#harry styles x yn



  • Title- Shoot (sorry I just couldn’t pick a title)
  • Type-Multiple blurbs, but in total word count, they make a One-Shoty blurb. So, consider this a One-Shoty Blurb!
  • Verse- Model!Harry x Fashion-Designer!Y/n
  • Word Count- 1.6k
  • Warnings- Slight smut. Not proofread.
  • A/n- I had been planning this one for days but when the teaser came out, the inspo hit.
  • Sort of a description- Harry is a model and doing a photoshoot, and the clothes are obviously designed by the woman we all love, Y/n. Hahah xD Also, this one includes the dazed photoshoots, as well as what he wore in the teaser, so let’s assume that all of these are for the same: Dazed (including the teaser one <3).

A sigh leaves Y/n’s mouth from the back of her throat as her mouth hangs wide open, eyes never seeming to leave the beauty that just walked in and is standing parallel to the doorframe.

“Y- you look, oh- ugh, oh my lord. You look so pretty,” she trailed off, standing up from where she had sat down on the wooden floor due to the chair being full of Harry’s home clothes he had arrived on the shoot wearing. And then again, it’s a dressing room, you can’t expect it to have ten chairs and three sofas.

The sofa being full of the next clothes he’s gonna wear, is just whole another story.

Y/n walks towards him, eyes glued to his frame as he poses for her. “You look gorgeous, Harry. Just the way I had wanted you to look,” she says, her hands coming to touch him.

She slowly slides her hand all over his body, checking out her work on him, or checking out him in her work, she’s not quite sure.

“Harry! Everyone’s ready!” The photographer calls for him.

The Designer was about to kiss him good luck when she halts her actions. “Holy- wait a second,” she asks, causing him to chuckle as she rushes towards the tiny desk in the room and fishes out a few things from her purse.

“Here,” she quickly applies some of her lip-balm on his lips, and yells that Harry is going out there in 5 to the crew, in the process.

Very frantically but smoothly, she draws a thin line of black eyeliner towards the end and just above his pretty eyes-lashes. She moves back a bit to observe her work and checks everything out as the makeup artist had already worked on him.

She just hopes that they won’t get mad, the make-up artist.

A sloppy smile stretches out on her lips. “You’re good now. Look like an absolute angel,” she admits, kissing the tip of his nose.


Keep reading



A/N: ceorry is finally here with plus size reader!! hope you guys will love it, i really enjoyed writing this and i can’t wait to read your thoughts!


WARNING: sexual content, struggle with body image

SUMMARY: You’re about to start your business as an interior designer. Thanks to your best friend, your first client turns out to be none other than Harry Styles, the insanely handsome and stupidly rich business man.


 “I quit my job.”

The front door shuts closed behind you just as Bianca drops the spoon she was holding into her bowl of ice-cream upon hearing your announcement and before she could even speak up you continue.

“And I think Vincent and I kinda broke up.”

She coughs with wide eyes, placing her bowl to the coffee table as she moves to one side of the couch.

“There’s a lot to unpack there, come on, sit down and tell me about it all!” she urges and sighing you drop your bag by the front door and walk over to her, collapsing onto the couch after what felt like the worst day of your life so far.

You eye the ice-cream Bianca just discarded and you feel like you could inhale it in one go so you point at it turning towards your best friend and flatmate.

“Can I eat that?” you sigh with a frown.

“Uh, sure, go ahead! Seems like you need it more than I do.”

You dig into it right away, drowning everything that happened today in the sweet, creamy, icy dessert. You eat it way too fast so you get an instant brain freeze, but in your current state it’s not even that painful.

“So, what happened?” Bianca asks cautiously.

“Um, well, my boss threw out the window everything I worked on the past month and wanted me to start over so I had enough and quit,” you start with the first part of your announcements.

“It’s kind of good, isn’t it? I mean, you hated working there and you’ve been thinking about leaving for a while.”

“Yeah, but not this abruptly. I knew I wouldn’t work at fucking Ikea forever, but it would have been nice if I had a full plan before quitting.” 

Shoving one spoon full of ice-cream after the other into your mouth you try to keep yourself together and not think about how uncertain your life has just become. Everything you had and thought to be stable a few days ago is now gone.

“You’ll figure it out. You can finally start your own business, like you always wanted!” B tries to cheer you up.

“Yeah, I guess,” you shrug, still focusing on the ice-cream.

“I’ll help you, okay? I have some connections, it’ll be fine.”

“Thanks,” you sigh with a weak smile.

“Okay, now onto the next thing, what did that scumbag Vincent do?”

Bianca has never been a big fan of your… who was even Vincent? You never agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend, just acted like it, but every time you tried to bring it up he just dodged it. And because having someone was more than having no one, you went with it and stayed quiet. But lately things have been rockier and you’ve had enough.

“He… He sent me a text with a picture that was definitely not meant for me.”

“What?” she gasps. “What did he send?”

“A picture of a lingerie set and the text said he can’t wait to see me in it. The set was for a woman who is the size of my arm, B.”

You almost fainted in the kitchen section when you saw it, had to hide behind one of the displays to pull yourself together and not have a meltdown in the middle of Ikea. You had to wait until your lunch break to call him and question what it was about, it turned into a screaming match and at the end he just saved his ass by saying you were never exclusive so it’s not cheating.

Then you told him to go fuck himself and all of his side bitches and ended the call. Two hours later you also quit your job, so it’s a miracle you’re not crying like a baby right now.

“Fucking hell, I always knew he was a pig. But you’re better off without him, he never appreciated you enough.” Bianca circles an arm around your shoulders as she brings you closer to her and you lean into her, spooning the rest of the ice-cream into your mouth.

“I think he always had an issue with my looks,” you mumble.

“Because he is a fucking assturd, that’s his issue,” Bianca scoffs and the way she says assturd always gets to you, so you can’t help, but laugh. “There’s nothing wrong with your looks, you look fucking sexy, don’t let an idiot make you think otherwise.”

“Maybe I should go on a diet again. Last time I lost a few pounds, so…” Placing the empty bowl to the coffee table guilt washes over you for eating the ice-cream.

“Fuck no! There’s no diet in this house!” Bianca protests. “You know what? We’ll go for a pamper day tomorrow and then the day after we’ll start to work on your business. Update your portfolio, I already have a few people in mind who would be open to hiring you.”

“I don’t want to put you into extra work, B. You have enough work at the firm.”

“It’s not work, and you’re not putting me into anything. I offered it so just take it. Alright, now let’s watch a movie to cheer you up and never talk about Ike or Vincent again.”

You know Bianca has connections in circles that fall way out of your league. She’d done all kinds of hostess works during college and she made an advantage out of them for herself, networking and connecting with the right people, building herself relationships in fields you can only dream of stepping foot into. She’s been going to business dinners and high end bars with people that hold the kind of power a normal person can’t even imagine. She has dragged you to some outings as well, mostly where drinking was included and whenever she mentioned the name of the places your eyes fell out of their sockets.

“B, I cannot pay for a night there, I would end up just drinking tap water in the restroom!” you protested, but she just rolled her eyes.

“We are not paying a penny. Everything is covered, we’re gonna be guests!”

And that’s exactly what happened. Your money remained in your purse while the drinks just kept coming and coming. During these occasions you got to see what she’s like around these men. It was always obvious they saw her as just an eye candy and nothing more, a pretty woman they can walk in with and earn jealous glances and they probably never even realized how smart she really is, working at an all women law firm. Whenever business talk started and she could chip in once legal topics were touched, she impressed them all with her knowledge and she knew they would be calling her soon, willing to pay any amount just to have her work with them. 

Bianca is naturally confident and the kind of woman every man stares at when she walks into a room. But she never makes other women feel less, what’s more, she can go absolutely feral when someone treats a woman in her presence less just because they don’t find her that pretty or charming. 

One time, when you were freshmen in college you were out at a bar near campus. A guy came up to the two of you and very obviously tried to flirt with Bianca, completely ignoring your presence. He didn’t last more than five minutes before she grilled him so badly he walked away without a single word, never even glancing her way for the rest of the night. 

So when she told you about this “friend” of hers who might be interested in your work, you knew it would be some prestigious businessman, one of the big fish, but now as you’re nearing the office building that towers above most of the city’s other skyscrapers, you can feel your stomach churning. This is not just a big fish, this might be a whole shark and you might not survive a meeting with him after all.

Walking into the lobby you’re met with a modern design, it’s spacious and minimalistic, but also kind of welcoming, makes you want to linger around longer. You approach the front desk where a woman with a headset smiles at you, her makeup and outfit absolutely spotless and suddenly you feel underdressed compared to her. 

“Good morning, how can I help you?” she asks in a nice, warm tone.

“Hi, I-I’m here for an appointment with Mr. Styles?” you tell her, already cursing yourself out for making it sound like a question, as if she knew why you were here.

“May I ask your name, please?” she turns to the computer, her fingers already typing away on the keypad. 

“It’s Y/N Y/L/N.”

She hums, her eyes glued to the screen, the smile never leaving her features. A few more clicks and she turns back to you.

“Welcome, Miss Y/L/N. Mr. Styles will see you in a few minutes, would you be so kind and go to the 78th floor? They will be already waiting for you. Elevators are on your right,” she instructs, gesturing towards the three elevators.

“Thank you,” you nod breathing out the words before making your way to the elevators. 

People come and go, you’re not the only one waiting at the elevators, but you’re definitely the odd one out. The blue midi dress Bianca urged you to wear is out of your comfort zone and you feel like it’s tighter around your curves than what’s considered classy. You paired it with a white blazer you haven’t worn in ages, but it’s the most business-looking piece you own. The women around you seem to be wearing outfits that cost about three times more than yours, designer purses and ankle-breaking high heels appear to be the normal around here while you’re wearing flats, because you simply don’t put yourself through the torture of forcing your feet into heels.

And the cherry on top? The massive folder you brought your portfolio in is anything but professional with the colorful fruits printed all over it, strawberries, watermelons and cherries are floating around on it. You swore you had a simple black one somewhere in your desk at home, but you failed to actually find it and this one was the only one that wasn’t used to the point that it was threatening to fall apart. You thought you could play it off, but seeing everyone around you know you wish you chose one of the beaten-up folders instead.

On the way up the elevator stops three times before you reach the 78th floor and stepping out you’re immediately met with a woman who could easily be the clone of the one at the front desk downstairs. She is just as spotless and perfect as she was, her smiling lips are painted red and so plump, you wonder if they are even real.

“Welcome, Miss Y/L/N! Mr. Styles will see you in a second, would you like to have a coffee or tea while you wait?” she asks, walking you over to a waiting area with comfortable looking couches and massive paintings on the walls. 

“Uh, no thank you, I’m good,” you shoot her a shy smile and she nods before walking back to her desk near the elevators.

Pursing your lips you look around and decide to drop your bag and folder to one of the couches before taking a better look at the paintings. With your arms folded over your chest you squint your eyes looking at the first one, trying to make out what it’s supposed to be picturing. 

All of them seem extremely abstract, minimal color schemes to fit the design of the office and while they look sophisticated and expensive, you’re still looking for the meaning behind the patterns. You get so into the decoding that you start tilting your head to the sides, a frown etched over your face and you don’t even realize when someone joins you in your examination.

“I think they look like birds,” a male voice with a heavy British accent speaks up behind you, making you jump, your heart racing in your chest as you turn around with wide eyes and finding yourself facing the most handsome man you’ve ever laid your eyes on.

He is tall, broad shoulders and a muscular build paired with a charming smile that’s already making it hard for you to think straight. The fitted suit he is wearing must be designer and the massive rings adorning his fingers are also subtle reminders of his wealth. His appearance is oozing confidence and power, there’s no doubt he knows what he is doing and he is good at it too. 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckles softly at your reaction. “I’m Harry Styles and you must be Y/N Y/L/N, right?”

Holding out a hand he smiles at you warmly as you slip yours into his, the touch of his palm sending a shiver down your spine. He’s got a firm hold, but not the kind with which someone would try to dominate you. It’s more like a reflection of his strong personality. 

“Yes I am. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Styles,” you manage to speak up despite your awe, though your voice sounded thinner and weaker than you intended it to be.

“Please, call me just Harry,” he asks you, his hand letting yours go and you love how his words are dripping from his accent. “Follow me into my office and we can get down to business,” he gestures towards the door and nodding you gather your stuff from the couch, rushing after him while trying to get your thoughts straight so you don’t make a complete fool out of yourself during this meeting.

His office matches the rest of the building, it’s modern and clean in every way, one full wall covered with floor-to-ceiling windows, gifting you with an incredible view of the city. 

“Please, take a seat,” he gestures towards the couch and armchairs with a coffee table in the left side of the room instead of approaching his desk. You opt to sit on one end of the couch, not sure where he’ll sit, and after dropping your bag next to you, you place the folder onto the coffee table, trying not to cringe at how ridiculous it looks compared to basically everything in the room. 

“Can I offer you a drink?” he asks and you see him standing by what seems like mini bar, it’s got that typical crystal set wit the amber colored liquid in it that very much appears to be whiskey and your eyes involuntarily wander over to the clock on the wall, checking that it’s ten in the morning and he’s offering you alcohol. Harry catches your reaction and lets out a chuckle, opening the built-in mini fridge underneath that’s got all kinds of non-alcoholic drinks as well.

“I know it’s too early for whiskey, I’ve got other choices as well.”

“I’m good, thank you,” you breathe out a chuckle, shaking your head. Nodding he grabs himself a bottle of water and pours some into a glass before walking over to join you, deciding to sit on the other end of the couch.

