#digitizing human action

Distant Feeling(s) is a project which aims at, once a year, bringing together different interested p

Distant Feeling(s) is a project which aims at, once a year, bringing together different interested people, joining from their different locations in the world and share ‘15 minutes’ of togetherness across the network. Resorting to the internet as a common communication channel/medium and to video-conferencing software, everyone is invited to join and remain silent and with eyes closed during the duration of the experiment. 

The usual human tools used for communication - sound and vision, commonly applied in video-conferencing - are taken out from the equation while going against everyday (technological) restlessness and enabling other senses to carefully tune into the presence of others. Distant Feeling(s) becomes an intimate portrait of people actively producing a meditative state where the screen becomes a shared and common space for all. A globally dispersed community materializing a relational system, a networked topology that not only represents the network itself, but that discusses the fragile situation of us being together while apart.

Watch video [here]

Distant Feeling(s) is a project by Annie Abrahams ( @e-stranger), Lisa Parra ( @parralis) and Daniel Pinheiro. An online [open to all] yearly reconnection, a ritual of contemplation on our situation of being together while being separated. An ever-changing re-enactment of our intra-action with and through machines.

more info:
LAND PROJECT: Placelessness (October, 2015) collaboration with Annie Abrahams: aabrahams.wordpress.com/2016/01/27/placelessness//youtu.be/tc3nxu-4nno)

// Previous sessions //

Video - Distant Feeling(s) #1 (raw version) [online, private session]: https://vimeo.com/158351502
Video - Distant Feeling(s) #2 [reSense [movement, performance, technology, art] Festival, Berlin, online, July 26th - 9h45pm - 10h45pm (GMT+2)]: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Hu8HDnXh960
Video - Distant Feeling(s) #3 [VisionS in the Nunnery, London, online, November 24th 2016 - 6h30pm (GMT)]: https://vimeo.com/193158145
Video - Distant Feeling(s) #4 [first of a yearly reconnection, online, December 1st 2017]: https://vimeo.com/245530528
Video - Distant Feeling(s) #5 [second of a yearly reconnection, online, December 19th 2018]: https://vimeo.com/308709859

Post link

OnWednesday, December 19th 2018[between2 and 2.15PM UTC],Distant Feeling(s) was activated - again, for the second time - as a participatory online happening, bringing together the artists and participants, all connecting from different remote locations through the use of the videoconferencing platform zoom.us.

Initially started as part of Lisa Parra and Daniel Pinheiro’s collaboration in LAND PROJECT, the project grew into an a specific model of interaction between the three artists involved and has been presented in different formats and contexts. Even if it can be activated outside of its yearly iteration - Distant Feeling(s) is a project which aims at, (least) once a year, bringing together different interested people, joining from their different locations in the world and share ‘15 minutes’ of togetherness across the network. Resorting to the internet as a common communication channel/medium and to video-conferencing software, everyone is invited to join and remain silent and with eyes closed during the duration of the experiment.

For this specific iteration, three different perspectives on the project emerged due to different modes of archiving/documenting the experience:

The last five minutes (editing by Annie Abrahams)

Distant Feeling(s) Gallery View

Distant Feeling(s) (recording by Alix Desaubliaux)

When the usual human tools used for communication - sound and vision, commonly applied in video-conferencing - are taken out from the equation while going against everyday (technological) restlessness and enabling other senses to carefully tune into the presence of others, Distant Feeling(s) becomes an intimate portrait of people actively producing a meditative state where the screen becomes a shared and common space for all. A globally dispersed community materializing a relational system, a networked topology that not only represents the network itself, but that discusses the fragile situation of us being together while apart.

Distant Feeling(s) #5: the fifth session of Distant Feeling(s) - the second of an online ritual of contemplation, a yearly reconnection reflecting on our situation of being together while separated.

Distant Feeling(s) is a project by Annie Abrahams ( @e-stranger), Lisa Parra ( @parralis) and Daniel Pinheiro ( @daniel-pinheiro ) - a series of online webcam meetings trying to experience each other’s presence with EYES CLOSED and NO TALKING.

info also at bram.org/distantF/

dedicated page at http://landproject.tumblr.com/distantfeelings
