#digimon frontier


And part 2 of Digimeme post

NymphamonLevel: Child (Rookie) / HybridAttribute: VariableType: FairyA Digimon that was transformed


Level: Child (Rookie) / Hybrid

Attribute: Variable

Type: Fairy

A Digimon that was transformed into a half-beast, half-man form when Fairymon’s power was halved. It can’t boast great strength, but it is a quick and evasive fighter that tires its opponents down before striking, leading to victory more often than not, even against Adult-class Digimon. However, it is mostly peaceful, preferring to make friends and have fun rather than battle. Its Special Move is creating a whirlwind while spinning (“Fiero Vento”).

Suggested pre-evolved forms: Puroromon, Pyocomon, Minomon, Poromon

Suggested evolved forms: Fairymon, Hudiemon, Stingmon, Harpymon, Mothmon

Post link

Yggdrasil, el host principal del Mundo Digital, para algunos considerado como un dios y para otros como no más que una computadora sin sentimientos.  Puesto que fue corrompido,mando a los royal Knight a eliminar la vida de los digimon, siendo estos también absorbidos por la oscuridad. Dando paso a evoluciones malignas y conducidas por la ira 

En el mismo caso tenemos a homeostasis un ser creado para suplir la función de Yggdrasil cuando este fue corrompido, manteniéndose en un estado de guerra causando un desequilibrio en el mundo digital.

Pronto este mundo llegara a su fin -  Una imponente figura oculta entre las sombras soltó una sádica sonrisa mientras miraba hacia una celda, de la cual solo se lograba ver una especie de ojos rojos - pronto llegara la hora de comer… 

Homeostasis  decidió jugar una de sus mejores cartas, pero al mismo tiempo una de las más peligrosas, la misma que llevó al anterior mundo a su destrucción, un arma de doble filo… traer humanos. Una acción desesperada para un mundo en el cual ni siquiera existían los Royal Knight. Pero tenía fe que con ellos se restablecerá la paz… O no? 

Mando Digivces  al mundo humano seleccionando a los más dignos 

(aqui comienzan las acciones de los participantes y las respuestas del rol masteer, recuerden que solo se borran los dados, y las estadisticas de daño, para escribirlo a modo fanfic, pero eso no significa que sea uno.)

Día normal en el dojo Kempachi. Un  joven de 15 años practicando debotamente como todos los días el kendo que le fue heredado por sus padres (que están de vacaciones en el extranjero) cuando un extraño y peculiar reflejo de una luz brillante le precuto la cara a nuestro heroe solitario

- ahh mis ojos. Que es esto en el suelo, no es un celular!?, que es esto? - didijo un lekiam confundido

Cuando de repente suena y ve que la pantalla del extraño objeto dice su nombre completo

- esto debe ser una broma

Luego lo suelta en el tatami dándose así un golpe aquel objeto  contra el mismo..! Y justo en ese intate! Una luz brillante lo sego y lo envolvio y lo siguiente que vio un montón de luces extrañas A su al rededor mientras el sentia que caía  e impactaba con un piso de tierra

ahh! Pero que en donde estoy  - dijo lekiam al abrir los ojos

Y luego su cara es impactada por aquel objeto (por que le cae en la cara)

Apenas se encontró al primer elegido fue trasladado a una pequeña isla cerca de las Isla de los dioses, donde la corrupción de yggdrasil aun no habia llegado pero aun así había peligro por doquier… 

Apenas cayó en la isla su digivice empezó a  sonar, esto solo era una advertencia de que su compañero de aventuras estaba cerca por no decir que al momento le cayó encima al chico aún aturdido

ahh que demonios ahora eto no se calla. Ya para!! Que quieres de mi? Cosa ruidosa? - el chico empezo a agitar el objeto y darle leves golpes a ver si asi se callaba


 - aaaaahhh  que es esto que demonios Una cucaracha super desarollada

- no soy eso que dices que soy digimon mal vestido!!! - respondio el digimon que le cayo encima

- como  me digiste!!. Y por que sigues ensima  de mi QUÍTATE ANIMALEJO - le contesto el chico

- uy lo siento es que eres cómodo jaja - se quita de encima

- que!! Insima te burlas enano! - el chico se le queda viendo un instante para luego soltar - oye un momento como es que tu HABLAS AAHH ODIOS UNA MARIQITA MUTANTE AAAHHH

- mariquita mutante? Que no se será eso pero no suena bien 

- ok ya me calme quien oque eres amigo hoctopodo?

- yo soy tentomon hola buenas tardes señor!

(Los compañeros digimon son elegidos a traves de un test que la mayoria ya debe conocer, si no me escriben y se los puedo pasar con mucho gusto)

Yggdrasil, the main host of the Digital World, for some considered as a god and for others as no more than a computer without feelings. Since he was corrupted, he sent the royal knights to eliminate the digimon’s life, being also absorbed by the darkness. Giving way to evil and anger-driven evolutions
In the same case we have to homeostasis a being created to replace the function of Yggdrasil when it was corrupted, remaining in a state of war causing an imbalance in the digital world.
Soon this world will come to an end - An imposing figure hidden in the shadows let out a sadistic smile as he looked towards a cell, from which only a kind of red eyes could be seen - soon it was time to eat …
Homeostasis decided to play one of his best cards, but at the same time one of the most dangerous, the same one that led the previous world to its destruction, a double-edged sword … bringing humans. A desperate action for a world in which even the Royal Knight did not exist. But I had faith that with them peace will be restored … Or not?
I send Digivces to the human world selecting the most worthy

(Here the actions of the participants and the responses of the masteer role begin, remember that only the dice are erased, and the damage statistics, to write it as a fanfic, but that does not mean that it is one.)