“Thank you so much for coming in, the last few designers I connected with could only squeeze me in weeks later,” he chuckles and taking a sip from the water he sets the glass down on the table before placing an ankle over his knee, giving you his undivided attention.

“My schedule is not that full at the moment,” you clear your throat and what you meant by that is that you’re free all the time. But he doesn’t need to know that. 

“Lucky for me, I guess,” he smirks, his eyes wandering over to the folder and you expect him to comment on it, but he just keeps smiling before nodding. “So, where should we start?”

“Um, I brought my portfolio, I know Bianca suggested me without anything to show, so I thought you might want to see some of my works,” you explain, taking the folder from the table and laying it to your lap you open and start roaming through, trying to figure out what to show him first. “I have some digital plans I’ve done and some actual ones that I was able to create. I don’t know how much B told you, but I used to work at Ikea.”

Just as you say it out loud you regret it, your previous job at Ikea does not sound too prestigious and respected, but now you can’t take it back. Clearing your throat you hand him the booklet that has your digital works, seemingly he didn’t have a problem with your slip about Ikea, so you just move on.

“I like to try myself out in different styles, though of course I have favorites.”

Harry starts to flip through the booklet, taking his time examining the pictures in it before glancing up at you for a moment.

“And what are your favorites?”

“I’m… I’m a fan of everything vintage. My taste is more of a maximalist, if we want to categorize it, I like mixing different styles and being creative.”

Interior design is truly your passion. You chose this as your career because it’s the only thing you see yourself doing even decades later and you always wanted a job that was also kind of a hobby as well. 

You don’t notice it, but Harry is watching you in awe as you talk so openly about your work. It’s rare he sees someone be so passionate and in love with what brings them money and seeing you be that person is like a breath of fresh air. 

“And do you have a favorite project?” he asks and he doesn’t miss the shine in your eyes as you nod with a shy smile and pull out another booklet. You flip through it until you find the section that’s dedicated to your parents’ weekend house you worked on a few years ago. Handing it over to Harry he doesn’t even need to ask you to tell him more about it.

“Growing up we spent almost every summer here. My mother inherited it and my parents decided to renovate it fully a few years ago. I wanted it to keep its charm and all the memories we have, but also get it into shape.”

“Do you have any photos of what it looked like before?” he asks and suddenly you realize it’s something you should have included in the portfolio. Harry catches how your face falls and somehow reads your expression perfectly. “I wasn’t expecting it to be included, don’t worry. I’m just curious about what parts you kept.”

“I have a few on my phone,” you breathe out, pulling your phone out of your bag. Frantically swiping back you find some old photographs from your childhood, you digitized them for your an anniversary gift for your parents last year, now they come in handy.

Without a second thought you scoot closer to him on the couch and show him the screen where you swipe through the handful of photos.

“I convinced my mom to keep the hardwood floors and the wallpapers needed to be changed, but I managed to hunt down the exact same design, so it’s new but also old,” you smile, you’re pretty proud of it, took you weeks to find it and you drove to the next state to get it yourself. “We kept a lot of the furniture in the living room, I just gave them a little makeover and I kept almost everything in the same place as before.”

The pictures also feature you and your brother as kids, as well as your parents’ younger version. Though you’ve changed quite a lot throughout the years, people always tell you how easy it is to recognize you in older photos. Harry notices as well. The last one you’re showing is of the back porch and you’re sitting on the stairs, your hair is a mess and you’re wearing a yellow sundress, one you loved wearing at the time as much as possible. You have an ice-cream in your hand and some of it is smudged around your mouth as you smile at the camera. Faintly, but you remember this day and the moment your mother snapped this particular picture. It was the last day of summer and she tried to get your mood up with the ice-cream so you wouldn’t be too blue about going home in the morning.

“I assume that’s you, right?” Harry asks, pointing at your younger self on the screen.

“Yes,” you let out an airy chuckle. 

“The house looked incredible before, but I truly love what you did with it too,” he then continues, switching back to business. “I can see why it’s your favorite project.”

“Thank you,” you reply, your cheeks heating up from the compliment. 

The two of you go over some more projects, Harry seems to be interested in anything and everything you say, he is impressed by what you’re showing him and as the minutes go by you slowly loosen up in his presence.

“So, what do you think?” you ask, when you get to the end of your portfolio, booklets and pictures splattered over the coffee table in front of you.

“I love what you showed me and I think that Bianca did not lie when she told me you’re the best I could find,” he smiles at you with that charm you’ve been feeling ever since you laid your eyes on him. “I had plenty of questions, now I assume you might want to ask me a few.”

“Well, B didn’t tell me much about the project you want to work on. Can you tell a bit more about that?”

“Of course. I just bought a new home and learning from my past experience it might be a better idea to furnish it with someone who knows what they’re doing,” he says with a smile that definitely hides a story, but you only have guesses what it meant. “It’s completely bare, I only have a few things I want to bring with me from my current place.”

“Do you have a budget?” you ask, and grabbing your notepad from your bag you start scribbling notes down. Harry smiles as he shakes his head no.

“No budget. Don’t worry about the money.”

Your hand that’s holding the pen stops in motion as you glance up at him, making sure you heard that right before crossing over the word “budget” in your notes. 

“I have a few ideas, but I’m open to basically anything and judging from what you showed me, I know I would like anything you come up with,” he smiles. Standing up he walks over to his desk and awakening his laptop he clicks a few times before glancing up at you. “Y/N, if you’re free, I would love to give you the project.”

It surprises you. how fast he decided and didn’t even ask for time to think about it and hear out other designers. He can see the shock on your face and walking back he sits on the couch again.

“I love what you showed me, I can tell you’d take it seriously and put your heart into it. There’s nothing else I need, Y/N. I’ve only met two designers at this point and neither of them caught my attention like you did. I don’t want to waste my and your time. So, if you’re available, I’m open to start whenever you’re free.”

“I uhh–I’m definitely available and I’d be honored to take the project, Mr–erm, Harry.”

“Great, then I’ll handle the documentation, if you’re fine with that and we can meet for a more in-depth meeting, I assume you have more questions for me.”

“Yeah, I do. And it’s perfectly fine by me.”

“Amazing. As much as I would love to stretch this meeting longer, I have a call in a few minutes, I’m very sorry. But my assistant will get in contact with you about the rest.”

Nodding you quickly gather your portfolio and stuff it back into the folder in a frenzy, not wanting to make Harry late in any way, though he doesn’t seem to be in a rush. As you stand you hold the folder to your chest and follow Harry towards the door.

“Thank you so much for your time, it was a pleasure and I can’t wait to see you again,” he smiles at you as he opens the door for you and walks you out to the elevators. “If I’m correct you live with Bianca, right?”

“Yes, we share an apartment,” you nod.

“Well, when you get home and meet her, please thank her for bringing us together. It’s not the first time she helped me out and she always has a solution for me.”

“She is just that good,” you chuckle in agreement. The elevator arrives and the doors slide open.

“Thank you again, Y/N. I’ll see you soon.” Reaching into his suit jacket’s inner pocket he pulls out a business card and hands it over to you. “Call me if you have any questions, anytime.”

“Thank you,” you nod, slipping the card into your bag. 

“Have a nice day, Y/N,” he calls after you as you walk into the elevator and turning around you face him one last time.

“You too, Harry,” you breathe out as the doors close and you’re taken down. 

When Harry said you’d meet soon to go over your further questions you imagined that you’d have to come into his office again. Yet, now you’re just about to meet him at his current place, it’s six in the evening, definitely after business hours, so you’re a bit thrown off by it.

His current home is not far from the office building and of course, it’s just as luxurious as you expected and you can only imagine where he is moving from here. 

The doorman greets you with a bright smile and when you say you’re here to see Harry, he doesn’t question who you are, just walks you over to the elevators and pushes the button for the 45th floor. Harry must have told him he was expecting a guest and for some reason it fills you with excitement, just the thought of Harry talking about you.

The elevator takes you up so fast, it’s like you teleported to his floor and when the doors slide open you’re met with a hall with two doors. Just as you step out the door on the right opens and Harry appears, no suit, just a pair of simple jeans and a black t-shirt that bares his tattooed arm you couldn’t see last time. It’s like a whole different version of him, but the warm smile he flashes you ensures he is the same man you met a few days ago.

“Y/N, hi! Come on in!” he invites you inside, holding the door open.

“Hi, thank you,” you return the smile and walking past him, you enter his private space.

It’s a modern looking, spacious apartment with a similarly amazing view of the city as his office, lots of big windows, a simple, but luxurious looking interior design, and it makes you think about what he said about his current place and how it was furnished and designed.

“Thank you for being so flexible about the time, I just simply could not fit in another meeting during the day and since I thought you might want to see the things I want to bring with myself, this seemed to be the best solution,” he explains as the two of you walk further into the apartment. It’s spotless and tidy, he definitely keeps his home organized, or has someone to do it for him. “Do you want a drink maybe? It’s after business hours, so it could be alcoholic, right?” he chuckles and you follow him into the open concept kitchen.

“Just maybe a water, please,” you smile. It’s not that you don’t drink, you just don’t trust yourself when drinking, especially around Harry. 

“Alright, a water coming right away,” he nods, smirking as he opens the massive fridge. “Could you find a parking spot somewhere near? I forgot to tell you to use the garage, I have a few extra spots.”

“Oh, I don’t have a car,” you tell him and he gives you a surprised look. “I usually take the subway.”

“You’re not planning to go home by that as well, right? It’s gonna be dark out there.”

“I don’t have many other choices, I can’t really finance a cab drive every time I need to be somewhere.”

He grabs a bottled water and just nods to himself, though you can see the gears turning in his head. He pours some water into a glass and hands it to you, before suggesting to take a seat in the living room. 

“Is this the interior design you did?” you ask, taking a look around. It’s not what you think would suit him, but it’s not as bad as he made it appear to be.

“Oh, no. It’s… I shared this place with my ex-girlfriend,” he tells you and your ears perk up at the personal detail he just shared.

“Ah, I see,” you hum, taking a sip from your water, pretending not to be dying to know more about him.

“The design was redone by her, so it’s all her style. We broke up a few months ago and neither of us wants to stay here. She moved out already and I’m staying just until the new place is being finished.”

“You didn’t have a saying in the design?” 

“Not really. I mostly didn’t have the time to care about it and she willingly took the project into her hands. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately I don’t have any photos of the before,” he adds with a cheeky smile. 

Following some chit-chatting you get down to business. You have tons of questions for Harry and he answers them all willingly. He also shows you the floorplan of the new place, arranging another meeting already so you can check it out in real life.

Hours pass by and the picture gets clearer with each crumb of information you learn about him. The project now definitely has some stronger points you can lean onto when you’ll build up the whole plan. Time flies and the next time you look at your phone to check how long you can stay without feeling like you overstayed your welcome, you realize it’s past eleven. 

“Oh God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you for this long,” you snap out of your comfort.

“You did not bother, it didn’t even feel like work,” he chuckles. 

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you smile sheepishly as you start packing your stuff. “Can I use the restroom before I leave?”

“Of course. First door on the right down the hallway,” he instructs you.

Quickly finishing your business you take a moment to smooth out the wrinkles on your clothes and fix your hair before walking back out. Harry is now standing with his phone in hands, smiling when he looks up at you.

“Alright, I’ll head out then,” you exhale, grabbing your stuff from the couch.

“I ordered you a car already.”

“What?” you ask with wide eyes.

“I can’t just let you go home alone so late. Please, I insist!”

“Harry, you don’t have to–”

“Yeah, but I certainly want to. It’ll be here in a few minutes, I’ll walk you down.”

“Okay,” you nod, accepting defeat as the two of you walk out to the elevators. “At least let me pay for the ride.”

“Absolutely no way.”

The way he said that leaves no place for protesting so you keep your mouth shut and just go with it. 

“I can’t wait to see what you come up with, Y/N. First amount will be forwarded to you by the end of the week, okay?” he says as the two of you arrive at the downstairs lobby of the building.

“Oh, yeah, that’s perfectly fine,” you nod. The amount Harry insisted on paying you when you negotiated the costs earlier is about three times of what you originally thought about and he didn’t budge when you offered to lower it. He said your time and knowledge are worth this money and he would feel bad if he didn’t pay the right amount. 

He also told you the first third of the payment would be completed by the end of the week when you sign the papers and it seems like he’ll definitely keep his word.

A car parks down right in front of the building as you step outside, Harry opening the door for you like a true gentleman.

“Thank you for everything, Y/N. Have a great night and I’ll see you soon,” he smiles as you’re about to get into the car.

“Thank you too. See you soon,” you nod with a shy smile. He shuts the door when you’re inside and he waves after you once the driver starts driving to the address you just told him. 

Over the course of the next week you spend every waking moment working on this project. Your room turns into a full time office as well as 80% of the dining table. The remaining space is just enough so Bianca can eat her breakfast in the morning while you’re already working before she even leaves. 

You want everything to be perfect, down to the smallest bit. The trust Harry has placed in you is something you simply can’t afford to waste, this is the base of your business. If he likes your work he might recommend you to some of his friends or partners and you can build a clientele then. 

You’re more nervous when you present your plan to Harry than you were at your last college exam. You made a board, several digital designs, floorplans and basically anything that could help him visualize what you had in mind.

He loves it. All of it.

When you ask him if there’s anything he would want to change he can’t bring a thing up. 

