschool, Chevalier allowed himself to be petty because of one person who as well became petty like him.
  • That day is actually a school fair and there’s this one booth where; whoever wrote their names the most in the list will get a Pen kit as a reward. And only one person will win.
  • It wasn’t really Chevalier’s idea, it’s more like he was forced into doing that by whoever his guardian is at that time.
  • When he first wrote his name, he left the booth and minded his own business but out of curiosity, he comes back to the booth and saw GILBERT’S name below HIS name, so he wrote his name again below Gilbert’s name who wrote their name below Chevalier’s name. And that continued up until the due time.
  • Chevalier was confident that he won and that he will get the pen kit.
  • Gilbert got the pen kit because he cheated.
  • Chevalier was so frustrated at that time he didn’t even touch any of his books.
  • Leon is a varsity player. A basketball player.
  • Actually he is good with every sports like he was born to be a player, almost every guy that knows him wants to be him and those who is younger than him admired him.
  • Nokto and Luke as the youngest bonds over games. Mainly the ones with consoles.
  • Clavis plays Genshin.
  • Sariel has Candy crush downloaded on his phone
  • Yves watches tiktok often.
  • Jin spends his free time making tiktok.
  • Jin had several Charli d’ Amelio dance’s but most of his videos are about the events/experience in his life, stories from his youth and his brothers.
  • Clavis is active on tiktok but rarely post videos. He gets inspirations in making pranks from watching and the videos he posted are hilarious that it gets a million likes.
  • Jin and Clavis are famous on social but not verified.
  • All of them have tiktok and they follow each other.
  • Rio dance on tiktok and is pretty famous for it. Emma is included in some of his videos.
  • Rio did Euphoria.
  • Jin and Nokto follows Rio on tiktok. Mainly because they like his humour.
  • Many people thinks Rio is high when they see him.
  • Leon and Keith watches K-drama.
  • Luke likes anime but is a manga reader.
  • Licht is traumatized from watching AoT s1 but still watched the following seasons.
  • Rio has a pet shop. He has half of the world’s animals including an alligator and a giraffe.
  • Emma is the one taking care of the last one standing dinosaur in the world.
  • Silvio once tempted to take the dinosaur by using his money but the dinosaur didn’t like him and he ended up in the hospital.
  • Gilbert, Clavis, & Nokto probably ended up in juvie at some point. They’ve got this emo serial killer vibes.
  • Yves did medicine for college but opens up a bakery shop after graduating.
  • Nokto is a psychologist. Or a Lawyer, he’s good at it, like literally. He’s a smooth liar.
  • Chevalier is a lawyer that many hates and hope to never cross paths with him. I could actually picture him running for President and everyone fears him and just decided to vote for him and he wins.
  • For Licht..he would enter the Military and become a Commanding officer.
  • Jin is either a Highschool or College professor. And my mind is going green just thinking about it.
  • Clavis is a clown in a circus and sometimes Nokto joins him.
  • Lmao jokes aside…he’s either a business man/professional volleyball player/psychologist.
  • Can’t decide, he could work as anything and i would still love him.
  • I can see Keith as a Mayor. If not a Mayor then maybe an Actor? He’s a two face Keith so he fits in the category.
  • Silvio is straight up a C.E.O from his family’s company.
  • Gilbert is part of the Police force maybe? Like a Leader of Torture and Interrogation force/Intelligence division.
  • or a mafia boss. Who knows.
  • Luke is a worker in Yves shop’s.
  • I could also see Sariel working for the government.
  • Leon is a Civil Engineer.
  • Like i said earlier, Rio owns a pet shop.
  • Said pet shop is actually a zoo.
  • Emma can be a librarian but no. She can be model…or a business woman…or just work in Yves shop…your choice.

[Again, sorry for the poor English. Someone said i shouldn’t apologize for it but still…]

