

New York, Night Two

warnings: birth??

summary: harry has to stop his show because his wife’s water breaks


“Come on girls we’re gonna be late.” Y/N tells her daughters as they quickly hang their designer clothes on Harry’s clothing rack.

The mother of four was holding her youngest child Marley who was already wearing her sticker decorated soundproof headphones that were specially made for loud concerts.

As the three girls trail out of their fathers dressing room they swiftly put on their face masks along with their headphones.

With the help of Glenne and Jeff, Y/N and her children safely make it to the arenas floor behind a barricade. Harry was preforming his third song on the setlist when he sees his daughters jumping around.

He soon makes eye contact with his nine month old pregnant wife who gives him a slight wave. His giggles were heard once the toddler in Y/N’s grip screams so loud that the mother shuts her eyes.

Even though you couldn’t see her face fully, you could tell she was laughing the way her eyes crinkled up.

“My family is here tonight! Yay!” Harry shouts watching his three girls excitedly yell. Everyone in the crowd begins to scream and turn their attention to the Styles family.

Y/N’s fifth pregnancy was very public. Everyone knew once some pictures came out of her eating ice cream in Italy with a small bump. It made the fandom go insane.

The pregnant mother nods as a bunch of flashes go off around the arena.

Harry soon begins to sing his next song which was Watermelon Sugar. Everything was fine until Y/N got a sharp pain in her stomach, a familiar feeling.

In a flash Y/N sets Marley down on a tour equipment box before darting backstage clutching onto her pregnant belly. As she was bout to open the dressing room door she feels a slow trickle go down her jean clad legs.


Multiple contractions hit Y/N who was trying her hardest to change out of her wet pants but every sharp pain made her halt. She gasps falling onto her knees grabbing the couch for support.

She thought after having four children maybe giving birth to twins won’t be much of a hassle. Yeah she thought wrong.

Y/N does not notice the shouts coming from the crowd or that her husband has stopped singing, not even when the door opens.

“Baby are you okay?” Harry voice makes her look up to see him out of breath. She immediately tries to get up but a contraction makes her wince loudly. “You’re water broke.” He realizes when he sees her inner thighs wet.

“Y-You should be out there—”

“I’m not leaving you.” Harry softly tells her. He kisses her head before helping her up onto the couch.

He swiftly takes off his wife’s pants and panties replacing them with his boxers and sweats. After she’s dressed he quickly rushes to change out of his polkadot pants and sheer top.

Before leaving the arena Y/N makes sure her children will listen to Jeff and Glenne because she knew how they could be troublemakers sometimes.

“Please listen. Also no sweets after ten!” Y/N shouts as Harry drags her away.

The ride to the hospital was not that long but in Harry’s opinion it was lengthy. He just wanted to hurry up because he knew his wife was in pain.

With all her pregnancies he had never seen her look so much in discomfort before. Maybe it was because there was two babies inside of her but he knew she could get through it.

She was a strong woman.

“Harry can you stop looking at me like that.” Y/N rolls her eyes as she moves to face the other way. He shrugs his shoulders with a smile before moving to the other side of the hospital bed.

She cracks a grin when she feels him slowly sink down onto the bed. He was about to say something but the nurse walking in stops him.

“Ms. Styles ready for your second dose of epidural?”

Y/N’s nods as she turns onto her side so they could insert the needle into her spine. When she feels a prick going into her skin she let’s out a sigh in relief.

Shortly she feels her legs go slightly numb making her relax into the bed.

Soon Y/N and Harry both get informed about one of the baby’s already crowning meaning she’s going to have to push.


Y/N groans as she tightly holds onto Harry’s ringed hand. He begins to whisper sweet nothings to her when he sees that she’s not pushing anymore.

Sweat was dripping from her forehead, mascara smeared under her eyes, her red stained lips were now patchy. She had never felt so ugly before but her husband was looking down at her like she was the only woman in the world.

Y/N soon pushes once again making the doctor and nurses shout encouragingly. She continues to push until she hears a loud cry.

“It’s a girl!”

Y/N leans up on her elbows to see the nurse holding a gooey baby. Harry quickly rushes over to the newborn after getting called to cut the umbilical cord.

After the nurse takes the baby to clean her up Harry runs back to his wife’s side.

“Ms. Styles are you ready to push again?” The doctor questions which makes her give him a dirty look. “I’m guessing that’s a yes.” He laughs.

Immediately Y/N begins to push wanting her last baby out of her. Harry pushes back her hair that had fell in her face before grabbing her clenched hand.

She begins to notice that this baby was being difficult and didn’t want to come out. She lets out a cry when she feels him slowly begin to crown.

“Your such an amazing mother to the kids we have right now. Imagine how you’re gonna be with twins.” Harry whispers into her ear which encourages her to push.

“Almost there!” The nurse shouts grabbing a baby blanket preparing for the second birth.

Y/N begin to cry at the pain.

“I can’t do it! I can’t!”

“Baby look at me.” Harry softly grabs her face. “Take a deep breath and push.” He gives her a small smile.

With all the strength Y/N had left she pushed.