“I’m blown away, Y/N. It’s perfect, really,” he tells you and it feels like every weight you’ve been carrying on your shoulders is now lifted and you can finally breathe.

So then starts the actual, physical work.

Harry is willing to pay any amount to get things done as fast as possible, so you get him the best team to do the needed construction work in his new penthouse. In just a couple of days you get the base of the home to the level where you can start with the designing as well. 

It’s a Friday evening when you’re still at the penthouse, working on arranging some decoration on the massive built-in shelves in the living room, the workers have already finished for the day so it’s just you in your yoga pants and an oversized shirt that’s one of your most comfortable ones, definitely not an outfit you’d normally meet with anyone besides Bianca, probably.

So when you hear the elevator doors open, signaling that someone has arrived, you jump in surprise. With a vase in one hand and your printed digital design of the shelving in the other you watch Harry walk in, carrying a takeout bag along with his laptop bag. 

“Sorry to drop by unannounced, but I was in the neighborhood and thought I would check out how things are going,” he smiles as you put the vase down and shove the print back into the stack on the coffee table that arrived just earlier that day.

“It’s your house, you can come and go whenever you want,” you tell him, wiping your palms into your pants as he walks up to you. He must have come from work, he’s wearing his usual fitted suit in royal blue this time, and he looks ridiculously good, as always. You kind of want to dig yourself a hole, looking like this next to him, but it doesn’t seem to be bothering him at all as he places the bag to the coffee table, looking around with an excited smirk adorning his handsome features.

“I could give you a tour,” you offer, folding your arms over your chest.

“Do you want me to see it half-done?”

“Well… my original plan was to show it to you when it’s fully done,” you admit and that’s all he needed.

“Alright, then I’ll just stay right here. I brought food, have you eaten?”

“Uh, I had a sandwich in the afternoon…”

“Then I’ll take it as a no,” he smiles, moving over to the massive couch that’s already put together in the living room area, luckily.

“Harry, there’s no need–” you try to protest, but as always, he cuts you off again.

“No need, but I want to. Come on, I haven’t been able to consult with you properly all week, so we can catch up.”

He brought some Italian, and it seems like he was expecting to find you here, because he brought food enough for two people. Since there aren’t any plates or cutlery yet, you eat straight from the box with the wooden forks the restaurant packed for the order.

“You’re working extremely fast, Y/N. I’m surprised I’m seeing this much progress to be honest,” he comments, digging into his pasta.

“You said you want it done as soon as possible,” you shrug. 

“When do you think you’ll be done with everything?”

Taking a deep breath you look around as you go over everything that needs to be finished. There’s not much left, but some of the furniture will be delivered only next week, so you have to wait for those.

“I would say… next weekend.” Harry’s eyebrows rise at your estimation and then it’s followed by a nod of appreciation. 

“Y/N, you impress me every day. But I don’t want you to overwork yourself, it’s past eight in the evening and you’re still here. No one is expecting you to be home on time?”

“Only Bianca,” you admit with a chuckle. “But she is a workaholic too, so she might not even notice my absence.”

“Just your roommate? No dates?” You can’t help but scoff at his question.

“Exactly. No dates.”

Ever since you parted ways with Vincent you haven’t been in the mood to think about getting yourself out to the dating field and then you didn’t even have time to think about it, putting every free hour of your life into this project.

“That sounded like you had some not too pleasant experiences,” he hums, peeking at you curiously.

“Let’s just say, that a certain guy ruined my willingness to enter the dating scene again for a while.”

“Well, I apologize in the name of every male, then,” he says, hoping to earn at least a tiny smile, and it happens, so he feels like he succeeded. “So, I never asked how you know Bianca.”

“We went to the same high school. She somehow befriended me, don’t ask me how it happened and then we ended up going to the same college, moved in together and we haven’t been able to let go of each other since then.”

“So you have quite the history together, huh?”

“I guess you could say that,” you nod with a chuckle. “How about you?”

“How do I know Bianca?”


You never asked her this detail, but now you definitely want to know if they have hooked up before, because then you’ll force yourself to never even think about Harry outside of business thoughts. You respect the Girl Code.

“We met at a conference about two years ago. Somehow got into a conversation and I was in need of some legal help around that time, so she recommended me her boss. We kept in touch, I often go to their firm when I need the help of some outsiders, since I have my own legal team at the company, but it’s nice to get some fresh people involved in some projects.”

“Ah, I see,” you nod, processing the information.

“Not what you expected to hear?” he asks with a smirk as he tilts his head.

“Well, it’s just that some of B’s connections… she tends to make them in unorthodox ways,” you try to explain, in no way meaning to judge your friend.

“We never hooked up, if that’s what you meant by that,” he chuckles and heat crawls up your neck to your cheeks and ears. “We’re strictly friends, sometimes business partners. That’s it.”

“Alright, I have no judgment at all.”

He smiles before returning his attention to his food. You eat in silence for a while before he breaks it next.

“So, do you have a next project after this one?”

“Erm, no, not really,” you admit. You feel like you can be honest with him at this point and drop the professional act. “You are actually my first client, so I’m not quite popular just yet.”

“I’m your first client?” he asks with genuine shock on his face.

“Yeah, I recently quit my job at Ikea. I was a designer for the displays, you know, those fake rooms and little apartments you see on the first floor.”

“You worked on those? You designed them?”

“Yes,” you nod with a soft chuckle. “But I knew I didn’t want to do it for too long and then I had an argument with my boss and got fed up so I quit before coming up with a plan. Bianca said she’d help me out and that’s when you came into the picture.”

“I wouldn’t have thought you just started it. You work so fast and efficiently, I mean it’s obvious you haven’t been doing this for a decade, but you didn’t come off as a rookie.”

This is the best compliment he could give you. You feared possible clients wouldn’t take you seriously because you were just starting the business, but if Harry thought that upon meeting you, it seems like you had nothing to worry about.

“So, no next project then?”

“Not yet,” you shake your head.

“Well… I have news for you then.”

Your eyes widen as you look up at him, a cheeky grin stretched across his face as he places his food box down to the table to give you his undivided attention, so you do the same, unsure what he’s about to tell you.

“If you agree to do it, I want you to design the new office we’re opening soon for the marketing department. They are moving into a separate building, because we plan to eventually turn it into an independent agency, and I have discussed it with the board and we would love to give the project to you.”

“What?!” you breathe out in disbelief. “I-I don’t—that’s… Harry, you don’t have to do it just because I don’t have anything else after this.”

“Up until a minute ago I didn’t know that,” he points out with a warm smile. “And I actually had no power over the decision. I presented your portfolio along with two others I chose, no names, no nothing, they just voted on which one they liked the best. Yours won.”

You stare back at him, total loss of words as you wrap your head around the news you just received. Doing the penthouse was already a good start, but designing a whole office building would skyrocket you into more and more projects, there’s no doubt. And you didn’t even have to ask for Harry’s help, he did it voluntarily.

Touched by the gesture, you can’t stop yourself before you throw your arms around him and hug him tight. Your reaction surprises him at first, but a moment later he wraps his arms around you as well, pulling you close to him.

Then you realize that it might have crossed a line, so you pull back, clearing your throat.

“Sorry… I just… thank you, Harry. Really,” you breathe out, fixing yourself up quickly.

“No need to thank me. You’re good at what you do, it’s a fact.”

You stop yourself from thanking him over and over again, but your look says it all. And that’s enough for Harry.

You finish the penthouse in time and have the big reveal just like you planned it. Harry’s jaw is on the floor the whole time you walk him through his new home, showing him every tiny detail you put into the project with him on your mind.

It’s perfect from the bottom to the top and though Harry was already impressed by your work, now he is completely blown and he keeps telling you that as you wrap up the paperwork to end the project, however you both know it’s not the end of your work together, because meetings about the office building are starting next week.

“What are you doing tonight, Y/N?” he asks when you’re just about to leave.

“Uh, probably just gonna watch a movie with Bianca,” you chuckle, shrugging.

“Would you two like to join me and some of my friends for some drinks? I have a table reserved at my favorite place and I would love to thank you for your work here.”

“No need to thank, you already paid for it,” you add chuckling.

“But this deserves more,” he gestures around, his eyes trailing to the massive windows watching over the city, one of your favorite thing about the place, even though you had nothing to do with that. “And Bianca deserves a thank you for recommending you to me too. Please, be my guests for this one night.”

“Okay,” you breathe out, unable to resist his charm. You’re convinced he could make you do anything with just a few looks and a smile.

“Great,” he beams and pulls you into a hug when you reach the elevator. “I’ll text you the details and I’ll see you tonight!”

“Bye, Harry,” you nod as the two of you part and you step into the elevator, staring at each other until the doors slide closed.

Just a couple of hours later you find yourself at a bar you would probably never go to if it was your choice, it’s obviously way too high end to you, but Harry made it clear no one is spending money tonight except him.

Bianca made you wear a dress you’ve been keeping in your closet for probably years. You never felt the confidence to wear it, finding it too revealing for your appearance, but tonight you changed your mind and took the risk.

Walking into the bar you throw one last look at your reflection in the mirrors lining the walls, the dress wraps around your body way tighter than what you’re used to, making it impossible to hide your true figure. For a moment you second guess your choice and contemplate going back home and changing, but it’s too late for that. At least your cleavage looks good, thanks to your best bra you chose to wear for tonight.

Harry spots you from across the place and his lips part as he watches you approach him, barely even noticing Bianca next to you, which is quite a rare occurrence. You’re not typically the one to be in the center of attention, but you definitely are when it comes to Harry.

“Wow, ladies, you both look amazing!” he compliments, kissing Bianca’s cheeks in a friendly manner before he turns to you and pulls you into a hug for your surprise. The way his hand slides over your spine and down to the small of your back makes your knees turn into jelly, but you manage to stay stood.

“Thank you,” you breathe out as you let go of each other. He is wearing another pair of fitted pants and a white shirt without a jacket this time, the first few buttons undone on his shirt, revealing part of his chest and the necklace you’ve caught a glimpse of before.

You join the circle of his friends, everyone seems incredibly friendly and open and you try your best to remember the names. Drinks keep coming whenever you finish one, but you keep it slow and steady, not wanting to make a fool out of yourself. Throughout the night you catch Harry’s eyes lingering on you several times and you just nervously smile at him before averting your gaze.

“Someone is into you,” Bianca teases you leaning closer so only you can hear her words.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” you shake your head, taking the straw of your drink into your mouth and sipping on it to keep yourself busy. Why would he be into you when there are several prettier and thinner women around. It’s hard for you to believe that someone would took interest in you when Bianca is sitting right next to you.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, be right back,” you let B know as you stand from the table and head to the restrooms.

When you’re washing your hand, you take a good look at yourself in the mirror. The outfit makes you feel exposed and you can’t help but spot everything you’d want to change on yourself. Think about how much better you’d look in it if you lost a few pounds, if your arms were thinner and your tummy flatter.

You force yourself to stop before you lose all of your confidence, so turning away from your reflection you head out to return to the table and numb your thoughts with the conversation going on and preferably some more drinks.

As you walk past the bar you almost trip and fall when you spot a familiar face sitting on one of the stools. Vincent is nursing a drink just a few feet away from you, but he’s not alone. There’s a tall, thin woman next to him, one hand on the counter, the other one on his thigh, suggestively scratching her nails over the inside of it.

It’s obvious she is either the woman he intended to send the picture to or maybe another hookup he kept while dating you. Your heart drops seeing the way he looks at her, because you never saw a hunger this kind in his eyes when you were with him. He’s almost devouring her with just his looks and it feels like you’re being stabbed in the chest.

You want to leave, from the bar, from the face of Earth before he notices you, but you’re out of luck. Vincent spots you, a surprised look on his face as you look away in an instant and try to escape, only to bump against a hard, muscular chest.

“Everything alright?” Harry’s hand come to your arms to steady you. He saw you look upset and wanted to check in on you, but now as he sees your expression from up close he is even more worried.

“Yeah, I mean no—I just…” you stutter and before you could give him an explanation, Vincent walks up to the two of you.


“Fuck,” you mumble before turning to face him. “Vin, hi!”

“I saw you, but thought it’s not quite a place you like to come to, so I wasn’t sure.”

“You’re right, it’s not my usual place, so I guess that’s why you’re here with someone,” you snicker back, surprising not just Vincent, but yourself with the venom your tone carried. Harry doesn’t need more to realize who he is facing right now, the anger crawling up his spine is hard to control as he thinks about what Vincent could possibly do to hurt you.

But he manages to put it aside and out of the blue he takes the lead. He curls an arm around your waist, pulling you to his side as he flashes a sweet, sugarcoated smile at Vincent.

“I think we haven’t had the chance to meet yet. I’m Harry,” he holds out a hand for him and Vincent is seemingly shocked by the scene, his eyes keep snapping to Harry’s hold on your waist.

“Um, Vincent. Are you two together or something?”

You open your mouth, but Harry beats you with the answer.

“Yes. And I’m the luckiest guy in the city she chose me,” he says, eyes meeting yours as the words roll off his tongue. “Seems like you know her well, so then you know she is the absolute best, right?”

There’s something passive aggressive in his tone, something threatening as he stares back at Vincent who for sure can feel how far behind he is compared to Harry.

The woman from the bar walks over to Vincent and wraps around him like a clingy koala bear, eyeing you with a challenging look, she doesn’t even try to introduce herself.

“I’m getting bored, babe,” she whines to Vincent and you can’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes.