Modern Ikemen Prince Shinenigans

  • Jin is the eldest out of all the siblings but acts like an uncle than a older brother.
  • Luke would always cling to Jin when he was a kid and Jin sometimes finds it annoying because there’s this time when he wanted to take a shit but couldn’t because of Luke.
  • Jin’s teenage headaches are majorly caused by Luke.
  • My love Chevalier graduates highschool at like 11 or 12 and enters college at like 12-13. He goes for Law and graduates with the highest honor and degree. Been working his ass off since the day he was born.
  • Clavis goes to parties like 24/7 and it gets worse when he gets into college but can balance their social life and studies well. No one knows how but he’s one of the top students in school.
  • The female students likes him but also hates him. It’s undecided but it is decided that when Clavis pissed one of the female students, all female population must come together and rip him apart.
  • Nokto is that one guy who is rumoured to have slept with every woman in the campus but is actually a virgin.
  • Licht always gets dragged by either Nokto or Yves (sometimes Leon, Jin and Clavis) to parties and he’s in the corner of the room praying to God.
  • Nokto and Licht is a lightweight as per canon and it’s a rare sight for them to be drunk cuz they avoid drinking alcohol with random strangers as much as possible. But when they do get drunk it always got recorded in either one of the brothers phones.
  • One time Licht is seen hip-hoping in the middle of the dance floor and everyone circles around him watching his magnificent dance. Luke was the one who gets him out of the dancefloor and anyone who has a video of Licht hip-hoping has been deleted almost immediately because said brothers threatened them.
  • Nokto is one shameless guy so protecting his image isn’t really a big deal unlike Licht.
  • Luke is that big guy that everyone loves. He’s big and almost everyone wants to hug him. He’s also looks cute when playing with his bears.
  • Yves is the responsible one in the house.
  • But sometimes he isn’t.
  • Luke almost drowns Yves in the pool when he jumped into the water. He didn’t notice Yves was actually in the water.
  • Chevalier is that fancy guy and is willing to throw you in the mud if you annoy him.
  • Sariel is actually their Cousin and has been taking care each one of them ever since they were a kid.
  • He deals with their shits everyday so its pretty much common to see a dead body lying on the pool.
  • Sariel likes Yves and Licht. And maybe Nokto.
  • Jin’s room is filled with posters of porn.
  • Despite liking Jin, Luke never goes into his room again after entering his room when he was about 9 or 10.
  • It lowkey traumatize the younger guy.
  • Leon is the disappointment of the family and it doesn’t look like he is.
  • Gilbert and Chevalier were rivals back in school and were like besties after graduating.
  • The two were dangerous, Yves had taken notes to not approach them.
  • Keith, Yves and Licht are close friends but Licht is the most distant one to Keith because he feels like sitting beside a serial killer.
  • Clavis once locked Yves in one of the haunted house’s rooms.
  • Silvio is their cousin. He is close with Nokto.
  • One time, Jin and Leon are forced to sleep in the same room and Leon has never been tempted to slap someone his whole life.
  • No one lets either Luke or Licht to drive because instead of arriving to your destined location, you’ll be taking a road to your death.
  • None of them is willing to die in the same place for the same cause.

Next time, I’ll be adding their professions.

[sorry for the bad English though, it ain’t my first language.]

Jin Grandet

the man of culture

Me, with daddy issues: -sigh- Here we go again

Jin gives me these vibes


Jin: Omg, where is the cutest little brother? Here he is!

Licht: What’s wrong with you?

Jin: Who is a good little brother? Licht is!

Leon: Oh, hey Jin

Jin: Hey bro

[Spoilers Jin’s route] I love how he treats his little brothers

although out of context it seems he speaks to his dogs

Correct me if wrong …

Jin’s mother real name is “Coralie/Coralia”???

From past event (the engagement theme) Jin visit his mother grave with MC

So … Coralie Grandett???

But ofc you can tell me if my translation wrong! In fact, it will really help me!

Jin 2nd Birthday Campaign

Jin’s bday: 5 March

Full set : 3200 gems

  • Bday Story
  • His POV story
  • Jin’s card story 3⭐
  • [Avatar Item] 2nd Mini Character Jin
  • Smile Makeup Jin
  • Jin’s Color Dress + Tiara
  • Bday 2nd frame
  • Closet 5

2nd set : 1500 gems

  • His POV Story
  • Jin’s card story 3⭐
  • [Avatar Item] Jin’s Color Dress + Tiara
  • Closet (1+)x2
  • Gacha ticket 1+

Mini set : 980 gems

  • Bday Story
  • Jin’s card story 3⭐
  • [Avatar Item] Jin’s color Tiara
  • Gacha ticket 1+

Birthday Banner Pick Up

1st Anniversary

Full set : 2800 gems

  • Bday Story
  • His POV story
  • 1st card story 3⭐
  • [Avatar Item] 1st mini character Jin
  • Jin’s Color Dress + Tiara

2nd set : 1200 gems

  • Bday Story
  • 1st card story 3⭐
  • [Avatar Item] Jin’s Color Dress + Tiara

Mini set : 680 gems

  • Bday Story
  • 1st card story 3⭐
  • [Avatar Item ] Jin’s Color Tiara

Its very very late but …

Happy Bday, Prince Jin!

+Jin Bday Fanart from Kachiru-sensei!