Normal day at the Kempachi dojo. A young man of 15 years practicing debotily like every day the kendo that was inherited by his parents (who are on vacation abroad) when a strange and peculiar reflection of a bright light asked the face of our lonely hero

- ahh my eyes. What is this on the floor, is not a cell phone!?, What is this? - Said a confused lekiam

When suddenly it rings and you see that the strange object’s screen says its full name

- this has to be a joke

Then he releases it on the tatami thus hitting that object against it ..! And right in that intate! A bright light seized him and enveloped him and the next thing he saw a lot of strange lights all around him as he felt himself falling and hitting a dirt floor

ahh! But where am I - Lekiam said when he opened his eyes

And then his face is hit by that object (because it falls on his face)

As soon as the first chosen was found, he was transferred to a small island near the Isle of the Gods, where the corruption of Yggdrasil had not yet arrived but still there was danger everywhere …

As soon as he fell on the island his digivice began to sound, this was only a warning that his adventure partner was close, not to say that at the moment the still stunned boy fell on him

ahh what the hell now this is not silent. Stop now!! What do you want of me? Noisy thing? - The boy began to shake the object and give it light blows to see if it was quiet

Cuchutoplun !!!

- aaaaahhh what is this what the hell A super developed cockroach

- I am not that you say that I am digimon badly dressed !!! - Answered the digimon that fell on him

- As you told me !!. And why are you still on top of me? REMOVE ANIMALEJO - the boy answered him

- oops, I’m sorry you’re comfortable haha ​​- get off me

- than!! Insima you mock dwarf! - the boy stares at him for a moment and then lets go - hears a moment how is it that you SPEAK AAHH I HATE A MUTANT LADYBUG AAAHHH

- mutant ladybug? That won’t be, but it doesn’t sound good

- Okay, calm down, who is a hoctopod friend?

- I’m tentomon hello good afternoon sir!

(The digimon companions are chosen through a test that most of them must already know, if they don’t write to me and I can pass them with pleasure)


Mis amigos y yo llevamos un roll de digimon y aun con las complicaciones, debido a que terminamos siendo 4 masters incluyendome de vez en cuando, y con lo horrible y tragicos que son nuestros dados debido al bot del discord, vamos con una trama original, en un inicio, no se ponian de acuerdo, y pues terminamos haciendo ciertos roles individuales, y misiones como si fuera un juego y una historia no tuviera que ver con la otra, pero nos fuimos organizando, y pues entre ocurrencias y ocurrencias locas en mi ausencia, ya que 2 de los masters no saben nada de digimon en si, pues ahora hay de todo, pero vamos a seguir esta interesante y gracioso, he de decir que no me convencia al inicio, pero me termino gustando, claro con amigos todo gusta, sus ocurrencias y demas es imposible no amarlas ♥incluso las falla de dados ayudan a la trama. Incluso estuvimos a punto de morir sin completar las dos primeras misiones y algunas otras mas pero la verdad es que milagrosamente hemos quedado vivos aun.

Quizas suba algunos dibujos tambien, tanto mios como de mis amigos por aca acerca del rol y nuestros personajes ♥

My friends and I carry a roll of digimon and even with the complications, because we end up being 4 masters including me from time to time, and with how horrible and tragic our dice are due to the discord bot, we go with an original plot, At first, they did not agree, and then we ended up doing certain individual roles, and missions as if it were a game and a story had nothing to do with the other, but we were organizing, and then between occurrences and crazy occurrences in my absence, since 2 of the masters do not know anything about digimon itself, because now there is everything, but we will continue this interesting and funny, I must say that I was not convinced at the beginning, but I end up liking it, of course with friends everything like, its occurrences and others it is impossible not to love them ♥ even the dice fail help the plot. We were even about to die without completing the first two missions and some others, but the truth is that miraculously we are still alive.

Maybe upload some drawings too, both mine and my friends over here about the role and our characters ♥

One of the things that makes me both happy and sad is the small number of currently engaged digimon fans.

On one hand- There’s a lot of calm, not much discourse, you can tell the mood of most of the fandom on a topic, and there’s not a lot of fighting. If someone disagrees with you they scroll past, don’t engage, and in extreme cases block, but they don’t go out of their way to make you feel bad.

On the other hand- The ao3 is super small and taste are concentrated, ffn is where most of the fics go (but it’s super hard to navigate), and a lot of the fun tropes are passed on/missed- like Superhero AU? Soulmates AU? TV Show/Drama based AUs?, also there is a fixed hatred that snowballs past the first series of adventure. As someone who dedicated herself to watching all the seasons of digimon and is currently working to complete that this is by far the thing that hurts the most.