“Not gonna keep you up longer, we have some celebrating to do too,” Harry smiles at them, squeezing you to his side. “It was nice meeting you two, whatever your names are,” he shrugs as he simply pulls you away and your eyes widen at his last comment, but don’t say a word, just walk away with him.

But instead of returning to the table he walks you out to back of the place where people usually disappear to have a smoke. When he finds a peaceful corner, he turns to face you.

“It was him, right?”

“Yes,” you nod, feeling the tears stinging the back of your eyes.

“What did he do exactly?”

“He… He sent me a picture of the lingerie he bought for some other girl, maybe that was her, I don’t know. I just know it wasn’t meant for me, because… Because the sizing definitely couldn’t fit me.”

It feels like you’re dipping yourself in acid, admitting it all to Harry and talking about your insecurities to him. And now that you started, you want to unload more of what you’ve been keeping bottled inside.

“I mean, I would choose her over me too. He would be stupid to settle with me when he can get women like her,” you chuckle bitterly, and it’s the last straw for Harry.

“That’s it, you’re coming home with me, we’re gonna get things straight in that pretty head of yours,” he says and taking your hand he pulls you back inside.

It all happens so fast, Harry tells the rest of the group that the two of you are leaving and before you could even get a word out, you’re sitting in his car, on your way to his place.

When you arrive he helps you out of the car, his hand wrapping around yours and he doesn’t let go as you cross the lobby of the building, marching up to the elevator. The way up to the penthouse is silent, but only verbally. Harry’s hand remains wrapped around yours, his thumb keeps brushing over the back of your hand, squeezing it from time to time. You can’t tell what’s gonna happen now, not after the evening and the shocking turn it took, but you know you wouldn’t be anywhere else now.

The elevator arrives and the doors slide open, Harry’s familiar home welcomes you. The lights are out and you expect him to turn them on, but he just pulls you inside in the dark, towards the windows that are now showing you the incredible night sky of the city. Without a word Harry walks you to the window and then stops, turning you towards the sight, standing behind you.

“Tell me what you see, Y/N,” he then says, his voice coming from right next to your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. 

“I see the city. The buildings, the lights…” you softly answer, eyes glued to the picture in front of you, while your mind keeps circling back to his close proximity. 

“Do you find it beautiful?”

“Yes,” you nod shortly and involuntarily lean back, your backside meeting his chest, but instead of pulling away you stay. What’s more, his hands find your waist, the warm touch of his palms reminding you of what it felt like when he pulled you into his hold when you were talking to Vincent.

“Now take a better look. Do you find anything you don’t like in this sight?”

“Yes,” you answer again.

“Tell me, what are these things?” You feel his nose brushing against your hair and you almost instantly forget his question biting back a moan, his front still pressed against your back.

“I see… I see chimneys and messy rooftops… some graffiti…” It’s hard to focus, but you keep your eyes on the skyline and try to find more things that aren’t that beautiful. “I see into a few messy rooms through the windows…”

“It’s not perfect, right?” he hums, his fingers gently stroking your waist as he talks.

“No,” you shake your head.

“But it’s still beautiful, something you admire and love looking at, right, Y/N?”

As the words roll off his tongue you realize what it’s about, your breath hitching as your heart starts racing. Harry notices the change in you and his hands squeeze your waist to earn your attention back.

“Yes,” you breathe out, barely more than just a whisper.

“Stay right here,” he tells you and a moment later he disappears from behind you, your body instantly aching to feel his closeness again. You hear his footsteps move away from you and a few seconds later he turns all the lights on. The sudden brightness turns the windows into mirrors, the city lights fading as the inside of the penthouse appears in front of you mirrored, along with your standing figure. Your eyes spot Harry walking back to you until he takes his previous spot, but this time he keeps his hands to himself as his gaze catches yours in the mirror.

“You’re beautiful, Y/N. When I look at you, I see the most breathtaking woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on and I want you to see this beauty too. Look at yourself,” he tells you and you force your focus to move to yourself. “Do you see things on yourself that you don’t like?”

“Yes,” you answer right away.

“But that doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful. All those things make you who you are and when you see it as a whole, you shouldn’t see them, only the beauty.”

Your lips tremble and tears are dwelling in your eyes. No one has ever said anything like this to you and even if someone did, you wouldn’t have believed. But with Harry, you know he meant every single word. You’ve been battling with your looks for so long, beating yourself up for not being pretty enough, thin enough, attractive enough, making yourself believe that no one would ever look at you like you’ve seen other girls being looked at. The envy, jealousy and hurt you had to deal with your whole life never let you see yourself as Harry made you. 

“Hey,” he softly murmurs, turning you around when he sees your teary eyes. He takes your face in his palms, worried he might have said something that hurt you. “Talk to me, did I say something that upset you?”

“No,” you breathe out, your hands coming up to wrap around his wrists as you finally look up into his eyes. “I just… You meant it?”

“All of it,” he answers without hesitation. “Do you want to know what I thought when I first saw you?” he asks with a tiny, cheeky smile as he wipes your tears away with his thumbs, his hands remain holding your face.

“At your office?”

“Yeah. I walked out and you were standing there, staring at the art on the wall, your head tilted as you were trying to make out the painting. You wore that dress and I just took a few moments, staring at you, because I was in awe. I thought… I thought wow! This woman could easily be the end of me and she hasn’t even looked at me!”

You can’t help but laugh at how he recalls his thoughts and the sound of it is making his heart soar.

“That first time, I had to try so hard to stay professional and not make it obvious how attracted I was to you. The way you talked about renovating your parents’ weekend house, I was drinking up every word, you talked so passionately and it just made me fall for you even more.”

“I was so fucking nervous,” you admit, leaning into his touch.

“Yeah?” he chuckles softly. “I made you nervous?” he asks with a hint of pride in his words.

“Of course,” you nod. “I saw you and then… I wanted to be professional so you’d choose me, but I was also very into you at the same time.”

“Really? So you wouldn’t have minded if I flirted with you?”

“No, but I would have probably turned into a giggling little girl,” you admit grinning. 

“I’m sure I would have loved it,” he hums and leaning closer he nudges his nose against yours, your whole body buzzing to be touched and worshipped by him or at least you need him to kiss you before you pass out from excitement. “I’m sorry your ex made you upset tonight, it’s not what I planned.”

“He’s not my ex,” you correct him.

“How come?”

“He never wanted to be in a committed relationship with me, I guess I was never good enough for him,” you tell him with a shrug, your hands moving from his wrists to his waist where you fist his shirt, wrinkling the expensive fabric, but you couldn’t care less.

Harry doesn’t like this answer. At all. The thought of you with Vincent was driving him crazy all evening, but now that he knows he treated you like this is just the last straw. Vincent is lucky he is not around, because Harry wouldn’t be able to hold himself back and not punch him in the face.

Growling, he slides his hands from your cheeks to your neck, tilting your head up by the chin with his thumbs so you’re staring right up at him. Your lips part and Harry’s eyes are mesmerized by the view of having you like this, in his hold.

“Let me show you what you deserve, baby,” he breathes out before the dam breaks.

Hunger takes over him and he presses his lips against yours as if his life depended on it. His kiss is demanding and heated, but you’re returning it with just as much enthusiasm, the feel of his perfect lips against yours seals the weeks worth of pining that’s behind you. Like two puzzle pieces, you click perfectly and the moan that bubbles from your chest when his tongue pushes past your lips destroys the last bits of Harry’s self-control. 

His hands move from your neck, fingers brushing against the swell of your breasts before they reach your waist and dig into the soft flesh, pulling you flush against him while he keeps kissing you, claiming your lips as his.

One hand remains on your waist, while the other moves to your ass and he wastes no time taking a handful of it, squeezing and feeling the curve of it up shamelessly. He loves how it fits perfectly into his palm, it’s so soft and bounces with every movement. 

You circle your arms around his waist, nails scratching his back over the fabric of his shirt and you wish there was nothing between your palm and his skin. When his lips move down to your jawline, then your throat, kissing and biting you on their way, he starts walking forward, backing you until your backside hits the cold glass of the window. Gasping your back arches and Harry uses the opportunity to bury his face into your breasts, giving in to the desire he felt every time his eyes wandered down to your cleavage in this dress throughout the night. He’s losing his mind, licking, kissing, biting and sucking your exposed skin wherever he can reach, inhaling your sweet scent that was intoxicating enough when he wasn’t this close to you. 

The difference between how Harry is all over you and how Vincent treated you when you were intimate is astronomical. Normally your thoughts would be revolving around everything that could go wrong, how you might be looking, your flaws and imperfections that could ruin the experience, but they are now locked and forgotten in the back of your head.

Harry makes you feel so wanted like no one did before. You see the genuine passion and hunger in his eyes, all of it just for you and for once in your life, you feel confident enough to be fully present in the moment. 

His right hand moves to your left thigh and he urges you to lift it up, his hold grabbing the back of your knee as his hips press against yours in a whole new and tighter way now, your soaking wet pussy rubbing against his thigh in this position.

His lips return to yours, kissing you like it’s been decades since the last time you locked lips, it’s impossible to tell where he ends and where you begin. He loves the feel of your breasts and tummy pressed against him, the way you’re involuntarily rolling your hips to create some friction for your pleasure, how you keep moaning when his hands touch you in a new area. He is convinced he is losing his mind, but if this is the way his life ends, then he’ll go as a happy man.

“You’re fucking perfect, Y/N. Inside and out. Let me show you just how much I love this body of yours! Let me show you your worth!” he begs, his words muffled against your lips, but you understand every single one and they make your core throb even more.

“Please!” is all you manage to get out, your own desires taking control over your mind and body.

Harry wastes no time. Pulling back he moves you away from the window just enough so he can reach the zipper of your dress at the back, the fabric instantly loosening around your form before falling to the floor. He steps back, his eyes roaming your body and you’ve never felt more exposed and vulnerable, people you’ve been with usually didn’t take the time to even take a good look at you and you got used to the rush that usually comes with sex. But Ha


this is @sp4cetown on Instagram, go give her a follow!!!

Liked by billieeilish,sza,codyfern,gublergram, and 3,284,103 others

yourinstagram: so when you gonna tell her, that we did that to?


y/nfando28: the shaaade living for it

y/nismymom: I feel like fucking something!

yourinstagram:@y/nismymom girlie touch some grass for me

harrieslover: can’t you just leave him alone :/

sza: I’m not gay but sheeeeesh I might be

this.is.us: why dID MATTHEW GRAY GUBLER LIKE?!?!?!

yourinstagram:@this.is.us we besties on the low ;-)

sunshines_temptress: fan behavior…

yourinstagram:@sunshines_tempress since uh when ☝

Liked by niallhoran,florencepugh,lizzo, and 7,104,285 others

harrystyles: something big is coming….


harrysmyhusband: congrats on winning a Grammy!!!

harrysbandmates: levitating

y/nfan82: how’s your new girlfriend :,|

harrysfineline01: woof woof bark bark &(!/

y/nlov: okayyy mister rockstar or whateva

niallhoran: I’m proud of you, mate!

harrystyles:@niallhoran that means a lot to me, thank you Niall :)))

y/ns.toenail: sooo we not gonna talk about how they literally broke our hearts too ‍♀️

Liked by gemmastyles,calumhood,dualipa, and 2,494,040 others

yourinstagram: Wish I Was The Type Of Girl That You Take Home To Mama


y/nfan11: he hurt her, I say we commit arson

harry.do.be.styling: wellll since your single….wanna get married?

calumhood: not me drooling….

yourinstagram:@calumhood stooop your too much lmao

y/nfan33: I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!1!1!! ☝

harry.16: orrr you could let Harry be happy??

yourinstagram:@harry.16 ooorrrr you could quite stalking my page, love <3

y/nishot: this album is goNNA BE SO GOOD

Liked by yourinstagram,annetwist,spaceykacey, and 8,104,002 others

harrystyles: Yes I did that, and what about it?


y/nblueberry: he made it


harry.ween22: this outfit>>>

kevin.da.pigeon48: this era is gonna be siiiick

louis’carrot: choke me with your boa?

harrystyles:@louis’carrot very concerned, where are your parents!!

harrysfans887: still don’t forgive you for dumping the baddest bitch ever ✋

yourinstagram: me wait for another album liiike…..

harrystyles:@yourinstagram soooon, very soon :))))

Liked by harrystyles,arianagrande,oliviawilde,mabel, and 2,384,198 others

yourinstagram: treat people with kindness, bitch!


@arianagrande: who you calling a bitch, hoe!!!?

@yourinstagram:@arianagrande who you calling a hoe, bitch???!! lmaoo

@harrystyles: not very KIND OF BOTH OF YOU

@y/nfanclub: ooouuu he’s shiny

@harryfanz59: ugh 2021 started off right!!!

@harry_stan04: he learned how to danceeee, he’s come so far

@y/nluvpage1: black and white; beautiful, but colored would have been breathtaking…..

@harrefan77: Harry needs to be in a musical rn

Liked by yourinstagram,annetwist,spaceykacey,mitchrowland, and 5,284,102 others



@harry2021: love the detailed caption sir

@y/nfan505: chilll I just woke up

@yourinstagram: I’m taking that jacket btw

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram mmm no you’re not

@harrysmedicine: thx I’m officially b r o k e n

@y/nssoulmate: how does it feel being the only man???

@harrie-sunflowers: just screeched :P I’m calm

@y/nakawifey5: 2021 finna be the yearrrr :-

Liked by harrystyles,mitchrowland,ladygaga,rosslynch, and 936,202 others

yourinstagram: vintage….so cute


@y/nfan82: skiN CARE ROUTINE?!

