#din dijarin



Just the dads having a chat…

Summary: Din Djarin has a pulsating headache, capturing all of his stress through the last few days. In space it is dark enough without the lights of the Razor Crest on, and that allows a chance to slip his helmet off. His stress gets the best of him and you make him actually talk about his feelings. 

Mandalorian x Reader

Din was in extreme pain as he turned his ship into auto pilot. His brain felt like it was slamming into his skull with the force of a mudhorn hitting a target a maximum speed. The Child’s safety and your safety had his nerves fighting one another, exhausting him in every way. He worried, he endlesslyworried about what would happen if you or the little womp rat got taken away from him. 

You laid in the cot, wide awake with the Child sitting on your stomach, gurgling noises filling the air as he played with the fray strings of the wool blanket. When Din came to bed you would usually sooth the little green beauty to sleep in his own small makeshift crate-like bed, but Din had yet to come in. And you liked the company and comfort that the little one brought you. 

His big brown eyes struggled to stay open, fluttering every few seconds in stubborn determination to stay conscious. You ran a finger lovingly across his chubby cheek, winding up to smooth over his ear too. A soft hum on happiness came from him, nuzzling into your hand.

“Time for rest, buddy.” 

Din was staggering into the room just as you set the now sleeping Child into his respective bed. You sat on the bed as he switched the light off, making quick work of ridding himself of the beskar armor and finally his helmet. The metal hit the floor with a thudding sound before he hastily climbed into the bed, shoving his face hard into the pillow. 

“Are you ill?” You asked, rubbing a hand against his back to soothe his pain. 

“Head’s pounding,” He mumbled, clenching his teeth to distract himself from the pounding feeling of his temples. 

Mandalorians could tolerate pain better than others, mighty warriors that took on planets, fought beasts and hunted people skillfully. But headaches were an invisible weakness that took over the body within seconds. Din would get migranes at the worst moments, he swore. Right now his task was finding a planet to rest on, but the inner workings of his being rebelled. 

You frowned at his irritable state, “Turn on your back.”

Din flipped over, eyes shut tightly from the building pressure behind his eyes. Pressure that swirled through out his head, neck, and behind his ears. You moved so that he was slightly propped up onto your chest, arms easily reaching both sides of him, warm fingers rubbing both temples in gentle circular movements. Din softly sighed at the dull feeling of relief and on instinct he shifted to lay more of his body onto your smaller frame. 

After the shittiest of days, you were his cure. The woman who pulled him away from tense situations to get him to relax. Always so tentative to his needs and he appreciated it more than words could convey. 

You rubbed his head in silence for a lengthy bit of time, lulling him to unhinge. Your palms rested against his tanned cheeks, using your thumbs to rub alongside his nose, knowing that pressure was between there and his eyes. He hummed in delight, love swirling in his heart. You always took such good care of him. Laying in the cot with his mask off made him feel so at home, you were his home. Moments like this were sacred, but his brain had to ruin such a lovely night where he much rather ravish you instead. Tomorrow night he would repay you, demonstrate you being his treasure, his biggest prize. 

“Thank you.” His coarse voice snapping you back to reality although your hands did not stop rubbing along his skin, “My head is fine now.”

You hummed in slight acknowledgement, rubbing your hands down his arms to rest on his waist, hugging his body flush against yours, face dipping down to press light kisses to the soft skin of the crook of his neck. His neck lulled back to allow your lips more access. You smiled at this, lips traveling until you pecked his jaw a few times. 

“You unnecessarily stress yourself out, Din.” You teased, but the hint in your sweet voice was serious. You hated when he got himself so worked up that he created a migrane, his thoughts becoming a hammer beating upon innocent neurons. 


You snorted, Din was never one for many words, but you loved him anyways with every fiber of your being. If soulmates existed you knew he would be yours. 

“Maybe nothing. You need to tell me when you feel stressed instead of bottling it up.“

“I’m fine.”

Your heart sank at his brief words. He was brushing the topic off and you were not going to settle for it. This conversation was vital when it involved his health because dammit, you cared about him. You didn’t want to seem selfish but you thought you deserved to know what was going on with him. You trusted him with everything and told him all that was on your mind, but he did not do the same. Did he not want you to worry or did he just not want to tell you?

“Do you not trust me? Because I thought we were a team and-”

Your words trailed of from a sudden shift below you. Din moved so that he was now the one holding onto you for dear life, securing you to his chest as both vessels of flesh moved to lay on the cot. His arm muscles rippled as his hands dragged your body on top of his, your face inches away from his. 

“Wearea team.” He whispered, dragging his lips across your pouted bottom one. Your heart fluttered at the intimate position and action, beating rapidly against your rib cage. His lips slotted against yours, his hand coming up to grasp your chin to tilt it upwards and the other to reset against your leg, bringing it over his so that you two were practically one body, one machine. Your toes twitched at the amount of emotion that was packaged into a kiss. His lips pecked yours reassuringly before pulling away, foreheads resting together. You wished that you could see his eyes because you sensed them trying to memorize your features without the tint of the helmet. 

“I do not tell you my worries because I do not want to make you frightened. My last wish is to burden you.” 

You scoffed, fingers moving from his toned chest to his stomach forming together to deliver a swift flick, “Burden me? Oh, please, Din, you could never. I want to know every little pretty thought in that stubborn head of yours.”

He hummed, grabbing your hand blindingly in the dark to press soft kisses to each knuckle, “They are not so pretty. They are… haunting.”

“How so?”

“I cannot bare the idea of losing you or the womp rat,” The nickname rolled off his tongue with utter affection, “yet it plagues me daily. I need to keep us safe, far away from potential threats.”

“You always protect us,” 

“What if one day I fail?” His voice slightly cracked, breaking your heart. He really was scared for you and the Child.

“You will not, you are a cunning and insanely skilled warrior. No one else could ever make me feel so secure, so loved.” Kissing him once more to assure him that you were irrevocably his for life, content by his side. Din melted into you, wanting to believe that he could forever shield you and the Child from danger. His tongue slipped into your mouth unexpectedly, his nose smashed against your left cheek. He soaked in the natural scent of your skin. Kriff, he would do anything for you. 

You pulled away in desperate need for oxygen, but his lips only followed yours, begging to be close with you again. His lips settled on your jaw for a few seconds, nipping at the skin. 

“I love you.” You breathed out. 

“I love you more.” He promised with every ounce of his soul. 

“Impossible, but from now on you have to tell me more, do not get so wrapped up in thinking like that.”

He nodded, tongue running up your jaw, “Your wish is my command.” He hummed against your skin, sucking on the soft plush beneath him, “You always take such good care of me. My turn.”




Idk y’all I think that Jedi school should have been shut down when Luke sent a baby with a droid across the universe. Like let’s start a small summer camp and work from there.
