


They’re dynamic in a nutshell? idk

I just thought this would be funny ehhehe (drew this in school, swag moment B))


Reblogs are appreciated!

I had a strangely vivid image of this in my head and just wanted to draw it so bad

And this whole convo and the whole thing this morning/yesterday was so wholesome that I just kept smiling the entire day today


(Twitter ver)


Vine Boom .

(Tommy you’ll get your wish alright)

It truly amazes me how, at this point, Dream had the potential to have everything he now wants without protest.

Tommy still wanted to be friends with him despite Dream stealing the discs. Tommy still wanted Dream’s approval, and he still wanted his company.

Now, all Dream wants is Tommy, and Tommy can’t get far enough away from him. Dream could have had it all had he truly attempted to befriend Tommy here.




[talking about lore] “it takes quite a lot of preparing”

*violently grabs tommyinnit by the shoulders* tommyinnit. if you were to log onto the dream fucking smp right this second and just mine for one hour straight while dropping three lore references that would keep the fans happy for a week. what the fuck do you mean preparing. are you getting yourself posessed before every stream or some shit. do you have to read through some five hundred page lore google doc on your character to prepare for it. tommyinnit the expectations aren’t that high. you could log on with anyone, literally anyone, talk for three minutes semi serious and then goof off the rest of the stream and we’d party as if michael jackson rose from the dead. OUR EXPECTATIONS HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH. THIS IS AN IMPROV MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY.

Tommy can log on make an off hand comment and people will make angsty lore headcannons about it the expectations are not high.

this is gonna turn into a catching syd being desperate for disc duo account




[talking about lore] “it takes quite a lot of preparing”

*violently grabs tommyinnit by the shoulders* tommyinnit. if you were to log onto the dream fucking smp right this second and just mine for one hour straight while dropping three lore references that would keep the fans happy for a week. what the fuck do you mean preparing. are you getting yourself posessed before every stream or some shit. do you have to read through some five hundred page lore google doc on your character to prepare for it. tommyinnit the expectations aren’t that high. you could log on with anyone, literally anyone, talk for three minutes semi serious and then goof off the rest of the stream and we’d party as if michael jackson rose from the dead. OUR EXPECTATIONS HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH. THIS IS AN IMPROV MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY.

Tommy can log on make an off hand comment and people will make angsty lore headcannons about it the expectations are not high.

 smth from the post crossing dream smp event a while back  smth from the post crossing dream smp event a while back

smth from the post crossing dream smp event a while back

Post link

Did some color palette challenge sketches where I turn my ipad to grayscale, find random color palettes, and then draw something like that! When I turn my ipad back to color, I get to see what I’ve made. It’s a lot of fun!!