@y/nfanz10: ouuu she barefaced and prettier than 70% of the population

@harrystyles: so you can post but you can’t come downstairs to cuddle :/

@yourinstagram:@harrystyles too far a walk….

@harrystyler7: Harry said lemme be petty real quick

@y/niscute40: imagine waking up next to that every morning- I would simply pass away

@mitchrowland: I’ll cuddle you instead Harry :p


@y/nlovesyou: AWWW POOR MITCH RIP

Liked by harrystyles,arianagrande,yourinstagram,zendaya, and 6,294,105 others

gemmastyles: uhhh guys I’m right here :3


@yourinstagram: okay when I told you to take a picture I didn’t actually think you’d do it!

@harrystyles: she looked pretty

@harrystan2: awww he’s so sWEET WTFFF

@y/nfanpagezz18: wow I feel violated

@arianagrande: I though we had something special, you LIAR

@harrys-cherry: can I join orrrrr, no? Okayyyy

@y/nfandoms2: they really going for it jeez

@narryisreal: my bisexual panic idk what to do!1!111!


Liked by kurtisconner,codyfern,arianagrande,gemmastyles, and 8,232,006 others

yourinstagram: rewolfnus


@arianagrande: are you okay babes?

@gemmastyles: ethereal!1!1!1

@y/nfan584: why is she speaking gibberish….

@y/nlovvvr7: y’all it spells Sunflower backwards ;3

@yourinstagram:@y/nlovvvr7 thaNK YOU FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT

@snlharry73: is this a hint for something

@kurtisconner: oh- oh so your copying me now?


Liked by yourinstagram,annetwist,mitchrowland,mabel, and 5,383,103 others



@yourinstagram: very much princess aurora vibes

@harryfandomsss: okay kill it Patrick Star

@y/nfands63: our boys all grown up

@harryfan08: wait till he gets his Grammys, this man will be unstoppable

@harryloves50: you did it again king, constantly raising the bar highERRRR

@y/n-styles: yes I do the cooking, yes I do the cleaning

@harrystan190: just had a mini seizure. Thanks luv.


Liked by harrystyles,sza,brittany_broski,florencepugh, and 3,799,251 others

yourinstagram: can’t talk rn I’m doing hot girl sh!t


@harrystyles: can I join…..I mean nvm-

@brittany_broski: HARRYYYYYY!!!! I feel like I’m dead.

@sza: more like doing a hot girl dayum

@y/npurrr: *bisexual panic*

@harrystyles-stan7: is there a glitch in the matrix!? What is happening.

@yourinstagram:@harrystyles-stan7 hell if I know :$

@arianagrande: cheating on me again, okay we’re over! for real this time!

@yourinstagram:@arianagrande girl stop kidding yourself, you love me to much

Liked by yourinstagram,spaceykacey,niallhoran, and 2,934,104 others

harrystyles: nap time


@yourinstagram: oooh look at those thiccc ankles

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram heYYY TPWK!

@harryfanmail: that couch is buSTED lmao

@y/nloved2: hope that bike doesn’t fall on him and leave y/n single…that would be tragiccc

@harryisdaddy: the psycho sleeps with sunglasses on

@harrylover38: y’all leave the man alone he’s had a long day carrying the music industry 

@harrystyles:@harrylover38 thank you some people just don’t understand :(

Liked by yourinstagram,spaceykacey,mitchrowland, and 6,374,559 others

harrystyles: versace


@yourinstagram: peep all the empty vodka bottles on the fridge.

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram we were quite thirsty, love.

@hazza-fan00: his curls!!!!

@y/n-x-harry5: the black and white filterrrr, yes ma’am!

@gemmastyles: mom come pick me up, Harry’s drunk again….

@harry_gang98: not Gemma calling out Harry!!

@y/nloverr54: plz invite me next time

Liked by harrystyles,gigihadid,arianagrande,lanadelrey, and 2,495,103 others

yourinstagram: Baby you might need a seatbelt when I ride it


@arianagrande: omw!

@harrystyles:@arianagrande haha very funny but I think she meant ME ; )

@arianagrande:@harrystyles wym I wrote that song about her :0

@y/nfannn40: uh imma go with ari on this one.

@harryfan: alrighttt who ordered the playboy bunny?!

@y/nluver2: I am deceased, decomposing, a carcass! she lOOKS SO GOOD!

@gigihadid: um yes please

Liked by yourinstagram,mabel,annetwist,florencepugh, and 9,284,105 others

harrystyles: Bring back manly men.


@yourinstagram: yes he did that! What about it?!

@harrystan27: hu- I am speechless

@harryfan4: he said “fuck being good imma bad bitch”

@y/n-harry-stans50: the passive aggressiveness in the caption Lmaoo

@harry1994: two bananas for a pounddd, one banana for a euro

@y/nfandom505: new phone background

Liked by harrystyles,gemmastyles,oliviawilde,kurtisconner, and 937,301 others

yourinstagram: you and me, always forever


@harrystyles: I mean I guesssss

@kurtisconner: y/n please leave my husband alone, fan behavior

@yourinstagram:@kurtisconner your right bae, I’ll leave y’all to it

@y/nluv00: so he’s the clingy type?! I knew it…

@harryhaz: new rings???

@gemmastyles: wow left on read for a fluffy haired brunette….imagine

@yourinstagram:@gemmastyles I’m sorry babes, call me rn!

Liked by yourinstagram,annetwist,gemmastyles,mitchrowland, and 4,294,910 others

harrystyles: GOLDEN. OUT NOW.


@yourinstagram: SIR. WHY ARE YOU YELLING.

@hazzafanzs38: yESSSSS!!!

@brittany_broksi: I am in orbit right nowwww…..

@harry.for.pres: we’re the fish-

@y.n-lover28: lemme just- aUGHHHHHHHHHGGH….thank you

@annetwist: I’m so proud of you

harrystyles:@annetwist thank you so much mum

@hazzakingdom05: left my zoom call for this

harrystyles:@hazzakingdom05 Donttt, schools important!

Liked by harrystyles,arianagrande,gemmastyles, and 2,492,162 others

yourinstagram: Go support my husband!! I’m so proud of you baby @harrystyles


@harrystyles: I haven’t even proposed yet

yourinstagram:@harrystyles well I’m waiting…

@harry_styles.fans71: what a beautiful specimen

@y/n-fan60: he’s the cutest thing I swear

@gemmastyles: little brother all grown up :’)

harrystyles:@gemmastyles heY! Only by 2 years •_•

@harrrrrry: his hair in the video JSJDGHSJSJDJS

Liked by yourinstagram,annetwist,spaceykacey,mitchrowland,ladygaga, and 8,194,292 others

harrystyles: Thank you to my gorgeous, amazing, funny, gentle, witty, affectionate, passionate, charming, strong girlfriend. Y/n you have been there for me during my downfalls and my shining moments, I feel nothing admiration and respect for you, I’ve never seen someone as dazzling as you my dove. You have inspired me in so many ways and I hope you know, and if you don’t now you will. Also thank you to my fans who have been with me since day one, I appreciate you more than you could imagine. Much love -H


@yourinstagram: I’m not crying yOU ARE!

@mitchrowland: what a sap

@y/n_styles50: he is so in love with her I canttttt!!!!

@harry.at.the.bakery92: I’m very convinced that Golden is about her now

@harry-bub: Alexa play Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood

@y/n-fan591: Is this his fine way of saying he proposed!?

yourinstagram:@y/n-fan591 sadly not

@harry_fan200: I don’t know who to be jealous of tbh‍♀️

@harrys_cheri73: Imagine Harry picking you up and twirling you around

Liked by harrystyles,arianagrande,spaceykacey,brittany_broksi, and 284,952 others

yourinstagram: main character tingz


@harrystyles: okay babe, but you really need to get off the equipment

yourinstagram:@harrystyles make me

@y.n_fan10: I wanna be your friend so bad

@hazzafan2: love how everyone is taking a picture of her

@arianagrande: shE DOES THIS TO ME TOO!!!!1!1!

@y/n_styler86: you are purrr-feCT!

@harryxy/n: her and Harry are soulmates…change my mind ya can’t

@harrytpwk: Maaan if I could fly….

yourinstagram:@harrytpwk you did not just-

Request by @abrielleholland: Harry and reader where shes like his celebrity crush but a lil younger than him and they have some fun at the beach with everyone and she’s wearing a cute swimsuit and he’s like wow !!

Liked by harrystyles,gemmasyles,arianagrande,mitchrowland, and 3,295,129 others

yourinstagram: groovy


@harrystyles: um……you look niiiiice

@yourinstagram:@harrystyles why thank you my good sir

@y/n_fan27: she’s literally perfect. I cant-

@harryfansz492: Harrrrrry your obsession is showingggg

@y/nfan003: I second that ^^^

@gemmastyles: I had fun with you today’s babes

@yourinstagram:@gemmastyles me too sweetie!

Liked by yourinstagram,spaceykacey,niallhoran, and 4,294,030 others

harrystyles: jus’ chillin


@one-d-come-back: vaS HAPPENING?!

@yourinstagram: Harry in glasses>>> whew chile

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram what you gotta crush on me or something?

@stylinson-4eva: what an icon; also ship y/n and Harry for clear skin

@hazza_is_king: ugh he’s so effortlessly cool

@niallhoran: looking nice bud

@harrys-a-cutie: I love him ^^^

Liked by harrystyles,gemmastyles,mitchrowland,ladygaga, and 734,195 others

yourinstagram: p.s don’t wink at your waiter in front of Harry ‍♀️


@harrystyles: wasn’t even that cute if you ask me

@yourinstagram:@harrystyles then ask me out already

@y/n-queen: I-Is this allowed?!1?1!1

@harrystyler: ummm what she said


@HazzAfan54: he flips people off without his thumb- ya nasty….

@arianagrande: she really don’t miss her shot!

@yourinstagram:@arianagrande and don’t

@harryfanclub27: already making marriage arrangements, thank me later ;)

@mitchrowland: someone’s jealous…. :P

Likedyourinstagram,annetwist,gigihadid,zendaya, and 5,294,100 others

harrystyles: Weekend Love


@yourinstagram: ✨

@y/nfan65: Finally, we’ve been waiting long enough

@gigihadid: Y/n, girl, you owe me 20$; y’all are perfect together

@yourinstagram:@gighadid okay that bet was like 2 years ago!

@hazzafandomz39: wow y’all were 10 steps ahead ^^^

@y/n-step-on-me: I missed my opportunity, sad boi hours

@zendaya: I’ve been waiting for this! Turn iT UP!

Oh~ ya girl got another request Don’t be a shy, send in more request. Again hopefully this wasn’t a disappointment. You can request a face claim, a senario, even a song! I enjoyed making this one. Thank you for the likes and follows, I’m close to 100 followers! Super exciting

But as always have a greattt day or night, and be good people

Liked by harrystyles,gemmastyles,arianagrande,mitchrowland, and 53,954 others



@y/nfandom51: he said ‘periodt Pooh’

@harrystyles:^^^ as the kids say periodt pooh✨

@yourinstagram:@harrystyles I- no❤️

@harryfan84: why is there a nerf gun beside him tho!?

@y/nfanz72: looook at his little dimple!!!!

@yourinstagram:@y/nfanz72 right? Literally that cutest thing

@harry_fandom29: y’all were watching The Notebook weren’t you……

@harry_fans71: gen z really changing harry, I’m here for it

Liked by yourinstagram,mitchrowland,ladygaga,arianagrande,gemmastyles, and 5,285,004 others

harrystyles: she is what they call a “baddie?” Yes, my girlfriend is a baddie


@yourinstagram: babe I love you but please stop using words like that.

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram you say it all the time, I just wanna be relatable!

@h_stylesfans02: this caption>>>>>>

@y/n_lover28: okay all jokes aside she is a bad bleep

@yourinstagram:@y/n_lover thx luvie

@harr_fan917: she’s definitely a top

@harrystyles:@harr_fan917 ehhh try again~

@y/n_standom209: room for a third aH hA ha

Liked by harrystyles,arianagrande,annetwist,niallhoran, and 34,295 others

yourinstagram: HE IS SO CUUUUTE; also Harry’s in the picture too.


@harry_edward_stan299: heyyy take that back!

@harrystyles: I think I look ravishing, thank you very much

@y/n-stans10: shiba over harry everytime

@yourinstagram:@y/n-stans10 I kinda want them both

@y/nstyles: ugh I wanna relationship where I can bully my partner :,(

@y/nfan860: Harry reincarnated as a DOGGO

@harrystyles:@y/nfan860 wha- I’m not DEAd!

Liked by yourinstagram,annetwist,spaceykacey,jefezoff, and 6,338,941 others

harrystyles: the place I call home


@yourinstagram: proof that harry isn’t that tall

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram still taller than youuuu!

@hazza-stan: I wanna kiss too….

@y/n-hazza5: this what I wanna see

@annetwist: you two are going to make some beautiful children

@yourinstagram:@annetwist aww you’re making me blush

@harrystyles:@annetwist let’s not scare this one away now mum

Liked by harrystyles,arianagrande,spaceykacey,gemmastyles, 483,107 others

yourinstagram: I feel like glitter ✨


@arianagrande: you’re glowing bby, literally

@yourinstagram:@arianagrande it’s what I do best!

@harry_stan58: *cough* queen *cough*

@y/nfanz4: ugH I LOVE YOU

@harrystyles: you look magnificent, my love

@yourinstagram:@harrystyles we been knew

@hazza-y/n-fandom72: she look so happy, cant relate….

