#the mandalorian fanart



Got that mandomera brainrot. (Din & Omera x Atlantis the lost empire)

Yes I am aware Din has seen lots of pretty ladies in his time but I’m sure we can all agree it’s different when the person you’re interested in is looking stunning.


Oh this is *gorgeous*! Plus also hilarious as fuck. That is *exactly* how Din would react to his crush asking him a question!


“Been thinking about you”

Can’t resist to draw Din and Omera together.

This is absolutely *gorgeous*


“Welcome back keldabe kiss”

Because Din deserves some love, lots of peace and rest. Where better than Sorgan?

Background inspired in the Mandalorian Season 1 official concept art.

Oh this is *gorgeous*



Look at them YALL!!!!

some old thumbnails. heavily inspired by the idea of outlaw! or apostate!din rescuing a girl. which one should i choose?

mando art tag|all art tag|commissions

grogusmum: thepoisonofgod: on repair JULES!! THAT IS THIS?!? I’LL TELL YOU WHAT!! CRRRIIIIMMESSSS pu



on repair



put me in djail, I deserve it

Post link

have this little dad-son doodle I did to check if my watercolor paper has already expired or not

more mando sketch

(also someone asked me to record a timelapse so, here you go!)

I drew something from this tweet

and someone also said i should make the carrier beskar so here, another version


“What if you die and I’m still here?”


heres the full shot of the last frame :”]

“What if you die and I’m still here?”

Merry Christmas/Happy holidays! Here’s an old painting but recolored ✨

cranity: You were a clan of two…


Youwere a clan of two…

Post link



I saw this post earlier and had to do my own version

Old Mando painting ✨ Can’t wait to create more fanart in the future ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

I know that boba would realistically be a very good father but this is extremely funny to me, also I instantly forget dins name everytime I try to tag him help

Din’s trying out some new summer sparring gear cause his armors to clunky (I say as I literally just use this as an excuse) also!! I think somebody already did something like this? Also! What do u guys think of the thicker lineart, lemme know if u guys don’t like it as much ^^

Hello!! This is my first time posting!! Here’s manda'lor (hw do u pronounced tht) din!!




Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader

Summary: Mando offers a lesson in restraint. And blasters.

Word Count: 4000

Warnings:Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, grinding, descriptions of male and female bodies, allusions to sexual acts, female masturbation, descriptions of PiV sex, we’re fantasizing about one (1) sexy space dad in this house. 

Notes: Don’t we all just love some weapons training? Someone explain to me why it is so attractive when Mando does it, because I have never found it sexy in real life. I’m also dedicating this installment to my Star Wars sister @amywritesthings because we just keep yelling at each other about how much this trope worms into our brains and I feel like she’s owed this as a treat.

Takes place directly after A Sweet Response to Tragedy. Like literally the next day. 

Cross-posted on AO3

I Think of You Series Masterlist

The blaster in your hand is warm, sweaty along the grip and sticking to your palm. Your wrists are tired, your trigger finger stiff, but you raise the barrel to aim again before firing a bolt.


“Miss,” Mando says, and you sigh comically, dropping the blaster from its durasteel target and tilting your head up to the sky.

“I don’t think this is a ‘practice makes perfect’ situation, Mando,” you huff, looking over at him. He’s sitting on a fallen tree, one elbow on his knee as the child stomps around in the dirt.

Keep reading

First of all the dedication has me weepy on a Tuesday. Second, the description alone has me marked down as scared and horny and I am sO READY TO READ THIS OH MY GOD, this is so exciting to come back to after my lil fic reading hiatus to go be a menace on a beach. Let’s do this WONDERFUL TROPE THAT SENDS ME TO MARS

Keep reading

You know I had to do it. My bestie in all things weapons related! Get ready to be at LEAST horny because as much as I love a slow burn, I also want to smush them together and make ‘em all sweaty.

(THE PEDRO TRIP TOO OMG this one is me like way too often)

We are starting off hot and suggestive. I love Mando flirting just a little bit, he’s barely said anything and I’m already sweating.

The whole conversation about their violent backgrounds makes me so very soft and wistful inside. They’ve both had danger and fear and safety be large parts of their lives and as scary as it has been, they’re finding not only companionship, but also allies in each other. I personally think that’s an even stronger bond. And Mando is such an understanding person. He wants to keep her safe, and give her skills to keep herself safe too.


That image is burned into my brain. He knows what he’s doing. The training is secondary at this point. His brain is just on a loop of blaster innuendos. The fact that she made any shots is more telling of her own restraint than mine, I would have jumped him in an instant.

THE PRIEST IMAGE LOL. We might need some God after the next part.

Your reaction to that scene is EVERYTHING. I almost fainted at “Kneel,” too. I shouldn’t be allowed to have this much power, I only abuse it. And Mando losing his mind and willing to just go at it in the dirt has every feral bone in my body activating (plus one of his too).

!!!We have misplaced the baby, I repeat, the sexual tension broke and we misplaced the baby!!!

I love that you found the hide and seek line adorable, because I was sure people were going to be coming for my head for another Grogu cockblock. He was a little wingman for a second, even though he was the reason why they had to break it up.

YES GURL YOU IS! You is an us!

I think it’s finally starting to hit home with Mando that this is mutual. He’s been brushing off some of the signs out of anxiety about what the next step might look like, but he can’t deny what he feels much longer. And she is living on his ship, and wearing his clothes, and caring for his son! If that ain’t a relationship of some sort you deserve getting bonked in the beskar.

I have definitely been very slowly burning this, but in the next few episodes we’re going to make some headway. They’re not fooling each other anymore, and honestly they could use the release!

I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Amy, I love you forever and sorry I made you horknee too early on a Tuesdayyyyyyy!
