#dino seventeen


Dino! AU

“Call me if you’re free,” it was the seventh time your husband nagged at you that morning. He was holding your son in one hand and pulling your small-sized luggage in another hand.

He insisted.

You rolled your eyes at him and took your son. You were going out of the town for a couple of days and leaving him at home alone with his son.

It wasn’t like he never watched over the toddler but knowing him, you offered to hire a babysitter during days so that he can go to his workplace.

“It’s okay. I still have my paternity leave and it’s better to spare some money rather than paying just some people to take care of him,” he said that on the night you initiated.

You had to agree with him. Making money isn’t easy so it was decided that he will spend the days with the child.

You showered your son’s tiny face with smooches and it caused the older male to put on a sour mien. “I’m sure just a year ago your attention was all mine!”

You laughed unreservedly as he approached closer to you. He pulled your son and held him to his side, snaking his arm around your waist and kissed you on your lips.

He was getting greedy but he didn’t dare to indulge. After you two parted, he left a sweet kiss on your forehead.

“You never sleep on your own after we got married. I’m afraid you won’t be able to sleep tonight,”

You scoffed and poked him off. “Speak for yourself,” you grasped the luggage’s handle and waved at them. “Don’t be calling me at night with tears!”

“Same goes to you, ma’am,” he recalled everything he should remind you and lastly he shouted as you farther away. “Don’t go out alone at night. Make sure to call me if anything happens and remember to love me always! Love you, honey!”

You smiled upon hearing that.

“Your husband is so sweet, huh?” Your colleague said enviously.

You sheepishly turned your head against their inspection and replied “He’s just clingy,” with a blush on your cheeks.


If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!



Hey guys! I am a new fanfic blog for Seventeen. This blog is dedicated for fluff genre only. I really can’t take any request yet because I am still not that confident with my writing. 

I am actually very nervous in starting this because I used to write religiously but I fell into depression and anxiety since 2017; so I stopped loving the hobby I used to be so interested with. I am trying to find my tempo again so here I am. English is not my first language so please bear with me. I will try to make all of my post Gender Neutral as possible but I am more confident in writing with a female reader. 

Anywayssss~  It  would mean so much to me if you support this blog ♥ 

- qm

Hello guys I made a new blog for Seventeen where I would post all of my fanfics and one shot collection :( It would me so much to me if you could support me. Thank you!

“Guys, let’s do this! If someone changes in the future, let’s go to Seokcho again and throw him there”

This is my first contribution in the Seventeen fandom and im 100% confident with it