Liked by yourinstagram,annetwist,feliciathegoat,kendalljenner, and 3,295,160 others

harrystyles: this chapter in life feels really good


@harrystan83: he has such a way with words

@yourinstgram: he didn’t make the shot…..

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram baaaabe why’d you tell them???

@y/nfan69: she exposing harry, poor thing

@hazzA-king: concentrated harry>>>>>>

@harrystandom4: it’s so dark like-

Liked by yourinstagram,blonded,brittany_broski,annetwist, and 847,306 others

tmz_tv: Singer Harry Styles and Actor Y/n L/n were caught kissing yesterday evening!? Both of the celebrities have confirmed the rumors to be true that they are in fact a couple, been together since April of 2019! Their fans seem to be very supporting and happy of both preformers, and so are we!


@brittany_broski: I fucking knew it zude!

@yourinstagram: not even my good side either bro, wack

@y/nfan482: yes she living our dreams! GO OFF hrufufjgifushe

@harry-fan6: hopefully she doesn’t break his heart

@yourinstagram:@harry-fan6 it would realease another bomb album tho…..I’m kidding, I love my lightning bug☺️

@hazzstylinson: um let’s not do that in public please

@y/nfan820: yessir yessir yessir

Liked by yourinstagram,gemmastyles,mitchrowland, and 8,295,003 others

harrystyles: siempre tuyo; forever yours


@harryfan193: he knows sPANISH?!

@yourinstagram: ‘arry enjoy his cuppa tea innit luv?

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram haha very funny, I was trying to be sweet!

@harry-stylesfanz99: we love a unproblematic bilingual king

@y/nsfandom: she always picking on him 25/8

@harryfan82: whatever that means, I agree ☝

Liked by harrystyles,gemmastyles,ladygaga,arianagrande, and 77,295 others

yourinstagram: namaste hoe


@harrystyles: I told you guys I meditate everyday

@y/nfan72: we all know what meditate means harry!!

@harry_luvie: very much Simon from Alvin and the chipmunks vibes

@y/n_is_queen: we love a peaceful king

@stanharry: don’t be shy take his shirt off

@y/nfan93: she really posted this on my birthday…thank you!!1!1

Liked by yourinstagram,arianagrande,annetwist,niallhoran, and 6,248,013 others

harrystyles: girls on film


@harryfan3: they really said

@yourinstagram: I had so much filming with you my honey bun

@harrystyles:@yourinstagram not as much as I did with you my pudding pop

@y/nstan88: they’re so sweet to each other, makes me have a stomach ache

@annetwist: y/n looked gorgeous in the music video, I’m proud of both of you!

@harryfanzz24: *stumbles* yES

Liked by harrystyles,arianagrande,gigihadid,kendalljenner, and 45,295 others

yourinstagram: I cant help that I’m so popular ✨


@harryfans74: funny thing is no one likes you

@harrystyles:@harryfans74 she is very gorgeous to me!

@harry_is_king: her eyes….uGHHHHiddhsjisksm

@y/nbabe: mom geT THE CAMERA!!!!

@arianagrande: my bestie is a bad bitch❤️

@yourinstagram:@arianagrande you know it babygirl

Liked by yourinstagram,gemmastyles,mitchrowland,spaceykacey, and 12,539,480 others



@yourinstagram: we all know I’m stealing that shirt

@harry_tomlinson: why he so serious

@y/nfan592: *sighs* *grabs lotion*

@harrystyles:@y/nfan592 d-did I read that right!?

@harryis_acutie: such a baby cake

@y/n_is_lovley: on my birthday too?! Now your just spoiling me!!!

Hello my honey pops! Words can not express my happiness from the positivity I got from my last post. Thank you guys so much! Like always my requests are open, don’t be shy ☺️ If you enjoy my content please consider following and liking. Thank you again for all the likes on my last post! As always have a beautiful day and be good people

Only Angel  Harry Styles X Reader


Overview: A night you and Harry will never forget, which included a black satin slip and a hotel room in the city that never sleeps. 

Soft smut

A/N: LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL WHILST READING THIS IT BRINGS THE VIBE PERFECTLY.  Thought I’d write something a little different today. It’s my first time I’ve written something like this but I like it! Hope you do too. Just gotta respect and love the definition of perfection: Mr Harry Styles. 

Like and comment! 

Word count: 2400

Harry was dripping in sweat. He could feel the back of his jacket stuck, and when he tried to shrug it off, he could feel the shirt peel away from his back. It was another outfit that was going to have to be dry cleaned, but he didn’t care. The crowd had been one of the best of the tour yet, and he could still feel the pure adrenaline scorching through every pore, making him skittish as him and the group of staff and friends followed him down the winding corridors of the arena. You had said that you were going to get him a little later at the hotel, so he wanted to get out now to avoid getting stuck in the New York traffic. 

“Brilliant as always,” Beth the stylist raised her water bottle to him as he entered his dressing room. "Thanks,“ he smiled. "I’m sorry, I’ve got another outfit to be cleaned if that’s okay." "You can wear the trousers and shirt back, there’s no point in those being rushed cleaned. Give me the jacket, I’ll get it sent out tomorrow with the others." "You’re amazing.” Harry tried to unbutton all the small rose buttons that kept the bottom of the metallic rose jacket tight to his torso. Luckily, the shirt underneath was white, so the sweat wasn’t that obvious, so he would be able to blend into the crowd a little more comfortable in case he had to make a quick getaway. Unluckily, the jacket was fiddly, and he was in such a rush, his fingers kept slipping, and he started to get agitated. "Come here,“ Beth waved him over and then bent down to help, her fingers a lot more nimble and calm. 

"You’re in a rush to get out of here.”

“Y/N is meeting me at the hotel, I don’t want to keep her waiting." 

"Ohh,” Beth smirked and raised an eyebrow “you’ve got plans or something?" Harry was trying not to get his hopes up too much, but yes. It was all he’d been thinking about during the last songs, and he had made sure to not prolong the encore any more than it needed to be. By the time he was singing Kiwi, he had felt his gut twisting so much in anticipation that he had struggled to get some of the lyrics out. 

"I just don’t want to get sidetracked by anybody from Sony,” he said instead. “I’m here tomorrow, they can catch me then. Oh,” he was running around the room now, free of his jacket, picking up his phone charger and the keys to the hotel, “could you tell Mitch and the guys that I won’t be able to go for drinks tonight? I did mention it earlier, but I would hate for them to think I’ve forgotten.”

 "It’s okay, they know that Y/N is here. Now go,“ she pushed him playfully out the door, "There’s a taxi waiting for you at exit five. I’ll see you back here at three tomorrow." Harry did a thumbs up 

"You’re an angel, Beth.”

 "Tell Y/N I said hi!“ Beth yelled down the corridor at Harry’s retreating back. Harry was already scrambling with everything in his hands while sending you a quick text: Will be with you soon. As promised, a black car with tinted windows was waiting at the exit. The driver was leaning against the bonnet, but as soon as he saw Harry, he jumped up and ran to open the door. 

"Where to Mr styles?” he barked with a strong New York accent.

 "The Conrad please Micheal,“ Harry smiled. The gates were already rattling open as Michel gunned out into the alleyways behind Madison Square Garden, able to change routes quick as a flash when a massive wave of people burst out from the arena. Even though the windows were opaque Harry shrank slightly in his seat, reading the text you had just sent with a small smirk. Don’t be too long….

"How long, Micheal?” Harry called.

“20 minutes Mr styles,” Micheal looked through the rearview window and spoke over the noise of the city around them. 

20 minutes. He could survive that.

 But as the minutes counted down, Harry’s leg jiggled more and more, and the veins on his arms started to protruded as he fought to keep his mind and body under control. It felt like hours when realistically it’d only been minutes when Micheal pulled into the side entrance of the Conrad hotel. Already there was another large crowd of fans and photographers at the front entrance which could prove a problem tomorrow morning, but it meant that tonight no one was going to be leaving his hotel room. Good. He didn’t need to leave with the plans he was envisioning. Wishing Micheal good night Harry darted out, smiled briefly and nodded at the usher waiting at the door, and hopped into the elevator waiting open for him. He clicked the floor number, the doors closed, then clicked it three more times as if to speed it up. There was a ding, and the doors opened, and Harry tore down the corridor to the large double doors at the end. He skidded to a holt and breathed for a second. She might be exhausted or asleep. Don’t just tear in there and assume that she’s going to want to jump on you. Even though a small selfish part of him protested, Harry beat that back. She’s here, that’s the best part out of all of this

When he opened the door, Harry did not notice the candles or the bath full of bubbles, or the glasses of champagne looking over the glittering view of central park. All he could see was you, and the black slip dress. 

His jaw dropped. He blinked, shook his head, then looked again. The slip was satin and rippled gorgeously over your body, so you looked like liquid midnight. Lace edged the skirt and the bust, drawing his eyes to your chest, dropping his phone on the floor in hysteria when he saw that you weren’t wearing a bra. 

“Hi honey,” you smiled sweetly, feigning innocence by crossing your arms behind your back. “Did you miss me?" 

Harry fell to his knees. Breathing hard, he started rubbing his hands up and down his thighs, then through his hair, as he tried to comprehend at what he was looking at. "Fuck me,” he whispered.

 "I heard the show went really well,“ you went on while surreptitiously pulling the back of the dress, so the hem slipped a little higher up your leg. "I could hear the screams from here at one point." Harry wasn’t listening. As you took a step forward, he seemed to almost whimper as he looked at you, his pupils so dark in the dim light that for a moment, he appeared to be controlled by the image of you. He started crawling towards you, slowly with anticipation, trying to find the right words to say. He had lost the feeling in his legs; they didn’t seem to need blood with the way his gut was roaring. He couldn’t take his eyes off you.

"Aren’t you going to say you missed me?” You teased, pointing a foot out as if to stop him from coming closer, enjoying the way his eyes seemed to throb out of his head with excited shock. Slowly, Harry pushed your foot down, closing the gap, so he was knelt down on the floor in front of you. He reached out and placed both of his hands on the back of your calves. The skin was soft from being recently shaved, and it was heavenly to touch. Taking his time, he started to trail his fingers slowly up, fluttering at the back of your knees, before travelling up further to the soft mound of your thighs. He moved his thumbs to part your thighs slightly and then plant one light kiss on the inside of your leg, his eyes never leaving yours. This time you were the one to gasp, and seeing you from this angle was enough to undo Harry right there. Further and further his hands went up, trailing the thigh, then the curve of your bum where they rested for a moment. Instinctively you squeezed your legs together, and Harry enjoyed knowing he could still do that to you. He liked seeing you like this though; powerful, in charge, confident in who you were. That alone was driving him mad. He grazed your skin, going up and down with the tips of his fingers. His kisses peppered further up, touching each freckle, whilst you let one hand play with his hair, pulling it each time you felt his breath against your skin. He knew the rings he still wore were cold, so he took them off one by one, letting them drop onto the floor and roll away. You were still waiting for him to say something, but now you were also struggling with keeping your control, not wanting to break away from this moment just yet. Harry held onto the hem of the slip and used it to pull himself up, transferring his hands back to your bum and thighs when he stood over you. 

“I didn’t feel anything underneath the slip love,” he was finally able to croak out. You grinned and deliberately looked him up and down, letting your eyes devour the sight of the man you’d been thinking about ever since he left. 

"That’s because,” you leaned into his chest,  your boobs pressed next to his raised heart rate, “I’m not wearing anything." Harry let out a ragged sigh, letting his head fall back as he fought every urge not to rip the slip off you right then. Instead, he leaned closer, his mouth to your ear, and lowered his voice, so it seemed to rumble in your ear. "God, I’ve missed you." You went to move your hands up to straps to take off the slip, but Harry shook his head. 

"Not yet.” One arm moved around your waist, keeping you close to him as he gently swayed you back and forth. He was retaking control, and you let him. As he swayed, his hand drifted up and down, moving higher up your spine each time until he cupped your neck. His shirt was still sticking to his back, so when you mirrored his arms, the curve of his lower back into his shoulders was hard against your fingers. And then, not able to hold it any more, Harry gently brushed lips against yours. The overwhelming surge of impulse took over, and the kisses quickly changed from soft and sweet to hot and desperate. Harry felt as if he had woken up from an illness he didn’t know had drained him as he kissed your neck and shoulders, seeing faint marks from when he’d done this before. Gripping your hips, Harry suddenly lifted you up, smirking in delight when you sat comfortably around his torso, wrapping your legs without hesitation around him. He walked over to the bed and deliberately put a knee up so as he fell, he could cup you against his body. You moulded perfectly together, whispering to you all the while about how much he’d missed you. 

“You’re killing me,” he laughed against your cheek when you deliberately squirmed against him. “How do you do this to me every time?"  His hair was already wild from performing, so it was so curly it tangled in your fingers, and you hummed in delight at how messy he looked. Harry went to move down, but couldn’t help himself but kiss you on the lips again, the sound of breath coming from his nose loud in your ears. He laced his fingers between yours while biting the skin on your neck.  