Small multiple wails were heard making her fall back onto the bed exhausted. Soon she falls into deep sleep ignoring everything around her.


Y/N wakes up to a baby crying. Swiftly she turns her head to see Harry bouncing a baby who was wrapped in a pink blanket.

“Is she hungry?” Y/N’s raspy voice speaks up making Harry immediately rush over to her with a smile.

“Yes she is.” He tells her making her unbutton the hospital gown she was wearing.

Harry softly lays the baby onto Y/N’s chest. The newborn quickly latches on without any problems which surprised the mother but soon she relaxes and stares down lovingly at her daughter.

It was a moment Harry wanted to remember forever.

“Do the twins have names yet?” Y/N asks Harry not taking her eyes off her daughter.

“No, I waited for you to wake up.” He tells her as he picks up his sleeping son, his only son.

It was quite funny in Y/N’s opinion that there were five girls and one boy. She knew that he definitely was going to be raised right.

“What about Cher and Sonny?” Y/N finally looks up to see her son. He looked so precious, she wanted to cry.

Their first son.

“Like Sonny and Cher the pop duo?” Harry grins moving to lay down next to his wife. He kisses her cheek before leaning his head on his shoulder.

Y/N nods making Harry laugh contentedly.

“Cher and Sonny it is.”

Y/N Styles, a mother of six shares her beauty secrets.

warnings: none

summary: y/n doing vogue’s beauty secrets ft. harry and their kids


“Hi Vogue I’m Y/N Styles and today I’m going to show you my everyday skincare routine along with a makeup look.” Y/N introduces herself as she pulls a fluffy pink headband on that probably belonged to her five year old daughter.

The bathroom she was in looked ginormous. A black oval bathtub had multiple colored towels thrown over the ledge.

Behind her was a familiar pink robe hanging on a hook of the door that Harry wore one time during an interview.

“First I’ll wet my face with cold water. Cold water especially makes you look refreshed along with boosting your circulation.” She says fixing the t-shirt she was wearing which was actually her husband’s old Rolling Stones shirt.

She was about to speak about her face wash but a loud cry makes her stop. She playfully rolls her eyes when she hears a few hushes and giggles.

Her children were eavesdropping on her.

“The cleanser I use is from Acne Expert Skincare. I’ve been using it ever since I was pregnant with my first born. This is the only cleanser that has made my face clear up while pregnant.” Y/N explains as she holds up a white bottle.

After she rinses the cleanser off she grabs a towel and dries her face.

“Then I will put this purifying serum on. I love this product so much. It’ll make you have a glow.” She speaks as she drops a little bit of serum on her cheeks before rubbing it in.

It definitely made her skin look flawless.

“Next I will use my acne cream. Since I have six children they all will touch my face throughout the day, so putting on this cream will really protect my skin from breaking out.” Y/N says as she rubs the cream all over her face.

Suddenly the bathroom door slams open. Multiple children were seen giggling and smiling at their mother who just stared at them with a grin.

“Can we help you mommy?” Juliet, the oldest Styles child questions her mom who nods.

Swiftly all four children rush to grab their step stools in the bathroom closet. Soon they all line the stools up next to their mother who was stood in front of the marble counter.

The four girls all nod when Y/N asks them if their ready.

“After putting on my acne cream I will put on my moisturizer that has SPF. Sunscreen is very important in this family.” Y/N expresses as she puts a dollop of moisturizer on each girls face.

“Yes it is!” Iris giggles as she rubs the cream all over her face.

Before moving on Y/N makes sure her daughters have rubbed all of the moisturizer in. With a nod of her head she grabs her cat decorated makeup bag which makes the girls shout excitedly.

They loved playing with makeup.

“First I will put on my Glossier skin tint. I hate how foundation is so heavy that’s why I love this because it’s lightweight coverage.” She says as she blends out the skin tint with her ring finger.

Juliet, Iris, Luna and Marley were all staring at their mother with pure adoration in their eyes. They truly idolized their mother which was so adorable.

“Next is blush. Rare Beauty is my all time favorite makeup brand and the blush they have is so good.” Y/N praises putting on a dab of cream blush on each one of her daughters cheeks. She hands them all oval brushes before blending her own blush stained cheeks.

The scene genuinely looked cute. Two daughters were on either side of Y/N as they copy their mother’s actions.

“Ladies! What is going on?”

Y/N turns around to see her husband holding their seven month old twins with a large grin on his face.

“We are doing makeup daddy!” Marley lisps as she points to the counter. He nods still grinning moving out of frame so they could continue.

Y/N smiles at Harry who leans against the counter staring at her intently. The babies in his arms were passed out, drooling against his bare chest.

She loved him so much.

“Next mommy will usually put on red lipstick.” Juliet says as she grabs the red Gucci lipstick out of her mom’s makeup bag. She looks at her mother to double check and when she nods she begins to swipe the lipstick onto her little sister’s lips.

Harry sighs lovingly at the sight. He loved them so much. They were the light of his life, his sun, the reason to make music, the reason to wake up every morning with a pep in his step.

“I hope Gem is watching this.” Luna randomly shouts making everyone in the room laugh.