Last Christmas event told how MC presence changed many things for the suitor + a bit of their childhood memories at Christmas

This memory involves one of the suitors and bc this, i gave up the premium ending for their sweet ending :’) even I didn’t finish all of the story though

So the story be like this :

~Chevalier x Sariel

~Nokto x Rio

~Luke x Licht

~Jin x Leon

~Yves x Clavis

And vice versa

I’ll share their memories some story its very detailed but some don’t and i don’t very good at English so feel free to correct me!

Chevalier x Sariel

~ They have the same view of Christmas, there are no good memories other than bloodstained memories. So while everyone is busy with celebrations, the two of them are busy getting rid of all enemy, of course working separately.

~ Chevalier been doing this since he was still a kid, as Sariel say. If he doesn’t do that, then he’ll just be wasting his time reading

~ Meanwhile Sariel, always doing the dirty work even though the king disapproves his action

~ On one occasion, Sariel who was on his way back after getting rid of some rebel group, met Chevalier in the forest, standing covered in blood amidst the scattered corpses. (Here Chevalier is described as ‘kid’ while Sariel as 'young man’)

~ Sariel offers to clean up what’s left, because as the princes educator, he also wants Chevalier to enjoy Christmas. Well yeah, Chevalier doesn’t care about that

~ After that day, Sariel went to Chevalier with a book for exchanging information. Then Chevalier offers an agreement, if Sariel can bring him the book he wants, Chevalier will provide all the information Sariel wants

~ This continues until now. Sariel said he also managing Chevalier’s library besides Clavis. (This from Sariel’s POV story aka if Chevalier is not paired with MC)

~ from Chevalier story, actually the two of them rarely talk. But this is different since Chevalier became king and also tutoring MC. The sweet ending ends when Sariel invites Chevalier to drink together in his office and Chevalier agreed!

~ Actually Chevalier asked Sariel to find out what Christmas gifts are popular in town. Surprisingly for the first time, Chevalier was worried that his gifts would not enough satisfy MC (aww~)

~ as addition from Chevalier story, he took MC to visit his grandfather, Marquess Michel (and not for work reason ) Marquess Michel says he’ll going to Christmas party that Chevalier hosted. Chevalier was quite surprised, because apart from his health reasons, it’s well known that Marquess hated the late King for what happened to his daughter. And after that incident, the Marquess never set foot on the court again

This is very good for MC. Indirectly shows that their relationship was sanctioned by Marquess Michel. Even though he is old and rarely go out, the Marquess’s influence still the same. Just with his existence is enough to make people shut their mouth (wow now we know where Chevalier got that charisma!)

~ One more! Chevalier accompanies MC to learn dance then they take a break. Actually MC is really tired, her legs are shaking but she doesn’t want to sit because Chevalier is still there. Unexpectedly, Chevalier grabbed MC, then sat on the dance hall floor with MC on his lap! Aww~man, out of all people …. Chevalier

Jin x Leon

~ Jin looks troubled, Leon asks what’s wrong. Jin said he was looking for Christmas present for MC then he asked Leon for help and they went to town. Turns out Jin used Leon to bring his basket lolol

When they visited the flower shop, Jin saw a small pine tree, the only tree left in the shop. The size of the tree reminds Jin of Leon’s height back then. He reminisced about how his siblings were the size of those little pine trees and now they growing with such an unadorable size lol

Jin : pfft, Leon, you used to be as small as this tree

Leon : … Ugh … Hey, that was when I was little …

~ Flashback, one day at the court, Jin meets Leon. They rarely see each other because Leon spends most of his time in his room. Jin greeted Leon and asked how he was. Knowing that it was Leon’s first Christmas outside his room, Jin gave Leon the candy he had brought with him as Christmas gift

~ Jin will never forget the boy face that said “delicious!” when he ate the candy, even though Jin was feel a bit sorry that candy he had at that time was mint candy. Next year, they meet again, Jin commented on Leon who looks healthier and often goes out. Jin want to get along with Leon so this time Jin gave honey flavored candy. Leon’s response still the same. Well later Jin found out that Leon always said delicious to any food that was given to him lol

~ from Jin’s story, we can tell that Leon has already taken the Fourth Prince place. At that time, Leon still unfamiliar with court and cities, so he goes out quite often. Jin was the first to approach him and give him a gift. Jin is also the one who helps Leon adapt in the court

~ from Leon story, MC helps Leon distribute gifts to the children in town. One of the children confessed his love to MC. Don’t want to lose, Leon challenged the kid to fight for MC lol so they had a snowball fight

Yves x Clavis

~ sometimes, I thought that Clavis was an isekaid, came from the future then transferred to Rhodolite era bc …. the heck he want give his lover a DAKIMAKURA!!