 Harry started to move the slip up your body, running his hands over your thighs and then your hips, kissing the mole at the spot that rested just below your hip line. You readied to raise your body to his mouth, but he shook his head again, looking up at you in glee. The slip went higher, over your stomach now, and you both were surprised with the groan of delight that escaped Harry’s lips as he nipped the natural roll that rested just under your boobs. He chuckled slightly in surprise, widening his eyes for a moment, but didn’t stop as he massaged and gripped your sides, his mouth travelling up from your belly button to the valley of your chest. When he finally got the slip off your body, he sat up, his legs straddling you, so you were lying on the bed beneath him. He started to unbutton his shirt, letting it slowly fall open. He rolled his shoulders back, loosening his muscles and rolling his neck around, deliberately showing off the broadness of his shoulders as he shrugged the shirt to fall off behind him.  He drank you in, feeling your hips move, so you leaned up to look him in his crotch, making him gulp. There was nothing bashful about you, just dishevelled hair and skin unmarked like summer clouds. You had enjoyed seeing Harry’s tattoos being revealed with every open button, until all you could see with the familiar markings on his chest and bicep, highlighted by the golden glow of his skin from the American sun. He kept his necklace on though, enjoying when he leaned back over you the way your eyes closed momentarily as he let his dangle over your face. He bunched up the stain slip and held it over you, gripping his tight in one fist. "Never get rid of this,” he instructed. You smiled. You moved one hand to his waist, looking for his nod to continue. When he did, your hands worked quickly until it was just you two, united at last, and not even the noise of New York City could drown out the cries of his name. They echoed for hours later until Harry didn’t want to hear his name screamed any other way. 

New York, Night Two

warnings: birth??

summary: harry has to stop his show because his wife’s water breaks


“Come on girls we’re gonna be late.” Y/N tells her daughters as they quickly hang their designer clothes on Harry’s clothing rack.

The mother of four was holding her youngest child Marley who was already wearing her sticker decorated soundproof headphones that were specially made for loud concerts.

As the three girls trail out of their fathers dressing room they swiftly put on their face masks along with their headphones.

With the help of Glenne and Jeff, Y/N and her children safely make it to the arenas floor behind a barricade. Harry was preforming his third song on the setlist when he sees his daughters jumping around.

He soon makes eye contact with his nine month old pregnant wife who gives him a slight wave. His giggles were heard once the toddler in Y/N’s grip screams so loud that the mother shuts her eyes.

Even though you couldn’t see her face fully, you could tell she was laughing the way her eyes crinkled up.

“My family is here tonight! Yay!” Harry shouts watching his three girls excitedly yell. Everyone in the crowd begins to scream and turn their attention to the Styles family.

Y/N’s fifth pregnancy was very public. Everyone knew once some pictures came out of her eating ice cream in Italy with a small bump. It made the fandom go insane.

The pregnant mother nods as a bunch of flashes go off around the arena.

Harry soon begins to sing his next song which was Watermelon Sugar. Everything was fine until Y/N got a sharp pain in her stomach, a familiar feeling.

In a flash Y/N sets Marley down on a tour equipment box before darting backstage clutching onto her pregnant belly. As she was bout to open the dressing room door she feels a slow trickle go down her jean clad legs.


Multiple contractions hit Y/N who was trying her hardest to change out of her wet pants but every sharp pain made her halt. She gasps falling onto her knees grabbing the couch for support.

She thought after having four children maybe giving birth to twins won’t be much of a hassle. Yeah she thought wrong.

Y/N does not notice the shouts coming from the crowd or that her husband has stopped singing, not even when the door opens.

“Baby are you okay?” Harry voice makes her look up to see him out of breath. She immediately tries to get up but a contraction makes her wince loudly. “You’re water broke.” He realizes when he sees her inner thighs wet.

“Y-You should be out there—”

“I’m not leaving you.” Harry softly tells her. He kisses her head before helping her up onto the couch.

He swiftly takes off his wife’s pants and panties replacing them with his boxers and sweats. After she’s dressed he quickly rushes to change out of his polkadot pants and sheer top.

Before leaving the arena Y/N makes sure her children will listen to Jeff and Glenne because she knew how they could be troublemakers sometimes.

“Please listen. Also no sweets after ten!” Y/N shouts as Harry drags her away.

The ride to the hospital was not that long but in Harry’s opinion it was lengthy. He just wanted to hurry up because he knew his wife was in pain.

With all her pregnancies he had never seen her look so much in discomfort before. Maybe it was because there was two babies inside of her but he knew she could get through it.

She was a strong woman.

“Harry can you stop looking at me like that.” Y/N rolls her eyes as she moves to face the other way. He shrugs his shoulders with a smile before moving to the other side of the hospital bed.

She cracks a grin when she feels him slowly sink down onto the bed. He was about to say something but the nurse walking in stops him.

“Ms. Styles ready for your second dose of epidural?”

Y/N’s nods as she turns onto her side so they could insert the needle into her spine. When she feels a prick going into her skin she let’s out a sigh in relief.

Shortly she feels her legs go slightly numb making her relax into the bed.

Soon Y/N and Harry both get informed about one of the baby’s already crowning meaning she’s going to have to push.


Y/N groans as she tightly holds onto Harry’s ringed hand. He begins to whisper sweet nothings to her when he sees that she’s not pushing anymore.

Sweat was dripping from her forehead, mascara smeared under her eyes, her red stained lips were now patchy. She had never felt so ugly before but her husband was looking down at her like she was the only woman in the world.

Y/N soon pushes once again making the doctor and nurses shout encouragingly. She continues to push until she hears a loud cry.

“It’s a girl!”

Y/N leans up on her elbows to see the nurse holding a gooey baby. Harry quickly rushes over to the newborn after getting called to cut the umbilical cord.

After the nurse takes the baby to clean her up Harry runs back to his wife’s side.

“Ms. Styles are you ready to push again?” The doctor questions which makes her give him a dirty look. “I’m guessing that’s a yes.” He laughs.

Immediately Y/N begins to push wanting her last baby out of her. Harry pushes back her hair that had fell in her face before grabbing her clenched hand.

She begins to notice that this baby was being difficult and didn’t want to come out. She lets out a cry when she feels him slowly begin to crown.

“Your such an amazing mother to the kids we have right now. Imagine how you’re gonna be with twins.” Harry whispers into her ear which encourages her to push.

“Almost there!” The nurse shouts grabbing a baby blanket preparing for the second birth.

Y/N begin to cry at the pain.

“I can’t do it! I can’t!”

“Baby look at me.” Harry softly grabs her face. “Take a deep breath and push.” He gives her a small smile.

With all the strength Y/N had left she pushed.

Small multiple wails were heard making her fall back onto the bed exhausted. Soon she falls into deep sleep ignoring everything around her.


Y/N wakes up to a baby crying. Swiftly she turns her head to see Harry bouncing a baby who was wrapped in a pink blanket.

“Is she hungry?” Y/N’s raspy voice speaks up making Harry immediately rush over to her with a smile.

“Yes she is.” He tells her making her unbutton the hospital gown she was wearing.

Harry softly lays the baby onto Y/N’s chest. The newborn quickly latches on without any problems which surprised the mother but soon she relaxes and stares down lovingly at her daughter.

It was a moment Harry wanted to remember forever.

“Do the twins have names yet?” Y/N asks Harry not taking her eyes off her daughter.

“No, I waited for you to wake up.” He tells her as he picks up his sleeping son, his only son.

It was quite funny in Y/N’s opinion that there were five girls and one boy. She knew that he definitely was going to be raised right.

“What about Cher and Sonny?” Y/N finally looks up to see her son. He looked so precious, she wanted to cry.

Their first son.

“Like Sonny and Cher the pop duo?” Harry grins moving to lay down next to his wife. He kisses her cheek before leaning his head on his shoulder.

Y/N nods making Harry laugh contentedly.

“Cher and Sonny it is.”

Y/N Styles, a mother of six shares her beauty secrets.

warnings: none

summary: y/n doing vogue’s beauty secrets ft. harry and their kids


“Hi Vogue I’m Y/N Styles and today I’m going to show you my everyday skincare routine along with a makeup look.” Y/N introduces herself as she pulls a fluffy pink headband on that probably belonged to her five year old daughter.

The bathroom she was in looked ginormous. A black oval bathtub had multiple colored towels thrown over the ledge.

Behind her was a familiar pink robe hanging on a hook of the door that Harry wore one time during an interview.

“First I’ll wet my face with cold water. Cold water especially makes you look refreshed along with boosting your circulation.” She says fixing the t-shirt she was wearing which was actually her husband’s old Rolling Stones shirt.

She was about to speak about her face wash but a loud cry makes her stop. She playfully rolls her eyes when she hears a few hushes and giggles.

Her children were eavesdropping on her.

“The cleanser I use is from Acne Expert Skincare. I’ve been using it ever since I was pregnant with my first born. This is the only cleanser that has made my face clear up while pregnant.” Y/N explains as she holds up a white bottle.

After she rinses the cleanser off she grabs a towel and dries her face.

“Then I will put this purifying serum on. I love this product so much. It’ll make you have a glow.” She speaks as she drops a little bit of serum on her cheeks before rubbing it in.

It definitely made her skin look flawless.

“Next I will use my acne cream. Since I have six children they all will touch my face throughout the day, so putting on this cream will really protect my skin from breaking out.” Y/N says as she rubs the cream all over her face.

Suddenly the bathroom door slams open. Multiple children were seen giggling and smiling at their mother who just stared at them with a grin.

“Can we help you mommy?” Juliet, the oldest Styles child questions her mom who nods.

Swiftly all four children rush to grab their step stools in the bathroom closet. Soon they all line the stools up next to their mother who was stood in front of the marble counter.

The four girls all nod when Y/N asks them if their ready.

“After putting on my acne cream I will put on my moisturizer that has SPF. Sunscreen is very important in this family.” Y/N expresses as she puts a dollop of moisturizer on each girls face.

“Yes it is!” Iris giggles as she rubs the cream all over her face.

Before moving on Y/N makes sure her daughters have rubbed all of the moisturizer in. With a nod of her head she grabs her cat decorated makeup bag which makes the girls shout excitedly.

They loved playing with makeup.

“First I will put on my Glossier skin tint. I hate how foundation is so heavy that’s why I love this because it’s lightweight coverage.” She says as she blends out the skin tint with her ring finger.

Juliet, Iris, Luna and Marley were all staring at their mother with pure adoration in their eyes. They truly idolized their mother which was so adorable.

“Next is blush. Rare Beauty is my all time favorite makeup brand and the blush they have is so good.” Y/N praises putting on a dab of cream blush on each one of her daughters cheeks. She hands them all oval brushes before blending her own blush stained cheeks.

The scene genuinely looked cute. Two daughters were on either side of Y/N as they copy their mother’s actions.

“Ladies! What is going on?”

Y/N turns around to see her husband holding their seven month old twins with a large grin on his face.

“We are doing makeup daddy!” Marley lisps as she points to the counter. He nods still grinning moving out of frame so they could continue.

Y/N smiles at Harry who leans against the counter staring at her intently. The babies in his arms were passed out, drooling against his bare chest.

She loved him so much.

“Next mommy will usually put on red lipstick.” Juliet says as she grabs the red Gucci lipstick out of her mom’s makeup bag. She looks at her mother to double check and when she nods she begins to swipe the lipstick onto her little sister’s lips.

Harry sighs lovingly at the sight. He loved them so much. They were the light of his life, his sun, the reason to make music, the reason to wake up every morning with a pep in his step.

“I hope Gem is watching this.” Luna randomly shouts making everyone in the room laugh.

Les conséquences

means “aftermath” in french

warnings: none

summary: bad things go good


The public had a field day when they found out Harry Styles had an affair with his personal assistant.

Rory had ran to TMZ the day after she caught him in bed with Y/N. Articles were coming out left and right talking about the scandal. They mostly were bashing Y/N leaving Harry out of it.

Every magazine and tea page was writing about her. It was definitely misogyny and Harry hated it.

During the days Y/N stayed home and did work from his place where she was cooped up in. Randomly she caught a stomach flu after eating food that Harry had brought home one day.

“Darling I’m going to work. Text me if anything.” Harry whispers in Y/N’s ear. She nods half asleep before feeling his body lift off the bed.

She was to lazy to get up and it was the first morning without her getting woken up by the feeling of vomit coming up her throat.

She quickly falls back to sleep for a while, exhausted from staying up all night taking to her father.

The loud door bell ringing through the large house makes Y/N wake up. In a hurry she slips on one of Harry’s white button up shirts along with a pair of his grey sweats.

Y/N rushes down the stairs as she ties her hair up in a scrunchie attempting to look like she hadn’t just woken up.

But thankfully when she opened up the door it was the maid Lydia.

“Y/N! How have you been?” Lydia smiles walking in with her cleaning items. Y/N moves to help her carrying the large vacuum.

“I’m good thank you Lydia. What about you?”

Lydia could tell that the girl wasn’t fine. Her eye bags show how exhausted she was.

“Amazing. The kids are going back to school so I’m doing very well.” Lydia laughs making Y/N let out a little smile.

Lydia liked Y/N. She kind of had an idea of what was happening between her and Harry, it was obvious. In her opinion she thought they deserved each other but the public thought otherwise.

“That’s great.“

All morning Y/N was catching up on Harry’s emails, he had a lot. Furniture companies, florists, construction companies, etc. He had many people applying to work for his company and it was her decision to hire them or not.

She worked mostly in his office because it had been her safe place over the past days. The shelves of books reminded her of the bookstore that her father owned back home.

Y/N continues to work for a while going through emails, making dates on Harry’s calendar, hiring people for the available positions, rummaging through paperwork, answering calls.

A knock on the door interrupts Y/N making her look up from the computer.

“Sorry to interrupt you Y/N but I’m done and I was wondering if you want me to go shopping for you. The fridge is almost empty and I have about an hour left—“

“Lydia thank you but that’s fine. I’ll go shopping, go home.” Y/N tells her as she stands up from the desk chair.

“Are you sure. I can go it won’t be a bother.” Lydia smiles reassuring Y/N but she just shakes her head.

“It’s really fine. You have free time to do whatever you want.” She tells the maid as she leans in to hug her. Secretly she pulls out a hundred dollar bill and slips it in her work apron. Y/N’s salary was one of the most payed jobs in Harry’s company and she used the money for good.

After Lydia left Y/N changes in the clothes that Harry had brought over from her apartment. She puts on a navy blue long sleeve button crop top with a pair of blue jeans and Chanel heels. She also decides on wearing one of Harry’s blazers.

As she walks down the hallway she notices black trash bags piled on top of each other. With furrowed brows she makes her way to the stack of bags opening them to reveal bright pastel clothes.

Specifically Rory’s clothes.

Y/N pulls out her phone to call Harry and ask what he wants to do with them.

“Is everything alright darling?”

“Yeah uh what do you want me to do with Rory’s clothes?” Y/N questions rocking back and forth on her feet waiting for an answer.

“You can take them to thrift stores or keep them if you want.” He tells her.

“I’ll just take them to thrift stores, her clothes are…something.” Y/N says making him let out a breathy laugh.

“Do you want me to go with you? I’m almost done with paperwork and—“

“Harry it’s fine. I haven’t been out for a long time, I kind of miss the city.” She cuts him off making him laugh once again.

“You hate the city.” He retorts. She really did hate the city but got used to it. They talk for a little while more until he gets a call.

Y/N puts on her location to reassure him before heading out of the house. As she walks to the Range Rover Harry’s neighbors who were planting gave her a dirty look.

Of course they knew what was happening.

She ignores it as she places the two trash bags full of clothes in the backseat. She kept getting dirty looks from the two individuals and hated it but she couldn’t do nothing about it.

The divorce was still processing and under court order she was told not to speak about the scandal unless it’s with her and Harry’s lawyer.

She first went to the thrift stores located outside of Hampstead. Soho is where she lived and where Harry’s company headquarters were located at.

Right as Y/N walked out of the shop she spots a few teenagers secretly taking photos of her on their phones. She ignores it of course.

The second stop was at the market to pick up groceries for Harry. That was the least she could do after almost ruining his career.

But that plan quickly changed after a bunch of camera flashes bombarded her right after she got out of the car.

Her anxiety levels started to increase along with her breathing. In a hurry she rushes inside of the grocery store as she clutches on to her tote bag.

Right as Y/N walks in the store a nasty smell hits her making her sick. She quickly walks towards the back of the store where the bathroom’s were located at.

It doesn’t help that the people she passes by look at her with disgust. She had to put her hand on her mouth to stop her from throwing up all over the floor.

Luckily there was nobody in the bathroom to see her kick open a stall door and fall to her knees.

With the feeling of everyone hating her and the sickness everyday made her borderline in distress. In the back of her mind there was a thought that there was a slight chance of her being pregnant.

“Fuck the groceries.”

In a hurry Y/N rushes to the female products isle and grabs a variety of pregnancy tests. After she scurries to a cash register ignoring the dirty look that the worker gives her.

This definitely was going to be in the tabloids later and she needed to find out before they came out.

It was hectic right as she stepped outside the building. A bunch of cameras go off as Y/N makes her way to the parked Range Rover on the sidewalk.

She speeds to her father’s apartment that was located in West Hempstead. Her hands were slightly shaking on the wheel as she tries to control her breathing.

What would happen if she was pregnant? It was a bad time to get pregnant. Rory had the last name Styles still and a divorce takes up to six months. She hadn’t even met Harry’s parents, she didn’t even know if they wanted to meet her—she didn’t even know if they liked her.

Traffic was bad because it was around twelve which meant everyone was at lunch. It made her even more stressed out.

When she arrives she swiftly parks the car and grabs her tote bag full of pregnancy tests right before jumping out of the car.

Y/N was greeted by the usual doorman Robbie but she ignores him too in a hurry. She just needed to talk to her father.

She hurries into a lift and excessively presses the button to close the doors not wanting anyone to join her. She clutches onto her bag for dear life, worried for her life.

Right when the doors open Y/N races down the hallway and to her dad’s apartment. When she reaches his flat she bangs her fist on his door.

Seconds later the door was flung open to reveal Charlie.

“Hey what happened—“

“I think I’m pregnant and it’s Harry’s.” She rushes out slamming the door behind her. Her father’s face drops looking confused.

“What?” He furrows his brows.

“I’ve been throwing up all week.” Y/N tells him as she walks past his frozen figure.

“So you think your pregnant?”

“Well…yeah. That’s why I got these.” She says pulling a pregnancy test out of her bag making his eyes widen.

“Anybody else know?” He asks her moving to grab her a water.

“No. Only you.” She mutters putting the test back in her bag. She accepts the water because she’s going to have to pee multiple times.

After about three bottles of water Y/N needed to pee and raced to the bathroom with her bag. She slams the door shut before moving to sit crisscross on the floor. She empties the bag onto the tile and reads every direction written on the box.

After going peeing on about four tests she waits. She hated fucking waiting, especially in this occasion.

Y/N knew her father’s heart was racing out there. He had a dislike for Harry and she knew that but she also knew that he would support her no matter what.

She was walking in literal circles making her go slightly insane but the bathroom door opening is what makes her freeze.


Harry’s voice makes her alarmed. He must’ve gotten informed that his mistress/girlfriend was seen buying pregnancy tests and the tests were all laid out on the bathroom counter which he could obviously see.

Y/N turns around to see Harry staring intently at her. She grows scared seeing him in the doorway looking confused.

“Harry—“ She gets interrupted by a timer going off on her phone making her head snap to the tests on the counter.

They all had plus signs.

“Fuck.” Y/N mumbles staring down at the tests as Harry’s ringed hand moves to grab one.

“Does this mean your pregnant?” He asks making eye contact with her. She looked scared.

“I think so.” She says her eyes getting watery making Harry rush to her.

“Hey baby. It’s gonna be fine—“

“No it’s not. The world already hates me and they are going to hate me more.” She cuts him off sobbing into his neck.

Y/N was pregnant with his child and he was going to do everything to protect them.

“Fuck everyone. I want to have a baby with you. I-I want a family with you.” Harry tells her in full honestly which makes her pull her head out of the crook of his neck.

“You want a family with me?” She asks quietly with tears running down her face.

“Yes. I want a family with you.”


means “caught” in french

warnings: smut, cheating

summary: rory walks in on harry and y/n.


Rory had been in California all week and Harry took advantage of the time. He invited Y/N to stay with him which meant having sex every second of the day, her in his clothes and him cooking for her.

He loved it.

Harry would do anything to be with her, be shown in public with her.

“Y/N please.”

They had just woken up from a nap and they both were naked from last night’s events. Harry had gotten hard after glancing at Y/N’s body.

And right now she was torturing him.

“Your so fucking needy.” She sneers looking up at a quivering Harry. He tries to thrust himself in her hand but she gives him a hard slap on his thigh. He let out a big hiss when the force hit his skin. Soon it turned into pleasure.

“Darling.” Harry whimpers as Y/N moves her thumb to rub his slit that was filled of precum.

He loved being a sub and Y/N being his dom. You may think he would take control in bed but it was definitely the other way. He worshipped her being in control. It was fucking sexy.

“Do you to fuck me Harry?” Her sultry voice makes him shiver.

“Fuck yes.” He cries out making her climb on top of him. Y/N lines herself with his erection but doesn’t take him in just yet. She leans to kiss his cheek before fully inserting his cock into her.

He lets out breathy moan as she starts to roll her hips. Y/N lays her hands on his chest watching him crumble beneath her. A few minutes in he notices she starts to get tired and he doesn’t want that so he flips them over before starting to thrust into her relentlessly.

Sure he loved being a sub but he needed to treat Y/N good.

“F-fuck!” She cried out as Harry pounded into her tight pussy. He moves to press his lips against her making her wrap her legs around his waist.

A loud car door slam did not make Y/N or Harry stop, nothing would’ve made them stop in that moment. They were in their own little world.

Neither a door opening and closing interrupted them.

“What the hell.” Rory whispers taking off her sunglasses to look at the messy living room leaving her luggage by the door. Blankets were thrown everywhere, pillows scattered all over the floor and the coffee table was very crooked not in it’s usual place.

“Typical fucking Harry.” She scoffs rolling her eyes before moving to the large kitchen. Luckily it wasn’t as messy as the living room but there was a lot of dishes.

Rory didn’t bother to go upstairs knowing that Harry was probably at work because it was a 8 AM on a Friday morning.

So she thought.

It wasn’t until a large bang came from upstairs. Rory furrowed her brows as it started to get repeated over and over.


No response.

“Harry? Is that you.”

No response but more banging.

Rory let’s out a huff walking up the stairs thinking that the sound was a maid but as soon as she heard pornographic sounds coming from Harry’s room she knew it wasn’t a maid.

As soon as she opened the door the sound of skin slapping was more louder and the scene was petrifying. Y/N the girl who she despised was holding her husband’s jaw kissing him as he fucks her. Hard.

“What the fuck!” A loud screech makes the both of them separate from the kiss.

Y/N looks up to see a fuming Rory making her slap Harry off of her and wrap a sheet around her naked body.

“Rory I want a divorce.” Harry says nonchalantly standing up from the bed wrapping a blanket around his waist.

“W-what?” Rory whispers looking at him rummage through his underwear drawer.

“I had millions disappearing and it was all tracked down to you.” He speaks making her face drop. He knew it was all an act. “You shouldn’t write a check after getting your nails done.” He shakes his head laughing.

Y/N thought it was very funny that Rory had billionaire parents that gave her everything but she still wanted money.

“I didn’t steal money from you. M-maybe it was this fucking whore—“

Harry snapped his head toward her as he glares at her with so much hatred. She falters cutting herself off as she’s never seen him look at her like that before. He begins slowly walking towards her as Y/N sits on the bed watching the scene unfold in front of her.

She knew this was going to happen one day and when it did she didn’t know what to do. Everyone would’ve though it was her fault but it really wasn’t. Harry deserved happiness and someone that really loved him. Rory never treated him well. She had always pushed him aside for party’s and night out’s with her friends that she was probably cheating on him with.

But when Y/N came into his life everything suddenly became better. He loved her.

“I’m giving your clothes to charity. Everything you fucking own that is in my house is going to charity so leave! You have nothing. Get the fuck out!” Harry yells at her making the vein in his neck pop out. Rory glances at Y/N before rushing out of the room.

It was very silent until a door was slammed making Harry quickly walk to the bed.

“You alright darling?” He quietly asks holding Y/N’s jaw with his hands.

“Yeah. That was very…intense.” She whispers looking into his eyes. He nods understandingly before leaning in to kiss her forehead.

“I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“It’s fine Harry. Are you okay?” Y/N asks grabbing onto his wrists.

“As long as I’m with you.”


means “deceived” in french

warnings: cheating & little bit of smut

summary: y/n is harry’s mistress (for now)


Y/N was prominent in Harry’s life.

Even though he was married he would drop everything for her including his wife. She cared more about his public imagine though because he could loose everything if a cheating scandal came out.

When Harry hired Y/N as his assistant he was very thrown off. They would exchange glances and always make excuses to see each other.

Harry’s wife Rory was a horrible person. He didn’t even know why he accepted to marry her. She was a spoiled brat that sucked him dry and got everything she wanted. He hated that she gotten everything handed to her.

He had to work for his position.

Being a CEO to one of the most expensive real estate firms in the world made him well known. Paparazzi would always find a way to catch him leaving his house or a restaurant.

Though all that stopped once he found out Rory was calling them. She purposely put both of them in danger for pictures.

“Harry. We are going to get caught.” Y/N says trying to push Harry’s shoulder back with her heel. He doesn’t move an inch just smirks into her thigh.

“I don’t care.” Harry grunts looking up at the trembling girl from his crouching position. Y/N was the only girl that could get him on his knees. Not even his wife. He trails his fingers up to her silk panties making her breath hitch. “I know you need me pet.”

She throws her head back as Harry slides off her underwear. He tucks the fabric in his trouser pockets blindly before digging his head into Y/N’s pussy.


Y/N starts to moan at his tongue lapping at her clit. She rolls her hips against his mouth as she grabs his hair for more friction. She whimpers as he places two fingers in her not giving her anytime to stretch.

“You taste so fucking good.” Harry grunts into her cunt fingering her tight hole.

Y/N’s pleasure suddenly diminishes when she hears a snotty voice in the lobby. She uses all strength to push Harry back with the heel of her foot.


“Your wife’s here.” Y/N hushes him before hopping off his desk just in time to see Rory sauntering in busy on her phone.

Y/N pretends to be going through papers making Harry roll his eyes. He wanted to be caught with her.

“Harry baby I—“ Rory looks up from her phone screen to see Y/N also in the office. She didn’t know what was going on behind her back which was slightly comedic to Harry. “Oh your here.”

“Yes she’s here Rory. What do you want I’m working.” Harry speaks up moving to sit down on his chair. He lets out a huff when he hears her whine.

Y/N decides to leave the both of them because it was very awkward to watch, and well she had to clean herself up. Harry watches her with a frown as she walks out of the room. Rory begins to speak again making him tune her out.

He will just give her a couple hundred dollars to shut up.