In addition to a Clavis-sized pillow, he will also give her a bed sheet with a picture of himself

~ Clavis already imagined MC being happy and loved him even more when she got the gift. But MC …

Yeah, she rejected that idea

~“Why? You don’t want to be sandwiched by two Clavis?”

~ okay after that, Clavis back to his usual routine while thinking about MC …. But suddenly Yves, who was walking in front Clavis, stop and ask “Clavis-sama, why are you following me?”. Yves had a bad feeling when Clavis smirked and sure enough, Clavis 'kidnapped’ Yves

~ Clavis takes Yves to a cafe, actually Clavis asked Yves for advice because Yves always up to date with popular trends in city but because Yves is always scared and runs away whenever he sees Clavis, Clavis has no choice but to tie him up lol.

Hearing this, Yves’s mood instantly changed. Yves proudly told what he had known, reminds Clavis that Yves used to laugh more often back there. Then without wasting any time, Clavis immediately dragged Yves to hunt ingredients. Yes, Clavis wants to make something but with ingredients he bought himself. Poor Yves

~ Next day, after delivering Christmas present to his younger brothers (a tree that makes funny sounds for Licht, a carrot-shaped cushion with carrot scent for Nokto and a surprise box with honey popping out for Luke ) Clavis presented his homemade cake to Yves

The cake has 10 colors with 10 different flavors, Yves commented with “a color that makes you lose your appetite” lol Clavis reminded that no matter how the cake was made, Yves would always eat it

Yves asks why does Clavis always spend Christmas bothering him than with the other brothers?

Clavis replied that Yves’ reaction was more interesting. So it’s very worth it

~ Clavis recalled, Yves in old days didn’t open his heart to anyone. Given his lineage, it may be unavoidable that if he feels he has no place in this country. He always celebrate Christmas with his nanny until one day, his nanny died. Yves still attending the party, but he’s always in the corner of hall

Clavis then took initiative by approaching Yves started by baking a cake, setting a trap if Yves ran away from him and many more. Clavis had thought about stopping his actions, but seeing that his actions were the right answer for Yves, he still does it until now.

yep, even though at first Yves will cried, but in the end he will laugh too

~ from Yves perspective, well yeah he was annoyed and angry at Clavis’ pranks. But after thinking it through, he realized some of Clavis’s mischief happened when he was feeling depressed or when he wants to cry. In the end Yves didn’t get angry and just laughed at Clavis silly prank

(it’s cute when Yves fell in Clavis’s trap hole, he crying and screamed “LIICCHHTTTT!!”)

Thus Yves knows that Clavis cares for him and thanks to him, Yves doesn’t feel so lonely every Christmas come

~“Maybe Clavis’s mischief is 90% of his hobbies, but the remaining 10% is kindness.”Lol

~ btw in Yves story, Yves wants to surprise MC and Clavis appeared out of nowhere, took Yves right away to a shop that turned out to be Clavis’s … So the items being sold there are Clavis’s unusual and surprising items … That surprisingly become very populer in the city

Yves rejected all of that. So Clavis asked if all the surprises here didn’t match his expectations, then what kind of surprise did he want for MC? Yves realized that Clavis’ suggestion was very reasonable. He thought about how sometimes Clavis acts like a real big brother

Sadly, I didn’t have time to read Nokto x Rio and Luke x Licht stories ( ;∀;) But if I’m not mistaken, Nokto and Licht’s memory is them trying to make blankets (?) for their mother. Aww~ so cute



manifesting some good ol ikemen action for yall’s 2022 ✨

(image descriptions are included under the cut!!)

feel free to reblog/comment what you got i’d love to see it!! for me it looks like i’m gonna be teaming up with leon & yves to take over the world while acting like we know what we’re doing ✊ tho tbh i think i’ll be the only clueless one bc yves is one meticulous prince & leon ALWAYS has sumn up his sleeve 


Continua a leggere

Take over the world, while acting like you know what you’re doing, with Chevalier

Sounds about right, because he would need to do all the work, while I’m simping for him at his side

Be involved in a kingdom-wide scandal, just as your destiny had foretold, with Jin

Damn Jin, you drag me where!? I thought we only sightseeing big-breasted onee-san!

Younger Version of Ikepri Suitors (???)

Yves please (人 •͈ᴗ•͈). If I’m not mistaken he once said that in the past, he didn’t pay attention to his appearance like now, so im kinda curious …

I thought Cybird will reveal their younger version in gacha, but turns out they’re kindly enough to reveal them in main story gc and event card ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Let’s look forward to the rest! \(^o^)/
